
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    started turbo jam last tuesday and lost 4 pounds so far with it. took me 3 days of learn & burn to really get it! i love it though!

    doing fat blaster and ab jam today
    Way to go on the weight loss (both pre-TJ and since you've started!). I like Fat Blaster!!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening girls! Welcome to all the newbies-glad you're loving TJ! Thanks for the suggestions too ladies..I think for right now I will stick with my PM workouts-I seem to be motivated enough to do them-or I just force myself to:laugh: ..Anyway..when my insurance changes I am probably going to get a gym membership, and the one I am looking at opens at 5 AM so I think maybe if I can get into a schedule there before work that will be best. I will have to try it and see!
    Got in Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs tonight! Woohoo! Got a boring day tomorrow-so me and coworker usually AbJam and do Fatblaster-haha! Also as long as the weather holds out, my friend really wants to start our walking again (only went a couple times) But maybe this will get her back on schedule!
    Have a good night everyone!:heart:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I took a much needed rest day yesterday, so had to ease myself into a workout this morning. Just wasn't feeling it, so did Self Bikini Body Fast. Just a 30 minute all over body toning workout. Maybe tonight I'll have my energy back and can do some cardio.

    Janet--I'm pretty sure I read on a block or Chalene's FB page that those are shocks in the DVD that aren't available anymore. I know someone else had asked on some board I was on.

    Have a good day everyone...it's almost the end of this crazy week...yeah!
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi guys,

    What's the difference between Turbo Kick and Turbo Jam? I have nearly all of the TJ dvd's..
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi guys,

    What's the difference between Turbo Kick and Turbo Jam? I have nearly all of the TJ dvd's..

    Turbo Kick is the version of Turbo Jam that is taught in gyms by certified teachers. (You need to get certified to teach to get each different "Round" that has new routines and music.)

    You can however, buy her "Fan Volumes" which is the Turbo Kick gym version of some of her rounds. I think she has like 3 Fan Volumes out now, which are now out. They are "copy-cat" versions of the classes that are taught through Turbo Kick. If you are looking for more variety in your turbo jam workouts, I would look into it. I know how sometimes it can be boring doing the same routine over and over so I always rotate between a few workouts, plus it has different music. Plus its like going to the gym to pay for an instructor/class, but you can do it in your own home.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Hi guys,

    What's the difference between Turbo Kick and Turbo Jam? I have nearly all of the TJ dvd's..

    Turbo Kick is the version of Turbo Jam that is taught in gyms by certified teachers. (You need to get certified to teach to get each different "Round" that has new routines and music.)

    You can however, buy her "Fan Volumes" which is the Turbo Kick gym version of some of her rounds. I think she has like 3 Fan Volumes out now, which are now out. They are "copy-cat" versions of the classes that are taught through Turbo Kick. If you are looking for more variety in your turbo jam workouts, I would look into it. I know how sometimes it can be boring doing the same routine over and over so I always rotate between a few workouts, plus it has different music. Plus its like going to the gym to pay for an instructor/class, but you can do it in your own home.

    Thanks kicklikeaGIRL I will wait til I'm back jamming and see how I'm getting on with the dvd's I already have!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    This morning was Burn Intervals. Great workout. It was my birthday yesterday so of course I over did my calories so I tried to workout at max this morning. I think I succeeded.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Did Hip Hop Hustle this AM, but just wasn't that into it, so I'm going to do some Turbo Kick tonight to ramp it up! I think the stress of work must be wearing on me...I'm sooo tired latey!

    Kimberly--good work on the workout and Happy Belated B-day!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214

    Maybe if the stress of work is getting to you you should try some yoga to destress and then your hard core workouts may be better and you may sleep a little better so that you aren't as tired. I know the 10 min yoga really helps me relax and unwind before bedtime and I find I sleep better from that. Just an idea. Hope it is nothing too stressful that you can enjoy Halloween with your kidos. I can't wait to see my little man in his superman costume.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! Tonight was my LAST CE circuit being on schedule! WOW-E! :laugh: It feels really good! I know I've been seeing the results after heading into the Lean circuit! I still have Burn It Off and a Recharge session tomorrow (as well as probably a long AM run if the weather is nice^_^) Anyway, I just cannot believe it!:drinker:
    I think I am going to keep up doing CE but more like maintenance in between other TJ's and running, and not be on the tight schedule I've been holding myself to:tongue:
    Anyway, just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing as well!
    Erika-Sounds like work stress might be tiring you out-maybe the yoga would help, or just a light workout on those days you feel real tired....though, I know how hard it can be to sit still!:laugh: Just take it easy girl!
    Have a great night everyone!!!:heart:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Evening Ladies! Well, I got a burst of energy this evening and did some Hip Hop Abs. I :heart: those workouts! They probably destress me more than Yoga, but I'm going to try incorporating at least 10 minutes of Yoga every other night and see if that helps during the busy time at work. I can hardly wait for the weekend!!!

    Have a good night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Evening Ladies! Well, I got a burst of energy this evening and did some Hip Hop Abs. I :heart: those workouts! They probably destress me more than Yoga, but I'm going to try incorporating at least 10 minutes of Yoga every other night and see if that helps during the busy time at work. I can hardly wait for the weekend!!!

    Have a good night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! It's FINALLY Friday...yeah!!!

    I was really feeling the work stress creeping up on me this AM, so I decided to do a nice long workout. I did Mel B's Totally Fit Workout--90 minutes long. I'm telling you, this is the toughest workout I own (and I own close to 100 different workout DVD's). This is my 3rd time, and WOW! Your arms, legs, butt, abs, everything just burns when you are done. I can barely walk...I wonder what tomorrow will be like!

    I'm hoping for a low stress day at work and a fun weekend with the fam! Have a great Friday everyone!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    TGIF!!! I am SO glad its Friday. Although, no big plans, and the hubby has tons of work to do for school. So, he'll be busy with projects and studying for exams while I get to work out!!

    Last night did Turbo Kick and watched & practiced some of the major moves for ChaLean Extreme. I really like some of the moves that are non-traditional. I am pretty excited to start the first phase tomorrow.

    I am still so sore from my Cardio Pump class from Wednesday (I LOVE THAT CLASS!), but I think I am going to do some major cardio tonight. 40 minutes on the treadmill and another 40 minutes of Turbo Kick. Then I'm going to do more strength training tomorrow...pretty stoked!

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! It finally snowed here...and I'm really not that thrilled- I hate driving in snowy weather!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i know ive only been jamming for not too long but i just fet so bummed yesturday hardly put any effort into the fat blaster and cardio party i shut off half way through. baby was crying anyways. just had a bad fat day i guess.

    making up for it today by doing the 20 minute workout along with the strength training one. i wish it wasnt cold outside id go get some running in too.

    anyone run in place inside? ive considered it!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    i know ive only been jamming for not too long but i just fet so bummed yesturday hardly put any effort into the fat blaster and cardio party i shut off half way through. baby was crying anyways. just had a bad fat day i guess.

    making up for it today by doing the 20 minute workout along with the strength training one. i wish it wasnt cold outside id go get some running in too.

    anyone run in place inside? ive considered it!

    I definitely have those days...had one yesterday! I just couldn't get into my workout and put in almost no effort, so I came back strong with my evening workout! Some days you just gotta let it go and try again later or make up for it the next day.

    I've never ran in place for an extended time period, but I do run the stairs sometimes...we have a 4 level split, so it's a lot of work!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Love the new profile pic! Looks like you're having great results!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Aw thanks Erika! Yea I've been futzing around with my camera and I have to edit the photos before posting coz MFP says they are too big..lol Anyway, just changed it again, probably more to come later! But thank you I am feeling great about how I look after CE..YESYESYES!:love:
    So today I went for my long AM run (6 miler) and just finished Burn It Off and a Recharge session as well! I'm heading out of town this weekend (tomorrow afternoon) and will be back Sunday prolly later evening...so I have got to pack my healthy snacks to be prepared! Visiting my bro and sis in law this weekend and I am making a Lean Lasagna to take up for dinner. Along with some sweet potato and cinnamon brownies outta the Clean Eating mag..hope they are yummy! And hopefully can hop on the treadmill Sunday AM:tongue:
    Check back later everyone!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I rocked out TurboKick Round 30---WOW!!! I :heart: TuboKick!!! Now, I'm ready to get the day started!!

    Hope you all have a safe and fun Halloween!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hello Ladies! I was able to get up early this morning and do my 4 mile run, which was SO refreshing. I have to do it at the gym now that it is snowing, ugh! But, I have added some inclines to give me some extra calorie burn and leg strengthening! I also FINALLY got my CE yesterday, so I did the first Burn Circuit, loved it! My husband wants to exercise tonight, he was bummed he couldn't go with me this morning...so we'll probably do something tonight as well. Hope you all have a great weekend!!

    Erika, I LOVE Round 30! I did Round 33 last night, so good! I always sweat way more doing the Rounds than I do when I run...its a crazzzzy good workout!
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