
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!!! What a long (in a good way) weekend! I am feeling a little off this morning though! We had my hubby's family over yesterday, and something I ate is not agreeing with me, so I've had a stomachache since last night. Hoping it goes away quickly!

    I still got my ChaLean in and HHA. Maybe some Yoga tonight to stretch out!

    Hope you all have a fantastic Monday!
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi I am new here and really want to start an exercise program I can stick with. I just want to invest in one at the moment so would you recommend Turbo Jammers? I also saw the Chalean and Hip Hop abs. Which is your favorite? Thanks!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi I am new here and really want to start an exercise program I can stick with. I just want to invest in one at the moment so would you recommend Turbo Jammers? I also saw the Chalean and Hip Hop abs. Which is your favorite? Thanks!

    It's depends on what you like. Turbo Jam is funky style kickboxing. Think a kickboxing with a little dancy movement to it, and great music. If you like kicking, punching, jabing, you'll love it. Hip Hop Abs is more cardio focused on the abs, set to Hip Hop beats. If you love Hip Hop and dance moves, you'd like this one a lot. I also own ChaLean. This is mainly a strength training program, with some cardio on your "off" strength days. I also love this one.

    I'd say you've got it narrowed down to my 3 favorites. To determine which one, you'll have to know what style you like...dancy, kicking, or weight based...Hope that helps!

    P.S. I'd say most people start with Turbo Jam and work up to ChaLean.
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    Good morning. I did Lean 1 this morning. I am ready to get back on track after an indulging birthday week.

    I have two weeks left of CX and then I am going to start Turbo Jam.

    det3386- I did it backwards and started out with ChaLEAN Extreme. I love the program. I just ordered Turbo Jam and I have not received it yet so I can't tell you how I like it, but I love Chalene so I don't think you can go wrong with any of her programs.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hello Turbo Jammers! Glad to hear the weekend was good. Yesterday was my rest day, and did it ever feel good! I even fit a nap in there...I love Sunday afternoon naps! Tonight I'm going to get a good hard workout with Turbo Kick Round 33, using the weighted gloves. It's kind of sad but I get really excited on my Turbo Kick days...definitely don't get that way on my running days for some reason. Then I'm going to do my CE Burn 2. (I love the variety of all of the Chalene workouts, it definitely keeps me from getting bored doing the same thing everyday)

    I'm assuming that with the ChaLean Extreme.. you can rotate between the 3 circuits on the Phases? Example: Saturday I did Burn 1, tonight I'll do Burn 2 circuit.....??
    I'm assuming thats what it is, in order to get a well rounded muscle workout in the week.... but it never exactly says that.

    Then.... dishes and laundry. Thats gotta be some more calories..right? Haha! Have a great night!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Turbo Jammers! Glad to hear the weekend was good. Yesterday was my rest day, and did it ever feel good! I even fit a nap in there...I love Sunday afternoon naps! Tonight I'm going to get a good hard workout with Turbo Kick Round 33, using the weighted gloves. It's kind of sad but I get really excited on my Turbo Kick days...definitely don't get that way on my running days for some reason. Then I'm going to do my CE Burn 2. (I love the variety of all of the Chalene workouts, it definitely keeps me from getting bored doing the same thing everyday)

    I'm assuming that with the ChaLean Extreme.. you can rotate between the 3 circuits on the Phases? Example: Saturday I did Burn 1, tonight I'll do Burn 2 circuit.....??
    I'm assuming thats what it is, in order to get a well rounded muscle workout in the week.... but it never exactly says that.

    Then.... dishes and laundry. Thats gotta be some more calories..right? Haha! Have a great night!

    I found calendars online (if you get me your email, I'll send them to you), that show the workout schedule. It should be Burn Circuit 1, 2, 3 for 4 weeks then Push 1, 2, 3 for 4 weeks and Lean 1, 2, 3 for 4 weeks. She has the Abs and Cardio workouts thrown into the calendar too.

    I just :heart: :heart: :heart: Turbo Kick! I'm like you, I can't wait to do them. I also use the weighted gloves and it's soooo much fun! What's your favorite round? I've done 28, 29 and 30 so far. I'd say 30 is my fave up until now! Maybe I'll get some of that in tonight!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    I just :heart: :heart: :heart: Turbo Kick! I'm like you, I can't wait to do them. I also use the weighted gloves and it's soooo much fun! What's your favorite round? I've done 28, 29 and 30 so far. I'd say 30 is my fave up until now! Maybe I'll get some of that in tonight!

    Ooo I found a calendar online! Thanks! I have Round 28,29,32,33...and its a toss up between Round 28 and Round 33. I go through my phases. Right now I am totally in love with Round 33! I really want to get Round 30, I think that is next on my list. I have done that Round in a class setting when one my good friends was an instructor, and I loved the kicks section!
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    This morning was Burn It Off and Yoga with Tony Horton. I am not a huge fan of Yoga and the 10 min Yoga is the only one that I feel relaxed enough to complete.

    Happy Tuesday
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I just :heart: :heart: :heart: Turbo Kick! I'm like you, I can't wait to do them. I also use the weighted gloves and it's soooo much fun! What's your favorite round? I've done 28, 29 and 30 so far. I'd say 30 is my fave up until now! Maybe I'll get some of that in tonight!

    Ooo I found a calendar online! Thanks! I have Round 28,29,32,33...and its a toss up between Round 28 and Round 33. I go through my phases. Right now I am totally in love with Round 33! I really want to get Round 30, I think that is next on my list. I have done that Round in a class setting when one my good friends was an instructor, and I loved the kicks section!

    You probably have the actual rounds, right? I just have the Fan Volumes 1, 2, 3 that have Rounds 28-33. I bet the music is better on the actual rounds?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    I just :heart: :heart: :heart: Turbo Kick! I'm like you, I can't wait to do them. I also use the weighted gloves and it's soooo much fun! What's your favorite round? I've done 28, 29 and 30 so far. I'd say 30 is my fave up until now! Maybe I'll get some of that in tonight!

    Ooo I found a calendar online! Thanks! I have Round 28,29,32,33...and its a toss up between Round 28 and Round 33. I go through my phases. Right now I am totally in love with Round 33! I really want to get Round 30, I think that is next on my list. I have done that Round in a class setting when one my good friends was an instructor, and I loved the kicks section!

    You probably have the actual rounds, right? I just have the Fan Volumes 1, 2, 3 that have Rounds 28-33. I bet the music is better on the actual rounds?

    Yep I have the actual rounds. But, the music on the Rounds isn't the same as the music on the CDs. So, usually I'll hook up my ipod to the speakers, and use the "good" music to do my workouts. Too bad the videos don't have the "good" music, especially for the Fan Volumes!! Sometimes I will do the workouts without the video (works out great if I am on vacation), but a lot of times I like to use the video to perfect my technique! Last night I REALLY got into it! It felt so good! Also did CE.

    Tonight it is a running night for me, hoping I can add more inclines to tonight's workout. No strength training. I probably couldn't do another squat or lung if I wanted to...haha! My bum is SORE!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I feel like it's been forever! I had a great weekend though-Went out of town to visit my brother and sis in law, actually my whole family was up so it was a blast. I did very well, stayed on track Saturday night-no halloween candy for me! Just a little slice of a pumpkin bar cake my sis in law made..yum, but not so clean:blushing: ..I had made dinner (lean lasagna-totally clean!) and those sweet potato and cinnamon brownies (another clean!) I was happy that everyone enjoyed it! On Sunday AM I got a 5.6 mile run on the treadie down, and felt GREAT! The afternoon was spent shopping with the girls...hehehe..did go to Panera Bread for lunch-YUM! I really wish I had one at home....:grumble:
    Anyway, Monday PM I rocked a TJ CardioPartyMix1, and tonight did the CE Burn Intervals and Extreme Abs. This one has been my regular Tuesday schedule and I just felt like sticking to it tonight:tongue:
    I think tomorrow if the weather holds I will be walking with my friend a little bit (it's my "rest" day anyway)..and will just be taking it easy:smile:
    Have a great night girls and KEEP ROCKIN!!:drinker:
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Can you share that recipe for the sweet potato cinnamon brownies? Those sound delish! Thanks!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies!!!

    Well, after a 2 day bout with what I figure to be food poisoning, I'm back to normal. I managed to get on the elliptical last night and then did my CE Burn 2 this AM. That was tough though, as I was really weak yesterday and only was able to eat a bunch of saltines, so I didn't have as much energy as I wanted to have to get through CE. But, there's always next time!

    Hope you all have an awesome day!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Erika, that is no fun! Glad to hear you are feeling better.

    Lilangel- great job on the weekend! My mouth started drooling when you mentioned the lean lasagna.....might need the recipe for that! :bigsmile:

    Last night I didn't get my run in, and I guess yesterday is going to be my "rest day". I was hoping I'd feel better by the time I got home last night. But, with it being my TOM I wasn't feeling very well. That happens to me at least 1 day during my TOM. I fell asleep on the couch at 8pm, my husband woke me up around 11pm to go to bed. And then I didn't wake up until 6:30 this morning! Feeling more energetic and less crampy today, so I'm going to get my run in after work, then go to my Cardio Pump class tonight. Hoping to make up for last night.

    Have a great day!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Was a pretty uneventful day at work today..we were kinda slow:frown: ..Anyway, it was raining tonight so no walk-I guess I really shouldn't feel bad about not getting any workouts in...it IS my "rest day":laugh: ..I was just kinda looking forward to a walk. When I think about it though, I haven't really given my body a break because my previous rest days the dr has been out of office and me and a coworker do TJ Fatblaster and AbJam, then usually I do get that walk in as well..so it feels good to let my body totally rest for once. Tomorrow though, the doc is out and we are TJ'ing! lol..I think I am going to do a CE Burn or Push workout to keep on track with that too. Anyway enough about my lameness...:tongue:
    Erika-So proud of you for hoping right back to it! Don't be too hard on yourself..but that's always my problem too:blushing: I (thank the lord) have not gotten sick and I don't claim that I will! Ha-sickness you cannot touch me!:drinker:
    Diana-The Sweet Potato and Cinnamon Brownies recipe is out of the Clean Eating Magazine September/October issue-I absolutely LOVE this mag!
    Sweet Potato and Cinnamon Brownies
    For brownies:
    1 cup whole wheat flour
    1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 tbsp ground cinnamon
    1 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt (i omitted)
    1 cup cooked sweet potato
    1/2 cup agave nectar (I used less)
    1/4 cup olive oil
    1 tsp pure vanilla extract
    6 egg whites
    olive oil cooking spray
    For Icing:
    1/2 cup low-fat plain cream cheese (i used weight watchers cream cheese spread)
    3 tbsp agave nectar (again-I used less)
    1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
    1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
    1 tbsp water (optional)
    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare brownies by combining flour, cocoa powder, cinnamon, baking powder and salt. Set aside. In a food processor, combine sweet potato, agave, oil and vanilla. Puree until smooth. Gradually mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients, until just combined; do not overmix. In a separate dry bowl, whisk egg whites until fluffy. then using rubber spatula, gently fold into batter. Lightly spray baking pan (9x9x2") with cooking spray. Pour batter into pan and place into oven. bake for about 16-18 minutes. Allow to cool. Prepare icing by combining cream cheese, agave, cocoa powder and cinnamon. Whisk until completely mixed, adding 1 tbsp water if too hard to whisk. Cover and refrigerate until needed. Loosen brownies and turn slab onto a cutting board. Cut into 16 pieces, wrap with plastic and refrigerate overnight (I didn't do this-left the brownies in the pan and when cooled frosted them and they were just fine). To serve, divide icing evenly over each brownie and serve immediately. Serves 16
    Nutrients per brownie: Calories 140, fat 5, Carbs 21, Fiber 2, Sugars 12, Protein 4, Sodium 75, cholesterol 5.

    Dawna-Heres the Lean Lasagna!
    Lean Lasagna
    Serves 8
    veggie oil cooking spray
    1/2 cup chopped onion (I used green onions)
    1 lb ground turkey breast
    3 cups tomato sauce (I used homemade tomato sauce)
    3 tbsp italian seasoning (I used 1 tsp each basil, parsley and oregano)
    1/4 tsp ground black pepper
    1 tsp garlic powder
    1/2 cup chopped mushrooms (I used 1 cup to increase the veggies!)
    6 cups chopped fresh spinach (I used one box of the frozen packaged kind coz thats all I had on hand)
    2 cups fat free ricotta cheese
    1/4 tsp nutmeg
    1 pkg whole wheat lasagna noodles (about 8 oz, or 9 noodles)
    2 cups shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
    Prep: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spray medium-sized skillet with cooking spray. Saute onion for 2 minutes, then add turkey and cook another 5-7 minutes. Add tomato sauce, all seasonings and mushrooms and simmer 2 minutes. Remove pan from heat. In a bowl, combine spinach, ricotta and nutmeg. Bring large pot of water to boil-cook pasta according to pkg. Coat a 9x13" baking pan with cooking spray. Arrange 3 noodles on bottom. Spread a layer of ricotta mixture, then turkey mixture then 1/3 mozzarella. Repeat layers, ending with mozzarella. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until cheese bubbles. Cool at least 5 minutes before cutting. (I baked mine for 30 minutes covered with tin foil, then another 15 minutes uncovered.)
    Hope you enjoy girls!:heart:
  • det3386
    det3386 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks so much! I can't wait to try them!! I may have to get myself that magazine. Thanks for sharing :)
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    You are amazing for posting those recipes!!! I've got them down and ready to go!! I think I might make the lasagna this weekend!! YUMMMM!!! Thanks for sharing with us!! :bigsmile:
  • kholmes
    kholmes Posts: 214
    lilangel - those recipes look great. thanks for posting

    I did Burn Intervals this morning.

    I got in my Turbo Jam yesterday. Read the guide and looked through everything. Can't wait to get started. I am starting to need a change up from CE. One week left and then TJ. I may do the Lean & Burn this weekend to get use the moves.

    Crazy Question (you can laugh) :laugh: - I had been using a different thigh toner so I ordered the purple one. But it does not have instructions on how big or small to make it. How do I know where to tie the knot? Am I suppose to cut it or is it just suppose to be really large? :ohwell:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    lilangel - those recipes look great. thanks for posting

    I did Burn Intervals this morning.

    I got in my Turbo Jam yesterday. Read the guide and looked through everything. Can't wait to get started. I am starting to need a change up from CE. One week left and then TJ. I may do the Lean & Burn this weekend to get use the moves.

    Crazy Question (you can laugh) :laugh: - I had been using a different thigh toner so I ordered the purple one. But it does not have instructions on how big or small to make it. How do I know where to tie the knot? Am I suppose to cut it or is it just suppose to be really large? :ohwell:

    I think you need to tie it where it's comfortable for you. I think mine is snug when I have my legs about shoulder width apart, so anything more than that is factoring resistance into it.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers, just checking in quick on my lunch break! You are all so welcome for the recipes! I hope you enjoy-YUM. Anyway, got a TJ Fatblaster and AbJam this AM at work(:laugh: ) with my coworker. I am planning on doing a CE workout tonight too:tongue: Have a great day girls! I'll check back later:heart:
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