

  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I just wanted to let everyone know that I ordered my ChaLean Extreme today and in about a week I will be able to join you guys in all this workout talk!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening girls! I am loving all this lovely workout talk! haha, you guys are such inspiration! I hit the gym today for my early spinning class...I haven't been getting quite the calorie burn with it anymore..only 350 today...:ohwell: I don't have time for any more workouts on Mondays, so I guess this is kinda my "lite" day..which is ok since I don't really take a rest day. Do you girls think that's appropriate?
    Tonight I feel like I reallyyyyy want to eat..I haven't had dinner yet, but I was just planning on a salad with pork, cheese and zucchini over it. I'm just a little afraid of not being satisfied and eating more?..I guess I will eat that and see how I feel afterwards. Maybe I will just try to get in bed before hunger strikes again!:grumble:
    Tomorrow I am getting my longer run in on the treadie, then it's to work for another looong day.
    Dawna and Erika-Thanks so much for the advice, I did keep my calories fairly in range (a little less:ohwell: ..but I was pretty satisfied). Haven't slacked on the workouts at all, so I can be proud of that:smile: AND I threw out the last STUPID cookie! HA-TAKE THAT EVIL SWEETS!:glasses: :laugh:
    Let me know if you girls find a workout you really like and find challenging, I am always open/up for new options!:drinker:
    Dawna-Hope you get your run in tonight girl! I actually can't wait for mine tomorrow!:bigsmile:
    Jessica-Woohoo for CE! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
    Keep up the great work ladies! I'll check in tomorrow!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Just wanted to post quick! I'm proud-it's about 9:30pm and I am heading to bed. My salad filled me up pretty good, I definitely could/want to eat something more- I'm craving something carby and sweet BUT I just brushed my teeth and am going to hit the hay! HA! I'm so happy and proud of myself!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: G-night all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Just wanted to post quick! I'm proud-it's about 9:30pm and I am heading to bed. My salad filled me up pretty good, I definitely could/want to eat something more- I'm craving something carby and sweet BUT I just brushed my teeth and am going to hit the hay! HA! I'm so happy and proud of myself!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: G-night all!

    Way to go girl!! Wish I was tired enough to go to bed, but I'm definitely done eating for the night...a little over cals, but not by much :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    Last night I did Cardio Party 1 which I hadn't done in a while. I must say I really struggled to complete it but I am so proud of myself for pushing myself, and I mean pushing really hard to the point that I literally shed a tear when it was over! ha~! But I finished and I'm glad I did it. Today I'm thinking 20-minute workout + abs maybe? Hope I can make it through both!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!! Well, my stomach is still off...I just can't figure it out. But, I knocked out a TK TurboSport workout this morning and CE Abs anyway!

    I'm going to play around with my calories again to see if that is the problem?? I feel like maybe I've got them set too high, and then feel like I need to eat most of my exercise calories, so when I have 500 left over after dinner, feel the need to eat those and it's upsetting my stomach? I'll play around with it a bit and see what I come up with!

    Great job on the workout Nolachick!!! It feels so good to make it through a tough workout and know you can do it! Have fun today with the 20 minute workout...I love that one!

    Jessica--you'll love CE! Can't wait to hear all about it when you start!

    Dawna--Did you get your run in?!?!

    Roberta--Did I ever tell you THANK YOU for the idea to add my protein to my oatmeal? It's been a lifesaver and now I don't have to choke down the shakes! I found a few new flavors from the company I was buying from before, and they are SOOOO yummy! All organic too! :smile:

    Have a good one everybody!
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    Thanks lilangel and fitz! I am super excited to get the DVDs and start working on blasting my fat!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Okay, so I have had my Turbo Jam DVD's for several years, but never did them. But since I've made this life change and started exercising regularly and eating right, I've started using them in my routine (I just completed the 30 day shred). My question is this: How do you log these videos in your exercise? I don't have a HRM :frown: . Yesterday I did the Lower Body Jam, and I logged it as strength training. Is that pretty accurate or is there a better choice? Today I did Punch, Kick, and Jam, and I logged it as general aerobics...wasn't sure. Any suggestions? I'm really excited to do these workouts!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening Jammers! Happy Tuesday:smile:
    Today I rocked the treadie at the gym for a solid 6.9:bigsmile: Then off to work for me! Got home and made my dinner first (decided to save my second snack for later tonight:blushing: ) I'm glad I did because I am feeling reeeaaally huuunngrry lately! I think I am going to eat more today--it feels like my body is telling me to? Idk ladies...I can't distinguish between hunger and cravings right now...any suggestion? I really want to add an apple-berry bran vitamuffin to my cottage cheese snack, which won't throw me over on calories, but bumps it up further for the day.....I usually like to leave a safety net though I'm not sure why:ohwell:
    Anyways, tomorrow I don't work so the plan is the gym in the AM (probably elliptical-I'm very routine:laugh: ) and then home for some CE and abs later. But I have plans with my boy tomorrow since we both have the afternoon off--I'm always so worried that if I decided to skip CE I won't be doing good-More or less it is my guilt. I really wish I could just relax a little more.:frown:
    Erika-You are so welcome! What kind/flavors of powders do you use now? And I love that it is organic! I :heart: adding it to my oats-or shall I say, I:heart: my oats period!:laugh: I think playing with your calories is a good idea, you might be right. I have MFP set at "sedentary" so it gives me around 1550 for net, then I've been eating about 3/4 of my exercise cals back..except on bad days:grumble: .But like I said above I've been hungry lately so my problem might be I need to bump UP my calories? How many calories do you eat on average per day?
    Nolachick-Good job with the workouts! I know you can do it!!
    I'm so proud of you girls! Keep it up!

    Edit to add: amboardman-I have a PolarF4 HRM, I honestly could not imagine doing a workout without one! I love it, very accurate too. Unfortunately, MFP's exercise settings are not very accurate...so it's kind of a guess...sorry!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! We're half way through the work week...this one has been really slow for me, plus I'm looking forward to this weekend to relax and have some family over for the Vikes game on Sunday!

    This morning was Push 2 and Elliptical. I'm wiped...I really felt it with the heavy weights this morning...I went heavier on my shoulders and can definitely feel it!!!

    Roberta--I have mine set at sedentary too, I think. MFP gives me 1200 net calories though because I've still got my setting at losing 1 pound per week (almost to my goal!). I have played around with net at that and eating all my exercise calories, and net at 1350 and net as high as 1550, but not sure where the magic number is quite yet. I think I did pretty good when it was at 1350 net, so I might head back in that direction? All the calculators I've done give me a BMR of about 1650, which is what MFP is saying, so I think it's close? We'll see how day 2 goes of the 1200 net calories and I'll up it if needed. I have scaled back on my workouts a bit (was doing both morning/night workouts and burning about 1000 calories on average) so I only do morning workouts, so I think cutting my calories back from where I was makes sense...so hard trying to figure out the "magic" number! By the way, I use Mercola's Miracle Whey. You can only get it from their website, but I LOVE it...comes in 6 different flavors, and they are GOOD!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey jammers, Let me just say first off...I had a horrible night:frown: I crashed and burned..I felt like I could just NOT get full...geez. I think most of it is mental though! I REALLY need a swift kick in the butt! I cannot keep eating this way or I'll be right back where I started! I keep binging late night and I KNOW better!:explode: This time I felt :sick: yet again! I don't know why my brain says eat when my body doesn't need it!:sad: Hum..so that's my sob story..Just wanted to lay it all out there because I feel like a complete failure.
    This AM I woke up kinda in a funk..obviously:cry: I decided to detox my body with my usual shake though, and give myself the energy I needed to power through 72 minutes on the elliptical at the gym! I burned 618 calories on that baby! I am proud but definitely going to keep my calories low today because of last nights fiasco. I'm beginning to think by trying to fit all my calories in a day I've made my stomach larger and that's when my brain thinks it needs food...I know I have a problem with eating out of boredom..I NEED help with this.
    Anyways, I am going to fit my CE in right now actually, do abs just before lunch, then hopefully spend the afternoon busy with my boy...that should make me feel better:smooched:
    I am going to ask another q: Would anybody (with verizon wireless service and texting) want to be like "food buddies"? I really think I need to have a buddy to text message when I feel I am about to binge...I am really trying to stay on track here, but I'm getting discouraged...:cry: I have no problem with my fitness/workouts, but my eating is beginning to worry me..
    Let me know if anybody would like to buddy up. Thanks.
    Have a good day girls
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey jammers, Let me just say first off...I had a horrible night:frown: I crashed and burned..I felt like I could just NOT get full...geez. I think most of it is mental though! I REALLY need a swift kick in the butt! I cannot keep eating this way or I'll be right back where I started! I keep binging late night and I KNOW better!:explode: This time I felt :sick: yet again! I don't know why my brain says eat when my body doesn't need it!:sad: Hum..so that's my sob story..Just wanted to lay it all out there because I feel like a complete failure.
    This AM I woke up kinda in a funk..obviously:cry: I decided to detox my body with my usual shake though, and give myself the energy I needed to power through 72 minutes on the elliptical at the gym! I burned 618 calories on that baby! I am proud but definitely going to keep my calories low today because of last nights fiasco. I'm beginning to think by trying to fit all my calories in a day I've made my stomach larger and that's when my brain thinks it needs food...I know I have a problem with eating out of boredom..I NEED help with this.
    Anyways, I am going to fit my CE in right now actually, do abs just before lunch, then hopefully spend the afternoon busy with my boy...that should make me feel better:smooched:
    I am going to ask another q: Would anybody (with verizon wireless service and texting) want to be like "food buddies"? I really think I need to have a buddy to text message when I feel I am about to binge...I am really trying to stay on track here, but I'm getting discouraged...:cry: I have no problem with my fitness/workouts, but my eating is beginning to worry me..
    Let me know if anybody would like to buddy up. Thanks.
    Have a good day girls

    I'll be your buddy! I have Verizon too, and am the same way as you...find myself eating at night, mainly because I'm bored! I feel like I can't get full, but I too think it's in my head...not like I'm not getting in enough calories in a day or anything! I was working out at night to keep myself out of the kitchen, but was getting a little burnt out from workout out both morning and night. Doesn't help that I have a hubby that likes to snack at night...argh! I'll message you my phone #!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Jammers! I have the day off today--it feels AMAZING! I got my run in the other night...it wasn't very long, only lik 3 miles- I felt so out of shape! Today I did 4.5 and felt much better. Now I'm getting ready to do ChaLean Extreme. My stomach felt "off" Mon & Tues. I don't know what it was- I felt real bloated and my stomach was super hard. I wasn't even going over my calories. Weird! But, after today I'm feeling good.

    I need new running shoes- I bought some New Balance ones a few weeks ago but it feels like I am running barefoot, and I don't like it. Do you think insoles would work? I'd hate to go buy new shoes right now since I just spent like $70 on these shoes. But, if I have to get new shoes- I'm definitely going to...I just didn't know if insoles would help? I've never used them before. If insoles don't work...does anyone have any suggestions for good running shoes? And does anyone have good aeorbic shoes that work well when they do TJ/ Turbo Kick?

    Ugh..my hubby snacks late at night too....its so hard to resist! Thats my downfall right now as well. And last night he tempted me with a small piece of cheesecake w/ huckleberries....UGH! My favorite food in the whole world. No more!!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Hi jammers. I am finally getting over my cold. today is my day off but i will do some yoga. I am sore from yesterday. I did burn it off and extreme abs. I also did some push up while watching biggest loser. ttul.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Jammers! I have the day off today--it feels AMAZING! I got my run in the other night...it wasn't very long, only lik 3 miles- I felt so out of shape! Today I did 4.5 and felt much better. Now I'm getting ready to do ChaLean Extreme. My stomach felt "off" Mon & Tues. I don't know what it was- I felt real bloated and my stomach was super hard. I wasn't even going over my calories. Weird! But, after today I'm feeling good.

    I need new running shoes- I bought some New Balance ones a few weeks ago but it feels like I am running barefoot, and I don't like it. Do you think insoles would work? I'd hate to go buy new shoes right now since I just spent like $70 on these shoes. But, if I have to get new shoes- I'm definitely going to...I just didn't know if insoles would help? I've never used them before. If insoles don't work...does anyone have any suggestions for good running shoes? And does anyone have good aeorbic shoes that work well when they do TJ/ Turbo Kick?

    I'd try inserts first...I had to get some for my crosstrainers to have some extra cushion for TJ/TK. I just got a pair of Avia shoes and then bought inserts at Famous Footwear, I think.
  • jenstalder
    I am in love with Turbo Jams... i am getting ready to take the instructor course in May to become an instructor!!!!!!
    I can't wait.
    It helps me with everyday stess and it is so much fun...I feel like i am back on the dance team in high school again.. sad but true.

    I look forward to it everyday.

    Love it!

    Pushing play everyday.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Well, I'm not sure what is up, but I just don't feel good. I am thinking I have a mild stomach bug, as this has been going on for almost a week. I've been REALLY tired (in bed by 8pm most nights this week), and not much energy in the morning. So, this morning I just did a nice easy 60 minute treadmill walk. Hopefully I start to feel better tomorrow!

    Dawna-Are you feeling better? What you described is how I've been for a week now...ugh!
    Roberta-How did you do last night? I didn't get any texts, so Im assuming good!
    Limestar-Way to go on the workouts!

    Welcome Jen!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey ladies!!!

    was wondering if you had ever tried other TJ Dvd's like this set I saw online which brings 4 DVD's -
    Fat Blaster, Cardio Pary Mix 3 Punch,Kick & Jam and the last is 3T Totally Tubular Turbo

    Thanks would love to hear your input!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers!
    Checking in at work..it's a verrry boring afternoon..I feel so bad just sitting around and eating my snacks when I'm not doing anything! I'm gonna read a little and relax..just feels weird..especially after eating so badly this week:frown: So I've decided to reel myself in as far as calories go. I am going to try to stay under by alot on most days..and really just eat what I feel like as long as it's healthy and clean. I have let my eating get way out of control lately, and I need to get back on track. It's like a little gremlin takes over my body later (sometimes only like an hour after dinner!:explode: ) and makes me binge. I NEED to stop this, and I WILL.
    Erika-had a bad night, just was late. I am not worrying though, today is a new day and like I said I'm changing it up again! I make things way too hard for myself, and they shouldn't be!
    Anyways, this AM I hit the gym for the treadie. Ran almost 7.4 miles in about 65 minutes. I thought that was pretty good, especially after a rough night:ohwell: . I could go home and workout more tonight..I do feel pretty guilty sitting here all afternoon.... BUT I think that my body needs a break also, and I think I would be doing another workout because of pure guilt.
    I just gotta keep telling myself I can do this, and break through these eating disasters!
    Alright girls, off to read I guess..have a great afternoon and I will catch up with ya later!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Jammers! I swear I posted today...but I didn't!
    Erika- I am feeling better today...its weird that my stomach issues come in spurts. I do have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and pretty much certain foods make it hard for my body to digest. And when my stomach is protruding and hard as a rock...it really isn't very easy or comfortable to exercise. In those cases I take my time off of exercise (even though it KILLS me inside) and I drink tons of water. But, hopefully Erika--for you it is just a little bug!!!

    Tonight I have a busy night- but I am going to get my Turbo Kick in...and then Extreme Abs. I am feeling a lot better so I'm hoping to get a good workout in, and then be my busy self the rest of the evening. I'm looking forward to my salmon, baked potato & steamed broccoli....yummmmm! My husband now likes broccoli. I was trying to figure out a way to get him to like broccoli...without adding butter. So, lately I've been adding a tiny bit of shredded parmesan cheese on top. Not much, but just a little pinch. It definitely gives it a little oooomph! I like it, and it doesn't consume my calories. For 1/2 TBSP it is about 10 calories. And thats about all you need to give it some flavor!

    Have a great night ladies!! Way to go on the run Berta!! You are a machine!!!