

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! Yet another successful day for me!:bigsmile:
    Had the day off, but hit the gym early for some elliptical time. Ended up doing bout 65 minutes! Had a GREAT burn with that! Headed home and did abs before lunch, then did CE Burn 3 afterward. I took my clean eats over to my boys house and prepared a turkey/avocado/tomato wrap, while he had some stuffed pasta shells...why is it that boys can eat WHATEVER THEY WANT and NOT HAVE TO WORRY BOUT GAINING WEIGHT?!! I don't care though, I really could have eaten that instead BUT I stuck with my clean food! Anyways, I just got home and gonna head to bed because I've got a date with the treadmill early before work! I also :heart: :heart: :heart: my new Asics! Amazing.:wink:
    Have a great night ladies! Glad to hear all your successes as well!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    Its been a while...I've been on vacation on and off for a few weeks. Went to Minnesota for Christmas, and then went to Arizona this past week for the Fiesta Bowl! I am SO GLAD to be home and back into my regular routine! Today is the day I start back over on my regular schedule and I am SO excited to exercise and eat good foods. Tonight I am going to try to really kick myself back into gear, even though it might be a little difficult. Usually if I really give myself a good "boot-camp" workout...it will usually kick-start me back into my regular routine for good. I know ChaLean Extreme is definitely on my TO DO list tonight!! Along with some cardio!!! Have a great day!!! Its SOOOO GOOD TO BE BACK!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies!! What a crazy morning here in MN. A few inches of snow, and the traffic is so backed up I had to turn around and come back home. Thankfully I can work from home, so I'll just do that.

    Got a great elliptical workout in this morning, and went grocery shopping last night and got LOTS of yummy foods. I've never liked grocery shopping, but now I do. My newest goal for 2010 is to stick to fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, etc. I am getting rid of anything that has more than a handful of ingredients in it, as I know that can't be good...even if it's organic, it still has lots of "stuff" in it that fresh, whole foods don't. So, I'm almost cleaned out of that stuff and on to the new!!!

    Hope you all have an awesome Thursday...I'll probably be back later after my evening workout, since my hubby is gone and not sure what else I'd do tonight!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good afternoon Jammers!
    Today I hit the gym early for some treadie time-a good 6.8, incline 4, speed 6.5-7.0:bigsmile: Then I headed to work which is a "do-nothing day" while the Drs are out of the office. My coworker and I who usually do TJ did FatBlaster and AbJam:laugh: It was great! The rest of the lazy day we've been chatting, painting our nails and in between doing some actual work--cleaning:tongue: Just a quick check in now, I hope everyone's day is going well! I can't ever wait to get on here and check the forum to see all our successes ladies, keep up the awesome work! So far another successful day for me, and I intend to KEEP IT THAT WAY:drinker: Check back later I'm sure!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning...Happy Friday!!!

    This morning was Power 90 Sculpt/Sweat. I'm going through my DVD's 1 by 1 and re-logging calories burned, MHR and AHR, so I can maybe weed out some DVD's. I need to get rid of ones that aren't challenging me enough. Thinking of getting Insanity, so need to clean up my DVD collection in order to fit that one in!

    Roberta--Awesome job on the run...wow!!! I was really into running this spring/summer and now am not so much, so it's always inspiring to read about how you're pushing yourself to get faster and go farther!

    Dawna--glad to have you back! It always feels good to get back on track with a butt kicking workout! Hope it went well!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    good morning ladies! last night I did Turbo Sculpt w/ 5lbs dumbells and boy did I feel it. I definately reached fatigue when I saw my legs were shaking and could barely hold me up. But I loved it! my heart was racing and like she said thats cuz u are working the biggest muscle group of ur body. Can't wait to see more results in my legs and thighs.
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Friday Jammers!
    Today was a pretty busy day for me it seems! This AM I hit the gym early for my spinning class, then came home because I had some extra time in between-so ate a nice relaxing breakfast:smile: It was off to work for half the day, home for a quick lunch and off again to get an oil change..lol! Finally home again and did Extreme Abs, snacked and relaxed a lil before CE Push 2! Overall, today is a good day..have stuck to my foods, but I didn't burn as much as I expected to...:ohwell: I think my body is becoming more efficient? Though I decided today I needed a calorie increase due to TOM...I have been starving!:explode: But still under my goal..and all healthy:smile:
    Tomorrow is my "working rest day"..I always end up doing more though:laugh: I'm gonna hit the gym for some treadie time early then attend my Body Flex Class. I missed it last week!
    Dawna-Glad you made it back safe and sound! I know it's hardest to get back on track after a break isn't it?! :grumble: It's great to hear from you again though girl!!!
    Erika-I wish I had the collection of DVD's you do! I'd never get bored:laugh: I've been thinking about trying Insanity out too...I'm a little hesitant..I might just get through the winter with my gym membership and add that new in the spring or summer...Is it more cardio?
    nolachick-Good job with the TurboSculpt! I :heart: that one!
    Have a great night ladies! I can't wait to check in with ya later!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Jammers!
    Today was a pretty busy day for me it seems! This AM I hit the gym early for my spinning class, then came home because I had some extra time in between-so ate a nice relaxing breakfast:smile: It was off to work for half the day, home for a quick lunch and off again to get an oil change..lol! Finally home again and did Extreme Abs, snacked and relaxed a lil before CE Push 2! Overall, today is a good day..have stuck to my foods, but I didn't burn as much as I expected to...:ohwell: I think my body is becoming more efficient? Though I decided today I needed a calorie increase due to TOM...I have been starving!:explode: But still under my goal..and all healthy:smile:
    Tomorrow is my "working rest day"..I always end up doing more though:laugh: I'm gonna hit the gym for some treadie time early then attend my Body Flex Class. I missed it last week!
    Dawna-Glad you made it back safe and sound! I know it's hardest to get back on track after a break isn't it?! :grumble: It's great to hear from you again though girl!!!
    Erika-I wish I had the collection of DVD's you do! I'd never get bored:laugh: I've been thinking about trying Insanity out too...I'm a little hesitant..I might just get through the winter with my gym membership and add that new in the spring or summer...Is it more cardio?
    nolachick-Good job with the TurboSculpt! I :heart: that one!
    Have a great night ladies! I can't wait to check in with ya later!

    From what I've heard and seen, it's a lot of cardio, but some strength using your own body weight. I had ordered it on ebay, but the seller fell thru, so I'll have to search some more. I am scared to try it, as I've heard once you can get through that, everything else seems easy, and I get discouraged easily with stuff that's too easy. We'll see...I'll keep you posted!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    Hi there
    am new to turbo jam - just got the DVD this week and i LOVE it - I've done the ab jam, the 20 minute and today i did turbo sculpt - and I KNOW that i am going to be feeling this tomorrow - I love the music

    My question is - how do you count these as exercise - is the 20 minute cardio just aerobics? is the turbo sculpt circuit training (because you are not really resting??) HELP PLEASE

    I had been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, banish fat boost metabolism and no more trouble zones for the past3 months but it was getting boring and dare i say easier so i wanted to switch it up...
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi there
    am new to turbo jam - just got the DVD this week and i LOVE it - I've done the ab jam, the 20 minute and today i did turbo sculpt - and I KNOW that i am going to be feeling this tomorrow - I love the music

    My question is - how do you count these as exercise - is the 20 minute cardio just aerobics? is the turbo sculpt circuit training (because you are not really resting??) HELP PLEASE

    I had been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, banish fat boost metabolism and no more trouble zones for the past3 months but it was getting boring and dare i say easier so i wanted to switch it up...


    I have a heart rate monitor, so haven't looked into the categories offered to pick from on MFP, but I'd say aerobics or even high impact aerobics for the cardio/ab jam and if there's a weight or strength training, I'd use that for the Turbo Sculpt.

    TJ is so fun! Glad you joined us!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! FINALLY felt like working out so did some Power90. Maybe will get in some time on the elliptical later if I feel like it.

    I went a little crazy on the mixed nuts last night and then wanted to have a Mudslide, and I feel like CraP this morning! Not sure if it's from going way over in calories, or the drink or both. I haven't had a drink in at least 6 months, so my vote is for the drink being the culprit! Feeling better after the workout though!

    Well, off to figure out what to have for lunch. Have a great Saturday!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies! I've been having a really great day today..I just feel really good:smooched: I didn't get to see my boy last night (he had a guys night:ohwell: ) but maybe it was the extra sleep and relaxation that has made today so pleasant. I got up around 6 this AM, did my pre-workout shake and headed off to the gym shortly after. I treadmilled it for about 40 minutes before my Body Flex class started a little later. I hands down :heart: that class! :tongue: Anyway, afterward headed home for a relaxing breakfast of the usual amazing oatmeal:happy: ..Then mom came down and wanted to do some Turbosculpt..and so, I did as well..haha. I told you girls my rest day is never a rest day! It felt good though, I love being active and this just means I can eat more today:laugh: Currently I am eating some lunch which is deeee-licious! The rest of the day's plan includes some house cleaning/laundry/snacking (obviously!:wink: ), surfing the web and maybe some shopping?
    Yes..today just feels very right:smile: Maybe it was the calorie increase from yesterday that helped too?..I'm not sure but I'm happy anyway!
    Erika-Don't feel bad about indulging last night..it happens to the best of us....:frown: I definitely know that "morning after binge" feeling...yucko... I am super glad I've been able to stick to my set goals for this week, but temptation is always lurking!:grumble:Great job with the AM workout though-Way to stay on it!
    Hope you all have a great Saturday afternoon! I'm sure I'll check back today..Gotta do some lounging around too!:tongue:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hey Ladies! Well, I had another bad day yesteday of eating...nothing "unclean" but just went way over in calories...I just couldn't get full! I don't know what's going on. I guess maybe my metabolism is just sky high right now? I feel like I honestly could eat every hour! My stomach was growling all day! But, come about 10pm, I'm literally sick to my stomach from too many calories...huh...not sure what to think.

    So, I got up this morning and hit the treadmill AND elliptical and made sure I have LOTS of extra calories for today and see how that is for my body? I have been going lighter on teh workouts the last few days, so maybe my body isn't liking keeping at the same eating cals, but not same exercise cals? Who knows.

    Anyway, sounds like you all are doing great with workouts and keeping on track. I'm back on today!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    i have to say that i am LOVING the turbo jam - i did turbo sculpt for this first time and boy was i sore after - but it was awesome
    looking forward to seeing the reults and soon
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Afternoon ladies..I've had a pretty good day so far..BUT last night I cracked..yes Erika--I cracked too. It started with those STUPID cookies! I should have just thrown them out..:mad: Then I just wanted more treats and ended up I'm sure way over my calories and didn't feel very good after:sick: . UGH why do I do it!?!? What is wrong with me! I can go all week and feel sooo good about myself and my eating and then BAM..Well I'm pretty sure this time had to do with stress/emotions. My bf decided to watch the football game with his buddies, and so we haven't hung out in awhile..kinda depressed I guess:cry: I really was looking forward to seeing him, and therefore starting feeling sorry for myself. UGH, I still can't believe it! Somebody please kick me!:explode:
    This AM I woke up, had my shake and jumped into TurboKick Round 28. After the usual breakie mom and I did our grocery shopping early, and once finally home ate some lunch, allowed it to digest and did CE Lean2. I still have Extreme Abs to go, which I am going to do in just a few minutes actually.
    I feel like I shouldn't be able to eat my allotted calories today--Anybody want to touch on this? Erika/Dawna-what would you do? I have my meals planned for as right now I'll still have some 200 calories left, but should I decrease my eating for the day? I think I am just feeling guilty...but I also know that my body needs fuel.....please help:frown:
    Looking forward to your replies girls..thanks.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Afternoon ladies..I've had a pretty good day so far..BUT last night I cracked..yes Erika--I cracked too. It started with those STUPID cookies! I should have just thrown them out..:mad: Then I just wanted more treats and ended up I'm sure way over my calories and didn't feel very good after:sick: . UGH why do I do it!?!? What is wrong with me! I can go all week and feel sooo good about myself and my eating and then BAM..Well I'm pretty sure this time had to do with stress/emotions. My bf decided to watch the football game with his buddies, and so we haven't hung out in awhile..kinda depressed I guess:cry: I really was looking forward to seeing him, and therefore starting feeling sorry for myself. UGH, I still can't believe it! Somebody please kick me!:explode:
    This AM I woke up, had my shake and jumped into TurboKick Round 28. After the usual breakie mom and I did our grocery shopping early, and once finally home ate some lunch, allowed it to digest and did CE Lean2. I still have Extreme Abs to go, which I am going to do in just a few minutes actually.
    I feel like I shouldn't be able to eat my allotted calories today--Anybody want to touch on this? Erika/Dawna-what would you do? I have my meals planned for as right now I'll still have some 200 calories left, but should I decrease my eating for the day? I think I am just feeling guilty...but I also know that my body needs fuel.....please help:frown:
    Looking forward to your replies girls..thanks.

    Well, usually I will workout until I burn up the calories I went over. However, I'm trying to get out of that habit, and just come to realize that I am one of those types of people that goes crazy every once in a while and then I'm fine. I have always been that way, all my life. I'll eat great for even a month and then have one random "bad" day. Now, I know if I cut my calories back the next day, or got all down on myself, I'd probably end up doing it again, as I'd either be starving later at night and want to eat, or I'd just for some reason go off the wagon again in a few days.

    So, IMO, I'd say eat what you normally would, and just make tomorrow better. Remember, it takes 3500 EXTRA calories in a week to put on a pound, so unless you went over several days, you should be fine for the week. I always keep that in the back of my head. I do not want to be one of those people who is obsessed with how many calories in/out and if I went over, so I try to take it with a grain of salt when it happens.

    Remember, you probably eat cleaner and better than majority of the rest of the world, so you're doing GREAT!!!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning...how are all the Jammers today???

    Well, I'm not sure what's going on with my body lately, but no matter what I eat, I can't get myself to feel full. In fact I'm feeling like I'm starving most of the day. But, then, come 7pm, I'm so bloated it hurts. I can't figure it out...it's been this way for 3 days now. My weight is up a little, but nothing major. I did increase my calories to 1550 last week at this time, and am eating all but about 100-200 exercise calories per day, so not sure why I'm having such a tough time. I'd say, on average, once I eat my exercise cals, I'm eating around 2,000 a day. I have my MFP setting at a 250 deficit to keep with the 1/2 pound per week loss.

    Today, I feel so out of energy I can hardly function. I'm also feeling really hungry again (and I've already had almost 700 calories already today, so I know it's not because I'm not eating! Anyone have any ideas??? I'm so confused! I've been trying to take out certain foods that normally upset my stomach (ie apples, some protein powders, etc) to see if it's just my stomach being upset?

    Also, I wanted to ask you all if you've ever tried any of Cathe Friedrich's workouts? I want to add 1-2 more trainers to my rotation, just to try to get out of this bored slump. I ordered Insanity and then was also looking at Cathe's DVD's. I've heard she's awesome, just not sure how tough she is compared to Chalene, and I want to keep the same level of difficulty, if not more.

    Hope you are all having a fantastic Monday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Afternoon ladies..I've had a pretty good day so far..BUT last night I cracked..yes Erika--I cracked too. It started with those STUPID cookies! I should have just thrown them out..:mad: Then I just wanted more treats and ended up I'm sure way over my calories and didn't feel very good after:sick: . UGH why do I do it!?!? What is wrong with me! I can go all week and feel sooo good about myself and my eating and then BAM..Well I'm pretty sure this time had to do with stress/emotions. My bf decided to watch the football game with his buddies, and so we haven't hung out in awhile..kinda depressed I guess:cry: I really was looking forward to seeing him, and therefore starting feeling sorry for myself. UGH, I still can't believe it! Somebody please kick me!:explode:
    This AM I woke up, had my shake and jumped into TurboKick Round 28. After the usual breakie mom and I did our grocery shopping early, and once finally home ate some lunch, allowed it to digest and did CE Lean2. I still have Extreme Abs to go, which I am going to do in just a few minutes actually.
    I feel like I shouldn't be able to eat my allotted calories today--Anybody want to touch on this? Erika/Dawna-what would you do? I have my meals planned for as right now I'll still have some 200 calories left, but should I decrease my eating for the day? I think I am just feeling guilty...but I also know that my body needs fuel.....please help:frown:
    Looking forward to your replies girls..thanks.

    Well, usually I will workout until I burn up the calories I went over. However, I'm trying to get out of that habit, and just come to realize that I am one of those types of people that goes crazy every once in a while and then I'm fine. I have always been that way, all my life. I'll eat great for even a month and then have one random "bad" day. Now, I know if I cut my calories back the next day, or got all down on myself, I'd probably end up doing it again, as I'd either be starving later at night and want to eat, or I'd just for some reason go off the wagon again in a few days.

    So, IMO, I'd say eat what you normally would, and just make tomorrow better. Remember, it takes 3500 EXTRA calories in a week to put on a pound, so unless you went over several days, you should be fine for the week. I always keep that in the back of my head. I do not want to be one of those people who is obsessed with how many calories in/out and if I went over, so I try to take it with a grain of salt when it happens.

    Remember, you probably eat cleaner and better than majority of the rest of the world, so you're doing GREAT!!!!

    I agree with Erika on this one, I would eat your normal alotted calories and not worry too much about it. I'm similar to Erika in the fact that if I decrease my food or increase my exercise a ton...then I end up doing it over again. I am in the same boat as you.....I ate wayy too many cookies and today I feel absolutely gross. I'm going to do my routine workout today, and make sure I eat lots of clean foods. I also am drinking TONS of water to try to get it out of my system. And then I'm going to work at doing better this week. You're such a hard worker and clean eater than I know those "side effects" will go away and you'll feel just as good as ever. You won't gain anything as long as you stick to your normal routine/eating habits for the week, as Erika said.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Tonight I am doing my cardio and CE Push circuit 3 tonight. I can't decide on my cardio. My husband has the day off and he offered to do the laundry, which would be awesome so I'll actually have a good pair of workout pants to wear to the gym. My ideal cardio this evening would be a long run. I just have lots of stress to run off and some good new tunes! But, if he doesn't do the laundry I don't have any "gym appropriate" workout capris. So, then I'll be stuck at home doing Turbo Kick. Which isn't bad....I just really want to run. So, lets keep our fingers crossed that the hubby will do the laundry! Haha! He's a tropper today- doing all of my errands. But, after last night's cookies...I definitely need a good run.

    Erika, do you currently have any DVDs/ workout programs that are similar to Chalene's workouts as far as intensity? I've been wanting to get Insanity also just to mix things up but I want to be sure to have just as intense workouts. Also...have you ever done the Cardio workouts on ChaLean Extreme? Are they very intense or simliar to Turbo Kick?
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Tonight I am doing my cardio and CE Push circuit 3 tonight. I can't decide on my cardio. My husband has the day off and he offered to do the laundry, which would be awesome so I'll actually have a good pair of workout pants to wear to the gym. My ideal cardio this evening would be a long run. I just have lots of stress to run off and some good new tunes! But, if he doesn't do the laundry I don't have any "gym appropriate" workout capris. So, then I'll be stuck at home doing Turbo Kick. Which isn't bad....I just really want to run. So, lets keep our fingers crossed that the hubby will do the laundry! Haha! He's a tropper today- doing all of my errands. But, after last night's cookies...I definitely need a good run.

    Erika, do you currently have any DVDs/ workout programs that are similar to Chalene's workouts as far as intensity? I've been wanting to get Insanity also just to mix things up but I want to be sure to have just as intense workouts. Also...have you ever done the Cardio workouts on ChaLean Extreme? Are they very intense or simliar to Turbo Kick?

    I have one other set that I think is close in intensity, but in a different way--it's by Jari Love. She focuses more on high rep with a little lower weight (maybe similar to what you'd use in the Burn circuit), but it's 65 minutes long and hits every muscle group, one at a time. I always am sore afterwards, but it's just not the same as Chalene...Jari is a little boring. So, I'm looking for something similar (I really need to balance out with some high rep/lower weight strength training), and have heard that Cathe Friedrich is killer, so I think I'm going to give it a whirl. Just need to narrow it down, as she has soooo many DVD's out!

    I have all of the CE Cardio workouts...both the ones with the original set, and the Deluxe. I LOVE them all. They are my top calorie burners for DVD's, aside from TJ/TK. I would say they are more like bootcamp drills...some with light weights, some without. I really like them.

    Hope you get to go run tonight! I've gotten pretty much entirely out of running now, and more on the elliptical (I'm terrified I'm going to wreck my knees as I don't think I have very good running form), but when I have a bad night/day the day before, I run!