

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning!!
    Lilangel- how did your dinner go with the new man??
    Fitzfour- I'd probably get frustrated too...There's just something about Chalene. I am starting to swear by her. Although have you done Insanity? Or P90X? Or the 30 day shred? How do those compare to Chalene?

    Well, ladies...last night I did my 4 mile run followed by my FIRST PUSH phase! HOLY COW! Today I am feeling it! I'm really excited though. My husband was watching me do the workout as he was trying to work on some papers, and he was excited about it too. I have a feeling this is going to be a great phase. Did any of you find more success with this phase? I've toned up quite a bit, but I still need so much more!

    Hope you all have a great day. I'm going to hopefully run again tonight to help loosen up my muscles.

    I've got 30 day shred, and I would rank that (and other Jillian workouts) up there with Chalene. I get just as good of a calorie burn with those workouts as Chalene. I tried P90X, and really didn't care for it. Tony moves much faster in the workouts, and I wasn't enjoying a full hour of lifting, with no cardio in it. Then I still had to find time to fit cardio in. I've heard Insanity is a lot of cardio and using your own body weights (ie push-ups). I'm nervous that might be too much for me and I would find myself not wanting to do it.

    I had a lot of fun with the Push phase, although I saw my best results in Lean, and going back and doing a 2nd round, I enjoy Burn the best now. I did see more and more definition after I finished my 1st round (I took a month off), and I think it was because I incorporated other types of strength training to trick my body. I think your body needs that after 3 months of CE!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    finally! I made time to workout. I missed yesterday so today I did both turbo sculpt and cardio party! I feel awesome! couldn't wait to log it and tell someone lol

    keep it turbo jammers
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers!
    OK so I had an amazing time with the new guy. He is such a sweetheart! I am loving gettin to know him and spending time together-I see him alot at the gym, lol...which is cool too. We ended up going to the mall for the afternoon (which we chatted the whooole way up there), walked the mall finding crazy gift ideas and just having a blast. Then it was home again, watched a movie at my place and headed downtown for some grub! Had a really great dinner out with him as well-he is definitely a gentleman..hehe. I prefer the "traditional type" guy:wink: So we will see where this goes! Tomorrow he invited me to hang out at his place for their annual Elf party-lol, yes they watch the movie Elf! It should be fun:tongue:
    Anyway, today was the treadmill for a solid 5.3 early this AM! I'm planning on my spinning class tomorrow AM, the I gotta work 8-12, coming home for some CE and Abs...I am getting back to it I promise! Have a great night all!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!!!

    It's been a long week, so I'm really enjoying that it's Friday today! Did a 50 minute incline walk on the treadmill and some abs with Tamilee Webb. Felt good to do those this morning!

    LilAngel-Sounds like you've got a keeper! The Elf party sounds great!! I love that movie!

    Nolachick-great job on the workouts! Those 2 together are awesome!

    Have an awesome day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx Erika!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Last night I went to the gym and got my run in, did 4.5 miles. I was still so sore from CE Push that it was a nice run to loosen up my muscles. Saturday morning I'm going to shoot for 5 miles, because I KNOW I can do it, its just a matter of setting aside the time and really pushing myself. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for tonight's workout. I think I'm going to make tonight a running night too.

    Nolachick- I'm sooo glad you like Turbo Jam and that you are pushing yourself. You are doing grreat!

    Erika- I'm not sure HOW you have that many workout DVDs but thats cool! So many workouts to choose from to give you some variety..haha!

    Lilangel- glad to hear the date went well!! Have fun this weekend! And keep us updated!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I am currently at work-I am surprised I even MADE it here! The weather is just horrid outside-blizzardy white outs everywhere! All the local schools and closed and such, I was hoping my boss would say don;t bother! Especially since Friday Am's I don't really do any work-the office is open but no appointments anyways...oh wellllll! I'll pray that I make it home safely again! I still managed however to hit the gym this AM for my spinning class---Yes I braved the weather for it! :laugh: And I wasn't the only one there for class! There were a total of-get this--THREE of us!:laugh: :laugh: It was really great though, my instructor is so awesome she makes it all worth while:tongue: Rest of day plan is to do Extreme Abs before lunch, eat somethin then hit CE early afternoon..I have not done strength since Sunday--eeps!
    Erika-How much strength work do you currently do after CE? I want to keep it up in fear of losing the muscle I have built..soo I guess I have to continue?:huh:
    Dawna-You CAN run that 5 miles! I know you can do it girl! WOOO!!
    Nolachick-Keep up the great work! I love Turbosculpt too:smile:
    Have a great one Jammers!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I am currently at work-I am surprised I even MADE it here! The weather is just horrid outside-blizzardy white outs everywhere! All the local schools and closed and such, I was hoping my boss would say don;t bother! Especially since Friday Am's I don't really do any work-the office is open but no appointments anyways...oh wellllll! I'll pray that I make it home safely again! I still managed however to hit the gym this AM for my spinning class---Yes I braved the weather for it! :laugh: And I wasn't the only one there for class! There were a total of-get this--THREE of us!:laugh: :laugh: It was really great though, my instructor is so awesome she makes it all worth while:tongue: Rest of day plan is to do Extreme Abs before lunch, eat somethin then hit CE early afternoon..I have not done strength since Sunday--eeps!
    Erika-How much strength work do you currently do after CE? I want to keep it up in fear of losing the muscle I have built..soo I guess I have to continue?:huh:
    Dawna-You CAN run that 5 miles! I know you can do it girl! WOOO!!
    Nolachick-Keep up the great work! I love Turbosculpt too:smile:
    Have a great one Jammers!

    Glad you made it ok...we had that here Tuesday night/Wednesday. I'm lucky, in that I get to work from home. Wasn't going anywhere when there's a blizzard warning!

    I do strength 3 x's per week, so sticking with the same schedule (M-W-F), like I did with CE. I still do CE, just every other week. I do Week 1 Burn, Week 2 other, Week 3 Burn, Week 4 other, etc. So, it will take me 6 months to get through round 2, as I'm still doing 4 weeks of each circuit, just every other week instead of every week. I've also been incorporating more cardio and less strengths on my "CE off weeks". So, I think I'm seeing more results because I'm working that extra fat off!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks Erika! I have been trying to stick with Sunday/Wednesday/Friday..but I felt bad coz I skipped Wednesdays CE and abs to hang out with the boy--lol..It was worth it:wink: I am going to try my hardest to keep it my 3 x's a week though. Just wanted some input from a fellow CE finisher-so thank you!

    Hope you're all having great Friday successes! I just finished CE Lean 1 and Extreme Abs..felt GREAT, but I could tell too many days have passed between strength workouts:grumble:
    I hope the weather clears up for tonight-Its 3:30pm..I'm supposed to leave for the movie around 6:30..ppplllleeeeaaaseeee weather cooperate!:explode:
    Later girls!
  • healthworks

    I just took the Chalean Extreme fit test.. today. (Managed to do 3 boys push ups.. I usually only stick to girls.) I have a long ways to go, but so excited.... of all the positive changes I hope to see & feel after the 90 days!!

    ANY words of wisdom, tips, thoughts from you experienced CE would be so helpful, before I start!

    Thank you :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I just took the Chalean Extreme fit test.. today. (Managed to do 3 boys push ups.. I usually only stick to girls.) I have a long ways to go, but so excited.... of all the positive changes I hope to see & feel after the 90 days!!

    ANY words of wisdom, tips, thoughts from you experienced CE would be so helpful, before I start!

    Thank you :smile:

    Make sure you go heavy enough (but not too heavy that your form is failing). I didn't realize the first time around how heavy I could lift! Also, make sure you are eating every 2-3 hours, esp on the days you are lifting with CE. I made that mistake and didn't my first few workouts, and I was shaking so badly I could hardly grab some food! Gotta fuel that body when your metabolism is high after the workouts. Have fun, it's a fantastic program!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member

    I just took the Chalean Extreme fit test.. today. (Managed to do 3 boys push ups.. I usually only stick to girls.) I have a long ways to go, but so excited.... of all the positive changes I hope to see & feel after the 90 days!!

    ANY words of wisdom, tips, thoughts from you experienced CE would be so helpful, before I start!

    Thank you :smile:

    Make sure you go heavy enough (but not too heavy that your form is failing). I didn't realize the first time around how heavy I could lift! Also, make sure you are eating every 2-3 hours, esp on the days you are lifting with CE. I made that mistake and didn't my first few workouts, and I was shaking so badly I could hardly grab some food! Gotta fuel that body when your metabolism is high after the workouts. Have fun, it's a fantastic program!

    I agree with Erika!! Go Heavy... Eat continually throughout the day....Drink lots of water. And do the stretches at the end of the workout. And if you need to, add more stretches. You WILL see results!! Its awesome!
  • healthworks
    THANK YOU Erika & Dawna...I will definitely do what you suggest!!:smile:

    Can you tell me, did you either or both.....

    Stick with the workout schedule??

    What was the largest size weights you used... is 20-25 lbs sufficient??

    What kind of results did you have at the end of the program??
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    THANK YOU Erika & Dawna...I will definitely do what you suggest!!:smile:

    Can you tell me, did you either or both.....

    Stick with the workout schedule??

    What was the largest size weights you used... is 20-25 lbs sufficient??

    What kind of results did you have at the end of the program??

    Healthworks... I did my own schedule, to an extent. I did CE 3 x's a week for the whole 4 weeks. I personally do 30 minutes of cardio before I did ChaLean Extreme. On the "off" days of the CE phases (strength training)...I did my own cardio (Turbo Kick, Running). But, I recommend doing the CE phases 3 times a week for sure.

    The largest amount of weights I've used so far is 20 pounds. I'm only on the Push phase.

    And I am only in the beginning of the Push phase and I am seeing some mega results. My results have been a combination of putting a lot into my CE work outs, and doing cardio as well. My arms aren't flabby anymore, my waistline is smaller, my stomach flatter, my legs are toned, and I've lost a lot of weight in pounds as well.....its amazzzzing!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    THANK YOU Erika & Dawna...I will definitely do what you suggest!!:smile:

    Can you tell me, did you either or both.....

    Stick with the workout schedule??

    What was the largest size weights you used... is 20-25 lbs sufficient??

    What kind of results did you have at the end of the program??

    My first round, I pretty much followed the workout schedule exclusively. I did the recommended CE cardios on the days recommended, and took rest days as recommended. I did not do cardio along with the days I did the Burn, Push and Lean. My 2nd time around, I'm doing cardio on those days, and not necessarily doing the CE cardio on the other days.

    The most weight I've used is 20 pounds. My wrists aren't able to grip more than that yet.

    I didn't have any weight loss myself, but lost 3" in my waist, 2" in my hips and an inch on each thigh. I'm definitely more toned now, and can see muscles in my legs and stomach and arms, that I didn't know I had!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Jammers! I just got back from the gym and sat down with my big bowl of almond butter oats! YUM! Last night went GREAT! I think this is the start of something good:happy: At the gym this AM I did my Body Flex class, and then hit the treadmill for a solid 4. something..you know what was really cute though?--Danny came in about 5 minutes into my run and started up next to me..hahahah-Talk about motivation! I worked that baby! LOL!
    Regarding the CE healthworks-(if you want my input also)-I pretty much stuck with the schedule..did Sunday, Monday, Thursday lifting, Tuesday Burn Intervals and abs, Friday Burn it off. Wednesday was my "rest" day. I also did cardio almost everyday with the workouts. My largest weights are 30's..mostly for the squats and lunges. I had amazing results..my waistline is soo tiny now, I've built AWESOME muscle and my stomach has become flatter. Hehe! Good luck I think you'll like it!
    It dawned on me that I don't usually "sign off" at the bottom of my posts..lol my name is Roberta btw!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! Sounds like everyone is doing great on the workouts! I did 45 minutes on the elliptical this morning and a some Tamilee Webb arms...man, it's only 15 minutes, but it really works!

    Off to finish up the Christmas shopping and then my hubby's work Christmas party tonight.

    Have a great one everyone!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Jammers!
    Lilangel- that is GREAT motivation! haha! I still get motivated when my hubby runs next to me. Something about him being there makes me want to push myself!

    Speaking of pushing myself...today I ran 5 miles! Well, I did a 1/2 mile warm up jog. Then I did my solid 5 miles, and then I did a cool-down 1/2 mile jog/walk. So, I guess I can't really say a solid 6 mile run...but, I did do 6 miles today...best day ever!! I also stepped on the scale and was 2 pounds lighter this AM. Yippie! I love CE, and did PUSH tonight...and wow I love it!!

    Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend!!
  • healthworks
    Good Morning:flowerforyou:

    Dawna I thought I would do a treadmill warm up, before the strength training to prevent injuries. I have yet to watch the 1st dvd
    (hopefully today) to see how much of a w-up there is. CONGRATULATIONS to you on your results.. so far, cant wait to hear more !!!

    Erika It seems like the program has alot of variety.. and can be changed up a bit? Are you seeing a difference the 2nd round, changing up your cardio? Yeaa.. WTG on those inches lost, burning fat, building muscle and leaning out!! ( I want that.. NOW!!)

    Berta Bee YES of course any advice you have, thank you!! Your look amazing in your pics.. !! I hope to get the results you all are having!! My weights Cap Barbells 5-20 lbs came in the mail yesterday... so I am one step closer to starting!!

    Thanks girls I am way excited and way nervous at the same time... I want CHANGE !! Im having a hard time getting back on the fitness bandwagon again . HOPEFULLY this is the kickstart I need! Happy Sunday !!
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    Good morning everybody.Today i am planning to do burn it off and recharge. Been busy with the xmas shopping. I finaly finish shopping for everybody. Now to treat myself.
    Healthworks- you going to love ce. I am already small so i wasnt intending to lose weight with this work out just tone up. I have lost inches all around, im down to a size 2, 1 sometimes can squeeze to a size 0. But i got butt now due to the workout so its hard to fit in the 0 for me lol. I use the resistance band because i have two curious babies that can carry weights so to prevent any accidents i use them. I am now toned, my posture is better. I actually look taller now. My advice keep a calendar and write down what you are going to do so it will remind you what needs to be done. Eat, you will automatically will be feeling so hungry after the workout so keep your fridge stock with nutritious food and snacks. Good luck.