

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member

    My line dance class is planning to do a dance performance at five assisted living places in town. In years past we wore black pants and white blouses with a sleeve garter and neck scarf. last year I had to lie down to zip my size 16 pants. This year we chose to wear Christmas themed or colored outfits. I, of course, had nothing to wear. On a whim I decided to check out the thrift stores and found red corduroy jeans (size 6) in one place and a red turtleneck shirt and a darling Christmas decorated vest (size small) in another one. The whole outfit cost about 23 dollars.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Congratulations Barbie on doing such a great job...you are a true inspiration:heart: I am also so glad that your DH is on his way home and doing better:flowerforyou: I bet you will feel a sense of relief when he finally gets home:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'm at work, so I will have to make this very short and sweet. I read all the post this morning from home.

    To all of you facing illnesses with family members- my thoughts and prayers go out to you. The holidays make things harder in some ways, but easier in others. It's a time to be together and be thankful and to remember what matters.

    To all of us- All things in moderation! Keep drinking water and exercising. Use the extra time off for a nice long walk with family and friends to get in some extra exercise minutes and some extra quality time.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been out and about and not posting. About 3 weeks ago, a friend gave me about a dozen pair of pants that were too small for her. She said I could borrow them and then give them back because she still intends to wear them in about 40 lbs. Well I tried on several of them this past few days and they are all TOO BIG!!! This leaves me, once again, with just two pair of jeans that fit--one almost too big--and thanks to the Christopher and Banks 40% off sale, I just got a pair of black dress pants to get me thru the holidays. So that made 3 pair I could wear without feeling like I had clown pants on ( way too baggy).

    I REALLY needed to get some more "interim" pants without breaking the bank, so for the heck of it, I went to Goodwill yesterday and scored 3 pair of pants for just over $20 bucks!!! Best of all, ALL of them are short enough that I don't have to alter them!! ( I am about 5' 4" and get SOOOO tired of having to shorten pants.) Ironically, one of them is another pair of Christopher and Banks brand in the same style I just purchased, and they are a size too small, but they are the right length and should fit me by January, so what the heck!!

    I also found a great leather purse for less than $7, that was just the size I needed to hold my day planner and everything else I need to haul around, so I am returning the one I bought on sale at Macy's for about $25

    So, for less than $30, I solved TWO problems, and once I return that other purse, it more than pays for the 3 pair of pants I bought!!

    For anyone who is still losing, consider the thrift or resale shops in your area. You can get clothes that fit without going broke, and when they are too big, you don't have to feel bad about donating them back because you won't have much invested in them, and you are helping someone else who needs clothing without breaking their budget!! WIN WIN WIN!!

    You may remember the post from Barbiecat where she mentioned her Christmas outfit purchased from thrift shops. THANKS, as it was that which inspired me. In the past, I never had much luck purchasing there because for some reason there isn't usually much over size 16 in the places I have been, but I am glad I gave it another try

    One frustration, I found a great pair of women's slip on leather shoes for $7--put them on and they fit--BUT when I looked down at my feet, the shape of the toes didn't seem to be the same. A closer look revealed they were 2 shoes in the same size, ALMOST identical in style, but looking inside, they were two different brands--NOT a "pair" after all, so I turned them in to a cashier and maybe they will find another "pair" just like them elsewhere in the store !!!:laugh: :laugh:

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!!:flowerforyou:

  • janessmi
    To all, I just wanted to say thank you for your inspirational posts. I was out of town last week and did not have time keep up with all of the posts and felt out of touch. I had breakfast and lunch at the training center buffet (salad and one meal option) and then dinner at restaurants. I made good choices and stayed within or very close to my calorie goals for the week. Which I feel is a major accomplishment since I have been worrying about eating out. I did lose a pound last week and seem on target to lose another this week. I did bring my gym shoes but did not exercise so I had to hit it hard over the weekend but I am back on target with exercise this week
    until Thursday.

    I took a eating right on Thanksgiving quiz and only got 4 or 7 correct so I am a little nervous about dinner. Plus my mother is doing the cooking. My strategy the following: offered to make blanched fresh green beans with sesame seeds instead of green bean casserole, to eat something on my own timetable (apples, pears, or veggies) versus starving all day and over eating at dinner and lastly taking a walk in her neighborhood. Hopefully everyone has their strategy planned too. Please share your ideas with all of us.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    I love reading everyone's posts. You are all truly inspiring. I am still home with the flu and can tell you that I haven't been this sick in years :grumble: . I am optimistic that the end of this is in sight, however. I am drinking lots of water and also lost another pound.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends! :drinker:

    Stay healthy.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :wink: Just popping in for a quick hello as I am at work. I have been extremely busy! I have hardly had time to sit and post never mind ....read the posts!:noway: But with everything going on, I am doing well with the food / exercise issue:drinker: :drinker:

    I am thinking of you all.... and as I glance through the posts, I say a prayer for you even though I can't address each one!

    Hoping to post tomorrow as I am getting weighed.:blushing:
    My husband is telling my MIL that she is going into a Nursing Home from the rehab place, tonight. Poor thing. :ohwell: It won't be easy for either of them and I have a Chiropractor's appointment so I can't even be there for him:frown: But he'll be fine....I'm placing them in the good Lord's hands.:flowerforyou:

    My plan for Thanksgiving is just to eat very small portions. I am going to look up the foods in the data base , before Thanksgiving, and have a plan. :flowerforyou: I am also making sugar free jello with bananas and strawberries and have some low cal cool whip on hand. As I am hosting the meal, I will make sure I have string beans and salad as part of the meal. I don't want anyone thinking that I'm not eating! (They think I must be starving or something:laugh: ). Just better choices and exercise. I will exercise first thing in the morning to compensate for the extra calories:wink:

    Take care!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    My exercise tonight will be housecleaning. I am officially off until Monday now, and we leave town bright and early Thursday morning to go to Fort Worth and see daughter #1 for the weekend. I am excited about the trip, but want to get the house cleaned before I start packing.

    Everyone - stay focused for Thanksgiving! I vow to try to eat as healthy as possible while visiting relatives who are at this moment preparing tasty desserts just for me, I am sure. I think I will try to visualize a scale every time I look at a cookie or piece of candy. Then I will see if there is a carrot in the refrigerator to keep me busy. We can do this - keep your eyes on the prize of a healthier life! Here's to smart choices!
  • bradybrookes
    :flowerforyou: Eava57 – your post says you “drove down to Sacramento” . . . I live in Washington now, but grew up in the Paradise/Chico area. Are you close to either? And congrats on keeping the scale moving in the right direction . . super hard with the holiday, shorter days, etc. Keep up the good work, and keep motivating the rest of us.
    :flowerforyou: BirdieM – you have great ideas for getting through Thanksgiving. I’m going to use a couple of your ideas and have some items I can lean on when I want to eat something!
    :happy: Here’s an inspirational story about someone with an amazing weight loss: http://exercise.about.com/u/sty/weightloss/howilostweight/I-Lost-296-Pounds.htm
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Here’s an inspirational story about someone with an amazing weight loss: http://exercise.about.com/u/sty/weightloss/howilostweight/I-Lost-296-Pounds.htm


    :flowerforyou: Thank you for sharing the link
    she did something that I think is very important----she took baby steps
    she didn't try to go from junk food junkie/couch potato to clean eater/athlete too fast..........trying to make too many changes too fast is a recipe for failure.

    We still have no details about Thanksgiving except that we've been invited so my only plan so far is to be mindful of my eating, not rush into food choices, pay more attention to people than to food, and to say "no thank you" to any offers of food other than what I've already chosen for myself.

    Today we traded in hubby's little red car on a more sensible car:brokenheart: :brokenheart: :sad: . The little red car was a vacation in a tropical paradise----fun for awhile but now it's time to return to the real world.

    On the subject of thrift shops, I knew some full time RVers who bought clothes in thrift shops when they arrived in a new town, then donated them back before moving to the next place so they didn't have to transport too much stuff......Every time I bring clothes to the thrift shop I think that there is a woman a little heavier than me who is buying them with delight at being in a smaller size.:bigsmile:

    hubby has been on a business phone call for the last hour, allowing me the luxury of working quietly at the computer so I don't disturb him.......no it's time to get back to work on my chores.
    hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    bradybrooks, I live in Redding. In fact, my best friend from Portland is driving to Chico on Thursday. She will stay with us tomorrow night! Small world...:happy: I went to exercise today. I have a workout buddy for Tues./Thurs. afternoons. I was busy cleaning house and almost didn't go...It was a great break from cleaning! I am enjoying having my son home but am very sad for a friend of mine. She lost her 27 year old son on Saturday. He had complications of asthma. I went to visit her last night. Please hug your children. Her son lived life to its fullest and for that she is grateful. It really touches your heart. It also gives us motivation to get ourselves in shape and good health.
    Barbie, I am a 16 now...I am aiming for a 10 or 12!:flowerforyou: Congratulations to you!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    I was thinking about Thanksgiving and how I can get through the day without totally blowing it. As I was filling in today's calories I decided to jump ahead to Thursday. I filled out the day's calories based on all the foods we are planning to eat...we have our favorite traditions as most families do. After I completed the day's calories...it was a whopping 3,000 calories!:huh: That was not even including any seconds. This is helping me rethink the day! Hope it helps you too!:blushing:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Eava57, thanks for letting us know what to expect, calories wise, on Thursday. Shocking, isn't it !!!!!:sick:
    I didn't buy all the extra sides that I normally do. For one, money is tight and hopefully some calories will be saved. My son has invited us to drive to his house, about 2 1/2 hours away in the afternoon. Not sure if that is a good idea because my husband hasn't been in the best of moods. Probably should stay home where we can be in separate rooms.:laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Barbie, I am a 16 now...I am aiming for a 10 or 12!:flowerforyou: Congratulations to you!

    Funny how everyone's body is different. I am in a 24 now, and aiming for a 16 or 18. I am 5'10", and large boned, and I know from when I was much younger that my bones barely fit into a 14 when I was pretty thin, so don't think that I will get there. (I would tell you to send my your 16s when you were done with them to inspire me, but they are almost surely too short!) :happy:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, are your legs very long? My daughter-in-law is tall also and has to have all her clothes custom made because of her legs. Any store bought pants would be too short.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Eve Day to all!!! I lost another lb!:blushing:
    This is my menu for tomorrow!
    As you can see, I am not sacrificing anything but picking and choosing what I am eating plus my water and 30 min of exercise (150 cal.)

    This is the summary:
    Breakfast- 3/4 C Honey Nut Cheerioes w/ a banana, 1/2 C 2% milk & Dannon Activia (reg not lite)

    Lunch- Fuji Apple

    Dinner: 3 oz of Turkey, with 1/2 cup of Bread stuffing, yams, butternut squash, Green beans. 2 T Cran Sauce, 1/8 c gravy, a sliver (taste of Apple pie and pumpkin pie)

    If I want more of a treat for a snack : Jello w/ bananas & Strawberries & 2 T Cool Whip lite
    This is the day broken down:

    Thursday November 26, 2009

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Calcium Sodium


    General Millls - Honey Nut Cheerios (Gram Weight Included), 28 g (3/4 Cup)
    Banana - 1 Medium Fresh Banana, 8 INCHES
    Dannon - Yogurt - Activia 4 Pack Mixed Berry 4 oz. Cups, 113 g

    360 77 5 10 33 260

    Generic - Fugi Apple, 1.5 medium

    120 33 0 1 3 0


    Googzy's - White Meat Cooked Turkey, 3 oz

    Ocean Spray - Jellied Cranberry Sauce, 1/8 cup

    Stove Top Stuffing - Turkey Stuffing, 0.5 cup

    Kroger - Yams , 1/2 Cup

    Generic - Beans, Green Snap or String, Boiled, Drained, No Salt Added, 1 cup

    Squash - Winter, butternut, frozen, cooked, boiled, with salt, 0.5 cup, mashed

    Heinz - Homestyle Turkey Gravy, 1/4 cup

    Pie - Pumpkin, 0.25 piece (1/8 of 9" dia) .25 of a piece (sliver)

    Pie - Apple, 0.25 piece (1/8 of 9" dia) .25 of a piece (sliver)

    Butter - Salted, 1 pat (1" sq, 1/3" high)

    Total for meal:
    679 103 14 7 8 1,010


    Cool Whip - Whipped Topping - Lite, 2 tbsp

    Fruit - Banana - Medium 7 Inch, 0.5 whole

    Strawberries - Frozen, unsweetened, 0.5 cup, thawed

    Jell-O (Jello) - Sugar Free Strawberry, 0.5 container

    Total Snack
    117 27 1 1 3 3

    Total for the day
    1,276 240 20 19 47 1,273

    Your Daily Goal: 1,350 185 45 50 100 2,500

    Remaining: 74 -55 25 31 53 1,227
    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Calcium Sodium

    *You've earned 150 extra calories from exercise today

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Birdie, thanks for sharing your eating and calorie plans for Thanksgiving. You are so right that it's possible to do well with some good planning.

    :flowerforyou: Mary :laugh: my problem is the opposite of yours, I have a terrible time finding pants that are short enough for me. I'm 5'3" and long waisted so my legs are really short.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, I'm sorry your husband isn't going to be a happy guy on Thanksgiving.......don't let it get to you, you can be as happy as you make up your mind to be (I think that's a quote from some famous happy person)

    :flowerforyou: Eava, thanks for sharing the calories in a typical Thanksgiving meal. This is my first "sensible eating" Thanksgiving and I can use all the help I can get. My sister died in a car crash over Thanksgiving in 1967 and my mother never enjoyed the holiday the same way after that. I will be thinking warm thoughts for your friend this year.............We lived in Anderson, CA before we moved to Washington in 2004. We go back to Red Bluff from time to time to visit friends.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We finally talked to the people that invited us for Thanksgiving so now we have directions to their house, arrival time (3PM) and what to bring. They said dessert or appetizer snacks so since I no longer eat or prepare dessert, I chose appetizer. Hubby suggested hummus and fresh veggies and since we have time in the morning for preparation, i can cut up cauliflower, broccoli, and peppers:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We like the red pepper hummus that we get at Costco. We are boarding the dogs so we don't have to worry about them while we're gone and don't have to find a willing neighbor to walk them on a holiday. We'll take them in today and pick them up on Friday morning. The people we'll be with are one of hubby's longest and best friends, his wife whom we've met only once, their 5 month old daughter that we've not seen and his mom whom we've never met and maybe some other people. It promises to be a great day.

    I wish happiness and gratitude and health to all of you, my new and wonderful friends.
    :heart: :heart: hugs,:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My apologies in advance for not getting the names in my reply. My PC is really giving me a hard time with the new display functions. I will need to check the posts more often and reply quicker. lol

    To all of us taking care of our parents, grandparents, in-laws - please question the doctors and make sure they are doing all they can. I've had 3 situations where if I had not questioned the doctors orders my Dad would not still be here. Medicare is great, but it can make it difficult too. I question everything. Mostly because I'm geeky and need to understand the details and because my parents gave my brother and I shared Power of Attorney. I have to be able to explain everything over the phone as my brother lives out of state. He's geeky and detailed oriented too. lol

    Thanksgiving Dinner- I am concerned too about over eating. This past week has been hard as everyone is gearing up for the holidays and we've just had too much stuff around the office. I'm doing OK, but I plan to cut back on the other two meals and move the main meal earlier in the day. As many of you know, the weekends are hard for me as I have to feed the hubby and kids. Last week I had the big meal mid-day instead of evening then I just had soup for dinner. I was able to stay within my calories.

    To all of us busy bees- Let's all take 30 minutes a day for ourselves. It's not that much time and we deserve it.

    Gratz to all who have lost or at least stayed the same.

    Well, the teenagers need me.............have to cut this off now,

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mary, are your legs very long? My daughter-in-law is tall also and has to have all her clothes custom made because of her legs. Any store bought pants would be too short.

    I used to have to make my own pants most of the time, but they seem to make them longer now, and I can usually find some if I look enough places.

    Just got home from taking Suzie Q (our dog) to the vet. She got away from us to go say hi to the neighbor's dog, and then was running back to me right in front of a pickup. After she was hit, she could still run, so I think she is probably mostly ok, but we left her at the vet's to be checked. I haven't screamed like that for a while - pretty scary to watch. I hope she doesn't have internal damage.
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi everyone,
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thanksgiving! I am typing from my hospital bed on the 2nd of a 3 day stay for my hysterectomy. I have been on liquids only diet :grumble: :grumble: but even with the crackers I have been eating with my meal I am staying under my 1200 mark. (not on purpose…just don’t feel like eating much) Must be the medicine they have me on.
    With luck I will go home tomorrow. :heart: :heart: :heart: My husband is cooking turkey dinner and I will probably have a little but I really don’t have much of an appetite.
    Now that’s losing weight the hard way!!!!!
    Best holiday wishes to all.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Vet just called - he says he can't find anything particularly wrong with her. What a miracle! He is is putting her on an anti-inflammatory, and she needs watched for internal injuries. We are going to get her now.