

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Well, I've been locked out for a few days and couldn't find the new thread....but I'm back. Hope all of you had a wonderful T-giving. Mine was great. My eating wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. However, since my weigh in day is Friday, I decided to skip last week and just concentrate on getting back on track. Hoping for a good weigh in this Friday.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome back Kay!!

    You CAN do this, for YOURSELF..for your HEALTH, and you will have an extra day to do so, since Dec 1st isn't "tomorrow" (Monday) but actually TUESDAY!! :wink: So you have one more day to work on your successful journey to better health!!!:flowerforyou:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    Welcome back!

    I started MFP last November but I didn't start actually trying to loose weight until January. Your right it is a hard time of the year to try and change your lifestyle. I used November and December to look at and chart what I was eating to cause me to weigh what I did. I couldn't believe it! I really was eating enough. From there I started slowly modifying my diet to cut out and cut back and cut down. It's been a long haul, but well worth it.

    I set my calories to the next round number to my BMR. BMR = 1276, calories set to 1300. That should take off 2 pounds per month. It is a slow going goal as it will take me another year to get close to where I should be.

    What ever goals you set for December, good luck with them. Just don't get discouraged and keep posting and tracking your foods. I was told in a Diet and Nutrition class that 80% of the people who track their foods are successful with what ever weight loss program they use. Not sure if that is a fact or not. But, it is one of the reasons I joined MFP.


    PS: I was also told that 80% of people who excercise with a dog are successful too. Not sure about the truth in that either, but I do use it to encourage people to get a dog if they can.
  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Friends!
    I've kept up with exercise and logging food for the past week. Big weigh-in tomorrow.

    This week has been rather difficult. Two close friends lost their parents. My wonderful, loving uncle died on Thanksgiving Day after a long illness. Then my sister, who has multiple sclerosis, had a bad fall and wound up in the hospital. It turns out that she had an infection that caused a fever. Any heat (from the weather or from fevers) can worsen the symptoms of MS, and her legs could not hold her up. My youngest brother came to her house and brought her to the hospital. We thought they would keep her overnight, but they sent her home with a prescription for antibiotics. She lives alone, and I'm worried about her safety tonight.

    It seems rather petty to worry about my weight at this time. But I know that I have to be healthy and strong in order to support my aunt and my sister. So I'll keep that goal in my mind, and do the best I can for them.
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Hello to Kay. I am also new to this group though I started MFP in July. I love the support of everyone. The fact that we are a 50's plus group makes weight loss goals reasonable. It is nice to have our own goals without the outside pressures. December 1st is a great time to begin Life Style changes. That's my new mantra...life style changes (not diet). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening all, just a quick note tonight. I just got home from visiting my mother in-law in the hospital. I spoke to both of her doctors today and turns out they are sending her for a PET Scan on Friday to see if she has cancer in her left lung. All preliminary tests point in that direction. If scan comes back positive then she will have a Pulmonary Function test on Monday to see if her lung capacity can handle surgery. If not then they will treat with Chemo and Radiation. She is 70 and has smoked since she was 11.
    My diet has fallen to anxiety and stress. I am going to try to get back on track tomorrow. I walked about 2 miles on this gloriously beautiful day and am going to do the Leslie Sansone 3 mile before I go to bed. I think it is the only thing keeping me from gaining.
    Everyone have a wonderful week and if you don't hear from me for a few days just remember my thoughts and prayers are with you all, Rosemary
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    My diet has fallen to anxiety and stress.
    Everyone have a wonderful week and if you don't hear from me for a few days just remember my thoughts and prayers are with you all, Rosemary

    This must be such a difficult time for you. Thinking of you and sending best results back to you Rosemary. :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hi Everybody,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Happy Sunday. This seems to be cleaning day here…..not as big a calorie burner as some other things but certainly something with immediate feedback on the success of the effort.

    :flowerforyou: Lianne, I’m glad to hear that you are home from the hospital and resting well. Sorry there is discomfort you probably know that it will be temporary. You are so blessed to have such a great husband to take care of you, and pets, laptop, and TV to entertain you while you heal.

    :flowerforyou: kc I am so sorry to hear about your car……someone told me to thank God every day for unknown blessings already on their way…….I think one of life’s greatest challenges and opportunities for growth is staying detached from family members who try to drag you down with their own negative stuff. You were so smart to walk away and do something gentle and calming for yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, sorry to hear about your MIL and glad to hear that you bounced back and took some time for yourself

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, your turkey curry soup sounds yummy. We take our dogs to the off leash dog park every day because we don’t have a fenced yard. They rarely play with the other dogs but they love to run around and play with each other.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, I’m glad you’re finally feeling well again.

    :flowerforyou: SheilaJane, good to hear from you again.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I have two dogs that I walk on a hill near our house and take to the dog park every day……I walk while they play…….my dogs have made sure I get exercise every day, no matter what.

    Lani, so sorry to hear about all the troubles in your family…….you can be grateful that controlling your eating and exercise are your challenges and that they are manageable challenges.

    All is well here……I sent love and hugs to all of you who are dealing with health and family challenges and the stress that goes with it. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    PS: I was also told that 80% of people who excercise with a dog are successful too. Not sure about the truth in that either, but I do use it to encourage people to get a dog if they can.

    So if I have THREE dogs, I guess that means I have a 240% chance of success????:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:

    Gee, guess I can't fail!!!!\\

    On a more serious note, Rosemary, so sorry to hear about your MIl's diagnosis. Let us pray that whatever treatment is selected is a success.

    Take care all..

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    This week is going to be tough for me and my family. My brother called in Hospice care for our dear sister-in-law. (3+ years of battling breast cancer). As of yesterday, the hospice nurse said she will be gone in 2-3 days. Emotional eating has always been a problem for me but I know food doesn't solve anything. I know I will be taking a trip to TX at the end of this week so my routine and schedule will be so different. I just pray I can make wise food choices during this stressful time and still get some walking in.

    I was down a pound and a half this morning. That made me happy to have a loss over Thanksgiving weekend
    It isn't all about food!

    Hope you all have a good day,

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cindy, do not think of food at this time. You have enough on your mind. If you are not able to eat healthy right now, you will be able to later. My prayers are with you and your family.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Just finished catching up on all your posts. As usual, travel made me retain water ~ I'm up 3 pounds~ so I'll be eating fruits, veggie,s n nuts only for the next few days to flush my system. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving getting to know my daughter's boyfriend's family. Lots to do in the next 3 days so I'm donning my shapeups and getting busy.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: SuziQ, I am also up three pounds. I am drinking more water. Been told that is probably what the gain is. This doesn't make sense to me....I think the weight is due to over-eating.:laugh: I thought of doing some really "clean" eating. Lots of veggies, etc. but then I ate some candy last night.:sad:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning! Well...I have gained 8 pounds since my lowest weight and I can really feel it all over. The thought occured to me this morning that when I gain I am the loser, but when I lose I gain in every area. I need to get my focus and get back into the right mindset which needs to become my lifestyle and not just a means to an end. I've proven to myself that if I don't do this I will slip back into the way I've been all my life. It isn't easy to make such an all consuming change at 55, but I've seen how much better I feel and look by losing just 27 pounds. I want to keep going. Thanks to all of you for your encouragements.:flowerforyou:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    So sorry to hear that your SIL is coming to the end of life's journey. Don't stress about eating now, just concentrate on taking care of yourself, emotionally and gather round your family. It will not be an easy time for anyone, but maybe by pulling together, you can all get through it a little easier.


    For all those who gained, you are not alone. I was fine until the party I went to on Sat night, then there was the Sunday dinner at my parents, which I arranged. My mother has a cousin who lives about 30 miles from us in Oregon. We don't stay in constant touch, but I got to thinking that we hadn't seen her in almost TWO years!! Since she is only about 8 years younger than my mom, I decided "time was a wastin,'" so I arranged to go pick her up and bring her back to my parent's place and we did a nice low -labor dinner with Costco rotisserie chicken, fresh asparagus and a big green salad. Unfortunately, there was still about half of that birthday cake:grumble: that we had from Thanksgiving in honor of my dad, so I confess to having some of that as well. Of course, no cake is complete without vanilla ice cream...:wink:

    I am telling myself this is my "zig zag calorie" weekend, so it is time to get back on track. I did get a good long walk in on Saturday, and should have on Sunday as the weather was beautiful, but between church and getting things at the store for dinner and driving about 45 minutes to pick up mom's cousin, I barely got the doggies walked, much less myself.

    Bradley's latest transgression was to somehow knock a bag of dark chocolate-covered pomegranate candy off of my counter, chew a hole in the bag, and munch on a few of the pieces. Not enough to cause illness, thankfully, but quite enough to annoy his momma!!!!:laugh:

    Also, last night while at my parent's, Bradley began to behave as though he needed to go out, so when I headed for the door, I had the other two trailing along. When I turned to grab all three leashes, Pepper ran back inside and then came back out, and I didn't think anything of it. We went down in the elevator and outside, and when we came back inside, I noticed Pepper was chewing on something he had picked up from the floor of the elevator. It was his chew bone!! Apparently the little goof went back in the apartment to get it when we went out, then left it in the elevator for "safekeeping." My mom suggested maybe he thinks the elevator is like a "bank vault." :laugh: :laugh: He is famous for taking bones outside when we walk, then dropping them, and expecting momma to keep a slimey bone(YUCK!!) in her pocket 'til we are back home and he wants it again!!

    Have a good week everyone.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Cindy & Lani - my prayers and thoughts are with you both and your family and friends going through so much right now. It doesn't seem petty to me to be thinking about your weight right now. A new lifestyle requires us to think about everything differently if we want to change ourselves. Changing how you eat /act under stress is a key point to your health and well being. It will help you be strong for your friends/family.

    Doobie- Focus on changing your lifestyle. The bad thing about a diet is that when you stop, you go backwards. You can loose those 8 pounds again and then some. You can do this. Just start everyday like a brand new day.

    Becky- I've been thinking about our weekend issues. It just dawned on me that on week nights I always know what I'm having for dinner by 7:45AM. On weekends because I'm home, I hardly ever know what I'm having dinner until the last minute. So, I've started to plan the weekend dinners more like I do the workday ones. I'll let you know if it helps me any on staying within my calories on the weekend. How are you doing? Any new things your trying?

    Happy Monday to us all and let's hope we make good choices from now until Christmas/New Years.

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    it's Monday! I am so glad that food fest weekend is over. I made it through beautifully, I must say. Thank you to those who gave me support about my daughter. The problem is, she comes in so sweet and then whack! she blind sides me with her meaness. Now she is feeling guilty and trying to look like the perfect mom. I don't know. I'm sure I misread her like my mom did me.

    Anyways, guess what? I was so trying to stay away from my nasty daughter and my cranky soninlaw that I hid out at the Y and did the beast for 30 minutes each single day. Even went after church. Wow, now that is a change for me. Usually I sit home and eat and sulk. There is hope for me. And me and Jose are back to being friends and all is well in the world.

    I am not going to weigh for a while. I am seeing the inches melt away and my clothes are loose. So I think I'll try and just look in the mirror and be proud. That scale is NOT my friend. Much love, blessings, prayers, hope and ect to allof you. And may the water weight gain leave along with a hunk of fat. kc
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    smile: Greetings to my MFP friends! I have been so, so busy that I haven’t even had time to read the posts!:noway: :noway:
    Just missed posting and wanted to assure you that I am still here, kicking and doing well!:wink:

    Thanksgiving Day went off without a hitch!:smile: I enjoyed my family more than the food! :love: My food was good :flowerforyou: and I tried to send as much food home…as I could, to avoid any “after” the holiday weaknesses. (Don’t trust the old bad habits!):noway:
    I worked 10 hours on Wednesday, :smile: had Thanksgiving Day at my house on Thursday :smile: and had to work a 10 hour day Friday! :smile: Saturday I simply crashed! :yawn: Just didn’t even have the energy to get online.:ohwell:

    Sunday I exercised, went to mass and then to the Nursing Home to see my MIL. Came home and prepare my CCD Class that I will teach tonight!:happy:

    I have been exercising; drinking my water and tracking my food religiously…just don’t seem to have the time to talk about it!:ohwell:
    So, when I get a chance, I’ll catch up! :wink: Just couldn’t let another day go by without checking in and saying hi!:love:

    Hope everyone is doing well! :flowerforyou: For those who are not, hang in there.:love: Welcome to any newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    The bird is still chirping in the background!:laugh: :laugh:
    Got to run!!!:bigsmile:

  • laniv
    laniv Posts: 106 Member
    Laurel, Cindy, Lianne,
    I'm so sorry for all of your difficulties at this time.
    Let's stick together and help each other through this stressful time! We need to take care of ourselves, in order for us to care for everyone else!

    I'm making a point of planning my meals each evening, and then sticking to the plan the next day. If my life is out of control right now, at least I can control what I put in my mouth.

    And exercise has always helped with my physical health, as well as my emotional well-being.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Laurel, Cindy, Lianne,
    I'm so sorry for all of your difficulties at this time.
    Let's stick together and help each other through this stressful time! We need to take care of ourselves, in order for us to care for everyone else!

    I'm making a point of planning my meals each evening, and then sticking to the plan the next day. If my life is out of control right now, at least I can control what I put in my mouth.

    And exercise has always helped with my physical health, as well as my emotional well-being.

    You are all in my prayers!