

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Yes we can Doobiedoo! All things are possible through Gods graciousness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Information is power, so I'm asking again: What are some food tricks you have learned to stay on track?

    :flowerforyou: I am the opposite of almost everyone else. I stay away from a lot of stuff. I don't have just a single bite or a single serving of foods that don't fit on my plan. I'd rather eat a huge bowl of something low calorie, high nutrition than use a hundred or more calories on some "treat". I can stay away from ice cream or I can eat the whole half gallon. I don't eat just a bite or a small bowl.

    :flowerforyou: I log my food ahead of time so if the calories don't match with exercise I can lower the calories or raise the exercise.

    :flowerforyou: I am always on the lookout for a recipe that is lots of food for the least calories.

    :flowerforyou: I log onto MFP and read a lot of posts from a lot of different threads to keep my mind filled with my goal of healthy weight loss

    :flowerforyou: I remind myself that I don't want to trade what I want the MOST for what I want at the MOMENT.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Barb- Congradulations on getting to the "1"'s! That is awsome.

    Macmadame- Thanks for the advice on the heart monitor.

    Doobiedoo- Gratz on getting back on track today. It's 1 day at a time.

    SuzyQ- I substitute low calorie foods for high calorie ones. Like Yogurt for ice cream, plain lower calorie cookies for the higher ones. I also do plan snacks or treats as I don't plan on giving them up for the rest of my life, I figure I need to learn to live with them. Also, I count calories by the week on an excel workbook. I look at the entire week to be sure that I'm staying within bounds.

    My new thing since MFP is cooking from scratch. I use to B4 marriage and motherhood, but then stopped and turned to processed stuff due to our hectic way of work and life. MFP has really helped me 'learn to cook again'. There are many quick and easy recipies to try.

    Gratz to those who had a good day and my prayers for those who didn't. I know we can all do better tomorrow.

    My favorite low budget sci-fi is on so, I better go watch it for the 200th time.

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Evening All;

    Congratulations on the "1's" what a great feeling and a great accomplishment! Go Barb!

    I offer no advice on weight loss, you are all far more successful than I.

    I do love my HRM it is a great tool. I find it works better if I exercise!!!:laugh:

    I see I did not change my goals and had best see to that.:angry: Bad Alice!

    I am having peridontal surgery on Thursday. I am definately not looking forward to it, but doubt that it will slow me down for very long.

    Terri congratulations on your anniversary,:flowerforyou: we are having our 35th this next spring.
    What an exciting journey it has been.

    Praying for all who are ill or stressed to their limit, saying a thankful prayer for all who are making progess, and saying a prayer for support and resolve for those of us who are faltering.

    Another great day! Night All Alice
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: kc, congratulations on losing a pound, fitting better into your clothes and being able to buy something in a smaller size. you are so right to look at losing a pound a week as a huge success. Since you plan on being around in 52 weeks why not be 52 pounds lighter :bigsmile: The new machine at the Y sounds awesome and intimidating.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, how great that you are getting good results from you exercising

    :flowerforyou: heather, it's so good to hear about you being on track.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, glad you're feeling better.....staying away from processed foods is such a good idea and so healthy

    :flowerforyou: Barb, congrats on losing another pound and getting into the numbers that start with 1 :bigsmile: :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: terri, your comments about your marriage remind me of the story of the woman who had been married for 75 years. When asked if she had ever contemplated divorce during all those years she answered, "Divorce, never, but murder, frequently" congratulations on walking through all the tough times. My hubby is my second husband and I am his fourth wife. We've been married for 20 years but we had to practice a bit before we got it right.:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, you've been so successful with losing weight and keeping it off, I'd love to hear more about what you eat. I know your exercise is fabulous.

    :flowerforyou: Doobiedoo, how great to hear how well your day has gone.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: alice, I agree with you about giving God credit for our successes.

    I spent a lot of the day making applesauce with apples from a friend's trees. There are still several more boxes of apples in the garage so applesauce will be my life for awhile. I rode the exercise bike while the apples simmered so i got some exercise, but I was bad and didn't take the dogs to the dog park

    Thank you SuzyQ for asking for good eating tips. :flowerforyou: I hope we'll get lots of good ideas that we can all use
    hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ugh, today is not a good day to ask me about what I'm eating and my exercise!

    I'm injured now and I haven't been able to cut back my calories to what I think they should be. However, so far, I'm not gaining, so maybe I'm just too conservative about my calorie allowance or how many I'm burning from exercise. However, it's only been two weeks so maybe it's just too soon to see the effects.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Information is power, so I'm asking again: What are some food tricks you have learned to stay on track?

    I can eat anything as long as I plan. I am not a totally "clean" eater, but my choices are a lot less "dirty" than when I started. Due to my schedule, I continue to use some prepared (frozen) entrees, but I am a label reader, and just because it says "Smart Ones" or "Healthy Choice" or "Lean Cuisine" doesn't mean it is a good choice. I am obsessive about sodium. There are a fair number of choices between 500 and 600 mg of sodium, and a few are UNDER 500, and a very few under 400 mg of sodium.

    Of course I also look at fat grams, and if something is a little light on protein, but good in other ways, I will add a quarter cup of roasted soy nuts to increase protein.

    I always keep frozen veggies in my freezer. I like broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and microwaving a large portion of these and adding a slice of reduced fat cheese, or shredded Parmesan, about 15 seconds before the end of the cooking cycle makes a nice flavor addition, and the fat will help you feel satisfied. This is my secret weapon for dinner if I don't have many calories left, or if my exercise plans fall threw and cause my calories to reduce over what I planned.

    I have learned that if I get enough protein early in the day, I am not going to be attacked by the "hungries" later in the day. Thank goodness for Zone Perfect nutrition bars which I have for breakfast on the days that I work, and I always carry one in my purse for emergency rations.

    I don't always eat my exercise calories. In general, I stay around 1400 calories a day, and usually have 100-300 calories left over. That way, on a day like today where I ended up 100 calories over, it is no biggie in the grand scheme of things.

    Another thing I do about every 3-4 weeks is have a day where I go over my calories by at least 800. This has kept me from going into starvation mode and plateauing. Usually I tie it in with an occasion where I will be eating out or some other food-related activity.

    This next tip won't work for everyone. Since I adopted the philosophy of "diet is a 4-letter word" and "lifestyle change" is what I am on, I no longer have overwhelming cravings that constantly derail me. I thnk it is because I know nothing is off limits with planning. That being said, there ARE still things I love:heart::heart: --such as chocolate, ginger snaps. Thanks to the snack size candy bars, I can enjoy an Almond Joy and only "spend" 80 calories. I have no trouble limiting myself to one as they are individually wrapped. I can satisfy myself with 2 ginger snaps, and that will only be 80 calories also.

    At work, I always keep something around to nibble on (often an apple or a banana) so I can avoid the vending machine. The two things I will get out of the machine in a pinch are V8 juice (wish they had the low sodium kind, but I often have my own can) and milk is the other thing I will get.

    This is not everything, but my brain is ready to quit for the night, so bye all.:yawn: :yawn:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just popping in before a very busy day to say that I dropped another 2lbs.!:bigsmile: I am now in the 60's! Been 15 years since I've seen that! :bigsmile: So that makes it 26 lbs since Aug 14th and I really am not doing anthing extreeme! Just keeping calories to 1200 plus exercise calories and for the most part staying away from junk food. Last night I removed half my wardrobe from my closet because the clothes are just too big! :noway: Poor me:laugh: :laugh: I have some clothes that were tight and can now fit in them but some are so old that they have shoulder pads so big that I look like a football player:laugh: :laugh: I feel your pain, Vicky:laugh: :laugh:

    Lots to do, so must get going but also want to thank all our Veterans for their valued service to our country!!!! :love: My appreciation runs deep for your selfless service!:flowerforyou: God Bless you all! I love you and I love this country!!!

    Will try to post later but may not have time!
    Thinking of you all....even before my coffee!!!:laugh:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I hope today finds all of you well. Congrats on the weight losses, new goals, and smaller clothes. Isnt is so much more wonderful to not be able to fit your clothes because they are too big instead of too small. Yeah US. Yes Heather we are still going to the gym in the morning. Today marked the 8th day cause we skipped Sunday. It really is not even hard any more. I wake up put my shoes on and go. I actually sleep in my t shirt and exercise shorts.
    My weight loss tricks are as follows:
    1. abstinence does not work for me. I allow myself little bits of what I crave. I have chocolate bliss candies available at all times. I will have one or two a day, sometimes none. If I take it away for good when I do have it I go crazy.
    2. I stay at about 1200 calories a day. Started out about 1400 but now at 1200. I DO NOT eat my exercise calories. If I go over 1200 for a couple of days I will gain.
    3. I try to exercise every day. Something. I take an occasional day off.
    4. I do eat out, but I make good choices. Kenneth and I went to Outback the other night and both got salads. I do watch what kind of salads. All salads are not good for you. I chose chicken breast and salad or veggies a lot of times.
    5. I drink lots and lots and lots of water. I always have. If I do not drink my water I feel it right away. I feel bloated, constipated, and just not right.
    6. My most important trick this time around is you guys and this site. This keep me focused and on track. I feel like you are my second family. I can boast, b*(&^, brag, whatever I want and you guys listen. Thank you so much. I dreamed last night we met. I hope this really happens some day.
    Keep up the good work. I hope this helps someone.
    Vicki M
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: I made it through yesterday and had 127 calories left over out of 1200! I liked the no nonsense tips from each of you who posted this morning and yesterday! If I'm to lose weight at this point in my life, I have to be realistic and not play games like I have all my life. Just got off the treadmill, it really does get me going for the day. I need to get my water back up to where it needs to be...Have a good day all! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    God please bless America, bless our veterans, our active service men and women and their families.
    Thank you all for your service!
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    I went back to the gym last night and again fell a little short of my cardio goal (only by 5 minutes) but I was still happy because I have plantar fac. in my left heel so I was able to force out 40 minutes between the elliptical and the treadmill before I was in too much pain. I did the weight machine circuits and added more weight on the second and third reps. I still find I am approaching all exercise with a great deal of trepidation. I feel like I'm going to hurt myself. So I have been adding reps and weight to the circuit each day I go and trying to add 5-10 minutes on each cardio machine. Hopefully it will work. So much of this journey is in my head but I am a work in progress. I need to grow my discipline to a point where my common sense wins out over my common 'nonsense':happy:
    I hope you guys aren't tired of my reporting in with my trivial things. It just seems to help me move in the right direction and stay focused.

    Today I will:
    go to weight loss meeting and get weighed (fingers crossed)
    drink more water
    eat planned food only
    do 40 minutes of cardio

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, it sounds like you were able to do quite a lot with the pain you must have been in.

    I hope that everyone is having a great and healthy day. I am enjoying the sunshine here even though it is chilly.
  • Lianne95519
    Lianne95519 Posts: 63 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Hi everyone,
    I am home today due to Veteran’s Day and I want to echo others with my gratitude for our service men and women. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    So because I am home I got the luxury being able to read and respond to many who posted.
    As far as food tricks-- I am using Isagenix nutritional products and clean eating approach. No sugar, no caffeine, no processed foods, fresh fish and organic chicken, healthy oils, organic fruits/veggies and foods when possible and practical. I shoot for 1200 calories and when I can exercise I usually don’t eat my exercise calories though a few times I did. I track my food each day but because most of the food I eat often I know my calories and look up items rather than guess when I don’t. Once a week I do a nutritional cleanse to let my body rest though I do consume products that nourish me through this process. I really enjoy the nutritional shakes and find them very filling and I have lots of energy. :happy: Losing 25 pounds has helped my knees, :happy: cholesterol and :happy: spirit. I am focused on the next 10 pounds.
    :flowerforyou: Barb-so happy for your success getting into the 1’s. Milestones can be so invigorating. In the past I would have some success only to reward myself with food. With the help of MFP and all the sharing of the good times and the bad help keep me motivated. Thanks for your motivation today.
    :flowerforyou: Terri- Your husband wisdom makes perfect sense to me. My husband says that I am working my food program like a full time job.:laugh: :laugh: Another saying that has nothing to do with weight loss but I have found many interesting applications is “just cuz the old cat had her kittens in the oven don’t make them biscuits”. :laugh: :laugh: I love that one.
    :flowerforyou: Benson- Yep that wait unit tomorrow works with Ace Hardware popcorn that makes me want to go the hardware store for no stated purpose. I have to stay out of Target for that reason too. If I just say I’ll go tomorrow it seems to pass. I can have healthy popcorn at home but I really crave the unhealthy popcorn sometimes.
    :flowerforyou: MacMadame- I went to your blog and wow what a journey. I am so inspired by your hard work and long term commitment. I too am unable to exercise the way I would like due to surgery coming up and a bad left knee flare up so I am doing what I can and even lost another pound by commitment. Thanks for your sharing.
    :flowerforyou: Doobiedo & Alice- We can do this……Yay Helpful and uplifting. Thanks
    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat-I use most of your approach and it works good for me so thank you. We are eating and using the same products and I am most grateful for your good ideas and help. You look so cute in your dress picture.
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie- Thanks for the MFP recipes idea. Are they located somewhere or did you collect them as they were shared?
    :flowerforyou: Alice- Good luck on your surgery. I will send loving thoughts your way.
    :flowerforyou: Barb- Thanks for sharing your eating practices. I think if I can get to having some exercise calories I am going to eat them too.:wink::wink:
    :flowerforyou: Birdie-Congratulations on your 2 pounds. Wow what great progress.
    :flowerforyou: Vicki- How wonderful to develop this great healthy habit. Way to go!!

    Drinking water as I type
    Lianne from Fieldbrook California -very far northern CA on the coast in the Redwoods
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't think of anything that I'm doing as "tricks". This is just my life. I try things and, if they work, I keep them and think of them as habits/routines/approachs. If they don't work or stop working, I throw them out and try something else.

    Some things I do:

    1) Don't keep trigger foods around. What triggers me can change, so some foods come and go. When I get to a point where I can't control myself, I stop buying them for a while. Right now I'm having issues with nuts. Time to stop buying cashews. And Smart Pop Kettle Korn. :laugh:

    2) On weekdays, I pack my food to take to work. I pack a lunch, a fruit and/or raw veggie and then something else, either dairy or nuts or maybe some hard-boiled eggs. For dairy I like FAGE yogurt, Knudsen Doubles (Cottage cheese and fruit) and Cheese sticks. For nuts, pistachios work well because I have to shell them to eat them and that makes my snack take longer. Plus, they are expensive so they are a special treat. Then I eat these throughout the day. I know they are about the right amout of calories and will keep me satisfied so I can just space them out throughout the day without a lot of extra thought.

    3) I drink protein hot chocolate when I am in the mood for chocolate -- 15 g of protein and hardly any carbs for 8 oz. of liquid. Another chocolatey thing I like are No sugar added Fudgscicles. OTOH, I don't like fake food. I use real whipped cream, not cool whip. I'd rather have a dab of frozen yogurt than a cup of something fake. My approach is that I will use a lower fat/lower carb version of a food if I can't tell the difference, but I won't use them, if I can. So I do 2% (reduced fat) cheeses all the time and skim milk, but I won't do no fat cheese, because I think it's disgusting. I'd rather not have cheese than have no fat cheese.

    4) I carry a water bottle with me everywhere. If I get in a mood where water doesn't thrill me, I'll switch to something like Sobe Lean or Fuze. But eventually I get tired of them too and go back to water. I also drink a lot of decaffeinated tea.

    5) I eat more protein than most and less carbs than a lot of people. I still eat carbs. But I try to keep it to under 200 g a day. (175 g seems to be my sweet spot. More than that and I start craving things and overeating.) I try to eat at least 125 g of protein a day, more if I'm doing a heavy workout.

    6) Weekends are hard... I am lazy about food. My husband does most of the cooking and I like stuff I can grab and go. So I try to keep healthy snacks around and remind myself that I can still have my yogurt and cottage cheese even though I'm not at work. I will do a bunch of cooking on Sundays so I have stuff during the week. I make hard boiled eggs, maybe some devilled eggs or egg salad, homemade protein and energy bars and other things that can be frozen and eaten throughout the week.

    7) I keep Beef Jerky in my purse for emergencies. I used to keep protein bars but the chocolate covered ones melt and all of them tend to get eaten when it's not an emergency because they are kind of like candy. Beef Jerky has a lot of sodium though so I'm looking for a new emergency food. OTOH, I only eat it about once a month so maybe it's not a big deal.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Liann-I browse the recipe forums quite regularly and keep an eye on recent posts. If a recipe is good people will keep bumping it up and there will be a lot of activity on it. So, I guess I just collect them as I find them. After I make it I asked the family if it's a keeper or not. If it is, I write it down and put it with my cook books. My favorite forum is easy crockpot recipies. I've gotten quite a few from there.

    The silly part of it all is that it is cheaper to cook than microwave. My food bill is lower on the weeks when I am cooking vs a week when we are eating pre-cooked foods.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Veteran's Day to all. God bless our veterans, our nation, and all of you! I still love reading all of your posts. You guys have so many great ideas and I love reading what works for everyone, even if they aren't what's working for me right now. Like MacMadame said, sometimes what is working stops working and we have to try something different. I think that's what I'm doing different this time around (besides MFP and this great thread) is that I'm not taking a lower weight loss (or gasp...a one pound gain) as the end. It is what it is...a fleeting number on the scale. The things that I am doing...getting accustomed to exercise every day, going to OA meetings, turning this problem over to God, praying about it, equipping myself for success when I grocery shop, and leaving the really bad temptations in the grocery store...these are all things that will get me through the tough weeks. If I do succumb to a temptation I have learned to view it as it is...a choice that is over and done with once I eat it...then I can brush myself off and get back on program right away.

    The little trick I just tried this week...when I found myself dreading the treadmill instead of looking forward to it...was back off on the level I was exercising at. I was doing level three of Basic, Endurance, and Interval programs on my treadmill which tops out at 4.0 mph and elevations anywhere from 2.5 to 5.0 (my t/m goes from 0-10 grades). When I realized I'd missed a day or two here and there...and realized it was because I was dragging my feet about doing what I had set for myself to do...I backed off to 5 minutes of warm up and cool down plus 20 minutes at a very leisurely 3.5 miles per hour on a flat treadmill. That's right about the speed I walk when I'm taking a walk outdoors. I cranked up the tunes and ENJOYED my work out once more. Today I was able to go back to Level 3 after several days of backing off. Anyway, I just found it interesting that I'm able to actually look at my own behaviors and figure out my own ways of getting myself back on track when I struggle.

    You guys are all great...but ultimately we all know our bodies and minds best...so like MacMadame says...try different things, keep what works and toss out the rest or try it later on when you are in a different "place."

    Have a great night all. You really are the best thing going...thanks for being here!!!:heart::heart: Terri
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone. Bet you thought I dropped off the edge of the dieting world.:laugh: LOL LOL
    :happy: We are on vacation (at home) and it has been a roller coaster few days for me.:noway: We spent Monday cooking (using up the last of the peppers out of our garden) some we froze for later use, spaghetti sauce, stuffed peppers, sausage, peppers, onions, and (not frozen) potato salad.
    :devil: I have been on an eating frenzy. I don’t know what happened, it was like I just couldn’t get enough to eat. Thank God I was eating small portions and didn’t rack up tooooo many calories. And miracle of miracles, as of this evening, I haven’t gained any weight. I called the doctor today to get a physical while I am on vacation but she was booked so I asked for her to give me a slip to get blood work done. I just want to check to make sure everything is as it should be.:wink:
    :smile: I purchased another Leslie Sansone DVD today and did the whole thing. It is the “Walk Away the Pounds” Intensity Walk. I really worked up a sweat and thouroughly enjoyed it.:smile:
    :cry: I really missed reading all the posts and am trying to catch up.
    Suzeeeque-I really like what I call “Chicken Packet” made w/ boneless chicken breast, lots of different veggies and I change my seasoning ( Mrs. Dash ) every time so I don’t get bored. Wrap in foil and either put on grill or in toaster oven. My only trick is if I go over my calories I exercise more. Whatever you do is perfect for you, because you look fabulous. I would NEVER have guessed you were over 50.
    :drinker: Congratulations to the ladies who are keeping that scale going down, down, down.
    :flowerforyou: To the ladies who are sick and facing surgery I am sending HUGS and prayers that you will be well soon.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart:
    :glasses: To those of us who are struggling just keep looking ahead and know that we CAN do this one day at a time. If we fall off the WAGON we just need to get up and start all over again. I may be gone again til Sunday.
    :smile: My son gets married on Saturday and I am going to be a LITTLE busy the next few day. Everyone keep looking toward your goals and stay strong. :heart: Love,(((:heart: ))) Hugs and :smooched: Smooches to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I don't think of anything that I'm doing as "tricks". This is just my life. I try things and, if they work, I keep them and think of them as habits/routines/approachs. If they don't work or stop working, I throw them out and try something else.
    This sums up a great way of life. People ask me what I'm going to do when I reach my goal and my answer is to keep on doing what's been working so far.

    It can't be "tricks" or a temporary fix. I love hearing from people who have lost weight and kept it off. It gives me hope that I can do it too.

    I've read and re-read the posts and thank you all for sharing. When MacMadame mentioned the protein chocolate it reminded me that my Isagenix protein shakes are chocolate so I get a daily dose of something that tastes like chocolate and is packed with nutrition with very low calories.

    Applesauce making is keeping me away from the computer. :laugh:
    Love and hugs to all of you, my precious friends.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning to all of you. I am at work at this time. So, before I am actually on the clock, I can read the threads.
    I am doing well with my healthy eating and exercise. I did have one dark chocolate peanut butter cup yesterday. What can I do?.....my daughter bought it for me. I made her eat one of them, though. I hope that everyone has a wonderful day.:heart: