

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone. Well, I did it again.:explode: Had a bunch of responses typed out and hit the magical sequence of keystrokes that made the whole thing disappear...and yes I know I should be doing this in a wp program. Just my stubborn perfectionist streak peeking out.:grumble: Kind of like reading the instructions BEFORE starting the project...how wimpy can one get even if it does make sense?

    Anyway, probably just as well because Vicki obviously has the dress dilemma worked out,

    To those of you struggling, hang in there...we are all pulling for you. For the surgeries...hope you heal quickly.

    All the rest. Have a great evening. Gotta run to a matinee and dinner out. It's our anniversary.:heart::smooched: :heart: Terri
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I love your picture on the bicycle.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, Happy Anniversary :flowerforyou: How many years?

    :flowerforyou: Heather, As long as you keep coming back to us, it means that you haven't given up. Many successful people have had setbacks along the way. You can do this. Never never never give up.

    today I finally did what I said I would do for my goal in November. I did "Sweatin' to the Oldies" first thing in the morning, then later did the weight and toning part of the DVD and then Jake and I did 20 minutes of yoga together followed by a fruit snack.:bigsmile: That makes one day on goal out of the nine days so far this month. We're into a big rainy time but i was able to get the dogs to the dog park for 20 minutes in between raindrops.:laugh:

    My picture is in the dress I bought in July to wear to a wedding in August, a special occasion in October, and the gratitude dinner on Saturday. Since I bought it in July it was summer weight, so I ended up wearing my wool winter coat over the dress most of the evening.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I love your positive attitude. Your faith inspires me. You remind me of a sign I saw that said "I am grateful for unknown blessings already on the way."

    hugs to all:heart: Barbie
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Just a note to say hello and keep up the good work ladies. I'm extremely busy at work and exhausted when I get home so I haven't been taking the time to read everyone's posts. Hope I haven't missed anything urgent.

    I'm doing good with my eating this week and have been taking a walk everyday.

    Off to the shower and in bed early :yawn: :yawn:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Well...I can't say today was a sterling day. It reminded me of the games I've always played. Getting all psyched up and going to go great guns, only to eat almost everything in sight,literally!:noway: But I did walk on the treadmill and have it set up so I don't have to put it up and take it down everytime I use it. My kids like to walk on it too. So I guess I can say I did make a few positive steps, howbeit I did take a few back too. Thanks for all of your posts. Tomorrow is another day full of choices and decisions...may each of us make the best of both. :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Terri, I have had that happen also. I don't know what I do to make everything disappear, but it does. So frustrating !!!!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie, I would love to do "Sweatin" to the Oldies". I love the music from that era.

    :flowerforyou: Sheilajane, you truly do not look old enough to be in this thread. What is your secret?

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo, I have found that the only way I can keep from eating everything in sight is to not have unhealthy choices around where I can see them.
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Evening all,

    I went to the Y today. They have a new machine called Precor AMT. It is a combo elliptical and stairstepper. You have to do the arms yourself also. My gosh at 20 minutes I was cooked. People where walking buy the glass and pointing at the new machine and shaking their heads.

    I thought I'd have to stand in line to use it. No one wanted to. Well, I am 54 and weigh 247 pds and I did it for 20 mintues. This old girl still gots it.

    Well, then I went to Penny's and got three nightgowns on clearance. 6 bucks. I bought in a size 2X. Well, that's was a mistake. They are so big they wont stay on my shoulders. So I'm doing something right. I'm taking them back for exchange.

    I thought about you with the dress situation while I was walking around. I have bought a couple of things that were smaller than I wear and it was really fun to get into them. I really believe I will get this weight off if not but taking it easy and doing the work, eathing right, and letting it happen. Good night to all of you, kc
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    I’m back for a quick post before bedtime. Had a great time at the movie and dinner out. Enjoyed a nice dinner of fish taco, salad, chips, salsa and Corona Light....MMM!! Did 55 minutes on the treadmill while watching my sitcoms to walk off a few extra chips I enjoyed.

    Birdie...I love the following from your earlier post. Sorry that things have been so difficult for you of late...hopefully everyone will be better soon!!
    “One of the beneficial thoughts I took back after the retreat was this....to never look back but prepare for a grace filled future...God has promised it. So basically, live life without rear view mirrors :laugh: and have EXPECTANT faith even when it's tough!”

    Barbie...35 years married...and my mother said we’d never make it!:laugh:

    SwissMiss...I think it has something to do with hitting the delete key and an arrow key. I need to stop doing it though.:noway:

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie and all you other gardeners...I really admire you. I have friends with such beautiful gardens and I know they take work. My idea of enjoying the garden is sitting on the swing with the beverage of choice.

    Well good night all. Have a great day tomorrow.

    :heart: Terri
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hi All,

    Was a bad girl with my eating this weekend:sad: :sad: but back on track today. Rosemary thank you so much for the compliment. I am finally losing again and with the exercise I am doing my body is changing. I haven’t posted measurements in a while I guess I need to do that so I can see the progress in inches.

    Barb 30 inches of snow oh my I would be miserable us southern girls need warmth. Keep your self in doors with a warm blanket. 45 lbs awesome

    Vicki way to go; keep up the great work with your early morning workouts. It is awesome that the scale is going in the right direction. Vicki I would wait until closer to the wedding.

    Jeannie if you do enough cardio then eat part of the calories just make sure you do not go over. I really recommend a heart rate monitor I have one and I know exactly how many calories I am burning when I work out. It is the most accurate way to be sure you aren’t overeating those workout calories.. I would listen to the ladies on this post as well as research for yourself. Remember we are older and our metabolism has slowed aging changes everything including the number of calories we should consume. Great job on working out.:smokin: :smokin:

    SusieQ keep up the good work you look great!

    Lianne best wishes with your TWO surgeries you are so positive I would be down in the dumps which would not help anything so you are my Hero today. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Fancy dog welcome and congrats if you enter your food and exercise along with checking in regularly you will do great!

    KC maybe if you eat more protein and good carbs you wouldn’t be so hungry. I was staved today and just ate healthy food.

    Doobie doo you can do it!:smile:

    Birdie we haven’t forgotten you. We are praying for you and the family.:flowerforyou:

    Alright I must go to bed have still not caught up on all the posts.

    Have a good night all,
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All,
    Barb 30 inches of snow oh my I would be miserable us southern girls need warmth. Keep your self in doors with a warm blanket. 45 lbs awesome....



    I don't mind the snuggling in a blankie with my three little canine pests:heart::heart: :heart: , but lets be clear, the SNOW is way up yonder in the Cascade mountains. I am down here in the balmy valley where it just rains!! They actually had more snow that they expected, so the ski areas opened up last weekend, which is a month earlier than last year.

    If we get snow, it usually comes between mid-December and mid-January. Last year it hit 5 days before Christmas and stuck around 'til the day after. The retailers did some serious crying!.:cry::sad: :cry: :sad:

    The day before the biggest part of the storm hit and closed the Columbia Gorge highway for about 4 or 5 days I drove up an already snow-covered road and got Pepper--my early Christmas present from some good friends. He was in his new home for a week before his feet touched bare ground. He had a ball in the snow, and I have one picture of him with a snow mustache that is already on my profile page. I will post as well a picture of my barbecue with an icicle on the front of it, and one of my car wearing a snow "cover". I am hoping we don't have nearly this much fun this winter. Although the weather did make me a believer in all wheel drive!!!:laugh:

    I hope all have a good week. I am getting sleepy, so it won't be long til its crash time.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. :laugh: :happy: :laugh: We don't have any here as of yet but I really do love the snow. I like it better than rain because I don't get so wet in the snow. We usually get some flurries right around Thanksgiving time.

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I am glad that you are not discouraged about this weekend. Just continue on with your healthy eating and all will be fine.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, you are probably right...I am hitting the delete button. I guess that I am going to fast and making wrong hits.:laugh: It is soooo frustrating when you have several paragraphs written and then lose it all. When this happens to me I just say forget it and log out.:wink:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Morning ladies,
    This will be a quick post cause I have busy day ahead. FancyDog I hope you survived tropical storm. Not sure what part of Alabama you are in, but good luck. Hurrican in Nov is crazy. I will come on later.
    Vicki M
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Ladies

    I did make it to the gym last night. Fell a bit short of my cardio goal but it was a bit high for having been out for a week. I did the weight machines more than I planned and drank over half the water so all-in-all I am pleased to back in the game.

    Barbiecat - thanks alot. I know that today I will meet or beat my personal goals. One day at a time - one choice at a time.

    Barb 45 lbs - woot woot!!! You are doing awesome.

    Terri - that's funny about your perfectionist - I feel the same way. I refuse to believe I can't successfully type and post without mishap - but it's happened so many times that I have lost my 'novella' I guess I should go the wp route as well - Likely I'll just keep losing posts though:laugh:
    Vicki - how are the morning trips to the gym? Still going strong?

    Swiss - I love the snow to which is good because we get alot. I wouldn't like it as much if I had to shovel it though!

    I was reading something that says when we first start working out, its very comon to overeat. Getting our bodies moving will make us hungry but often times we are eating too many calories and therefore throwing off the math of calories in vs. calories out. I have done this a few times of late and it really made sense to me to try to have nutrition dense foods - (learned that from Barbiecat:flowerforyou: )

    Plantlady where are you?????? I hope all is well.

    Doobiedoo - You are doing it. Day by day we will get there.

    Everyone enjoy your day!


    Oh I forgot
    Today I will:
    drink 75 oz of water
    45 minutes of cardio
    do the arm machines (legs every other time because knees are stupid:grumble: )
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Wow! Miss a couple of days on here and the so much happens. I rarely find time to post on weekends or hubby's days off and to top it all of we didn't have any power for most of yesterday....

    Such a wonderful focused, encouraging group of ladies you all are! This whole group deserves a BIG round of APPLAUSE - from those who keep on keeping on during setbacks and plateaus to those who are in single digits on their weight loss goal. I'm so glad to have found you all and that you are a part of my life! :drinker: Becoming healthy involves a life change and we are reaching toward that goal one good choice at a time.:flowerforyou:

    Speaking of the dress dilemma, what a WONDERFUL problem to have.:love: Keep thinking positive and doing the stuff. You've been doing this long enough you should know what to realistically expect from your body. Twice now I've bought really nice things at our local thrift store when I could barely get into them and within a few weeks they fit nicely. I wore one of my bargains to church Sunday and got a ton of compliments. I also recommend investing in a pair of Assets from Target to wear under the dress for the occasion. Not as expensive as spanx, but really smooths everything out under dress clothes.

    For me that means daily exercise, and keeping vigilant track of not just my calories but limiting my salt and carbs as well. I only eat red meat, bread, pasta or potatoes once a week. If there is a special occasion, I allow myself small portions of whatever looks good to me and then follow it with a day or two of fruit, nuts and veggies only. I've learned several "eat this instead of that" tricks along the way. Can't remember which I've shared and which I haven't so I'll list a few here:

    :flowerforyou: 1. Godiva Dark Chocolate Pearls - kicks those chocolate cravings in the head and it only takes 2-3 at a time melting in my mouth to do it. I've yet to EVER have more than 8 a day which packs only 24 calories and 3 carbs for all 8.

    :flowerforyou: 2. Whipped Cream Cheese, Cool Whip and Frozen Blueberries - really satisfies that craving for something creamy and is loaded with antioxidants. 1 Tbsp cream cheese and fruit with 2 Tbsp of Cool Whip is 68 calories and 7 carbs. If you crave ice cream or cheese cake this really works!

    :flowerforyou: 3. Avocados, Nuts and Peanut-butter are my friend. I often substitute one of these for a portion of meat in a meal. They are high in MUFAs and satisfy my desire for fat ~ but its the good kind of fat!

    :flowerforyou: 4. Apple Cider Vinegar - We've discussed it all before. Tastes nasty, but a teaspoon with each meal keeps me from craving sweets.

    Hungrygirl.com also has lots of great ideas for eating foods you love without blowing your eating plan.

    :love: What are some food tricks YOU have learned to stay on track?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Thanks for all the comments about my calorie intake and excercise woes. I had decided on1300 calories a day - a compromise between the standard 1200 calorie diet and the 1400 the nursing/nutritional staff recommendation. I went down a pound in 4 days.

    On the heart monitors- What brand do you all have and how much are they? I've been thinking for a long time that I need a much better way to track how many calories I burn while excercising. I've asked for the Wii Fit Plus for Christmas which does tell you your calories burned.

    Well, my mornings are on track again after being sick. I'm sitting here with my breakfast and coffee and already put in all my planned meals for the day. It's so much easier to stay on track this way.

    Have a great day and thanks for all comments.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning!!

    This is a special WOO!! HOO!! Day. I am into the "ONEderful ONES"--the first number on my digital scale is no longer a TWO!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I wondered if this day would ever come, but it actually took me 30 weeks to reach this point, so I have been losing about 1.5 lbs per week.

    Terri--When you commented on the length of your marriage, I observed that your ticker shows a pound lost for each year of marriage!! You got married about the same time I did, the first time. I am glad your choice stood the test of time. :flowerforyou: :smile: Mine did not.:ohwell:

    To all who are on track--congratulations!! To those who have strayed and have jumped back on the wagon--Welcome back! Don't give up!!

    As I am watching the news this morning, this story came on.>The crooks around here are getting pretty brazen. There is a grocery variety store across from where I work, and Sunday afternoon, a guy walked up to the self service area attendant and askd for change. The cash drawer is not behind a counter as in a regular checkstand, so when the clerk opened the drawer, this opportunist grabbed all the cash he could get his grubby little hands on and ran to a waiting getaway car.

    Well, it looks like the rain is subsiding this morning, so I am going to leave pretty soon to take some doggies out for their morning "walkies." Last night I could have used little "doggy headlamps" for each of them as it was dark by the time we returned home!:laugh:

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Information is power, so I'm asking again: What are some food tricks you have learned to stay on track?
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning ladies. Another beautiful autumn day here in eastern Nebraska. Hope everyone has a great day.

    :flowerforyou: Congratulations Barb on reaching the 1's!!! Great job and as the young-un's say..."You go girl!!!"

    On my 35 pounds lost/35 years...my husband, Steve, made the same comment. As far as standing the test of time...it wasn't always pretty and it certainly wasn't painless or tearless...but much as it is with my weight loss...for today, we hang in there...it got much easier when I learned to quit filling my own head with negative self-talk.

    SuzyQ...thanks for all the great substitution tips...I'm definitely one of those who will happily settle for the placebo to have the taste without all the calories!

    Heather...glad to hear I'm not the only imperfect perfectionist out there. I can't tell how much time I've wasted having to do things MY way, when just listening to a little good advice would have saved me!

    Jeannie, Lynn, Doobiedoo, and everyone recovering from the weekend (that includes me)...hope you all have a great "on track" week, one day at a time, of course, and in Birdie's word's without looking in the rear view mirror.

    Blessings to all, and as Lynn said, we're praying for you Birdie...hope you are back to posting regularly soon, we miss you (and Plantlady...ditto on the where are you...hope everything's okay!!).

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Terri
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Information is power, so I'm asking again: What are some food tricks you have learned to stay on track?

    Hey Suezzque How you doing??

    I'm kind of off track right now, but in an effort to get back on, I've been balancing my meals better. One thing that comes to mind is my lunch salad. If I add 1/2 cup of fat free cottage cheese on top of my greens, I can get away with using very little dressing. Salad dressings are generally killer or calories so this saves alot. Another thing I am trying to do is from a fellow who used to post on here. His thought is if you want any particular thing just say yes to yourself you can have that tomorrow. More often than not, by the time tomorow came around, he was no longer craving said food.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    For the HRM, make sure to get one with a chest strap. It's not accurate unless it's measuring your HR the entire time and the cheap ones where you put your finger on them to take a pulse don't measure constantly so they aren't very accurate.

    I think Polar makes the best HRMs. I'm more interested in things like pace so I have a Garmin. They are the best for GPS-based measures.

    Wii Fit doesn't measure your heart rate at all so it's just an estimate like the MFP databases and the machines at the gym.
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: So far, so good!! All steps forward!! I'm well within my calories so far and I will finish out the day without regrets and failure!! Yay!! We CAN do this, can't we?!?:flowerforyou: