Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America?



  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    It can be said that you can see what a man is made of when the *kitten* hits the fan. During a time of action when what they are used to is broken (gf is pregnant, war, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, Black Friday sale at Wal*Mart) is when you can see the character of a man. Where the guise of what society expects of a man is removed and he must act on his own will. Not the weights he has lifted or the beers he has drunk.


    Why cant it be all of them including the weights and beer? I love beer. Why is everyone so uptight and sensitive? So is it wrong for men to call anther guy a p**sy for not being able to eat the hottest hot wings in a joking manner? Is picking on your guy friends bad now? Everyone is so scare they are going to hurt someone's feelings. I am not touching the military or the dads out there because they are more of a man than me, it takes a real man to go through those things. I am man, there are many things the defines a man. There is no need to bash people who lift, that is stereotyping people and if im correct, isnt that what most people on this thread mad about? Some my friends are into lifting and they are some of the nicest guys out there, yeah some are jerks and always try send women pics of their p*nis but not all are like that. They just take pride in their body, its no different than the women who are bulking up. As for being sexist, im seeing it going both ways on here. Double standards. Also there are some women on this thread I recognize from other threads making fun of women how they dress too.

    His post wasn't saying that men who drink beer or lift weights are any less of a man- just that those aren't what DEFINE a man.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect).
    Who exactly is disrespected by someone not wearing "dresses and pretty shoes?"

    Yeah, that's a pretty frightening post in general. But the "real woman" stuff is even more disturbing.
    I'm wearing pants, no make up... and I look like a real woman to me.

    Yeah, I had to check and make sure my "girl parts" were still there. I was starting to get scared I wasn't a real woman! :laugh:
    I didn't know that the clothes I wear, makeup I use, or the shoes I have in my closet makes me a "real woman".
    Guess I will just join Gretchen... " Cause Ima redneck woman. And I ain't no high class broad....":laugh:
  • ubuntufav
    Of course. I see less and less men wanting to take care of their children and family. Some men would rather play in the street than grow up and take responbility for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. So yes, masculinity is in a crisis in America.

    Go read some books or studies, actually its the opposite, men are becoming more and more the sole caregiver and taking charge of the children so the women can live their social life. Also many women hand over their children over to their parents. Their are many studies and stats on this. I know most of my single guy friends with children are the sole provider, the mothers are not in the picture. Get your facts straight. Women have changed just like men have over the years. Wether we like it or not, people have changed.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Judging by the number of male MFP members with profile pictures that involve an iPhone and a bathroom mirror - yes there's a masculinity crisis. :laugh: :laugh:
  • ubuntufav
    It can be said that you can see what a man is made of when the *kitten* hits the fan. During a time of action when what they are used to is broken (gf is pregnant, war, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, Black Friday sale at Wal*Mart) is when you can see the character of a man. Where the guise of what society expects of a man is removed and he must act on his own will. Not the weights he has lifted or the beers he has drunk.


    Why cant it be all of them including the weights and beer? I love beer. Why is everyone so uptight and sensitive? So is it wrong for men to call anther guy a p**sy for not being able to eat the hottest hot wings in a joking manner? Is picking on your guy friends bad now? Everyone is so scare they are going to hurt someone's feelings. I am not touching the military or the dads out there because they are more of a man than me, it takes a real man to go through those things. I am man, there are many things the defines a man. There is no need to bash people who lift, that is stereotyping people and if im correct, isnt that what most people on this thread mad about? Some my friends are into lifting and they are some of the nicest guys out there, yeah some are jerks and always try send women pics of their p*nis but not all are like that. They just take pride in their body, its no different than the women who are bulking up. As for being sexist, im seeing it going both ways on here. Double standards. Also there are some women on this thread I recognize from other threads making fun of women how they dress too.

    His post wasn't saying that men who drink beer or lift weights are any less of a man- just that those aren't what DEFINE a man.

    All I know is, I need a beer, this has been one stressful thread. Too bad we all cant go out for beers.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    No *kitten*. This whole website needs a group hug after this thread. But we can't. It isn't manly.

    It's fine. Just don't let the balls touch.

    That's it.... lean in... keep groins apart... butt out... quick tight squeeze... maybe a slap or two on the back (NEVER a rub).... then OUT before it gets gay. <<<< how 'real' men hug
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Of course. I see less and less men wanting to take care of their children and family. Some men would rather play in the street than grow up and take responbility for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. So yes, masculinity is in a crisis in America.

    Go read some books or studies, actually its the opposite, men are becoming more and more the sole caregiver and taking charge of the children so the women can live their social life. Also many women hand over their children over to their parents. Their are many studies and stats on this. I know most of my single guy friends with children are the sole provider, the mothers are not in the picture. Get your facts straight. Women have changed just like men have over the years. Wether we like it or not, people have changed.

    Umm, no. Sure- there may be SOME POS mothers out there- lord knows i've come across a few. But there are also many of us SINGLE mothers who are the ONLY provider for our children. My son has been taken care of since day one by ME- His dad has only met him once (my son is 2 and a half) - he's out there knocking up numerous women (cheated on me and got other girls pregnant) and then ditching them and his children....but that can't be said for all men. SOME MEN do take care of their families- but a LOT do not.
  • LessStephMoreLove
    Hey whatever works for the couple works. Who cares who wears the "pants" anymore..?
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    couldent resist
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    "Allowing" is an interesting word here ... is this just like "I let her win at that game of cricket", or "I let her do this"?

    Well, simply put, some women are just more dominant, and some men are just less dominant.

    Also, I don't think masculinity is "decreasing". Think about what "masculinity" is for a moment; it's a mixture of socially-normative roles mixed in with gender roles ... and if you're a dude, I don't see how this can "decrease". Unless you feel that it's being threatened ... by the other sex. Or even the same sex, it depends. I think "men are becoming less manly" is close to "I don't want to be like those "weak" women" and "I don't want to be anything considered close to a homosexual man" ... because it implies that those two forces are "taking something away" from you, which in my opinion, isn't possible.

    I don't think anyone is trying to take my "femininity" away, so I am perplexed as to why some guys think they are losing their "masculinity". is it really something you can lose?

    Then of course, I have this weird habit of replying to topics like these seriously, so as you will.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Of course. I see less and less men wanting to take care of their children and family. Some men would rather play in the street than grow up and take responbility for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. So yes, masculinity is in a crisis in America.

    Go read some books or studies, actually its the opposite, men are becoming more and more the sole caregiver and taking charge of the children so the women can live their social life. Also many women hand over their children over to their parents. Their are many studies and stats on this. I know most of my single guy friends with children are the sole provider, the mothers are not in the picture. Get your facts straight. Women have changed just like men have over the years. Wether we like it or not, people have changed.

    Umm, no. Sure- there may be SOME POS mothers out there- lord knows i've come across a few. But there are also many of us SINGLE mothers who are the ONLY provider for our children. My son has been taken care of since day one by ME- His dad has only met him once (my son is 2 and a half) - he's out there knocking up numerous women (cheated on me and got other girls pregnant) and then ditching them and his children....but that can't be said for all men. SOME MEN do take care of their families- but a LOT do not.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but what I gathered from your reply was that there are poor parents from both sexes and that there are good parents from both sexes.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    not as much as there is a parental crisis in America...
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    It can be said that you can see what a man is made of when the *kitten* hits the fan. During a time of action when what they are used to is broken (gf is pregnant, war, alien invasion, zombie apocalypse, Black Friday sale at Wal*Mart) is when you can see the character of a man. Where the guise of what society expects of a man is removed and he must act on his own will. Not the weights he has lifted or the beers he has drunk.


    Why cant it be all of them including the weights and beer? I love beer. Why is everyone so uptight and sensitive? So is it wrong for men to call anther guy a p**sy for not being able to eat the hottest hot wings in a joking manner? Is picking on your guy friends bad now? Everyone is so scare they are going to hurt someone's feelings. I am not touching the military or the dads out there because they are more of a man than me, it takes a real man to go through those things. I am man, there are many things the defines a man. There is no need to bash people who lift, that is stereotyping people and if im correct, isnt that what most people on this thread mad about? Some my friends are into lifting and they are some of the nicest guys out there, yeah some are jerks and always try send women pics of their p*nis but not all are like that. They just take pride in their body, its no different than the women who are bulking up. As for being sexist, im seeing it going both ways on here. Double standards. Also there are some women on this thread I recognize from other threads making fun of women how they dress too.

    His post wasn't saying that men who drink beer or lift weights are any less of a man- just that those aren't what DEFINE a man.

    Thank you!

    I like drinking and lifting (when I make time to do it) as much as the next dude, bro. I'm not saying that those that lift are LESS of a man.

    It's all good man, as long as you get the gist of what I am saying then there is no lost messages.

    Just as Lovebuggy said before, its not what defines a man. Its just something men do. (As do women, but that isnt the subject matter here)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I wish my Dad was still alive so you could tell him to his face that he was supposed to dominate nature, after a flood destroyed our home at age 42, when he had a wife and six kids to take care of, including a two week old baby Lorina.

    Now THAT was a man.

    Don't think he ever lifted a weight in his life, except for when he bought my brother a weight bench for Christmas one year, but that dude made Chuck Norris look like a pansy.

    A man shows his true strength not by being in control (or believing his is), but in how he reacts to situations beyond his control. :heart:

    Good one. Only for me it was my Grandpa :heart:
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    Of course. I see less and less men wanting to take care of their children and family. Some men would rather play in the street than grow up and take responbility for their lives and the lives of their loved ones. So yes, masculinity is in a crisis in America.

    Go read some books or studies, actually its the opposite, men are becoming more and more the sole caregiver and taking charge of the children so the women can live their social life. Also many women hand over their children over to their parents. Their are many studies and stats on this. I know most of my single guy friends with children are the sole provider, the mothers are not in the picture. Get your facts straight. Women have changed just like men have over the years. Wether we like it or not, people have changed.

    Umm, no. Sure- there may be SOME POS mothers out there- lord knows i've come across a few. But there are also many of us SINGLE mothers who are the ONLY provider for our children. My son has been taken care of since day one by ME- His dad has only met him once (my son is 2 and a half) - he's out there knocking up numerous women (cheated on me and got other girls pregnant) and then ditching them and his children....but that can't be said for all men. SOME MEN do take care of their families- but a LOT do not.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but what I gathered from your reply was that there are poor parents from both sexes and that there are good parents from both sexes.

    Right, what part confused you?
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I think the view of masculinity has changed considerably in society. IN GENERAL, people use to think hairy chest, loose jeans, boots, and a guy sweating while he was doing work was sexy. What's sexy now? Justin Beiber, waxed chests, emo hair. Keep in mind I'm just pointing out generalities, I understand specific people have different tastes.

    So no, I don't think there is a lack of masculinity, I just think what's acceptable or how it's viewed has changed.

    On a side note, it has also completely changed for femininity too. Just look at body images of women over the past 20/25 years. The waxed chest emo hair guy just wants a duck lippped make-up coated stick of a woman.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    Judging by the number of male MFP members with profile pictures that involve an iPhone and a bathroom mirror - yes there's a masculinity crisis. :laugh: :laugh:

    Hah, yea, although women do this too, I often see guys with ab shots taken with their phones in the bathroom. Why is it always the bathroom ... don't people have better lighting anywhere else?
  • ubuntufav
    I think what it comes down to is that old school guys and new school guys need to just see that we are different from each other and respect each other for being different. Also people need to quit fighting and calling people names over things they do themselves. People are not perfect. Some people speak their minds and others dont. Some like to be PC and others dont. Some like to dress certain ways and wether we understand it or not, we need to respect that even if we dont get it. Stereotyping lifters for being big arrogant jerks, stereotyping women for their clothes thinking they are sluts, saying eeeeew to short men and fat men, and people stereotyping hipsters for looking like women is the same thing.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I think what it comes down to is that old school guys and new school guys need to just see that we are different from each other and respect each other for being different. Also people need to quit fighting and calling people names over things they do themselves. People are not perfect. Some people speak their minds and others dont. Some like to be PC and others dont. Some like to dress certain ways and wether we understand it or not, we need to respect that even if we dont get it. Stereotyping lifters for being big arrogant jerks, stereotyping women for their clothes thinking they are sluts, saying eeeeew to short men and fat men, and people stereotyping hipsters for looking like women is the same thing.

    I can cosign this- however, you WERE judging 'hipsters' earlier, right??
  • ubuntufav
    I think the view of masculinity has changed considerably in society. IN GENERAL, people use to think hairy chest, loose jeans, boots, and a guy sweating while he was doing work was sexy. What's sexy now? Justin Beiber, waxed chests, emo hair. Keep in mind I'm just pointing out generalities, I understand specific people have different tastes.

    So no, I don't think there is a lack of masculinity, I just think what's acceptable or how it's viewed has changed.

    On a side note, it has also completely changed for femininity too. Just look at body images of women over the past 20/25 years. The waxed chest emo hair guy just wants a duck lippped make-up coated stick of a woman.

    You know what? That is a very fair statement. I agree but still dont understand it but it is what it is.