Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America?



  • cwag_afw
    cwag_afw Posts: 45 Member
    After reading a guys post from yesterday "needing advice not related to fitness" I I would say yes. This was a 30 yr old man asking for advice on how to get himself to love again and how he doesn't know if he'll ever find it again.

    I wanted to pull his man card............yes there is a masculinity crisis! Grow a pair and start acting like men again. Sweep a woman off her feet...........treat her like a queen............and reap the rewards!!! There's a few details to work in the middle too but c'mon guy's!!!!

  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    When I watch bachelor pad I really think its a problem. Wow!

    LOL !! That's because they're all sissys.
  • charlybu
    charlybu Posts: 47 Member
    Yes there is a crisis, but it has nothing to do with pink shirts, fruity drinks, or men being domineering. People equate being a manly man with being a womanizer or a wife beater now days and it's just not true.

    A real man does what's right no matter what it costs him. A real man stands up for those who are weaker than him. A real man provides for his family. A real man loves sacrificially. A real man is not afraid of things that may be considered "girly", but neither is he obsessed with being "girly". A real man loves ONE woman, he does NOT "spread his seed". A real man treats his woman like a queen. A real man takes the lead in the relationship, but never dominates or abuses.

    There is also a crisis of women acting too masculine.

    A real woman does not bully her man or manipulate him. A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect). A real woman is not afraid to let her man take care of her the way he should. A real woman doesn't sleep around and try men on for size. A real woman is modest. A real woman treats men with respect. A real woman is not a door mat, she does not let everyone walk all over her, but neither does she walk over others.
  • Alzzak
    Alzzak Posts: 89 Member
    Depends on how you define masculinity?

    Ordering someone to do something you could have just easily done(sandwich?) ... sitting in the woods somewhere holding a shotgun in one hand and a beer can in the other?.... peeing standing up? ... tearing apart a Dodge Ram, and rebuilding it? ... listening to AC/DC, Korn, Johnny Cash, Toby Keith, Who ever sings "Paint it black"?.... Or reading Field and Stream, Playboy, or Motorhead

    Not my definition...

    Being courageous, honest, and choosing to stand your ground; when the world stands against you. Being respectful to your spouse, elders, and even your in-laws. Taking responsibility in your failures, and those of your children. Taking the time to teach, instead of watch the football game. And finally, being willing to defend those you love with your life....

    That is my definition of manly.....
  • wjniii
    wjniii Posts: 110 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    I think the operative word here is "allowing". In a healthy relationship neither partner dominates the other.
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member
    I blame plastic playground equipment. You're not a real man until you've gone down a metal slide in the middle of summer in Phoenix.

  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    We just all stopped letting men have the credit for the ideas that we put in their heads and made happen.........
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    awwwwwwwww he deactivated his account !!! LOL

    you know what isn't manly?

    running away.

    back to a real response to a real question - i think everyone has a hard time anymore because there aren't any standard roles for men or women. I don't think that's a bad thing. We see it here every day with questions like these. Men pay vs not pay. Women preferences in terms of sex or "bread winning," and other aspects of a relationship.

    What's good about this is variety. No longer are people forced into a role they are not comfortable with. They are encouraged to be themselves, and if that means a man wants to carry a bag, or a woman wants to smoke a cigar, then, eff it - just go ahead. Because for every person that doesn't find that attractive or appealing, there is someone who does.

    the "good ol' days" are overly sensationalized, and romanticized.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member

    Is there a masculinity crisis?

    My take is, we get the people that we, as a society groom and earn. Yes, I know, I'm missing a golden opportunity to pander to the women with a tear-jerking commentary on "being a gentleman" or "romancing her" or some other such schtick. But like it or not, you can't look at one gender in isolation, we tend to work symbiotically.

    Men, just like women are simply responding to the demands and expectations that are put out for them. All things masculinity are typically treated as gross, pervy, predatory or oppressive, that is....until they're not. Then we start crying about the lack of the 'real men'. Meanwhile, we're stuck with a bunch of guys trying to reconcile how all of the things that they were told was distasteful and bad are now needed since someone wants their furniture moved.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Don't you have some woman to make a sandwich for?

    know your place!

  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    What's a man now - what's a man mean
    Is he rough or is he rugged
    Is he cultural and clean
    Now it's all change - it's got to change more
    'cause we think it's getting better
    But nobody's really sure
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    Yes there is a crisis, but it has nothing to do with pink shirts, fruity drinks, or men being domineering. People equate being a manly man with being a womanizer or a wife beater now days and it's just not true.

    A real man does what's right no matter what it costs him. A real man stands up for those who are weaker than him. A real man provides for his family. A real man loves sacrificially. A real man is not afraid of things that may be considered "girly", but neither is he obsessed with being "girly". A real man loves ONE woman, he does NOT "spread his seed". A real man treats his woman like a queen. A real man takes the lead in the relationship, but never dominates or abuses.

    There is also a crisis of women acting too masculine.

    A real woman does not bully her man or manipulate him. A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect). A real woman is not afraid to let her man take care of her the way he should. A real woman doesn't sleep around and try men on for size. A real woman is modest. A real woman treats men with respect. A real woman is not a door mat, she does not let everyone walk all over her, but neither does she walk over others.

    Umm... excuse me?

    All men are real regardless of how they act and dress. All women are real regardless of how they dress and act.

    But thanks, I didn't realize I had to dress a certain way and let a man take care of me in order to be a real woman. :noway:
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    What is a masculinity crisis, anyway? What is a "real" man? I mean, wouldn't a "fake" man be a chick with stick-on facial hair or something? I'm so confused.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    We need no more proof than skinny jeans.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    Says the man who was deleted from my FL because he whined all day long and said things just to make the ladies either swoon or feel bad for him? Intentional or not, it's not very masculine to cry for attention.

    Men are way too girly for my taste. I like a real man, not a man who I may have to worry about leaving him alone at my place and he might try on my clothes.

    Dude. Again, eating salad =/= trying on women's clothes in private.

    Where are you finding all of these super girly men?
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Yes there is a crisis, but it has nothing to do with pink shirts, fruity drinks, or men being domineering. People equate being a manly man with being a womanizer or a wife beater now days and it's just not true.

    A real man does what's right no matter what it costs him. A real man stands up for those who are weaker than him. A real man provides for his family. A real man loves sacrificially. A real man is not afraid of things that may be considered "girly", but neither is he obsessed with being "girly". A real man loves ONE woman, he does NOT "spread his seed". A real man treats his woman like a queen. A real man takes the lead in the relationship, but never dominates or abuses.

    There is also a crisis of women acting too masculine.

    A real woman does not bully her man or manipulate him. A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect). A real woman is not afraid to let her man take care of her the way he should. A real woman doesn't sleep around and try men on for size. A real woman is modest. A real woman treats men with respect. A real woman is not a door mat, she does not let everyone walk all over her, but neither does she walk over others.

    You are the epitome of what a woman should be (my opinion), and have the image of who I should be of a man down perfectly (my opinion). Props to your parents and you for following it!
  • Silverkittycat
    Silverkittycat Posts: 1,997 Member

    Is there a masculinity crisis?

    My take is, we get the people that we, as a society groom and earn. Yes, I know, I'm missing a golden opportunity to pander to the women with a tear-jerking commentary on "being a gentleman" or "romancing her" or some other such schtick. But like it or not, you can't look at one gender in isolation, we tend to work symbiotically.

    Men, just like women are simply responding to the demands and expectations that are put out for them. All things masculinity are typically treated as gross, pervy, predatory or oppressive, that is....until they're not. Then we start crying about the lack of the 'real men'. Meanwhile, we're stuck with a bunch of guys trying to reconcile how all of the things that they were told was distasteful and bad are now needed since someone wants their furniture moved.

    I like men that can move my furniture.
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Neither person should "dominate" the relationship. It's not masculine for a man to dominate his partner. It's not a matter of manliness; it's a matter of mutual respect. Someone who insists on having their way no matter what their partner wants and being unquestioned in the process is someone who's not mature enough to handle a healthy relationship, regardless of their sex.

    Love this^
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    Yes there is a crisis, but it has nothing to do with pink shirts, fruity drinks, or men being domineering. People equate being a manly man with being a womanizer or a wife beater now days and it's just not true.

    A real man does what's right no matter what it costs him. A real man stands up for those who are weaker than him. A real man provides for his family. A real man loves sacrificially. A real man is not afraid of things that may be considered "girly", but neither is he obsessed with being "girly". A real man loves ONE woman, he does NOT "spread his seed". A real man treats his woman like a queen. A real man takes the lead in the relationship, but never dominates or abuses.

    There is also a crisis of women acting too masculine.

    A real woman does not bully her man or manipulate him. A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect). A real woman is not afraid to let her man take care of her the way he should. A real woman doesn't sleep around and try men on for size. A real woman is modest. A real woman treats men with respect. A real woman is not a door mat, she does not let everyone walk all over her, but neither does she walk over others.

    I guess my aversion to makeup and itchy eyes makes me not a real woman. Who knew.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    A real woman embraces her femininity. A real woman wears dresses, makeup, and pretty shoes when appropriate ( to do otherwise is not "self expression" it is disrespect).
    Who exactly is disrespected by someone not wearing "dresses and pretty shoes?"