pregnant smokers



  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Maybe the advocates for the smoking preggo chick can drum up some literature to support her reasoning for smoking while pregnant. The only one I have seen (albeit nothing scientific, only logic) is stressing the fetus with withdrawals.

    Leave her be....why? Because someone says so? I don't understand. This society is so politically correct and so scared of each other that it is almost embarrassing. No one wants the government intervening with their lives (ie when or when not to smoke), but leave a person to govern themselves, and things go to hell in a hand basket.

    Ok, so there may be a time or two where smoking doesn't affect the kid, but why even take the chance? Because you can? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    There is a reason there are scientific studies out there, there are reasons why there are rules whether they be legal, ethical, or moral.

    There are no advocates for her. There are merely people who accept that what she is doing is not illegal, and nobody can stop her. Nobody in this thread is in favour of pregnant women smoking.
    great. did you even read the rest of my post?

    Yes, and I addressed the point I wanted to. Until governments opt to make tobacco use illegal, there is nothing anyone can do about a pregnant woman smoking. She knows it isn't healthy. A stranger approaching her to tell her that isn't going to change her mind.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Nobody in this thread is in favour of pregnant women smoking.

    Speak for yourself! I think it makes the fetus look totally cool and popular
  • annielaurie88
    annielaurie88 Posts: 86 Member
    tough topic!! i dont think it is your place to go out there and confront her. BUT you could go out and walk by and give her a horrified and digusted look :D

    because lets face it, that is sooooo rude and horrible to be doing that to an unborn child!!!
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    As a smoker (who WILL quit when I get pregnant), a stranger coming up to me to make me feel guilty by telling me facts everyone already knows is not going to change my behavior. What are you going to tell her that she doesn't already know, and probably thinks about every time she lights up? If someone went out of their way to come up to me to lecture me about my habits when I am politely smoking outside and away from non-smokers, I'd probably call them an a** and blow smoke in their face.
    She shouldn't be smoking, but there are lots of things people shouldn't do, who do it anyway-and it's no business of yours.

    Again, if she's smoking in a non-smoking area, by all means politely let her know. But to be honest, when someone is on their high horse about smoking around me-it just makes me want to smoke more to spite them (no that's not the nicotine talking :laugh: )
  • 1n2m3g
    1n2m3g Posts: 40 Member
    There is a pregnant 16 y-o girl outside my window wolfing down a Devil Dog.... should I slap that satanic, trans-fat-ridden chunk of lovely out of her fudge-smeared lips and lecture her on the wholesome goodness of broccoli? Or, should I mind my own business?

    Sorry, hungry!

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Maybe she is just fat.
    Unless her fat is shaped into beach ball roundness and only in her abdomen.....I'd say she's prego!

    I don't care...unless I actually see a protruding baby part, I am *not* going to assume that she's pregnant.... way...

    ...not going to make that mistake...


  • rocksyraeis
    There is a pregnant 16 y-o girl outside my window wolfing down a Devil Dog.... should I slap that satanic, trans-fat-ridden chunk of lovely out of her fudge-smeared lips and lecture her on the wholesome goodness of broccoli? Or, should I mind my own business?

    Sorry, hungry!


    Hahaha YES everyone knows she should ONlY be eating carrots and steamed asparagus! (go get that chocolate ;p)
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I stopped smoking late in pregnancy. I was sitting in the dr. office getting my BP checked. They had a nice poster to look at, a baby in uttero. Mom was smoking, so was the baby. I stopped smoking that day.

    My children have always been number 1 for me. My life revolved around them. That started before I ever got preggers.
    Its really up to the mom. Next go to a bar and see a pregnant mom drinking.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    They had a nice poster to look at, a baby in uttero. Mom was smoking, so was the baby. I stopped smoking that day.

    You didn't want your baby looking super cool in front of his fetus friends?
  • rocksyraeis
    Do you think the chances of people saying something to a pregnant woman drinking rather then smoking is greater? Im actually really curious about it.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Actions have consequences. The pregnant woman's actions can lead to social scorn from others and potential harm to her baby. However, one of the consequences is not official censure from the government. What she is doing is legal.

    Confronting the woman is another action that has consequences. Approaching can lead to an argument, an obscene gesture, bad vibes in the workplace, and potentially getting labeled a nosy busy-body around the office. Depending on the manner in which it is conducted, it could be considered harassment and may rise to the level of an illegal activity. In any event, it's not likely to change the other woman's choices.

    Both people are free to choose to act or not act and thus choose the consequences that go with the choice. However, the person doing the confronting is the only one that risks legal jeopardy. Thus, I'd advise against it especially since the likelihood of affecting the outcome is very small.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Yes, and I addressed the point I wanted to. Until governments opt to make tobacco use illegal, there is nothing anyone can do about a pregnant woman smoking. She knows it isn't healthy. A stranger approaching her to tell her that isn't going to change her mind.

    which goes full circle as to what is wrong with this society. No one wants to address the problems, out of fear. Whatever that may be.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Maybe the advocates for the smoking preggo chick can drum up some literature to support her reasoning for smoking while pregnant. The only one I have seen (albeit nothing scientific, only logic) is stressing the fetus with withdrawals.

    Leave her be....why? Because someone says so? I don't understand. This society is so politically correct and so scared of each other that it is almost embarrassing. No one wants the government intervening with their lives (ie when or when not to smoke), but leave a person to govern themselves, and things go to hell in a hand basket.

    Ok, so there may be a time or two where smoking doesn't affect the kid, but why even take the chance? Because you can? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    There is a reason there are scientific studies out there, there are reasons why there are rules whether they be legal, ethical, or moral.

    I don't see any advocates here saying WAHOO SMOKING CHICS RULE. I see people who are strictly stating the law and keeping emotions out of it. That it is not illegal to smoke while pregnant whether we agree or not. I am about the least politically correct person I know however I would never approach someone that was smoking that I thought was pregnant. I don't know her circumstances. Maybe she's not pregnant at all, maybe the "protruding belly" is actually a big tumor (has been known to happen), Maybe she just found out her baby has no heartbeat and she will have to give birth to a dead baby and she needed a cigarette to process the info, maybe she's decided to have a late term abortion because she can't afford the child or doesn't want it or whatever, I am not going to sit in a parking lot lecturing someone that didn't ask my opinion, no more so than I lecture someone who is yelling at their screaming kid in a store, because I don't know the circumstance, maybe instead of assuming the mother is a terrible mother for yelling at her kid, maybe I should have a little compassion and tell that mother that bad days happen, or maybe it would be better to go over and say to the woman smoking that there is no smoking on the premises is there something you can do to help her ? just because someone is doing something we perceive to be harmful, doesn't mean we know the circumstances leading up to that choice.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Do you think the chances of people saying something to a pregnant woman drinking rather then smoking is greater? Im actually really curious about it.

    I had someone ask me in a liquor store "Should you be drinking?" I was very pregnant and picking up beer for my husband :huh:
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    Edit: Withdrawal from smoking is never so bad that it should stress you out to a point of a miscarriage. If it's truly that bad, how bout' not having kids?
    It shouldn't stress YOU out that bad, but the stress of withdrawal is even worse on the fetus
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    every is mentioning legal rights, but yet conveniently fail to mention human rights, ethical rights, moral rights, social rights. I feel they are equally important.

    Why? Again, "not in my back yard" mentality.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    every is mentioning legal rights, but yet conveniently fail to mention human rights, ethical rights, moral rights, social rights. I feel they are equally important.

    Why? Again, "not in my back yard" mentality.
    It's because too many people in this country get on their high-horse and try to dictate other people's behavior. You seem to be one of them. Since when is "live and let live" political correctness?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    every is mentioning legal rights, but yet conveniently fail to mention human rights, ethical rights, moral rights, social rights. I feel they are equally important.

    Why? Again, "not in my back yard" mentality.
    It's because too many people in this country get on their high-horse and try to dictate other people's behavior. You seem to be one of them. Since when is "live and let live" political correctness?

    I'll let you carry on with that since you don't know me, but think you do.

    again, I feel that is what is wrong with society. Live and let live so much that no one takes responsibility.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    every is mentioning legal rights, but yet conveniently fail to mention human rights, ethical rights, moral rights, social rights. I feel they are equally important.

    Why? Again, "not in my back yard" mentality.
    The other rights you speak of are completely subjective. Your ethics and morals are not the necessarily the ethics and morals of me or her or her or him.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    every is mentioning legal rights, but yet conveniently fail to mention human rights, ethical rights, moral rights, social rights. I feel they are equally important.

    Why? Again, "not in my back yard" mentality.
    It's because too many people in this country get on their high-horse and try to dictate other people's behavior. You seem to be one of them. Since when is "live and let live" political correctness?

    I'll let you carry on with that since you don't know me, but think you do.

    again, I feel that is what is wrong with society. Live and let live so much that no one takes responsibility.
    Everyone takes responsibility for themselves. We also choose to collectively enact laws that reward or punish behavior. We, as a society, have chosen not to punish pregnant smokers. If you don't like it, you should lobby your congressman to pass a law or even create a citizen's initiative. Meanwhile, the mature among us will choose to mind our own business as we know that we all do things that others could scorn and life would be even more difficult if everyone was confronting everyone else about their pet peeves.