pregnant smokers



  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    As someone who smoked before and AFTER I was pregnant (I did NOT smoke during nursing, just to clear it up) I think women who smoke while pregnant are selfish and completely lacking self control. I quit the moment I found out I was pregnant, and didn't pick up another one until long after. I am currently a smoker, however, I never ever smoke around my child, or hell, within 100 feet of him. When I'm not pregnant, it's my body and I can choose to treat it however I want to. However, subjecting my unborn child to a menagerie of birth defects is not only selfish, but a wonderful representation of just how sh!tty of a parent I will be. Same goes for exposing my son to second hand smoke.

    That being said, like a previous poster said, a complete stranger telling her what to do will not change her mind. She's already put her own ridiculous cravings above the health of her child, so Joe Schmoe's opinion won't change anything.

    P.S. Everything I said above does not apply to women who smoked while pregnant before everyone knew how bad it was for kid's. My mother smoked around me when I was growing up because they didn't know diddly about the dangers of second hand smoke. But with the information that is available now, it's ludicrous to try and justify smoking around children, or while you are pregnant.

    Edit: Withdrawal from smoking is never so bad that it should stress you out to a point of a miscarriage. If it's truly that bad, how bout' not having kids?
  • rocksyraeis
    What? How does one write when they are stoned? How is that even? Look im done this is useless.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Confession: I ate soft cheeses and raw fish while pregnant.

    <---- Totally ate soft cheese. And some uncooked egg yolks. :P
  • rocksyraeis
    Elizabeth you should reread what i wrote they cant understand abortion because they can NOT concieve. Like i said pull your panties out of your booty and relax its a free for all chat im entitled to say what i feel and you my dear can either argue with yourself or move on i have no i terest in debating my ethics with you.
    You can say whatever you want, and so can I. You make no sense, I'm not sure if you are stoned or mentally deficient. Have a lovely day.

    This is a common practice among people who do NOT like when someone else doesnt agree with them to say im stoned and/or mental is just childish your showing your age very noticably so i will have a lovely day no skin off my nose :)
  • lrichardson2360
    lrichardson2360 Posts: 225 Member
    Confession: I ate soft cheeses and raw fish while pregnant.

    I ate sushi. Millions of pregnant Japenese women can't be wrong, can they?
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Only trashy people smoke. It didn't used to be that way. Now the only ones left doing it are the loud-mouthed, bleached-blonde, bowling, bus driving bimbos with a raspy voice and leather skin that hang out in bars.

    They also stink, pollute my air, throw their trash on the ground and out the windows, raise our medical costs, ruin cars, ruin their health, other's health, start fires, etc.

    Yeah, I'm bitter and I stereotype today's defensive smokers. My father smoked and he died from it so it's a sensitive subject for me.

    If you smoke, get help and stop! People get off meth, you can get off your filthy cigarettes.

    That is all.

  • rocksyraeis
    As someone who smoked before and AFTER I was pregnant (I did NOT smoke during nursing, just to clear it up) I think women who smoke while pregnant are selfish and completely lacking self control. I quit the moment I found out I was pregnant, and didn't pick up another one until long after. I am currently a smoker, however, I never ever smoke around my child, or hell, within 100 feet of him. When I'm not pregnant, it's my body and I can choose to treat it however I want to. However, subjecting my unborn child to a menagerie of birth defects is not only selfish, but a wonderful representation of just how sh!tty of a parent I will be. Same goes for exposing my son to second hand smoke.

    That being said, like a previous poster said, a complete stranger telling her what to do will not change her mind. She's already put her own ridiculous cravings above the health of her child, so Joe Schmoe's opinion won't change anything.

    P.S. Everything I said above does not apply to women who smoked while pregnant before everyone knew how bad it was for kid's. My mother smoked around me when I was growing up because they didn't know diddly about the dangers of second hand smoke. But with the information that is available now, it's ludicrous to try and justify smoking around children, or while you are pregnant.

    Edit: Withdrawal from smoking is never so bad that it should stress you out to a point of a miscarriage. If it's truly that bad, how bout' not having kids?

    THIS ^ agreed.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    compare the number of pregnant smokers to the number of people who just need to shut the f up. I think this points to the answer.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    A man should be allowed to talk about abortion if it's your child he's aborting. That's his child too. A child doesn't not just belong to a woman. Two to tango.

    And if I have a hysterectomy before having the chance to conceive, am I not allowed to speak about abortion because I have no idea what it's like to conceive? What if I voluntarily don't have kids. What's the line on this one?
  • rocksyraeis
    compare the number of pregnant smokers to the number of people who just need to shut the f up. I think this points to the answer.

    Haha point-match -shuts the **** up-
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    I cant believe how many people are saying its her choice and it doesn’t matter. How can anyone seriously not have enough self control to stop smoking when they are carrying a baby? It’s about the most selfish thing you can do to knowingly harm your unborn child just for some personal gratification. And yes she may ignore you if you tell her to stop but if more people commented on how disgusting it is to smoke while pregnant maybe they would be too ashamed to do it in public which would hopefully at least get her to cut down and at the very least stop me having to breath in her second hand smoke!
  • rocksyraeis

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    A man should be allowed to talk about abortion if it's your child he's aborting. That's his child too. A child doesn't not just belong to a woman. Two to tango.

    And if I have a hysterectomy before having the chance to conceive, am I not allowed to speak about abortion because I have no idea what it's like to conceive? What if I voluntarily don't have kids. What's the line on this one?

    Your reading too far into it, my point was a guy shouldnt say oh ya she can have an abortion its her body in MY opinion because he will never know what its like you can be hurt my one you can feel for one ect but to comment on something you can never possibly understand is silly to me itd be like me trying to talk about shaolin monk temple rights or testicular cancer its just an opinion of mine that has yet to change.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    A man should be allowed to talk about abortion if it's your child he's aborting. That's his child too. A child doesn't not just belong to a woman. Two to tango.

    And if I have a hysterectomy before having the chance to conceive, am I not allowed to speak about abortion because I have no idea what it's like to conceive? What if I voluntarily don't have kids. What's the line on this one?

    Your reading too far into it, my point was a guy shouldnt say oh ya she can have an abortion its her body in MY opinion because he will never know what its like you can be hurt my one you can feel for one ect but to comment on something you can never possibly understand is silly to me itd be like me trying to talk about shaolin monk temple rights or testicular cancer its just an opinion of mine that has yet to change.

    Now I see what Elizabeth was talking about. Yikes. Nevermind.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    As someone who smoked before and AFTER I was pregnant (I did NOT smoke during nursing, just to clear it up) I think women who smoke while pregnant are selfish and completely lacking self control. I quit the moment I found out I was pregnant, and didn't pick up another one until long after. I am currently a smoker, however, I never ever smoke around my child, or hell, within 100 feet of him. When I'm not pregnant, it's my body and I can choose to treat it however I want to. However, subjecting my unborn child to a menagerie of birth defects is not only selfish, but a wonderful representation of just how sh!tty of a parent I will be. Same goes for exposing my son to second hand smoke.

    That being said, like a previous poster said, a complete stranger telling her what to do will not change her mind. She's already put her own ridiculous cravings above the health of her child, so Joe Schmoe's opinion won't change anything.

    P.S. Everything I said above does not apply to women who smoked while pregnant before everyone knew how bad it was for kid's. My mother smoked around me when I was growing up because they didn't know diddly about the dangers of second hand smoke. But with the information that is available now, it's ludicrous to try and justify smoking around children, or while you are pregnant.

    Edit: Withdrawal from smoking is never so bad that it should stress you out to a point of a miscarriage. If it's truly that bad, how bout' not having kids?

    THIS ^ agreed.

    Ugh, please don't agree with me. Your stance on whether or not a man has a say on abortion makes me want to smack you.

    Also, punctuation is your friend. Use it.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    Unless you're able to produce the child without man juice, don't tell a father that he doesn't have a say in the childs future

    If you are however able to create a baby all by yourself, well then congratulations because you're literally able to go and ____ yourself
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    Yup. As sad as it is that she continues to smoke, it's her right.
  • rocksyraeis

    Now I see what Elizabeth was talking about. Yikes. Nevermind.

    Lol! Its ok if u dont understand my opinions i really couldnt care less.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    A man should be allowed to talk about abortion if it's your child he's aborting.

  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    Unless you're able to produce the child without man juice, don't tell a father that he doesn't have a say in the childs future

    If you are however able to create a baby all by yourself, well then congratulations because you're literally able to go and ____ yourself
    This comment is so full of win.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Maybe the advocates for the smoking preggo chick can drum up some literature to support her reasoning for smoking while pregnant. The only one I have seen (albeit nothing scientific, only logic) is stressing the fetus with withdrawals.

    Leave her be....why? Because someone says so? I don't understand. This society is so politically correct and so scared of each other that it is almost embarrassing. No one wants the government intervening with their lives (ie when or when not to smoke), but leave a person to govern themselves, and things go to hell in a hand basket.

    Ok, so there may be a time or two where smoking doesn't affect the kid, but why even take the chance? Because you can? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

    There is a reason there are scientific studies out there, there are reasons why there are rules whether they be legal, ethical, or moral.