pregnant smokers



  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    It's not her business if the baby comes out with some deformity that our tax dollars have to pay for the rest of its life - just because the stupid, young, smoking mom has no self respect!
    Except that smoking isn't related to that kind deformity. Mostly, it's linked to low birth weight.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    btw , when small was little at one point I was working nights and staying awake during the day in order to look after him. One day when we were at a local market he was having one of his moments about not wearing seatbelts (he's asd) I had been awake for 29 hrs by that point and he was in the car howling , I was outside the car howling and having a ciggie when an old lady chose that moment to tut at me and say 'you really shouldn't smoke when you have children'
    I've afraid the response was 'I really shouldn't smack people in public either , doesn't mean I won't' .....if you do confront her pick your moment carefully please !
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    unofrtunately for that baby, if she is smoking like that while pregnant, she will probably have no problems smoking around the child after it is born (in the car, in the house, etc.) it's not fair for a child to not even have the choice of whether or not they have to breathe that crap, yet a lot of mothers (and fathers) make the decision to smoke around their children. I don't smoke and have never smoked, and when I have children, they are not going to be made to sit in a room filled with smoke. People know the bad effects of smoking and second hand smoke and it should be considered child abuse. I'm an adult and I don't like being around people who are smoking and I think it's just a selfish thing to do. I also work in a nursing home and see the effects of all those years of smoking, you think you can just quit anytime, but the longer you do it the worse off you are going to be. My grandma quit smoking over 20 years before she died, but she died with complications that were caused from the years that she did smoke (COPD and Sleep Apnea) which caused her to have heart problems and everything else. She was only 65

    Spoken like a true non-smoker..who has never smoked, who has no idea what its like to smoke.

    Time to piss off the masses....
    Just because she smokes while she is pregnant does NOT mean she will smoke around the baby once born.
    I smoked with all 4 of my children. BECAUSE I was advised not to quit by the DR. (all high risk) Also, they won't allow you to try any "quit smoking" pills, patches or anything. That tells me, its safer to smoke, than to take patches, pills etc.
    I cut down from 2 packs a day- to 10 cigarettes a day while pregnant.
    All of my babies were born full term, or late...and all weighed 7 1/2- 8 1/2 lbs with no complications. Will it be that way for Was it for me.. yes.
    I've never smoked around my children once born... never in the house, never in the car.

    Now, to answer the OP question. If it bothers you that much... and it says right in front of her face no smoking... than I suppose you could go out there and just remind her that its a non smoking facility. She will prob be embarrassed that she was busted and quit on that alone. You will feel better that you stopped a pregnant (or just fat person) from smoking... it will be a win win. Although, she will probably just walk away and smoke somewhere else... so I don't really see the point. Or how its really your business in the grand scheme of things.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    This is one of the most ignorant posts i've seen on MFP

    I've seen worse. One time, a girl complained she couldn't get pregnant because the jizz kept dripping out after sex. True story. :drinker:
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    What is more important - your job, or the health of a baby? Personally, I would want to say something - even if just very politely going up and asking her how far along she is, etc. questions about her baby - maybe it will make her feel guilty. As for the "what if she isn't pregnant" thing - I wouldn't be too worried about offending someone, it's better to safe than sorry :)

    Babies are beautiful creatures who sometimes need our protection from their own crazy parents haha.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I hate smoking and I think it's disgusting, I didn't want it around me when I was pregnant, nor do I want it around my kids, BUT that is MY choice as a mother. Some women just don't care, and that really sucks, but it's how it is. It's her choice unfortunately.
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Mind your own business. It's hard not to say anything, but it wouldn't do any good. As an ex-smoker I know a person isn't going to quit until they make the decision to quit on their own.

    ^ I disagree. Just about every person I know who's ever been a smoker and gotten pregnant, with the exception of one, quit immediately upon finding out they were pregnant. There are far more important things than smoking - like the life of your child.
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    my mother smoked with me and my two older brothers. We turned out fine except when I was born I had low birth weight and was in intensive care for breathing problems. It's still weird when you see a pregnant woman smoking though.
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 85
    She knows it is bad for her and the baby and probably already feels bad about it and doesn't need strangers giving her extra crap.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'd go smack the crap outta her.

    Not sure why everyone is telling you to mind your own business...As far as Im concerned she's abusing her unborn child...I think if someone is witnessing that, then it's their business.

    Poor child will more than likely be born at a very low birth weight & be kept in the hospital for the first week or two of it's life.
  • MissShancey
    i thought this said Pregnant Hookers...
  • cblevitron
    cblevitron Posts: 243
    If you are a heavy smoker, quitting smoking is more harmful to you and your baby than if you continue throughout the pregnancy. Doctors advise people addicted to nicotine not to quit, especially not cold turkey, when pregnant.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you decide to carry a pregnancy to full term, you need to understand sacrifices that need to be made in order to carry that baby to full term. This means absolutely no more smoking (among other things you should no longer do).

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. No doctor I would trust my babies life with would, anyway.

    Edit to say, I never really addressed the OP: I am 36 1/2 weeks pregnant now, and it would still drive me nuts if anyone told me to do or not to do something. Whether we agree with it is one thing, but it is between her, her doctor, and her conscience.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    If you decide to carry a pregnancy to full term, you need to understand sacrifices that need to be made in order to carry that baby to full term. This means absolutely no more smoking (among other things you should no longer do).

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. No doctor I would trust my babies life with would, anyway.

    How do you make all these determinations by a quick glance in the parking lot of someones choices?
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    If you decide to carry a pregnancy to full term, you need to understand sacrifices that need to be made in order to carry that baby to full term. This means absolutely no more smoking (among other things you should no longer do).

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. No doctor I would trust my babies life with would, anyway.

    You are incorrect.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Mind your own business. It's hard not to say anything, but it wouldn't do any good. As an ex-smoker I know a person isn't going to quit until they make the decision to quit on their own.

    ^ I disagree. Just about every person I know who's ever been a smoker and gotten pregnant, with the exception of one, quit immediately upon finding out they were pregnant. There are far more important things than smoking - like the life of your child.
    Nothing you said refuted anything in the reply you quoted.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I'd go smack the crap outta her.

    Not sure why everyone is telling you to mind your own business...As far as Im concerned she's abusing her unborn child...I think if someone is witnessing that, then it's their business.

    Poor child will more than likely be born at a very low birth weight & be kept in the hospital for the first week or two of it's life.
    Let's see. You'd "smack the crap outta her"....a felony because she is doing something that you dislike but is not against the law. Uh huh.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    If you decide to carry a pregnancy to full term, you need to understand sacrifices that need to be made in order to carry that baby to full term. This means absolutely no more smoking (among other things you should no longer do).

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. No doctor I would trust my babies life with would, anyway.

    You are incorrect.

    Actually, I am not. I stated an opinion. No doctor I would trust my unborn baby with would ever suggest to me (or anyone) to go ahead and keep smoking while pregnant. Wean themselves? Absolutely. But to continue smoking throughout the entire pregnancy? You better believe I would not ever go see a doctor who believed that to be the right thing to do.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    If you decide to carry a pregnancy to full term, you need to understand sacrifices that need to be made in order to carry that baby to full term. This means absolutely no more smoking (among other things you should no longer do).

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy. No doctor I would trust my babies life with would, anyway.

    Don't make *kitten* up you don't know what a Dr will do.