

  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Speaking of cell phones... My Pet Peeve is people who get in their car. Then make a call, and THEN START THE CAR AND START DRIVING! :mad:


    Or, make your call, complete your call, then start the car and drive, please! :heart:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    wow...I work for an hour and I miss all those posts!

    as far as the "I'm related to everyone" thing....I had a friend in high school who would not pass a chance to bring up that Val Kilmer is her mom's cousin's cousin....or something like that. It got on my NERVES.

    If they are so far extended family that you've NEVER met, not even at that huge family reunion they had years ago, then it doesn't count.

    Now, I do find it interesting that my husband is distantly related to Kelly Pickler. Somewhere down his grandfather's brother's family tree limb (or something like that). They were both at a family reunion one time LONG ago. lol
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Who's Kelly Pickler? :laugh:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    She's a country music artist! She's pretty good...she seems really sweet and she does a lot of stuff for the troops. Ok in my book!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    IT departments that send you to level 2,3,4 and they all do the same thing and tell you the computer is fixed.

    Ok if it is fixed WHY WON'T IT WORK!!

    whew, I feel better now:blushing:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Speaking of cell phones... My Pet Peeve is people who get in their car. Then make a call, and THEN START THE CAR AND START DRIVING! :mad:


    Or, make your call, complete your call, then start the car and drive, please! :heart:

    I got in my car, started it(So Fla so hot as h e double toothpicks) made a call (I work on the road) and a car who wanted my spot sat on their horn. Not beep beep.....but beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

    Do I owe them this spot? Are the other 100 spaces not good enough?

    I wanted to jump out and start a fight. Instead I turned off my car. Grabbed my handbag and went into the shoe store.

    THAT made me feel better!!!

    Pet Peeve: PPL who think they own the world!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I just get out of the car and start walking toward them. Done it a couple times - haven't made it to the driver's door yet. :bigsmile:
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    IT departments that send you to level 2,3,4 and they all do the same thing and tell you the computer is fixed.

    Ok if it is fixed WHY WON'T IT WORK!!

    whew, I feel better now:blushing:

    I used to manage an IT department. I made it our policy that our Help Desk and Trainers who take a turn at walkaround support. We would visit anyone who had called in a problem or attended a class to ensure that their problem had been correctly fixed and/or any questions they had thought of after class or while working with the new software were answered. I retired from that job when a reorganization gave us a new boss in another city who said: "We don't do that here, so you're not going to either." No wonder IT gets poor marks. I'm sorry, Jeannie, that you've had that experience. Customer Service should come first.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Speaking of cell phones... My Pet Peeve is people who get in their car. Then make a call, and THEN START THE CAR AND START DRIVING! :mad:


    Or, make your call, complete your call, then start the car and drive, please! :heart:

    I got in my car, started it(So Fla so hot as h e double toothpicks) made a call (I work on the road) and a car who wanted my spot sat on their horn. Not beep beep.....but beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

    Do I owe them this spot? Are the other 100 spaces not good enough?

    I wanted to jump out and start a fight. Instead I turned off my car. Grabbed my handbag and went into the shoe store.

    THAT made me feel better!!!

    Pet Peeve: PPL who think they own the world!!

    Hey, I'm glad you didn't give up your spot to the hornblower. I'd have completed my call, with the engine and a/c running, (I assume that's why you had started the car) then left. Let him sit there and fume! And I'm glad you didn't try to talk and drive! That's what I meant as my pet peeve. I'd much rather see a person talking on a cell phone with the car sitting still than with it moving. I'm now in Law Enforcement IT and have retrieved data for our accident guys on accidents where a cellphone was involved. It is definitely an unnecessary hazard that can easily be avoided.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    BTW Jeannie, nice "guns" in your ticker! :wink: Looks like you've been working with the dumbells (literally - not figuratively) :laugh:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    going to a restaurant and seeing a family eating together only the kids are playing their Nintendos while eating. why did you even bring them to the restaurant?
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    It drives me up a wall when parents let kids act like savages in restaurants. They dump everything all over the table and the floor, they have no manners and the parents let them run the show. They even try to boss me around! Oh I don't think so, you might be able to act that way to your parents but you're not acting like that to me!

    When you're on a single lane road, and someone is behind you, DO THE SPEED LIMIT, please, or pull over and let me pass you! There's a road around here that is 60 mph, and people will be on there doing like 45 mph. Actually, I find that to be pretty common all over Texas. I know "y'all" are laid back and more relaxed here, but don't you ever want to get to where you're going? I think Texas ought to set a speed MINIMUM law. I'm sure driving too slowly can cause as many accidents as driving too fast. If I'm tooling along on the highway at 60-65 mph, and you merge in front of me at 45-50 mph, there's a good chnce I might just smash into you. :explode:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
    Lifelong motorcyclist - certified Motorcycle Safety Instructor. Gotta agree with you. That stuff's fun off highway, but stunting on the street is illegal and stupid. It endangers civilians, attracts unwanted attention and p!sses people off. Bad bad juju.

    The people in the cages don't understand us or like us very much anyways,,, let's not make it worse. :smile:
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    Lifelong motorcyclist - certified Motorcycle Safety Instructor. Gotta agree with you. That stuff's fun off highway, but stunting on the street is illegal and stupid. It endangers civilians, attracts unwanted attention and p!sses people off. Bad bad juju.

    The people in the cages don't understand us or like us very much anyways,,, let's not make it worse. :smile:

    I think the fact that I ride makes me even more mad at them. I'm a safety sucker - full face helmet and all. I am a strong proponent of an age limit of 25 yrs for motorcycle license. it would weed out a few of the idiots anyway.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
    Lifelong motorcyclist - certified Motorcycle Safety Instructor. Gotta agree with you. That stuff's fun off highway, but stunting on the street is illegal and stupid. It endangers civilians, attracts unwanted attention and p!sses people off. Bad bad juju.

    The people in the cages don't understand us or like us very much anyways,,, let's not make it worse. :smile:

    About a month ago, I was on my way home, and as I'm coming down my street I see a motorcycle all smashed up, a helmet over here, a glove over there...I get around the bend in the road, and I see cop cars, and a guy sitting on the ground, handcuffed, blood all over his face! I'm guessing by the handcuffs he was drunk (even though it was about 1 pm). It was pretty gross,
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Lifelong motorcyclist - certified Motorcycle Safety Instructor. Gotta agree with you. That stuff's fun off highway, but stunting on the street is illegal and stupid. It endangers civilians, attracts unwanted attention and p!sses people off. Bad bad juju.

    The people in the cages don't understand us or like us very much anyways,,, let's not make it worse. :smile:

    I think the fact that I ride makes me even more mad at them. I'm a safety sucker - full face helmet and all. I am a strong proponent of an age limit of 25 yrs for motorcycle license. it would weed out a few of the idiots anyway.
    I'm a riding instructor, and I've trained 16 year olds that I would pack behind, and I've trained 50 year olds who really shouldn't be allowed to walk without supervision. Stupidity has no age limit. The majority of crashes and fatalities are cruiser riders in their 40's, riding biker TT (Tavern to Tavern).
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    Stupidity has no age limit.

    cannot argue with that!
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    About a month ago, I was on my way home, and as I'm coming down my street I see a motorcycle all smashed up, a helmet over here, a glove over there...I get around the bend in the road, and I see cop cars, and a guy sitting on the ground, handcuffed, blood all over his face! I'm guessing by the handcuffs he was drunk (even though it was about 1 pm). It was pretty gross,

    I once met a guy who bragged that he'd never dropped his bike (something most people do and actually it's sort of a milestone you have to get past when you first start riding) except one time when he was drunk and stopped for gas he forgot to put the kickstand down before he got off the bike.

    When people tell me things like that I think, WHY would you EVER tell anyone that you are that big of an idiot??
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    oh, and motorcyclists (usually men under the age of 25) doing wheelies down the highway. IDIOTS!
    Nothing ticks me off like seeing someone on a crotch rocket going a million miles per hour down the highway weaving in and out of cars popping wheelies. It's just a recipe for disaster.