

  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    people who dress & act like thug's when they are not even ***** cats, note not that I approve or like people who are that way for real. hahaha
  • cwvanek
    cwvanek Posts: 111
    Ugh I hate it when people wear their pants too big! What in the heck is the point of wearing your pants around your knees!? No one wants to see your underwear. What kills me is when they're belted around their knees :grumble:
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Ugh I hate it when people wear their pants too big! What in the heck is the point of wearing your pants around your knees!? No one wants to see your underwear. What kills me is when they're belted around their knees :grumble:

    Me too! I mean, I can't wait til I have pants falling off of me, but I'm going to buy new ones as soon as I can!

    Another thing that bugs me is when people say they hate being stereotyped, but then they act exactly lke that stereotype! If you don't like it, don't act like it!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Ugh I hate it when people wear their pants too big! What in the heck is the point of wearing your pants around your knees!? No one wants to see your underwear. What kills me is when they're belted around their knees :grumble:

    Me too! I mean, I can't wait til I have pants falling off of me, but I'm going to buy new ones as soon as I can!

    Another thing that bugs me is when people say they hate being stereotyped, but then they act exactly lke that stereotype! If you don't like it, don't act like it!

    LOL, me too...not about the pants but about the stereotype. I'm Goth and I love it...but I'm not moody or depressed. I love the looks I get when I hold open the door for an older person or seeing their mouth drop open when they learn that I'm Christian and that my daughter is in a private Christian school. It's as if they think that I'm heathen. I defy my stereotype. :bigsmile:
    I always try to remember not to judge a book by it's cover but by the 'words' (ie a persons actions).
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I actually am a heathen,,, Ok, an agnostic (and a Jesus loving Unitarian Universalist - google it). I'm also a pretty nasty looking biker dude. I enjoy doing the painfully nice stuff too. I do it 'cause I'm a nice guy, but I do enjoy blowing holes in people's perceptions and stereotypes.
  • amandadaisylotus
    It's fun to smash stereotypes, but we all must realize that if we dress a certain way, we will be viewed a certain way.

    My pet peeve is in general my aunt and her boyfriend. They're the types of people growing food in their own back yard because "The government puts chemicals in our food to make us fat and eat more," and then they go to a restaurant and eat a 20 oz steak and a huge potato and wonder why they're still fat. >.<

    But I'm the unhealthy one because I drink water out of plastic bottles. CAAAAANCERRR!

    Seriously. People who are closed minded annoy me. And people too easily swayed by things they hear like talk radio and political commercials.

    (Aka my grandmother - OH MY GOD OBAMA'S GOING TO KILL ME BECAUSE I'M OLD WITH THIS HEALTH CARE BILL! Never mind that she's 76 and still up and walking around and in pretty good health for a 76 year old with no debilitating diseases yet)
  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Cell phones.

    I own one and I like having it, but what few manners some people had flew out the window the the inception of cell phones.

    I've never worked as a cashier but I think it's so horribly rude for someone to be checking out and talking on their cell phone the whole time and never acknowledge or speak to the cashier.

    I have a co-worker that will respond to a text in the middle of a conversation with me or even a client...and this is a white collar professional!!!!! His phone has made him a total idiot!!!!! He has no clue how rude he's being!! We'll be in the middle of a conversation and he'll start texting and tell me, just keep talking, i'm he's not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH

    Going out to dinner w/someone who is on the cell phone the whole time is really irritating!!!!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Going out to dinner w/someone who is on the cell phone the whole time is really irritating!!!!

    Agreed. It doesn't really bother me if it is a big group but if you are sitting with one person and they are sitting there talking on their phone for 15 minutes, it's but plain rude.

    My pet peeve is not using punctuation. Half the time, I skip posts without it because I don't feel like spending 10 minutes decifering a period/coma-less paragraph.:grumble:
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I must say that I find this thread very therapeutic!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I used to work in a grocery store on the front end and yes, you HATE the customers who are on their cell phones. All the stores I worked for had customer service expectations where you were REQUIRED to greet every customer, ask them if they found everything and ask for their discount card. I got to the point where I wouldn't even smile at people coming through the line on their cell phone. I would ring up their crap, put it in a bag, wait for them to pay and let them walk away without saying a word to them. And then I'd be all smiliey and happy for the next person. And I was a DAMN GOOD cashier. I moved up to front end assistant and it was wasn't as bad at the customer service desk.

    Another pet peeve...when you are walking into a store and its raining and people in cars don't let you walk in front of them to get into the store....YOU ARE IN A CAR AND NOT GETTING WET!! All I want is 10 seconds to cross in front of you to get out of the rain!! (ESPECIALLY if they are going to fast through a puddle and splash water up on you)....d-bag
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    I HATE it when people chew ice. It's not rude or anything but the sound is worse that nails on a chalkboard to me.:sick:
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    people who sneeze & don't cover their noses also people who burp without saying excuse me.
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    people who are negative about everything, just die already *****$s. :indifferent:
  • HealthyKt78
    People who can't form a coherent argument but then tell me I'm stupid because we don't agree on an issue. I will respect different beliefs as long as someone can give me a valid reason for why they feel that way. I backed up my point now you back up yours.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    people who are negative about everything, just die already *****$s. :indifferent:

  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    As far as the cell phone issue goes, I agree that it's rude to be on the phone while checking out at the store but it has been the other way around for me a few time and that was really annoying too. I have gone into the in-convenience store a few times and the cashier was on the phone and never put it down or stopped talking the entire time. They just expect you to ready the amount you owe on the register screen and not bother them. I have said something to them on my way out!!!!

    Okay, now that that's off my chest I guess I can go get ready for work!!
  • sbono15
    People that have no filter on Facebook - they put out waaaaay to much info!
  • WonderNoodle
    "Muscle weighs heavier than fat" or "a pound of muscle is heavier than a pound of fat"

    Arggggg, no it doesn't. Then, when you point this out you get "I know it doesn't "weigh" heavier, it just takes up less space".


    I agree! A pound is a pound if it is feathers or rocks.
  • WonderNoodle
    Young people (and older) that feel the need to put their every thought and emotion on facebook or myspace and then get upset when people comment on it. DON'T PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE if you aren't expecting the world to respond.

    I want these kids to realize that having a private life is just that, keep some things for yourself.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    As far as the cell phone issue goes, I agree that it's rude to be on the phone while checking out at the store but it has been the other way around for me a few time and that was really annoying too. I have gone into the in-convenience store a few times and the cashier was on the phone and never put it down or stopped talking the entire time. They just expect you to ready the amount you owe on the register screen and not bother them. I have said something to them on my way out!!!!

    Okay, now that that's off my chest I guess I can go get ready for work!!

    I hate that. Or when they answer the phone while there is a huge line and carry out the whole conversation while you wait. Ask the person on phone to hold. We've been waiting. They can too!:grumble: