Men, would you let your wife be a surrogate mother?



  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    I get privileges with his wife while mine's out of commision right?
  • ArchangelMJ
    ArchangelMJ Posts: 308 Member
    I don't understand why people are saying that surrogacy is "selfish". If that's the case, then is every woman selfish who wants to have her own baby? Should every parent be judged and berated for not choosing to adopt? I think adoption is a wonderful thing, and I'm a huge advocate for it, but I don't see the need to be critical of those who choose surrogacy instead. Sometimes adoption just isn't in the cards. For instance, there are many states in the US where gay adoption is illegal, and it can still be difficult for a hetero couples to adopt in general due to financial burden, as well as for those who are single.
  • MudRunLvr
    MudRunLvr Posts: 226 Member
    Just so y'all know, this thread is from August of last year. It was resurrected by someone who started a fake account just to (as far as I can tell) bash women. Surprisingly he's not married...

    So don't everyone get their knickers in a twist over nothing.
    Passing through the internet and coming across this topic, I decided to make a temporary account to post my thoughts....

    This just goes to show that a female body is just a tool for making babies, with psychological disregards of who they make it with even if it were for another stranger, (I don't care if you say it's for a sister, brother, friend, that's just preference).

    My theory is that most females are obsessed with the desire of getting pregnant almost as much as most males are to the act of sex, to procreate. With medical technologies we have nowadays, it pretty much twisted that concept and logic.

    I don't have a wife, but I don't find it Rewarding to have my wife or girlfriend be exploited to be used for making another man's child when she could be making our child instead, which was what you're both originally intended to share. If my wife is unable to carry a child then we'll just go with adoption no matter the difficulty. I don't even mind adopting a son that's well into his adult age looking for a family. This scientific logic of implanting a couples egg & sperm in another female womb is very strange after having me read about surrogacy recently. It's funny I still remembered I used to ask my parents, where does babies come from?

    I don't know, maybe people are really bored and want to try something new and odd to their own bodies and everyone around them as time progresses, nothing that I can do about it.
  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    Let? Seriously? My wife and I have been married for going on 23 years in part because neither of us thinks in terms of 'let'ting the other do or not do something.
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    Only if it happened the old fashioned way... And I got to watch! YOWZA!!!
  • b7bbs
    b7bbs Posts: 158 Member
    I would happily do it, but not if my husband really didn't want me to. Which I'd understand. I

    I would completely understand too but if it were someone like my sister, I would hope he would support me.

    I have never been pregnant, I don't have kids; however, I would be a surrogate for only one person, and that would be my sister if she ever wnated kids but couldn't have them. But so far so good, and she just wants me to have kids so she can be the cool aunt lol. If and when i'm married, if my husband didn't want me to do it, I would understand, but like I said if it were my sister, it would be my decision and I would think under those cercumstances my husband would support me. If he didn't, well that 's just sad.
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