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Nude in the locker room??



  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    How comfortable are you about walking around naked in the locker room? (If it was a Co-Ed locker room, I wouldn't mind lol)Personally, I hate it, I wish people would respect the fact that not everyone wants to see you naked in a room full of dudes. What do yall think?

    Are you afraid/hopeful you will slip on the soap and fall mouth first ?
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    No, I do not get nude in front of strangers. If they want to, I do not mind. I guess I'm too shy. :blushing:
  • SVCat
    SVCat Posts: 1,483 Member
    my amusement comes in the thought that so many people are still homophobic but will still be the guy walking around the locker room naked in front of strangers.
    Today I went to the gym, turned the corner into the locker room to get a full view of a 6 foot tall, very doughy, very hairy dude with what appeared to be an acorn poking out of a crotch fro, If I were him, I'd be less inclined to be showing off the goods straight or gay

    An acorn? BAHAHAHA. Now that's funny right durr'!!!

    I change in locker rooms every day. It's the same naked guys walking around being busy little social butterflies. Just don't come put your sh1t in my face or you getting **** punched. Otherwise, it's a free country...do what you like.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    my amusement comes in the thought that so many people are still homophobic but will still be the guy walking around the locker room naked in front of strangers.
    Today I went to the gym, turned the corner into the locker room to get a full view of a 6 foot tall, very doughy, very hairy dude with what appeared to be an acorn poking out of a crotch fro, If I were him, I'd be less inclined to be showing off the goods straight or gay

    Ewwww....that is a visual I did NOT need! :noway: Thanks, pal. :grumble: Excuse me while I go look at some pictures of super HOT guys in the hope that it will erase that nightmare you just described from my memory.
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
  • gr8deuce
    gr8deuce Posts: 11
    Hey we are all there to work out, so it doesnt matter to me one bit!
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    It's a locker room. As long as they are minding their own business why should it matter?


  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
    I don't mind it. But then again, lady parts are FAR better looking than man parts.
    very true!
  • PantalaNagaPampa
    PantalaNagaPampa Posts: 1,031 Member
    )Personally, I hate it, I wish people would respect the fact that not everyone wants to see you naked in a room full of dudes.

    I think someone is so far in the closet, he found his Christmas presents...
    so Ted, is your closet door open now? :laugh:

    I love all the naked dudes in the locker room, how else am I supposed to judge my junk against theirs, if they are clothed... then I find the ones with the smallest junk, and go hit on their wives or GFs.. i figure I got a shot...
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    Just avert your eyes if you don't want to see it:noway: .....but not TOO much. :wink: I was trying so hard to not look at the naked lady walking in front of me that when she bent over I didn't notice kept walking and....my sweat towel got stuck in her crack :blushing: I did not know what to do so I just yanked it away. Boy she was maaaaad.:mad:

  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I'm a grown @$$ man, I'll hang brain when and where I want. If people don't like to see it then they don't need to be staring.
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
    I like to drop stuff next to guys like you, then turn around and bend over.
    That is exactly what I'm talking about, No common courtesy, dudes just drop trou no matter if it is in someone else's face. DUDE!
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
    Meh. I'm rarely naked in the locker room because I don't shower at the gym anymore. It's really not that hard to ignore the people around you, just face your own locker.
    cant do that, i need my shower
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I wonder how many of the anti naked people are American and how many are European. This country (the US) seems so uptight about nudity and sex, it's kind of funny. We all have the same parts, the only difference is size and shape, oh, and color I suppose.

    Bingo. I live in Germany, there are nude people everywhere.
    Couple of weeks ago my daughters were bathing in the river and one of them slipped and was carried a bit downstream - I wasn't there but only heard about it. The guy that pulled her out was naked as were his three friends. This in the middle of town.

    Gym? Who cares as long you don't sit your sweaty parts on the bench.
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member

    I loved that scene!
  • gettinthere
    gettinthere Posts: 529 Member
    I am comfortable naked in a locker room/change room, but I don't walk around, I just get changed and go!
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
    It doesnt bother me to walk around nude. . . .however, the sauna freaks me out a bit. . .I dont want to sit where your sweaty a** has been resting. . .just sayin
    That is the worst, only guys feel comfortable being nude in the sauna, never the ladies SMH
  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    How do you change without being naked? I always walk around butt naked. I actually love how everybody can walk around naked together, and it doesn't matter what body parts are hanging how low. The naked body is great no matter what it looks like, it doesn't have to look like the body of an underwear model. But maybe that's just the Danish part of me speaking. It's actually pretty interesting how different Europeans and Americans generally are regarding nudity.
  • Joshilator0524
    Joshilator0524 Posts: 26 Member
    How comfortable are you about walking around naked in the locker room? (If it was a Co-Ed locker room, I wouldn't mind lol)Personally, I hate it, I wish people would respect the fact that not everyone wants to see you naked in a room full of dudes. What do yall think?

    Guess you never played sports or served your country.
    I have played sports my whole life, never used school locker rooms, but guys in school were never as free as old guys.
    Unfortunatly I never served my country, wish i had.