Looking for (fewer) Friends



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You will need to update your profile (About me section).... otherwise, you are sending us mixed messages...

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You will need to update your profile (About me section).... otherwise, you are sending us mixed messages...


    FR Sent... :P
  • I may or may not have just read through this entire thread to see who among those who posted:

    1. has never been a friend
    2. became a friend since this thread but is no longer a friend
    3. became a friend and remains a friend

    Very nostalgic stroll down memory lane...

    Am I #3?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Tempted to friend you just to annoy you....don't know why. I don't know you. It's just something that seems amusing to me at the moment.

    How many requests can one person send ... just a random thought :bigsmile:

    I dunno. Test it out and let us know :P hehehehe:

    Damn ... was hoping for someone else to do the (dirty) work :ohwell:

    hahaha..yeah...I'm too lazy at the moment to do your dirty work...you should friend some minions so next time neither of us have to worry about it :D

    Well ... that would be a no to the friending suggestion ... not worth the hassle ... i'm learning a horrible lesson here from jo ...

    Damn, I was trying to subtly have you friend people to do the dirty work. I Failed. v.v


    You two...

    ...get your own thread.

    (Oh look, it's Jack! Quick, someone yell a greeting to him.)

    BTW, might help to remove this from your profile ... snickers

    Please include a short message with your FR. If you're too lazy/busy to include a short note, then you're probably not someone who will like being on my FL.

    Kind of passive aggressive ... no?

    No way. That's a trap. See, I like to send a personal message to people when I reject their FRs and this initial FR message gives me more material to work with.

    And just so we're clear, I don't automatically reject all FRs. For some, I'll accept it, wait a while, and *then* defriend them (if they haven't already defriended me, of course).

    Alternatively, if the new friend ends up being better than one of my existing friends, I'll keep them and drop someone else. I firmly believe that the key to MFP success is in keeping as strong a FL as possible...always looking for an opportunity to upgrade.

    You do realise that you're your own worst enemy ... right? Such a lot of work you create for yourself ... sigh!
    Oh wait ... is this a new type of workout to burn ... ummm ... calories or friends?

    Should I be emulating you? Does it work for you?

    Does it work for me? Does it work for me?!? Just take a look at that profile pic over there and see for yourself. It isn't like I was born this awesome. (Oh, wait...yeah I was. Hmm. Never mind.)
  • Lazygal53
    Lazygal53 Posts: 294 Member
    You're saying I should get a sex change ... GASP!
    Bit extreme methinks ...
  • Not a great thread to read sneakily at your desk!! have had absolutely no need to duck repeatedly in order to hide my absurd snickering / fits of laughter !! thinking i might keep this in mind should i ever feel the need to explode my FL though..
  • You will need to update your profile (About me section).... otherwise, you are sending us mixed messages...


    Can we still be lovers?.........
  • bump
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    Oh wait...I just thought of another possible angle: because it was ironically humorous...sure, not to everyone, but my humor isn't for everyone. In fact, sometimes, being humorous just to me is reason enough for me to do something. (And if a few other people find it funny, which in this case, apparently they did, then bonus.)

    Irony? Wait a minute...are you a hipster?

    Edit: ****, someone already said that.

    Ok, I just wanted to let you know I hate you for once asking me if I did Justin Beiber.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I just read the entire thread...must....go....outside...
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh wait...I just thought of another possible angle: because it was ironically humorous...sure, not to everyone, but my humor isn't for everyone. In fact, sometimes, being humorous just to me is reason enough for me to do something. (And if a few other people find it funny, which in this case, apparently they did, then bonus.)

    Irony? Wait a minute...are you a hipster?

    Edit: ****, someone already said that.

    Ok, I just wanted to let you know I hate you for once asking me if I did Justin Beiber.

    ......Well? Did you? :P
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    [......Well? Did you? :P

    I'll tell you what I told him...No, because I'm not a lesbian.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    [......Well? Did you? :P

    I'll tell you what I told him...No, because I'm not a lesbian.

    ROFL...omg, I think I love you... :P
  • MiCool90
    MiCool90 Posts: 460 Member
    I'm not new to MFP, (have been here for 425+ straight days), and I'm looking to have fewer friends on my FL. As of this morning, I have almost 70 which is far more than is healthy. So if you're currently on my FL and thinking about dropping me, now would be a good time to do it.

    I'm especially looking for friends to delete me who have very little in common with me...for example, if you've been eating boxes of Hostess products as entire meals with the rationale that it's okay as long as it fits your macros...or if you log the calorie burn from "answering the phone"...or if you rationalize that 1200 calories is good, so 600 calories is *really* good.

    I know some of you won't leave me because you say I make you laugh...(personally, I think it's my remarkable good looks, but whatever)...and that's fine, but please try to keep realistic expectations for any future funniness. Sometimes, the pressure of being funny takes a toll on me and it leads me to consider less-than-optimal food choices that may or may not fit my macros.

    We're in this together, and with (or without) your help, we can all achieve our dreams!

    I've seen your posts and quite happy helping you obtain at least one less friend
  • ErinGBragh
    ErinGBragh Posts: 183 Member
    ROFL...omg, I think I love you... :P

    I love you too. In a totally hetero way. :smokin:
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    ROFL...omg, I think I love you... :P

    I love you too. In a totally hetero way. :smokin:

    Hahahahaha :D
  • bump
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    You will need to update your profile (About me section).... otherwise, you are sending us mixed messages...


    Can we still be lovers?.........

  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've seen your posts and quite happy helping you obtain at least one less friend

    Why is everyone on MFP so mean? Aren't we all here for the same reason? Shouldn't we support and motivate everyone on their Journeys? (Apparently not...so I guess we'll both just have to go Separate Ways now.)

    Anyhow, I'm glad my posts made you quite happy.