Why do people not allow the "under 1200" friend requests



  • kista30
    kista30 Posts: 5
    I had the gastric sleeve 8 months ago. The calorie count for somone in the losing stage is anywhere between 700-1200. You might be missing out on learning about a new person if you decline based on the 1200 calorie count. Unless you dont want to associate with someone who has had WLS. I eat anywhere from 800-1000 based on my exercise a day. I am glad my friends didnt feel that way or i might not have that many friends, cause a lot of my friends havent had WLS.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 441 Member
    As a former anorexic, getting attention of any kind only fuels it. I want no part of that.
    Hmmm... While I agree that, for many sufferers, it may fuel their condition, it is not true of all sufferers. It depends on many factors such as why they developed the condition in the first place. I was in treatment with girls who flaunted their thinness in your face and spoke endlessly about their behaviours, how little they ate, etc. Then there were other girls, myself included, who hid under layers of baggy clothing and were embarrassed by their behaviours. That's one of the reasons why I've locked my diary, firstly because (as I stated earlier) I would NEVER want to give other sufferers ideas, but mainly because I'm deeply ashamed by the foods I eat and the quantities. My anorexia was about never feeling good enough and shame. I just wanted to disappear out of sight and HATE attention of any kind.
  • lovethemgorillaz
    lovethemgorillaz Posts: 17 Member
    There are a lot of "pro ana" people which is terrible. But the people with legitimate eating disorders, the ones that don't promote their disorders (I wouldn't call it a lifestyle for it's not something you can choose to have happen to you) may be eating under 1200 too if they are not getting help. Probably people just don't want to see the Pro-Ana in their newsfeed. I know coming from me, somebody who is in doctor-supervised recovery, seeing pro-ana/under 1200 a day in my newsfeed is too triggering.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    No one should eat less than 1200 calories per day. Educate yourself on nutrition. The Tufts University Guide to Total Nutrition is very good.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    * Edited to add that I don't think 1200 calorie eaters are ALL of the above. They probably have one of the bullets tho. And before you start hating because you are a 1200 calorie eater, read again and see if you adopt at least one of the bullets. If you do, your argument TO ME is invalid.

    Nope, none of those. And .32 tablespoons is just about 1 tsp. I log that amount (.33) and have hit 1200 on the button, though I'm also sometimes under or over, no big. If I can make 1 tsp meet my needs for 30 calories instead of 90, I will. I do plan my calories in advance, so that's why it's easy to make 1200. I'm just short and not overweight and not terribly active. So I need less than someone who is short and active or short and overweight.
  • nataliexxxx
    I dont agree with people who say this, if eating under 1200 calories works for people then let them eat that and if they have eating disorders they may need help not people who dont want to get to know them! I dont think other people should be so concerned with what people eat unless they are eating a really low amount
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I dont agree with people who say this, if eating under 1200 calories works for people then let them eat that and if they have eating disorders they may need help not people who dont want to get to know them! I dont think other people should be so concerned with what people eat unless they are eating a really low amount

    Agreed! Which is why I have that 1200 note in my profile :laugh:
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Are we talking netting, or just plain eating? I mean, I'm losing weight slowly, and eating about 1500cals, but netting 900.

    I wouldn't dream of telling people to eat more or less, nor would I choose not to friend someone for it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I mean just eating. I often net below 1200. It doesn't mean I "really ate 900." I really, really, really ate 1200. Your body needs a deficit to lose weight. My body doesn't wait until the end of the day and divide up the calories I took in for my organs and my exercise.

    Also, if someone on my friend's list has a good reason to be eating below 1200, I don't say anything about it to them (unless I forgot.) If their doctor says eat 900 for your PCOS, who am I to argue? But most people don't need to eat 900 calories.
  • jshort152
    If you are obese, you cannot go into starvation mode (under 1200=starvation mode) its complete nonsense.

    Jesse Short
    ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I don't really get it either. Maybe those who don't accept the requests are jealous of people with extremely low calorie diets. . . which is stupid because the human body adapts very quickly to super low calorie diets halting weight loss and slowing metabolism. But to each his own!
  • Daniloveshockey94
    Daniloveshockey94 Posts: 348 Member
    People who eat LESS than 1200 are trying to kill themselves!!! Its simple! I don't accept ppl with ED for that reason!!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    If you are obese, you cannot go into starvation mode (under 1200=starvation mode) its complete nonsense.

    Jesse Short
    ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
    Thanks for letting us know this irrelevant-off-topic information Jessie

    2 diplomas in this and that
    several certifications in this and that
    several certificates in this and that
    most of a degree
    went to a gym with certified personal trainers
    dated several dumb certified personal trainers who have proved to know jack squat about most things including health

    p.s. Not saying you don't...just that it's irrelevant. Certificates do not make you intelligent.
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    I wasn't aware we were here to impress each other with how much or how little we eat. My diary is closed unless I have an issue and need friends to look at it for a specific reason.
  • Evallusion
    Evallusion Posts: 165 Member

    I feel like more people on here are encouraging others to over eat and not under eat. Give in to your cravings, just measure the ice cream so it can fit in with the day, just exercise more so you can still have your treats. More of that is on here than anything else. Few people suggest eating healthy. I think a lot of people on here have eating disorders and that is why they are trying to lose weight. Disorders are not just for the skinny folks. If you weigh 300 lbs you have a problem of some sort.

    I stay around 1200 with a wide variety of foods and a lot of vegetables. I don't agree with trying to keep at 1200 if you are doing it with all shakes and bars with a taco bell dollar item tossed in every day. That isn't healthy.

    This site has really opened my eyes to the food obsession in this country. My God, are you going to go into starvation mode if you can't squeeze in a damn cupcake? I had to cut out a lot of stuff when diagnosed with Celiac. I've gone through all the missing things. But I wasn't living off donuts to begin with.

    I have blocked a person on here who is constantly saying anyone who eats 1200 calories is eating like a 6 yr old. I've seen her diary and she eats all crappy food and complains about being fat.

    Don't take advice on health from anyone but your dr. Not people who claim to be nurses or whatever. Some people want to suck you into their world because they will never change theirs. The pro ana people can move on along with the chronic overeaters. If you want to be healthy then take steps to do so, don't make excuses. If you slip, start over. Don't make excuses. Leave the rest of us alone if we want to eat healthy and force feed. We don't all have disorders.


    Myfitnesspal needs to work on getting a "like" button of some sort.
  • Moonlitedi
    Moonlitedi Posts: 94 Member
    I'm on a 1000-1100 diet strictly because I've had the Lap-Band Surgery preventing me from eating a ton of calories unless I drink them. I stick to my protein and exercise and try to eat my calories back if I physically can. Having a tiny stomach is something I'm still getting use to. I had the surgery back in April and dropped so much since then. People have the right to choose who that want to be friends with thats why there is a deny request. The same can be with anyone on any social network.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Out of curiosity - and this is a serious question - how do those of you who won't friend 'under 1200 calories' people know how many calories people eat before you friend them? A lot of people have friends-only diaries. Do you ask the person? Or do you simply not friend anyone who doesn't have a public diary?

    I'm asking for practical reasons. My food diary is friends only. Would it be helpful if I put a disclaimer on my profile? Something along the lines of: 'By the way, I sometimes deliberately eat less than 1200 calories, because I like to sometimes have a couple of fasting days. I've been doing this for 18 years, on and off, and it always has tremendous positive effects on my health and wellbeing, and I've also read a great deal about it - so if you try to persuade me not to do it, however much I respect you, realistically I'm not going to obey you. On the plus side, I don't try to persuade anyone to convert to my personal eating habits - but if you feel you might be led astray by having access to my diary, better not friend me.''

    (I know that comes across as a bit facetious - it's not intended, but honestly I'm finding this whole thing so ludicrous it's hard to know how else to word it! Basically, what I want to know is this: is this really seen as such a serious problem that those of us who don't fall into people's friending stipulations need to announce it on our profiles so that people are pre-warned?)
  • Timetogetskinny
    Timetogetskinny Posts: 30 Member
    Oh my... is this a post about choosing your friends?

    Seriously... you are telling/judging/critiquing a person's choice of friends?

    Oh my.

    I am almost speechless. Is it not their choice who their friends are? For whatever reason, who is to question that?

    I can see the original post is asking "why", out of curiosity, I would suppose... but, the thread has lead to a bit of bashing of personal choice.

    For motivation and support it is quite understandable that your "friends" would be on the same path as you. And hopefully, within that you get a good mix to motivate you to your goals, whatever they may be. With all that said, here are the forums that are open to everyone so we can get a wonderful mix of people that can brighten our day, give us a laugh (when you don't take it personally), pump us up, and open our world to such variety.

    DITTO THE ABOVE...^^^^^^
    And, really people? shame on those who critisize or put judgement... Ya'll need to take a better look in the MIRROR!!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    This thread makes me feel huge, lol.
    I'm 5'11" and MFP has me at 1900 calories to lose 1.5 lbs a week. I've been thinking about adjusting to try and lose 2 lbs a week. Even then, I'll probably still be at 1700 or 1800!

    I've tried 1200 calories before and I was getting headaches and feeling fainty. I've tried 1500 and same thing. I think where I'm at now is darn near perfect. I've only been on MFP for about 2 weeks, but if I see that this really works (seems to be) I don't think I'm ever going down a(what I consider to be) starvation path again.

    Personally I find it difficult to be friends with people starving themselves. Unless you've had a surgery or some type of digestive problem, would it really hurt you to have some healthy nuts, oils (flax, coconut), whole grain pastas? I mean, I go through my calories so easily I'm wondering if other people are eating bird seed and water or exercising everything they eat right back off.

    I love food and consider it a joy in life, and I do not get pleasure from being restrictive with myself. But, I fear that I could get that way because I've been the kind of person to quit a diet because I couldn't be "perfect." ("Well I had an ice cream cone. All is lost now. Might as well just give up.") That is so illogical and that's really what I'm battling most of all. So the danger of going the other way is real for me, and I don't want to see myself adopt another unbalanced mentality about fitness.

    Food restriction becomes a game for some people where they win an invisible trophy the less they eat or the hungrier they are. I didn't come here to adopt a new addiction, I came here to get rid of one. I'm a bit passionate on this topic because I had a cousin two inches taller than me who went fanatic on a crash diet and walking 8 miles a day. She lost all of her weight in a few months but aged herself horribly and became so mentally unstable. Lifesaver gummy snacks were her "supper" ... she's gained about 3/4 of the weight back over the last ten years. Just don't want that to happen to me, or anyone for that matter.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Why would I want to friend someone who is eating 700 calories a day and complaining about how they can't lose the last 3lbs they need to lose because they are a total whale at 115lbs? I haven't seen 115lbs in probably 25 years, and I had almost that to lose when I found this site!

    If someone is eating small amounts, in a balanced diet, under doctor supervision ( such as post bypass) I might consider it.