Why do people not allow the "under 1200" friend requests



  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I didn't read the thread. I'm sure there are lots of great reasons to have ALL THE FRIENDS IN THE WORLD and how anorexic sufferers are people too. In my 8 months of MFP I find that 1200 calorie eaters tend to be:

    * Fad dieters who think restricting calories to a very low amount is the only way to go
    * People who have not educated themselves on how their bodies work and trust the MFP calculator implicitly
    * Don't listen to advice when they hit a gigantic plateau to eat more
    * Take advice from Dr. Oz
    * Binge eaters and (later) self-defeatists
    * Diary liars - both in what they eat and how much they exercise

    To add to my last bullet - no, I do not follow them around to verify what they do. But I have a real hard time seeing how someone can eat 0.32 tbsp of peanut butter on a piece of bread for breakfast, and at the end of the day, they have hit 1200 ON THE BUTTON. Also, I see "So and so burned 1056 calories in 60 minutes doing Circuit Training General". BS alert. Just eat more and be honest!

    Normally I am a very positive person on the forums, but today I'm feeling feisty. I also happen to be a 1200 calorie friend request denier. I DO, however, have a few exceptions to my rule. That includes very petite women trying to lose the last 5 lbs of vanity weight, and a few friends who know better, but are testing their bodies to see how 1200 calories in the long run will not work.

    /end rant

    * Edited to add that I don't think 1200 calorie eaters are ALL of the above. They probably have one of the bullets tho. And before you start hating because you are a 1200 calorie eater, read again and see if you adopt at least one of the bullets. If you do, your argument TO ME is invalid.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I was going to suggest getting your thyroid checked but since your goal is 600 that probably has something to do with it. It's very common to gain on very little when eating very little for an extended period. You should read the 2 threads I posted on the last page for the girl who was eating little and thinking she had to eat that little to lose and is now the same weight tons thinner and eats like a monster and looks like a barbie.

    The adjustment to 600 calorie goal was yesterday. I've been eating mostly what I have for the past month since January (my diary has not been consistently kept since then, though), with different macros, different levels of allowed treatage, etc.. trying to find the "magic" diet that would allow me to eat normal weight-loss calories and still lose. I've added and removed various types of exercise. went from 235 to 220 from January to May, and I haven't been able to permanently or significantly go down from there since on 1400-2000kcal. I'll look into your previous post.

    The metabolism is an interesting thing. If you're on a low calorie diet and start eating more, expect to gain water weight temporarily, it will drop.
    If you start lifting weight on a deficit expect to gain water weight, it will drop.
    If your inconsistent and eating is everywhere, expect your weight to be too.
    Chemistry causes all kinds of inconsistencies and even when you're consistent you have to look long term and not week to week for progress. Especially if you're a girl, our bodies do all kinds of f-ed things.
    Even when we manage to f it all up we repair pretty quickly to but you need to give it time.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Wow I can't believe this really. I'm only 5''00 and certainly don't need more than 1200 calories a day to survive, since I work from home, and make healthy choices. At the moment my target daily intake is 1000 but sometimes it's closer to 850-950, just because I really don't need the extra food, snack only when I'm hungry and eat 3 meals a day. I'm also doing the 30 day shred. I am at the ideal weight for my height at 110-112 pounds.

    I think it's a little silly to not take into consideration someone's height and lifestyle tbh. If I was a 6ft man that worked as a personal trainer I could see the problem, but the fact that some would discriminate me on being healthy is just ludicrous.

    Maybe I should just go back to eating 1800 calories a day and getting overweight just so I can have friends on here?! LOL.

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Wow I can't believe this really. I'm only 5''00 and certainly don't need more than 1200 calories a day to survive, since I work from home, and make healthy choices. At the moment my target daily intake is 1000 but sometimes it's closer to 850-950, just because I really don't need the extra food, snack only when I'm hungry and eat 3 meals a day. I'm also doing the 30 day shred. I am at the ideal weight for my height at 110-112 pounds.

    I think it's a little silly to not take into consideration someone's height and lifestyle tbh. If I was a 6ft man that worked as a personal trainer I could see the problem, but the fact that some would discriminate me on being healthy is just ludicrous.

    Maybe I should just go back to eating 1800 calories a day and getting overweight just so I can have friends on here?! LOL.

    If you read through the rest of the thread you'll see all the 5 footers and 4 foot somethingers stating that they eat more then that to lose even if they're sedentary. I've actually worked out some math for a lot of thin shorties and they always end up eating more then that :)
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    Geez I can't imagine only eating 1200 calories a day that is crazy I would be starving not to mention a lot of these people burn more than 1200 calories a day it's like they haven't even eaten anything at all for the day I can see how that would screw up your body and it's not anything I'd ever want to do. I am using a dietician and trying to eat healthy and exercise I accidentally 8 1200 calories this week and therefore I did not exercise that day and it was only because I worked overnight and then slept through breakfast and lunch after work.I ate every single day and worked out 5 days and a healthy and try to be balanced and I lost 5 pounds in my first week there's no need to starve yourself to get results.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
    Because you need more then you think and for nutritional sake?
  • bstone011
    I'm just barely over 5'1" and a mom of two. I don't need much more than 1200 calories per day to keep me full and healthy. My goal weight that is healthy for my size is somewhere in the neighborhood of 115 lb. and I would still be very healthy. Having been quite active throughout my entire life I've got tons of muscle for my size so I'm definitely not skin-and-bones. The under 1200-calorie a day goal is ideal for me because it puts me at losing .8 lb per week tops if I'm not doing cardio--being a full time student and mom cuts down on my free time--but I try to eat more and exercise more if I can. Understandably, many people whose bodies require more calories may be going about shedding extra pounds in a very unhealthy way and I would not promote that, however, there are some of us smaller people who need to keep track of our health as well--and in a healthy way. I absolutely don't starve and I still get protein, veggies, fats, etc just fine. It's often difficult for me to eat large portions in one sitting. We always have a reward day, too, at least two or three times per month where we go for sushi, thai, burgers, pizza, or just something extra yummy that isn't necessarily healthy to eat on a consistent basis.
  • k4evans1
    k4evans1 Posts: 145 Member
    i think the whole point of being on this site is to love and motivate others who are in the same boat you are. There should be no judging and put downs unless feedback is requested. Let's just support everyone!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Wow I can't believe this really. I'm only 5''00 and certainly don't need more than 1200 calories a day to survive, since I work from home, and make healthy choices. At the moment my target daily intake is 1000 but sometimes it's closer to 850-950, just because I really don't need the extra food, snack only when I'm hungry and eat 3 meals a day. I'm also doing the 30 day shred. I am at the ideal weight for my height at 110-112 pounds.

    I think it's a little silly to not take into consideration someone's height and lifestyle tbh. If I was a 6ft man that worked as a personal trainer I could see the problem, but the fact that some would discriminate me on being healthy is just ludicrous.

    Maybe I should just go back to eating 1800 calories a day and getting overweight just so I can have friends on here?! LOL.


    I looked at a few diaries of all the "I don't want anything to with 1200 calorie eaters"
    The main difference I see is they eat muffins, rolls and other bread products I can't eat. Quite of few them have a lot of calories from alcohol too. Guess if we started having a few beers or some wine every day we could catch up and be considered healthy. lol.

    No wonder they are so hateful, must be drunk when they post.

    I'm off to peel some carrots and cut up some broccoli so I can continue eating my bad food choices of vegetables. Hope I don't have a heart attack and die from the wild rice I'll eat later. Who knows, the 3 fruit servings I had probably did me in and I'll be dead by noon. Oh wait, I'll just run to the store and grab a 6 pack of beer, that should fix everything.

    Seriously, I'll just hit ignore on a few people and go about my daily routine of eating when I am hungry and leave the policing of food to others.
  • Italiano7
    Italiano7 Posts: 382 Member
    Some ppl are extremely particular on who they accept as friends. I read that this one girl will not accept any guys as friends and another person that will only accept you if you follow the mfp to a T. :ohwell: It doesnt make sense to be that picky on here. Ill accept whoever wants motivation and who can also motivate me. We are all on here for the same purpose.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member

    Im sssooo happy I nnever eet vegbuls.


    Im loosing wait eetin bred. U jelly?


    Sumune gemme anotha beer!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I've seen many people in their profile state that "if you eat under 1200 cals/day I won't accept your friend request".
    Yes, I understand that there are people with eating disorders that might want to promote their lifestyle. But how is that so very different from someone with a weight problem on the other extreme.

    Are we not all trying for better health? Or do those with eating disorders somehow deserve less support?
    Or is this because the place is over-run with pro-ana grouppies and I've missed that?

    I'm trying to understand, thanks in advance for your input and thoughts.

    Well, it is a huge generalization and a display of ignorance to believe that anyone who eats 1200 calories or below has an ED, but I can also understand why some people would not want to get involved with people who have serious problems that require a doctor's care. It's probably better for the people with EDs in the end; I read a lot of misinformation in these threads.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
    Because you need more then you think and for nutritional sake?

    I eat very healthily, I don't need any more nutrition than I currently get. I make smart choices.

    I used to eat emotionally. Became fat. Lost the weight, saw a nutritionist realised I ate for comfort and now I eat to be healthy. Following the advice of a doctor and my nutritionist. But of course you must be right!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
    Because you need more then you think and for nutritional sake?

    I eat very healthily, I don't need any more nutrition than I currently get. I make smart choices.

    I used to eat emotionally. Became fat. Lost the weight, saw a nutritionist realised I ate for comfort and now I eat to be healthy. Following the advice of a doctor and my nutritionist. But of course you must be right!
    According to Health Canada, the FDA, and the RDI I am, since the average person needs to eat about 2000-2500 calories to get 97-98% of daily nutritional requirements considered to be sufficient for a healthy individuals diet in every demographic in the US (Canada agreed that this was sufficient for their requirements as well).
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
    Because you need more then you think and for nutritional sake?

    I eat very healthily, I don't need any more nutrition than I currently get. I make smart choices.

    I used to eat emotionally. Became fat. Lost the weight, saw a nutritionist realised I ate for comfort and now I eat to be healthy. Following the advice of a doctor and my nutritionist. But of course you must be right!
    At 22, you're likely short on your body's basic energy needs at sub 1200, even if your micronutrients are all in order. Something you should research, I think.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Wow I can't believe this really. I'm only 5''00 and certainly don't need more than 1200 calories a day to survive, since I work from home, and make healthy choices. At the moment my target daily intake is 1000 but sometimes it's closer to 850-950, just because I really don't need the extra food, snack only when I'm hungry and eat 3 meals a day. I'm also doing the 30 day shred. I am at the ideal weight for my height at 110-112 pounds.

    I think it's a little silly to not take into consideration someone's height and lifestyle tbh. If I was a 6ft man that worked as a personal trainer I could see the problem, but the fact that some would discriminate me on being healthy is just ludicrous.

    Maybe I should just go back to eating 1800 calories a day and getting overweight just so I can have friends on here?! LOL.


    I looked at a few diaries of all the "I don't want anything to with 1200 calorie eaters"
    The main difference I see is they eat muffins, rolls and other bread products I can't eat. Quite of few them have a lot of calories from alcohol too. Guess if we started having a few beers or some wine every day we could catch up and be considered healthy. lol.

    No wonder they are so hateful, must be drunk when they post.

    I'm off to peel some carrots and cut up some broccoli so I can continue eating my bad food choices of vegetables. Hope I don't have a heart attack and die from the wild rice I'll eat later. Who knows, the 3 fruit servings I had probably did me in and I'll be dead by noon. Oh wait, I'll just run to the store and grab a 6 pack of beer, that should fix everything.

    Seriously, I'll just hit ignore on a few people and go about my daily routine of eating when I am hungry and leave the policing of food to others.

    I use to be one of those oh I eat veg and I feel full people and boy can I out eat that person in a veg eating contest now. I also now eat enough fat to absorb the nutrients in those vegetables. And for the record, so far today I've eaten several fruits, sprouted whole grains with some almonds, and some plain greek yogurt (only ingredients are bacteria culture and milk). Veg and meat is in plans for later. And very very rarely do I drink and when I do it's usually a glass of red wine at a restaurant with dinner on a date with my boyfriend on a special occasion. And I'm usually way over on calories, even my high amount of calories ;) You shouldn't assume knowledge.
    But why would I eat more than I need?

    Food is for fueling my body nothing more. As long as I feel full I don't see why I should eat for the sake of it?
    Because you need more then you think and for nutritional sake?

    I eat very healthily, I don't need any more nutrition than I currently get. I make smart choices.

    I used to eat emotionally. Became fat. Lost the weight, saw a nutritionist realised I ate for comfort and now I eat to be healthy. Following the advice of a doctor and my nutritionist. But of course you must be right!
    According to Health Canada, the FDA, and the RDI and many other people and groups I am, since the average person needs to eat about 2000-2500 calories to get 97-98% of daily nutritional requirements considered to be sufficient for a healthy individuals diet in every demographic in the US (Canada agreed that this was sufficient for their requirements as well, and other places have adapted this).
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks for all of your concern, but I think I'll stick with the professional opinions I've been given!

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Thanks for all of you're concern, but I think I'll stick with the professional opinions I've been given!


    My point is a health professional with a good head on their shoulders would never tell a healthy individual to eat 1200 calories for the rest of their life, they would have to have some sort of disorder or disease. Like I said and many other people said in this post there are many reasons why people may need to limit their intake, and like many others like I have said, we still add people like that to our list, we just ignore the ignorant.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I use to be one of those oh I eat veg and I feel full people and boy can I out eat that person in a veg eating contest now. I also now eat enough fat to absorb the nutrients in those vegetables.

    And also enough carbs to fuel my workouts. I've been a bit lacking on veg this week because my trip to the grocery store was postponed by a sick baby. But today I will eat veg and wild rice, and eat a bun and drink a beer and still lose weight.

    For me, it's not what people eat tho. It's how much. As it's been said before. It's worth researching to see what your basic BMR is. Most people's BMR is well above 1200. If you don't know what BMR is, then you fall under one of my previous bullets of not educating yourself re: weight loss.

    Not all people who eat VLCD have eating disorders. Most people think they are doing what is correct according to the diet industry to lose weight. Eat like a bunny and run like a hamster.

    Check out this link. It changed things for me.
