Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • amandalyn44
    amandalyn44 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, just looking for daily motivation or at least a place to comment and go to with struggles or concerns. I'm looking to loose a total of 125lbs. 75lbs by first week of August 2017. A few years ago I lost 72lbs in one years time, but have gained almost all of it back. I know I can do it, just a constant battle.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @amandalyn44 -- welcome to the group! You've found the right place--this thread offers all of that.

    @katrena-- good to see you back. Congrats on the loss so far. I'm also working on getting back on track--so far it's been a good week.

    @pneschich --As someone whose been failing a lot lately, a lack of failure is nothing to sneeze at. :wink: Glad to hear your MIL's hip is doing well.

    @karasmom-- welcome! This is a great group of friends to help you stay motivated.

    @trinati2001 --Having a dog makes it so I'm never without my walking buddy. :smile:

    @Heathermetoo --I think I found your 3.4 lbs; would you like them back? LOL

    @pinkstarberry --congrats on making it to Onederland!!!

    @niki-- My husband just cleaned out and organized our cabinets over the weekend, and in the process, he found some missing items as well.

    Tuesday Goals:
    This week has started out well, so my one goal is to just keep it going. Maybe if I stay focused on this one aim, I can succeed.

    Grading goals:
    1. 61/82 Montana 1948 essays
    2. x/40 Blake reflections
    3. 30/82 Scarlet letter quotes

    Exercise goals:
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + leg workout DONE
    Mon-- walk gunner NOT DONE (rain) + gym DONE
    Tues-- walk gunner DONE
    Wed-- walk gunner
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    Sat-- walk gunner + gym
  • Heathermetoo
    Heathermetoo Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all the support ladies!

    @trinati2001 I can totally relate. My walking buddy (Dad) keeps going out of town and now that the weather is cold- I can't seem to motivate myself to leave the house for a walk. I'm debating getting a workout video or something else I can to at home when Dad is out of town.

    @skinnyjeanzbound You CAN NOT have my lost poundage! They are gone- never to be heard from again LOL!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,976 Member
    This morning I started reading Changing for Good by Prochaska. I am a slow reader but my goal is to complete this book by January. I am hoping it will unlock some answers to get me to lose weight and be better at staying within my budget. I am a pro a splurging! :mrgreen:
  • amandalyn44
    amandalyn44 Posts: 6 Member
    So happy to be here. I went grocery shopping last night. I got lemons and oranges to cut up and flavor my water. I've never hated water but I've never liked it either. My one downfall is soda and I'm hoping natural citrus flavor will help me transition. Any other tips?
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Good Morning from Nashville, TN! I missed you all so very much during my Holiday visit to my son's farm in PA and then a late celebration with my TN family for Thanksgiving and three birthdays! Most of the time that I have been away, I did not have connectivity, so I couldn't post and when I did, I was so busy cooking, walking, spending time with my family and figuring out how not to eat myself to death (ok not to death but to detriment) during all these festive occasions that I didn't have time to sign on and keep up.

    Today I opened up this thread to find that I had over fifty post to read! It will take me all day because I'm up to my ears in moving household items out to my new storage building, so that the carpenters can start the house remodel on Monday! I'm excited! But sadly I don't have time to respond to all the good and bad news, and individually welcome all the new peeps, but welcome to all of you newbies, congrats to all you losers and new onderlanders! That is SO DANGED EXCITING! Good recipes, good advice, just the usual good stuff we always enjoy from each other here. I missed every single one of you! I'll be back later to add some more but I just had to say hello and send you all big hugs from Holly and say that I'm so thankful for this site and this thread. You are definitely a big part of my success so far and I LOVE YOU GUYS!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @pneschich So sorry to hear about your MIL. Such a bummer but glad that she is in good care and the new hip is working well for her. I'm adding her to my prayer list. I have so many friends in that same battle right now and it's heart breaking, but I loved the advice to live each day with the joy and blessings it has, and not let the C overtake everything and steal the good moments. I also loved the advice for your wife to talk to someone. On the advice of Kathleen (312Sycamore), I just read "One True Thing" by Anna Quindlen. It's a beautifully told story of a mother dying of cancer and her daughter struggling to handle all the bad stuff (not just the disease but the family dis-eases) and way more than I have time to tell you about now, but let's just say that it makes it really clear how much you need to have a safe outlet for all the grief and pain. Wishing you guys the best!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @campfirequeen1 when my mother was sick my sister and I had each other. No one else understood what our normal was. So, yes a safe outlet is very important.
    Thanks to all for your prayers.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Thursday Truth - Today is the first day of the last month of 2016 ... for me, the first day of anything is special ... (think "the 1st day of the rest of your life" every morning), however the first day of a week, a month, a season, a year, etc., always stand out in that they become reflective and forward oriented in my outlook. On the first I tally-up the past month's days and make my new monthly goals. For MFP, it's all about my weight and activity levels.
    Tally-up and Look Ahead:
    This morning my weight is 6.4 pounds less than it was last month, and 9 pounds less than on 1/1. As of 1/1, my maximum caloric intake goal has been met 54% of the time, and in the month of November 40% of the time. These statistics suggest that I have been yo-yo'ing between gaining and losing during the course of the year (true) and that I will fail at reaching my year-long goal of losing 10% of my starting body weight this year. Also that if I continue at my present rate of overeating frequently that I won't even get halfway there in these last 31 days of the year. ... So, natch', my goal for this month is to trim those remaining pounds to get to the half-way mark, 5% of starting body weight.

    My plan ... increase the percentage of days that I don't overeat my maximum intake caloric goal a day.

  • Dalceridae
    Dalceridae Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, I am new to this site but started logging two weeks ago at 272lbs, down to 262. Now I am exploring the community aspect because I'm finding losing weight to be a rather lonely endeavour. I also feel embarrassed talking about it with anyone I know because they have seen me lose and gain weight back repeatedly over the years, so I feel silly talking about how "this time" will be different.

    I suppose that's both my introduction and my Thursday Truth - I am terrified of thinking too much about losing weight or getting too involved because I have failed so many times that it seems foolish to expect that this time will be different. I have done well the last couple weeks, but it is hard, and I know I won't always be this vigilant about how I am eating. I'm so afraid of losing weight only to gain it all back again, of once again losing my way and giving in to bad habits again.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Thursday Truth - Unlike Niki, I don't do much tallying and figuring out how I'm not accomplishing my goals. I commend her for that, it's very responsible! I figure it out by just trying daily to make the good choices instead of the ones I want to make! haha I have been doing good at having a healthy although slow weight loss for the past few months, and of course I would like to see that be a little more sizable, but I'm just so darned proud of myself for not getting totally defeated when the numbers aren't falling down as quickly as I would like and doing what I would normally do and that is to give up and just eat to my hearts content. I really don't have as many episodes of cravings and whatever you call it when you just long for stuffing your tummy till it's too full and feels totally satisfied, or miss the times when you open up a package of cookies or salty treats and eat every last one of them in one sitting. Thankfully I don't have many of those, but I also know that it doesn't take much to tip my desires that way and so I need to tend to smaller details daily, so it doesn't happen. I've been doing a good job that way and I'm really happy about it!
    I hope everyone is having a super successful day and you feel excited about this journey!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Dalceridae Don't feel ashamed my late husband used to tell me that he quit smoking 100's of times until the last time when he succeeded. The important thing is you are trying and making the effort. This may be the final effort needed to succeed.. It's all about discipline. Anything that has ever been accomplished worthwhile has required self discipline and you can master yourself.

    Thursday truth for me: Only I have the tools to accomplish my weight loss goals and I can discipline myself and lose weight. It will not be easy, because anything worthwhile is seldom easy. But it will easier than surgery, being bedridden, being sicker or dying. Much easier. Everything is relative. My sister was looking at some pictures of her when she was a size 18 and she said, You know, I would llove to be that size again, but I remember when I was an 18 I was very unhappy with my size. Everything is relative.

    Good luck to all on the site.

  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,976 Member
    For a couple days now I have tried planning/pretracking my meals. If I do not eat what I had written, then I make a food note as to why.
    I got a new scale in November but I am not sure of it's accuracy. If I cant trust my scale to tell me how fat I am from day to day, who can I trust?
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    @MermaidPrincessRach accurate or precise? Hopefully both but, as long as it says the same thing weighs the same amount every day it's precise enough. Have you weighed yourself multiple times, step on step off repeat 10 times and seen a swing in the weight? Mine goes up or down about 2 pounds. 290 looks like 288-292 on mine. Error of less than +/- 1% (2.9lbs) of measurement (290lbs) is pretty good reproducibility, speaking as someone who measures stuff for a living. Your day to day fluctuations are not necessarily an indication of scale issues. Mine weighs differently if I move it. I'm pretty careful to line it up the same way.
  • VirtualMellie
    VirtualMellie Posts: 68 Member
    Hi just started here this week, still getting the site down, but am enjoying it so far! I have be doing great with staying within my calories and burned 500 today! I was so thrilled until I noticed I went slightly over on my carbs.. ( nothing crazy) now I'm beating myself up..
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited December 2016
    Thursday Truth - Unlike Niki, I don't do much tallying and figuring out how I'm not accomplishing my goals. I commend her for that, it's very responsible! I figure it out by just trying daily to make the good choices instead of the ones I want to make! haha I have been doing good at having a healthy although slow weight loss for the past few months, and of course I would like to see that be a little more sizable, but I'm just so darned proud of myself for not getting totally defeated when the numbers aren't falling down as quickly as I would like and doing what I would normally do and that is to give up and just eat to my hearts content. I really don't have as many episodes of cravings and whatever you call it when you just long for stuffing your tummy till it's too full and feels totally satisfied, or miss the times when you open up a package of cookies or salty treats and eat every last one of them in one sitting. Thankfully I don't have many of those, but I also know that it doesn't take much to tip my desires that way and so I need to tend to smaller details daily, so it doesn't happen. I've been doing a good job that way and I'm really happy about it!
    I hope everyone is having a super successful day and you feel excited about this journey!

    "Ouch" ... sounds like you think I'm "figuring out how I'm not accomplishing my goals". But thanks for commending me for being responsible. ...
    PS ... different strokes for different folks ... makes the world go round! :)
  • Heathermetoo
    Heathermetoo Posts: 22 Member
    Been looking over the comments these past couple of days. We are definitely a group with high expectations for ourselves and some concerns about reaching them. @Dalceridae and @Nikion901 I just wanted to share a quote with you both and everyone else in this weight loss family.

    "No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn't trying." #weightlossdown
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hi all. :)

    Not sure if there's anyone here still active that might remember me from back when I was posting regularly, before I got pregnant... Yeah, that little nugget turned 1 a little over a month ago. I had been focusing on exercise, without messing with calories because I was nursing and worried about my production. Since he's now nearly weaned, I'm not worried about it anymore! So, here I am... again.

    I joined a step bet, installed MFP on my new phone, put new batteries in my food scale, and am armed and ready to face the toughest month of the year head on!

    I hope you all are doing well. :smiley:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited December 2016
    Welcome back @FeraFilla, I remember you.
    However, you may recall me as NK1112 cause that was my MFP name before I went to the Premium version. Karen still posts also. Looking forward to hearing how the babe is growing and you are shrinking :)