Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Goal- To find the time to exercise this week. Missed two days at the gym due to the storm and now the rest of my week is going to be busy. I must say I was not good at exercising at home the last two day simply because I don't like exercising at home. It was to cold and rainy to go out and walk into town. I did not want to be drenched by the time I got home.

    Tomorrow I go back to work and we learn how the end of the marking period will be playing out. It was suppose to end on Friday but now they might change it to next week. However, my students will be taking the benchmark first marking period assessment this week. I really want to finalize the grades before I head out to Portland next week.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Well, I guess I didn't do too badly on the Carb challenge - 4 days out of the past 30 I was over. And I LOVE carbs....
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Hope everyone in the path of Sandy is doing ok. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    @MyMOwMOw -- glad to hear that your kitty is doing better
    @Cath-- Good news on little Luna.
    @Morgori -- Congrats on the Smokes
    @Christine-- Awesome that you figure out what causes you to overeats and what is the triggers.

    Today was a good day. Went to volunteer today with my clients able to get a lot of walking in, Food was ok stayed under but can see where working on the carb challenge will be just that a challenge, I feel it will be a good thing.,

    I am very tired so getting off the computer now.
    Wishing everyone a good day.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Quick update--will catch up on posts later!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 59/59 Thoreau essays DONE!!
    2. 59/59 Montana 1948 vocab DONE!!
    3. 59/59 M1948 character journals Done!!!
    4. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE!!
    5. prep poetry prompts for Monday DONE!!!

    This is not to suggest that I don't have more to do--but I've finished all of my 1st quarter grading--YAY!! :bigsmile:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member

    I have a headache just didnt want to lose you guys.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Trick or Treat!! Today there will be a Halloween party at work. It should be fun but I am looking forward to the holiday being over soon.

    Woke up at 3:30am still away I normally wake up at 5:30 yuk. All well.

    I have one of my hardest clients today maybe that is why I am stressing a bit. I just need to turn it over. For I know it will be ok.

    @JTconst I hope your headache goes away soon and you feel better.
    @Laurie-- I hope you find the time that you are looking for to workout.
    I know its hard to workout at home. We have a small house with only a living room (no bonus room, or family room ) bedrooms, kitchen etc a small ranch. Its hard finding that private place or a place to focus on my workout.
    @skinny-- sounds like you are on your way with getting caught up.

    It is 4:55 so going to start getting things ready for work.

    Wishing everyone a good day
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Finally back after the storm. We didn't lose power, just lots of flickering lights.

    I was completely unmotivated to exercise and I ate lots of junk food and made banana bread during the storm. Getting back on track today.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Oh, just wanted to say I skimmed through the posts, so hope I didn't miss anything vital.

    @cath--glad to hear Luna will be ok

    @mymowmow--hope your kitty is better soon

    @robin--glad you can start exercising again

    @holly--sorry you are having conflicts with your partner about the kids and your studies. He needs to step up and tell his kids to show you some respect, but first he needs to set the example himself. Does he resent you going back to school? Is he worried that you bettering yourself will somehow threaten your relationship with him. Sometimes people fear change in their loved ones b/c they are afraid they will get left behind. maybe you can sit down and have a talk with him about how important school is to you. Let him know that you want him to continue to be a part of your life, but that you are doing this for you whether he supports you or not.

    @laurie--sounds like a rough day--glad you got through it

    I haven't heard from charlotte either :cry:

    Thanks for the advice and when I went back to school we celebrated which he was happy for me. I did let him know I would not stop going to school because that is my goal. I also put an hour time frame in place for every night of the week where everyone reads a book so I can work on home work. It's been going okay so far.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    To everyone that was in Sandy's path and to people the at have family in her path my prayers go out to you. I pray everyone is okay and you will reach your loved ones soon.

    It's been a crazy week but I have lost some weight fianlly after gaining everything I origionally had lost back.

    Wed Wish- That you could go many days without sleep and still be wide eyed and bushy tailed. I would then have enough time in everyday to get everything done.
  • pattynava
    pattynava Posts: 331
    Hi Yaw....Happy Halloween:devil: Prayers to everyone in the path of Sandy....Just a quick check-in...I haven't fallen off the wagon, finally got computer Fixed!!!:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    Wednesday Wish: To have more money, less weight, & less stress:laugh:
    Bee Healthy, Bee Happy, Bee Blessed:heart:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & Happy Halloween Everyone!!! :devil:

    Wednesday Wish~Ditto what Patty said! :bigsmile:
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Halloween everyone!

    I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday as it was really nuts here. Power was down everywhere including at my office so I worked from home and the wind was like nothing I have ever seen before. For those of you who do live on the east coast I am thinking of you and hoping that you all are safe and minimally effected by Sandy.

    @Robin - I really love the November challenges. They are both things that I need to work on so this will give me motivation to do so!

    @Mowmow - have you been able to get in touch with your family since yesterday? I have no doubt that cell phone service is down in alot of the effected areas so that may very well be why you cannot reach them.I hope you are able to speak with them soon.

    Hope everyone has a great Wednesday. :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    It just dawned on me that I've been on MFP for a year. My, how time flies.

    @mowmow~Glad to hear kitty is feeling a bit better, I'm sure he is enjoying the extra pamering you're giving him. I hope the blood tests go well tomorrow.

    I had a bit of a scare with my Pebbles this morning, she appears to have had a small TIA - she has recovered and is eating and acting normally, but still plan a call to the vet to see if I need to take her in for a blood pressure check. I hate taking her to the vet about as much as she hates going, she turns into the devil incarnate! She's 17, but will always be my baby - that silly cat and I have been through so much together.

    I hope all those affected by Sandy have power restored quickly - I still have a lot of family and friends back East, everyone is accounted for, just waiting for modern conveniences to return...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Mowmow - have you been able to get in touch with your family since yesterday? I have no doubt that cell phone service is down in alot of the effected areas so that may very well be why you cannot reach them.
    My mom called me around 10 am yesterday. LOTS of damage to the outbuildings on the farm and the main house. My brother drove over late Monday night and insisted she come stay with him so she wasn't alone. She put up a fuss, but said he insisted so she had to go. Phone lines were back down this morning when I tried to call her. I'm sure it'll be spotty for a while.
    @mowmow~Glad to hear kitty is feeling a bit better, I'm sure he is enjoying the extra pampering you're giving him. I hope the blood tests go well tomorrow.
    Thank you! He seems pretty chipper this morning and was feisty enough to pin his brother down and ....hump him (they are both neutered). I hope Pebbles is well! I know exactly how attached you must be.

    Wednesday wish: More money does sound good. I get tired of trying to stretch at both ends to make them meet. I'm so thankful for a steady paycheck, but I sure wish I didn't have to LIVE paycheck to paycheck.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    jtconst - sorry you are having a hard time exercising - I am in the same boat. I can suggest you dial it back a bit. If walking "briskly" is inducing vomiting - just drop back from the briskness of your steps. Learn to stop on your walks. pause and catch your breath. We don't all have to be the athletes of the Biggest Loser. Vomiting is not a gauge of your greatness and endurance. You can get exercise done in longer, slower stretches. Keep trying, but slower.

    MowMow - so happy kitty got his medicine.....praying for recovery and good health.... I hope you hear from your mom.! OH - I see you have! That's great news. I'm glad she's staying with your brother.

    mackbeth - great loss!

    Laurie - glad to hear you made it through the storm with power!!!

    CathEsh - so sorry about your knee - OH WOW!!! its some small comfort that you have the TURTLE pool, (when its fixed) to exercise in. TWO months is a long time! We'll be here for ya!

    walkingqueen - glad you are wresting control with a reading hour at home - what an excellent idea and so impressive! I think all the kids will benefit from it!

    Kah68 - I hope your Pebbles stays OK.

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Glad everyone is on Board with the November Goals. I really need to light a fire under my tookus as far as carbs are concerned. Yesterday I went into serious carb overload. I purchased and ate 13 sugar cookies. And then poured water on the remaining 7 and then washed them down the garbage disposer. I feel slightly bilious today from the sugar overload, and I literally hate myself for my lapse in judgement!
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: That I stop thinking to myself that I will never get to where I want to be. I just can't picture it and it's making it hard to stay focused. I just need to refocus and hit it hard before school starts and I really have no time!

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone :)

    Have a wonderful Wednesday:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm home today to help supervise the annual tradition for donuts for Halloween. My daughters are taking up the slack. I am just to supervise. I have had a tough time with pain management, but it is getting better. My therapy is going well. I haven't been hungry so I have only been eating about half of what I am served. The care center scale indicated that I have lost weight. However, my own scale shows me about the same. They tell me that the replacement knee weighs 5# so maybe I have lost a little. I think that I will be home next week so I can really start tracking again.
    I wish that I had time catch up on the news. Hope that you all well. Kaye
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Grandma Kaye - Glad to hear you are well, other than the pain. I'm so sorry about that. Take good care of yourself and we look forward to hearing more from you!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Mowmow - have you been able to get in touch with your family since yesterday? I have no doubt that cell phone service is down in alot of the effected areas so that may very well be why you cannot reach them.
    My mom called me around 10 am yesterday. LOTS of damage to the outbuildings on the farm and the main house. My brother drove over late Monday night and insisted she come stay with him so she wasn't alone. She put up a fuss, but said he insisted so she had to go. Phone lines were back down this morning when I tried to call her. I'm sure it'll be spotty for a while.
    @mowmow~Glad to hear kitty is feeling a bit better, I'm sure he is enjoying the extra pampering you're giving him. I hope the blood tests go well tomorrow.
    Thank you! He seems pretty chipper this morning and was feisty enough to pin his brother down and ....hump him (they are both neutered). I hope Pebbles is well! I know exactly how attached you must be.

    Wednesday wish: More money does sound good. I get tired of trying to stretch at both ends to make them meet. I'm so thankful for a steady paycheck, but I sure wish I didn't have to LIVE paycheck to paycheck.

    Glad to hear family is ok, and that Kitty is better.
    AMEN on the money wish!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    Glad to hear that folks (and their loved ones) got through Sandy with minimal damage. I missed posting yesterday, so I will catch up now:

    Tuesday Goals:
    To get back on track with fitness and nutrition. This past week and a half has been so busy, I feel I've had no time for myself. Haven't been to the gym in weeks and it's been over a week since I've even gone for a run. I've already decided that this Saturday is going to be a "me" day--to just relax, go to the gym, etc. Haven't decided on a mileage goal for the November challenge--I will have to post that tomorrow.

    Wed. Wish:
    That the sugar I'm consuming today holds me over for the whole month of November. :laugh: Seriously though, I waited until Sunday to buy the candy, and then I hid it in the den. I told myself that I wasn't allowed to have any before today, but that I could eat as much as I want while passing out the treats. I think I've eaten my body weight in Dots and Tootsie Rolls! Whatever is left goes to my students tomorrow. Looking forward to the carb challenge.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/59 Montana 1948 Vocab 3
    2. x/22 "Failure" essay plans
    3. x/22 Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers quizzes
    4. x/22 two-paragraph responses
    5. x/59 Montana 1948 Theme journals