Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you are all having a great weekend. My day has beeen pretty good and productive. I invited my parents to dinner so i was trying out a couple new recipies. The main course was good and fairly healthy. It was spinach bacon cheese stuffed chicken breasts. The dessert was totally ourageous and decadent. I put it in the recipie calculator and was 530 calories a slice. Did I have one? Hell yeah but I planned for it so it was okay.:bigsmile: It was a cherry cream cheese pudding pie. So good. Best part though it is so rich you arent even really tempted to eat a second slice. It would be to much.
    Congrats to all the successes I a was reading. You are all doing amazingly and should be super proud. Oh and I love the saying on your profile pic Karen. Just read it to my daughter and she loves it to.
    Have a great night everyone.:heart::heart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I survived the day and only went over by 66 calories, so not bad. It was fun to see old friends. I got a lot of fresh fruit at Costco.
    It sounds like everyone is doing great.
    Karen--Thanks for the info on maintenance. I think that I have gotten by with 1200 calories because I am really short. I don't know whether or not age is a factor, but I am a lot older than most of you. For a long time, I wasn't even eating all of my calories every day, but I find that the more weight I lose the less I am able to short myself on calories. My body seems to demand that I eat at least the 1200.
    Have a great evening. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kaye - I agree the older we are the less calories we need! So it makes sense you are getting by on 1200 cals.

    Skinny - I peeked at your home profile page to read your profile picture and loved the saying on it = so glad Kah printed it out for all to read - very inspirational.

    How's everyone doing on the May challenges?
    Rembember they are : Lose 4 lbs or do something to improve your appearance (short version, ha ha)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--yes, I just loved the caption to the picture b/c I think at least something in probably resonates with each of us. My May challenge is to change the look with some new, colorful capri pants, but I haven't gone shopping yet. Probably won't have time until next weekend, but I haven't forgotten. :smile:

    @kaye--I agree with you that your height probably has something to do with needing less calories. And, of course, everyone is different. I remember angelika (who hasn't posted in quite a while--anyone heard from her?) used to be able to lose on just 1000 calories/day, so for some people the lower calorie intake can work. I can't recall how tall she is, but I do remember that it took a really long time for her to hit a point where her body needed more calories.

    @tammy--the dinner and dessert sound delicious! Good job fitting it into your day. :drinker:

    @mockingbird--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    If anyone's interested there's a Google offer for 30 days free at Snap Fitness. My park district gym membership expires mid-June, so I'm going to wait until then to redeem it and use it until my trip in mid-July. When I return, I can decide if I want to go back to the park district or stay at Snap. I also have NO idea how much Snap costs which will be a major factor in my decision.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    The dessert was totally ourageous and decadent. I put it in the recipie calculator and was 530 calories a slice. Did I have one? Hell yeah but I planned for it so it was okay.:bigsmile: It was a cherry cream cheese pudding pie. So good. Best part though it is so rich you arent even really tempted to eat a second slice. It would be to much.

    that sounds crazy good. i'd still be tempted though i wouldn't do it haha.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I think I am on point for the May challenge, I'm updating my look some - I hope to make the 4# loss goal and did buy some capris yesterday that I wouldn't have normally bought. One pair is my usual dark denim and the other is a white-washed, worn denim - I like things very clean-cut, so it was a step out of the box for me. :laugh: I still should go shopping for a couple of shirts, I may look this afternoon. We have a block party in my neighborhood this evening, so not sure I'll have time - I don't visit with my neighbors near enough so feel like I should go. Its catered so not sure what food will be there.

    @Karen~There is a snap fitness near me (could walk there actually) and its next store to Starbucks. :happy: I think their prices are really reasonable - not sure if you have a Planet Fitness near you but you might check it out after you return from your trip., their memberships starts at $10/mo. I think. I have a snipping tool on my computer so was able to extract that caption without much effort. :laugh:

    @Tammy~That dessert sounds divine! :tongue:

    Sunday Share~I'm Kelley, mid-40s & loving life in north-central Texas. I'm not married, no kiddos (except a 4-legged tabby named Zoe). Currently counting down the days to vacation to Colorado (leave Wednesday), to see my sister and celebrate my nephew's 6th birthday. I can't wait, really need some time in the dry mountain air away from the stresses of work and life - my parents will be there too, so it will be a nice family visit.

    Watched The Hobbit last night and loved it - one of my favorite books as a kid, of course its leaves you hanging for the next installment!

    Everyone have a super day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I've been sort of MIA... I've been reading everyone's post.

    I got slapped with bad case of gout on Wednesday morning. I was home on Thursday AND Friday barely able to wobble around. It's getting better VERY slowly. The Dr. doesn't want to give me the meds to pull the uric acid out of my system since it filters through my already compromised kidneys so I have to tough it out.

    My ex husband was kind enough to run down here to run to the grocery store for me, take my trash out, and visit for a bit. I was very incredibly grateful.... until he came back WITHOUT 3 of the 8 items on my list leaving me in a bit of a bind. I have ground chicken and spaghetti sauce....but no pasta. Cereal... but no milk...... Bacon.... no eggs. /sigh I had to get creative and come up with a stuffed cabbage casserole with the ground chicken, a VERY old head of cabbage, and ragu.... not sure how good it will taste but.... at least I have food for the next few days until I can wobble around well enough to get to the store.

    I'm HOPING that if things really happen in 3s then I'm done. Hurt my back, had a tooth pulled and now this.

    At least I FINALLY pinned down the cause. I was TRYING to save $$ so I got my fish oil pills at the dollar store. ONce I contacted the company (AFTER the gout) they told me they use Herring and Sardines for the oil. .... talk about a big shot of purine... yikes.

    *NOT* Looking forward to work tomorrow, I'll be there with my cane hobbling around.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mel - love your new name! Hope it brings you lots of good fortune and good health!

    Mockingbird - welcome to our friendly little group.

    Kah - it sounds like the capri's will go with just about everything and will be cool in the hot weather. Enjoy yourself at today's block party. Take a piece of paper and write down people's names with their adddresses and phone numbers - I did that and it was so very helpful for future reference. In fact, it helped me make friends because a lot of people asked me for a copy of the list.

    MowMow - oh wow, gout! You have my sympathies very sincerely. That's so miserable. do you have a footstool at work so you can elevate your foot? I hope so. I can see why your husband is your ex- :laugh: , how can anyone forget THREE things? Sheesh!
    You've really had a run of bad luck with your back and your tooth. I do hope your spell has run its course! (I had been missing you, glad you reported in!)
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    today I finally braved it and went to the gym to work out. Since it's the long (Victoria Day) weekend , hardly anyone was there, so I wasn't embarrassed. Yes, I get embarrassed at the gym. Also, the staff was welcoming there (not like the last one I went to) I'm going to try and go again tomorrow morning.
    Mowwow, your're x hubby is a laugh, my husband is just like that, I'd send him to the store for a loaf of bread and he'd bring back a bag of cookies instead...good intentions, sometimes frustrating, but you have to laugh.
    Kah, enjoy your vacation. Never been to Colorado, but would love to go there. I hear it's very beautiful.
    SkinnyJeanz, Thanks for the tip about Snap Fitness. One just opened up near here and I'm going to check it out.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mel--proud of you going to the gym! just keep going and pretty soon you'll feel like a "regular" b/c you'll recognize all of the staff and a lot of other "regulars." One reason I really like my little park district gym is that I feel like I "belong" there, even if I'm not the most fit attendee. I've been going for a couple of years and kind of know all of the folks who work there. There are also several regulars who nod and say "hello" b/c we see each other there all the time.

    @robin--what a great idea to get names and numbers at a block party! For some reason, my neighborhood doesn't have them (we did where I grew up in the city), but if we ever do I'm going to remember that trick. We have new-ish next door neighbors--they moved in during the winter, but we're just now getting to know them b/c we are all finally all outside quite a bit. I really do need to get their last name a phone number though.

    @kris--ugh--sorry about the gout! how painful! The story about your ex made me chuckle b/c it sounds like something my hubs might do. :laugh:

    @kelley--our Snap Fitness is kiddie-corner from my Starbucks! Maybe they're in cahoots! :laugh: It's really the only other option in the area besides my current park district membership which is $300 for the year. If Snap is anywhere close to that cost, I will probably switch b/c I like the 24/7 availability. Not that I ever plan to work out at 3 am, but my gym closes at 3PM on Sunday--I find that ridiculously early. Also, only open until 4 pm on Saturdays.:grumble: Since I'm not an early morning kind of person, it really puts a kink in my exercise routine if I have plans somewhat early in the day. For example, today I needed to leave for my mom's by 11 am which means I would've had to get to the gym by about 8 am to work out and still have time to shower and get ready in time. That's just too early for my taste. However, I was home by 5 pm and would've happily gone to work out then if my gym were still open. :ohwell:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen, 43 y/o married with one fur-baby. I teach HS English, so I'm eagerly anticipating the end of the school year in a couple of weeks now. I have a gorgeous 16 month old niece who I got to see today. The Budweiser Clydesdales came to my parents' neighborhood in Chicago, so we took her to see them. She was more enthralled with watching all of the people and activity than seeing the horses. At one point, I was holding her literally a few feet from these one ton, humongous animals, and she was looking in the opposite direction, pointing at the streetlamp, saying "light!" :laugh:

    For the next 3 days I will have some extra grading time during senior finals. I have to help supervise, but I'll still get more done than if I were teaching my senior classes. :happy:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 12 Angry Men essays
    2. x/16 Diction analyses
    3. x/57 TTTC Journals
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All, I took the weekend off so to speak. I still logged my food but did not check in from the computer only the phone. Friday, I went rock climbing and the most challenging wall for me has changed again this time it will take some serious upper body strength to reach the top. The first 2/3 were easy to climb then the ceiling which has a new feature to use to get over it, with no alternative way around it-- up the side. My friend climb it but he basically did a pull up to get up the wall. I will try again next week. But I did make it up the harder wall that was in the same area.

    Yesterday, I had my hair done then went out with a friend for dinner and shoe shopping. Picked up a couple of pairs of sandals. Today, I was just plan lazy. I did pick up the bike rack for my car that I ordered about 2 months ago. They did not call me to say it was in, I had checked two weeks ago and it was not in. They also raised the handle bars on the bike so that should help. It felt better riding it in the parking lot. Then I went shopping at Target so I cold find a movie to show my 7th graders tomorrow. They are taking the Math HSA tomorrow and that is a 4 hour test and a requirement for high school graduation. They will then have class afterwards. They will be brain dead so the math teacher and I are planning on showing them a movie instead of providing instruction. It is only fair because the 8th graders who are taking the test will not have content classes only electives so that is easier on their brains.

    This week I totally slacked off on exercise so next week should be better. I meet with a new trainer tomorrow so I am looking forward to that experience. I will keep you posted on how it works out.

    Monday- Trainer
    Wednesday- gym
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- Rock
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in: Well, I weigh the same again, but I spent my weekend at a festival so probably am carrying a bit of beer. Pretty cheery about it all really. The weather was ok for camping in the end; a bit cold but we wrapped up warm and there was a big communal fire at the festival.

    How did fitness go?

    Last week:

    Saturday: parkrun DONE
    Sunday: badminton DONE
    Monday: morris dancing plus I want to run -- dancing DONE
    Tuesday: circuits again maybe? -- nope, lots of housework and some walking though
    Wednesday: badminton (I haven't done Wednesday morning badminton for weeks) -- nope, more housework
    Thursday: run -- nope -- but some walking
    Friday: badminton -- nope, but off to a festival so lots of tent pitching and walking in fields.

    Big success this week was that I did *four* dumbbell workouts. And it feels really good.

    This week:

    Saturday: sitting in a field drinking beer DONE
    Sunday: striking the tent and some carting of stuff, but quite a light day
    Monday: morris dancing
    Tuesday: circuits and strength
    Wednesday: badminton
    Thursday: run
    Friday: badminton?

    And at least three strength.

    @Mo11yT: Exercise is a mixed bag as far as tiredness goes because as I build up it makes me more tired. I have lots of energy when I'm not doing it! But strength training in particular sends me straight to my duvet. Once you've built up some fitness, workouts that are well within your limits (like morning runs) are really energising.
    @Tracy: in theory I stick to calories and eat back exercise calories, but actually I go over on sedentary days because 1270 is just too low for me, and on very active days I have a big surplus because I find I don't want all that many extra calories. So I'm probably actually doing something nearer to TDEE-20%.
    @Robin: I've had some dumbbells for months but have been very sporadic with them. What I'm doing now is using the workouts in a book called Smart Girls Do Dumbbells. She has 40 different lifts, plus some stretches and abs exercises, and then puts together 30 different sets of daily exercises. These alternate upper and lower body, but I'm not doing them every day. I'm currently doing big muscle back things like lateral rows with a 10kg (22lb) weight and things like curls with 5kg (11lb). Overhead one-armed things I'm using 2kg (5lb). I now have 2 sets of spinlock dumbbell handles, and 4 plates each of 500g, 1kg, 1.5kg, 2kg, 5kg. I bought extra weights (cheap on eBay) because 8kg was clearly not enough for a lateral row (unless I wanted to do a girly workout of 4 sets of 20 reps), and it's much more convenient to work out with a couple of different weights handy, rather than endlessly resetting weights. I also do press-ups -- I'm doing them on the second stair of my staircase now (I can do seven...).
    @Mel -- I just boil beets, peel them afterwards, and then use as the pre-packaged ones. They normally take about 45 minutes but if they've been sitting around a while it can take longer. You can also oven cook them in their skins. I made some brilliant beetroot hoummus the other day; really healthy (hoummus is often very high in calories) and delicious. I get sent a lot of fresh beets in winter in the veg box; in the summer I buy the vacuum packed ones, which don't have anything added to them. Almond butter's a bit like peanut butter in that it is jolly good for you in small, small amounts. I like to keep hardboiled eggs in the fridge for those STARVING moments.
    @Karen -- I guess I do zigzag calories without really trying... I'll just suddenly notice that I've had a day at 900 over... And JUST SAY NO to lotteries. Put the money in a savings account instead.
    @Kris -- you might want to get a second opinion on that gout. I was just reading an article on it (in a paper mag sorry so I can't link) saying that the arthritis experts were tearing their hair out at the unwillingness of doctors to prescribe urea-reducing drugs. I have a friend who swears by naproxen for his gout -- only available here over the counter for period pains not gout! So he has to send women out to get it. Though it's good that you've worked out what's causing it.

    Have a great week everyone!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I was able to fit some shopping in yesterday and found a great sale so picked up 4 new shirts (all smaller sizes). I stepped out of the box a little bit, buying a color and style I never buy – I was really on the fence so got the opinion of the two ladies working there, they said it was a great color (coral) on me and the style was really becoming so I bought it. After I got home and got laundry started I stopped over at the block party for a bit – visited with my neighbors but didn’t eat since it was BBQ including brisket, all of the food was really starchy so I decided it was a bad idea.

    @Robin~Great idea about getting numbers, etc from neighbors – I was a member of our HOA board for 3-years so know my neighbors really well, I just don’t see them as often as I should.

    @Laurie~Good luck with the new trainer today!

    @Alison~Awesome job working on that strength training last week!

    Have a great day!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Morning everyone. Things have been rough on my side but I am getting through. My mom had her chemo port installed on Thursday so she's still sore from that. Pain killers finally kicked in on Saturday. I think I am going to be overwhelmed taking care of my mom and working full time but I can't quit because we are going to need the money since when she takes leave she will only get 60% of her normal pay check.

    Monday check-in: I did sign up for a membership at the Y this weekend. They have to process it first because I am applying for the scholarship so I only have to pay 1/2 the normal fee which will be nice. My sister already has a membership that my grandma pays for so she's excited she will be able to go to the gym again. Hopefully they approve it and I can start going. They said it takes about a week to process.

    Kris: My mom and my best friends dad has gout too. Try drinking some cherry juice. It helps to relieve it faster. There is a company that makes something called 'just black cherry', it's just a jar of cherry juice. We try to avoid a lot of red meat in our house because of my moms gout. She refuses to take her gout medicine because on the label it says that it may cause gouty attacks. I hope you get some relief soon!

    Des: Great job on the 50lbs lost! I know I'm a little late.

    Have a good day.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I got slapped with bad case of gout on Wednesday morning. I was home on Thursday AND Friday barely able to wobble around. It's getting better VERY slowly. The Dr. doesn't want to give me the meds to pull the uric acid out of my system since it filters through my already compromised kidneys so I have to tough it out.

    My ex husband was kind enough to run down here to run to the grocery store for me, take my trash out, and visit for a bit. I was very incredibly grateful.... until he came back WITHOUT 3 of the 8 items on my list leaving me in a bit of a bind. I have ground chicken and spaghetti sauce....but no pasta. Cereal... but no milk...... Bacon.... no eggs. /sigh I had to get creative and come up with a stuffed cabbage casserole with the ground chicken, a VERY old head of cabbage, and ragu.... not sure how good it will taste but.... at least I have food for the next few days until I can wobble around well enough to get to the store.

    yikes! hope things start looking up for you very soon. you've been riddled with some bad luck.
    Watched The Hobbit last night and loved it - one of my favorite books as a kid, of course its leaves you hanging for the next installment!

    My son is obsessed with both The Hobbit and LoTR neither of which I am particularly interested in. But I've gotten to watch all of them multiple times courtesy of his child's enthusiasm for enjoying that which is enjoyable about ten million times more than anyone should enjoy anything before it becomes completely unenjoyable :laugh: Luckily, if all else fails there's Martin Freeman...
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

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    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Had a great weekend and though I was out of town for 4 days, I took just one day off plan!!! I also did a 3 mile walk that included some "running" intervals!!!! Quite a feat for this dizzy chick!!! Not sure how the weight loss will go even though I was on plan all but one day because I left my thyroid meds at home!!! Hubby did bring them but I had missed 2 doses by then. We shall see how it plays out!!! Hope everyone had a healthy weekend!!!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Monday check in:
    Went to the gym again, 2 days in a row as I am babysitting later this week and know I won't be able to go to the gym. Had a good workout. Tomorrow I weigh-in at Tops. I'm anxious about it.
    Alison, the beet hummus sounds interesting. I might try it.
    Marca, congratulations on doing your long walk, even though you have vertigo. I'm trying to 'ignore' it, but I swear the next time I see that doctor that put me in this state, I'm going at him!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Monday check in:
    Went to the gym again, 2 days in a row as I am babysitting later this week and know I won't be able to go to the gym. Had a good workout. Tomorrow I weigh-in at Tops. I'm anxious about it.
    Alison, the beet hummus sounds interesting. I might try it.
    Marca, congratulations on doing your long walk, even though you have vertigo. I'm trying to 'ignore' it, but I swear the next time I see that doctor that put me in this state, I'm going at him!
    Ignoring it does NOT work.... you have to respect the vertigo or it WILL kick your @ss!!! Work out when you feel better and rest when you feel bad. What I forgot to add was that the walk cost me an hour and a half nap following, which let me know I over did it. That is my body's response when I over do... I fall asleep almost instantly!!! Thus why I still do not drive much!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! :flowerforyou:

    No personals right now, butI'm all caught up on posts.

    Monday Check -in:
    Last week wasn't great for exercise or food, but not terrible either. At least the scale says I'm back down in the 180's again (though 189.2 is 'barely' the 180's :blushing: ).

    Exercise Goals for this week:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Tues--walk gunner + core
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner + run outside + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym

    Having planned all that, the weather is supposed to be pretty stinky most of the week, so I may not be able to walk gunner everyday--we'll see. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 1/16 12 Angry Men essays
    2. x/16 Diction analyses
    3. x/57 TTTC Journals
    4. x/16 vocab quizzes