Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Okay, which one of you shared your fruit flies with me?! :laugh: Suddenly I have the little bugs everywhere. (I did just buy bananas and grapes... not surprising that they showed up).

    Dropping by to share my weigh in results... another 1.4 down! I get to buy a new book. :happy:

    Just wanted to share some celebration... Now I have to go finish prepping dinner.

    Chicken boobies with bbq sauce, cheddar cheese, and french fried onions. Nom.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @fera--congrats on the new book! Do you know what you will get?

    @tammy--I bet you find that your stamina builds really quickly. I know whenever I get away from running for a few weeks, it only takes a week to get right back to where I was before the break.

    @laurie--Yay for being all packed up! :drinker: Boo for only 8 weeks off! :grumble:

    @p1xy--have fun on your color run and camping trip! :flowerforyou:

    @rnk--if I know I'm going out to eat, I try to look up the menu online ahead of time. Even if there's no nutritional info, I find it helps me make better choices than if I wait until I'm sitting at the table ready to eat.
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    @fera--congrats on the new book! Do you know what you will get?

    Thanks! :D

    Trying to decide... Thinking I might want to start Laurel K Hamilton's Merry Gentry series. But I'm also in the middle of several other different series that I need to catch up on! I don't know yet. I'll have to think on it a bit more. I wasn't expecting to get to choose until next Tuesday's weigh in.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @Laurie... your food today sounds like what I do some days... hot and cold choices, and too much sugar. My last day like that I had an apple fritter, piece of cache and too many chocolate covered almonds to mention. Yay for being finished for the summer!

    @skinny... summer colds are the worst! Feel better soon.

    @Robin... if your gnats hover around the fruit bowl and garbage can, I think those are the same things as fruit flies. Mine are almost gone. I don't have a dishwasher and tend to leave a few days worth of dishes in the sink (it's just me here) and now I am forced to do them immediately, or at least completely rinse them off if Im going to leave them. My white vinegar is working quite well now and they are almost completely gone. Thank goodness.

    @Sherrie... getting back on track after a weekend of bad eating is a good step. At least you stopped it. A few days is better than a few weeks, months, years. I found that the longer I have been good, it's just that much easier to stop a binge/sabotage episode quickly. I just pay attention to how I feel after eating all that sugar, junk (usually feel physically like a bag of crap) and that's enough to get me back to eating better.

    @tlh... I am jealous of you! I would love to live out somewhere with a ton of space, and peace and quiet too. Far away from the hustle and bustle. I live in the country, but I live on a street surrounded by other houses, and it's not country enough for me. (though the odours wafting over from the neighbouring farms reminds me I am really out there). :laugh:

    @Kaye... hope you feel better soon and enjoy your trip. Cookies and fudge... oh my. I could not stay on track baking goodies like that all the time... and I couldn't resist licking the bowl too.

    @Fera... good for you for not snacking all night... it's when I try to stay up all night (used to work night shifts as an RN) that I feel the need to eat the most.

    @RnK... well done with the exercise. Once you get into a normal schedule, it's easier to increase the amount you do.

    @pixy... have fun with your family at the colour run tomorrow.

    AFM... I woke up with some pretty severe back pain during the night. :mad: I did a wicked hard cross fit workout at physio yesterday... 30 min non stop circuit. I think it was the deadlifts, the weights may have been too heavy, or my form was not great and I used my back rather than my legs. Anyway, it loosened up a bit today but hurts when I change positions sitting or laying down. The PT's didn't seem too concerned about it, saying to give it a few days and it may just be DOMS, though I've never had it there before and have a chronic back condition. I did a lot of stretching today and got the thumper (massage thingy) at the end of physio. I went out for a walk and it did not really bother me. I just hope this is temporary.

    On a good note, I hit a new low weight of 205,2 yesterday and a few of my size 16 capri pants that I bought a few weeks ago are already quite loose in the waist. My mom has put adjustable elastic in the waistbands and they are already at the smallest loop. And the Old Navy yoga pants I wear to physio are starting to fall down now too. (that's 3 pairs in 4 months). Sheesh... it's great, but still frustrating to find clothes to fit! I thought I would stay in a clothing size much longer than this.

    6/18: 2.6 miles
    6/19: .7 miles
    6/20: .5 miles
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    Sheepishly checking in ... :embarassed:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @cath--hey! great to see your smiling face again! :flowerforyou:

    @tanya--I hope your back isn't anything serious. Thanks for the well wishes. I'm not usually a baby about being sick especially just a cold, but this one is hitting me hard. I'm most concerned that it doesn't turn into a sinus infection. I'm calling my dentist tomorrow to get a Rx for some antibiotics just in case. My doc wont prescribe without a visit, but I have zero time for that. My dentist is really good about calling in for antibiotics as long as I don't abuse the privilege.

    @fera--I'm not familiar with that series. I just started a book called "The Names" by Don DeLilo.

    Friday Fitness:
    Not much other than walking the dog, but so busy running around that I'm surely burning lots of calories. Today was very low activity b/c of my cold. Did some laundry and picked up a few odds and ends at the store. Otherwise, just caught up on some TV.

    Tomorrow is the first wedding in WI, so I won't be on here again until Sunday.

    Have a great weekend everyone. :drinker:

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + help sister move DONE!
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sat--wedding in WI
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles

    6/1 = 3 miles
    6/2 = 5 miles
    6/3 = 3 miles
    6/4 = 1.5 miles
    6/5 = 3 miles
    6/6 = 0 miles
    6/7 = 6 miles
    6/8 = 2 miles
    6/9 = 1 mile
    6/10 = 1 mile
    6/11 = 4 miles
    6/12 = 1 mile
    6/13 = 2 miles
    6/14 = 2 miles
    6/15 = 1.5 miles
    6/16 = 2 miles
    6/17 = 2 miles
    6/18 = 0 miles
    6/19 = 2 miles
    6/20 = 1.5 miles
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/20: 1.4 miles

    Skipped water aerobics again this morning. I've spent too much of the day in the car. I'm feeling better, although still some coughing. Tomorrow is the reunion. I hope I can get some hiking around, although I'll have to pick my trails carefully because of my knees.
    Have a great weekend. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Hi folks,
    I hope all are doing well. Honestly, just too tired and down right now to read through all the posts but will try to catch up tomorrow. It's been a very rough day here. We went to a funeral today to lay to rest our Pastor's father. It was a long hot drive there and back as the a/c went out in my van. I was exhausted when we got back and hadn't been home very long before we got word that my favorite uncle has passed. I have been going between being numb and horrible sobbing all evening. I did force myself to do 40 minutes of dance aerobics but I sure didn't want to. I didn't get my walking in though.

    Fitness Friday-40 minutes of aerobics daily plus 30 minutes of walking 5 days per week is my goal. Didn't quite make that today.
    As for preparing for the weekend, I'm going to strive to keep myself very busy as I am a stress/depression eater. I'll be alright but losing someone I dearly love is a bit rough and this also means I will have to attend two funerals within a weeks time. I just have to give it to God and realize that both of these wonderful men are with our Savior. They were both good Christian men. They are no longer in pain. This too shall pass but they will never be forgotten.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Mileage update.

    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)
    6/15 - 7.53 miles (16,968 FitBit steps)
    6/16 - 5.06 (10,277 FitBit steps)
    6/17 - 6.98 (16,729 FitBit steps)
    6/18 - 5.00 (9,998 FitBit steps)
    6/19 - Rest Day
    6/20 - 2.80
    6/21 - 3.94

    Total - 73.02
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.


    National Daylight Appreciation Day is celebrated each year on June 21. This day recognizes summer solstice (the longest day of daylight in the northern hemisphere) and encourages people to celebrate the many benefits of the sun.
    National Daylight Appreciation Day is also a day to learn more about the importance of daylighting. Daylighting is defined as lighting an indoor space with openings, such as windows and skylights, that will allow daylight into the home or building. Daylighting is chosen to save energy, to avoid hypothesized adverse health effects of over-illumination by artificial light and for aesthetics. Daylight factor is the ratio between the measured internal and external light levels of the amount of daylight that is received into an indoor space or room.
    Installing fewer electric lights because daylight is present or dimming/switching electric lights automatically in response to the presence of daylight can reduce artificial lighting energy. This process is known as daylight harvesting.
    Daylight has positive psychological effects; it can boost your mental health and help to lower depression as well as help with increased energy levels. The Vitamin D, that we naturally get from the sun, has many health benefits for us.

    “It’s never too late—in fiction or in life—to revise.” ~Nancy Thayer

  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @tanya - I need to clean my fridge too - it's on my to-do list for the weekend, but ugh. Such a glamorous life. I'm sorry about your back pain, and wtg on your loss!

    @lauriek - we all have days like that, when food just gets out of control! good for you for acknowledging it and moving on. thanks for all the work y ou're doing on the mileage challenge.

    @skinny - I love my Samsung s4 and think the mini is so cute! Mine is a full size one and is enormous. I figure I get a good calorie burn just by lugging it around. I was so excited to upgrade to a smartphone, don't know what I'd do without it now. Have fun at the wedding!

    @Muzica - welcome! :) I agree that you need to do what you know works for you. It's so easy to get caught up in all of the advice on places like this, and some of it is really good, but at the end of the day, you know your body and what works best. I love trying different approaches based on what people suggest, and then tweaking it for my own weight loss journey. \

    @sherrie - I often let one bad day sabotage me too, and it takes so long to get back on track. good for you on the exercise, you're doing great! And mmm... Ben & Jerry's! Love it. :laugh:

    @tlh - that camping thing sounds fun - too bad you had to buy so much stuff for it! seems like every time we turn around, one of the boys needs something. We used to be able to do hand-me-downs from my oldest to youngest but they're built so differently now that my 8 year old wears a bigger size than my 12 year old most of the time.

    @kaye - have a good trip! I hope your throat feels better.

    @ferafila - I'm sorry about your sick pet! Good job getting your miles in anyway.

    @L2T - enjoy your vacation! I love a good book.

    @morgori - I love your posts, always look forward to finding out what "day" it is. :smile:

    @rnk - sounds like you have a good weekend plan - well done! Good luck on carrying it out.

    @p1 - good luck with your cleaning - I always go on a mad cleaning spree when we have company coming, too. The normal state of our house is kind of chaotic. Sounds like cooking will be a challenge, I hope you can get your head around it!

    AFM - I admit, I'm in a slump. I'm not making great choices right now and am finding it so hard to stay on track. My fitbit hasn't been syncing with MFP for three days now which is frustrating. I have been fighting through a plateau and have only lost 2.9 lbs in the past month, which makes me sad and angry. The last few days I've fallen off the wagon but I'm determined to get back on. My PT has given me permission to walk 20 minutes per day, which seems like nothing at all when I'm used to doing 3-5 miles without blinking, but I will humbly accept it and get my butt in gear. I am officially on summer vacation now, and I admit it's causing some anxiety. I would really like this to be a successful summer in the weightloss department, and I know it's going to be difficult to stay on track with the lower grocery budget, lower activity level (ie. not working so not on my feet for 6 hrs/day, racking up 6-8K steps without even blinking), and restricted activity. This, coupled with the stress of my 12 year old's current issues (we start the med adjustments this weekend), waiting to hear back on a surgery date and more test results for my husband, etc... I'm just feeling discouraged and overwhelmed. Determined to turn things around, and realizing it's going to have to be a "one day at a time" kind of a summer.

    June 1 - 3 miles
    June 3 - 3 miles
    June 6 - 4 miles
    June 7 - 2 miles
    June 8 - 4 miles
    June 9 - 2.5 miles
    June 10 - 2 miles
    June 11 - 1.5 miles
    June 13 - 2 miles
    June 15 - 1.5 miles
    June 17 - 2 miles
    June 18 - 3 miles
    June 19 - 1 mile
    June 20 - 2 miles

    Total: 33.5 miles
    June goal: 50 miles
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Thanks for the suggestion, I thought about the recumbent bike too—main reason for avoiding exercise is my doc said he doesn't want me sweating underneath the cast, but I may give it a try just at a really slow pace.

    @Robin~Your friend is so lucky to have you in his corner!

    @Karen~Hooray for getting on the smartphone bandwagon, you’ll wonder how you ever got along without one before! :laugh: I haven’t had a land line for about 5-years, with cell phones and texting it just didn't make much sense to pay for it anymore. I’m sorry you’re sick (and just before vacation)—how awesome your dentist will call in a script though!

    @p1xyn1xy~my place is a disaster right now too—no kids to contribute to the mess though, just one-armed me and one feisty Maine Coon! :laugh:

    @Tanya~I’m sorry for the back pain, I hope its feeling better today.

    @Cath~Hi! Nice to see you checking in.

    @Muzica~I’m very sorry to hear about your uncle’s passing, thoughts and prayers to you and your family. :flowerforyou:

    @Heidi~I'm sorry you're struggling right now. Its so hard to stay focused when so much stress and anxiety surrounds us, hang in there!

    To those with the fruit flies/gnats—I just discovered one flying around my kitchen this morning. Never had them—wonder why they are surfacing? I don't have fruit sitting on counter, maybe its weather patterns?

    AFM~Yesterday was my first day back to work and with my boss on vacation all week, my desk was just littered with paperwork. It was a frustrating day—had to have I.S. swap my keyboard for a regular one since I can’t use my ergonomic keyboard while in this cast. After using my hand so much at work I was in quite a bit of pain by early afternoon—was glad when I got home, took some pain medication and slept the evening away with a very cantankerous Maine Coon! She is just knocking stuff off of tables and counters—I think she is mad I left her. Geez, spoiled much? Not sure what the weekend holds, block/pool party Sunday afternoon –probably go for a little while, although I can’t swim right now.

    June Miles:


    Total: 34.39/55 Miles
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Rnk -- hope this weekend goes well for you. Just try to remember the 12 year old will eat you out of house and home so you can leave it for him. :laugh:

    @P1xy...that's a lot of family around. ENJOY! Then 2 1/2 weeks camping! Wonderful!'s amazing what taking time off from exercise will do. I had three weeks off from workout sessions with my trainer and uffda...

    @Tanya...New low!! Whoo-hoo!!!

    @Muzica...I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose those important people in our lives.

    AFM...went over to my sister's last night for supper and just to hang out. The kids were outside except the 2 year old, so we got some nice visiting in. She didn't say a word to me about my other sister.

    When I got home, my other sister called me up crying and apparently sister 1 told sister 2 she was no longer interested in speaking with her or having her involved in her life. Sister 1 is in a verbally abusive releationship and had left her husband last summer for about 5 months (this was about the 5th time she had left him and always leaned on sister 2). Long story short, sister 2 used poor choice of words when talking and now sister 1 tells her she's not being supportive of her marriage and doesn't want anyone toxic in her life. The problem was that sister 1 thought she was attacking her husband when in reality sister 2 was talking about chances (why husband could have multiple choices, but nobody else could). We have a family funeral on Tuesday -- could be interesting....sometimes I feel like I moved into a soap opera! Hopefully I can be a catalyst to healing between the two.

    Today is a day full of odds and ends. Emma took a cake decorating class this morning -- ultimately turned into a cake baking/frosting class. No decorating seen. :ohwell: Helped my mom do the picture board for her brother's funeral. My son is with my sister at the lake for the day. I've got a date with my sister at the gym at 3:30 and then doing a prayer vigil at church from 5:30 - 5:45. Michael's home today so this evening, we should probably end up doing some packing. The tough thing is the apartment really only has our essentials in it so it's kind of hard to start packing. The nice thing is all the non-essentials are still in boxes from two years ago!! :smokin:

    Have a great weekend!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Just checking in. Have been in a slump and ignoring everything. Started binge eating, but quickly got control. Mostly sleeping as much as I can. Prepared a to do list and trying to follow it to get myself going.

    Probably wlll weigh in next Wednesday. Hoping things will get better when I get out and about.

  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    June 1 - 3 miles
    June 3 - 3 miles
    June 6 - 4 miles
    June 7 - 2 miles
    June 8 - 4 miles
    June 9 - 2.5 miles
    June 10 - 2 miles
    June 11 - 1.5 miles
    June 13 - 2 miles
    June 15 - 1.5 miles
    June 17 - 2 miles
    June 18 - 3 miles
    June 19 - 1 mile
    June 20 - 2 miles
    June 21 - 1.68 miles

    Total: 35.18 miles
    June goal: 50 miles
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hello everybody. I am having a very pleasant Saturday. I got up around 7:30 and after showering and coming alive I met up with my mom and we spent just over four hours garage sailing at a massive neighborhood sale not far from where we live. We got all kinds of great stuff for just about every one in the family and i recorded 2 hours of liesurley walking since we just moved the car occasionally and were walking around to all of them. Once we came home I took the dogs down to the lake for a walk but it ended up being fairly short since neither one wanted to behave well today. The big one wouldnt quit pulling and tugging and the little one wouldnt quit yapping non stop. So their loss cause momma just loaded them back up and now they are stuck at home. I got some really cute clothes at the sale for me. I spent 32 dollars but I got 4 real nice summer shirts, three pairs of jeans, and a pair of capris so I am pretty happy. All in all a pretty good day and in a little while I am going to grill up a nice thick steak and have some watermelon and a nice garden salad to go with and should come in nicely under on calories for the day. Well have a great day everyone and remember that you are AWESOME :flowerforyou: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    June 2014:
    6/1: 2.24
    6/2: 0 miles
    6/3: 2 miles
    6/4: 2 miles
    6/5: 2 miles
    6/6: 0 miles
    6/7: 2 miles
    6/8: 0 miles
    6/9: 0 miles
    6/10: 1 mile
    6/11: 1 mile
    6/19: 1.98 miles
    6/20: 1.98 miles
    6/21: 4.5 miles
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I had THE GREATEST sleep last night!!! It's been so long since I've had a sleep where I don't remember the amount of times I've rolled over or changed position. And I slept in until 9am... Ahhh. I've been able to sleep in a bit more lately since work is lighter this time of year, but 5:30 is still too dang early!!

    My back is also feeling much better, and I can feel exactly where the soreness is, leading me to believe that it is in fact DOMS and not an injury. Despite the bit of soreness left I hiked for a good 4.5 hours on a few various trails... 15k distance and 21k steps. I currently have a 1500 calorie surplus today which I may 'bank' for later next week... I'm on vacation :happy:

    Now it's time to clean, do laundry, vacuum and cook before my BF arrives tomorrow.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/21: 2.6 miles

    Sounds like some good Saturday activities being enjoyed by all.
    I had a nice time visiting at the reunion, then went up to the City of Rocks for a nostalgic picture taking trip. For those of you who are interested in unusual places, I have posted a few of my pictures. It is so much busier there now than it used to be. It has become a very popular destination for rock climbing and repelling. I had to include some pictures of the prickly pear in bloom. They don't bloom every year. They only bloom if there has been enough rain and other conditions are right.
    Hope your weekend continues to be good. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It was a good day for exercise and food today. I manage to eat 2 meals and 3 snacks and stayed under calories without eating back the exercise calories. I swam over 1 mile this morning then went out to breakfast. Then took a nap this afternoon due to exhaustion. I was going to hit the gym and put in 5-6 miles on the spin bike but just did not have the energy to do so today. The week finally caught with me- late nights and early mornings don't work well with me. Tomorrow, I will bike ride in the morning. I did take a walk around the mall tonight but not exactly sure of the distance, close to 1 mile after dinner.

    I did see the scale drop this morning, so I hope this is a good sign that I will start losing weight again. It could also be due to TOM and just a routine drop due to water weight. Right now I will take it.

    Karen-Hope you have fun at the wedding and that you are Not getting a sinus infection.

    Kaye- Glad you had a great reunion and the pictures look wonderful, a very beautiful area.

    Cath- Great to see you checking in again.

    Kjeffries- Great to see you back as well. You can get back on track.

    Musica- Sorry about your loss. Just remember that you Uncle would want you to enjoy the great outdoors and to keep walking for exercise. Good job doing the aerobics today.

    tlh- sorry for your loss as well. Good luck with the move.

    jt- Great job with the yard sales and finding the clothes.

    Tanya- Sounds like DOMS- They don't happen all the time but when they do it can be painful. You most likely woke up some unused muscles or gave them a tougher workout.

    Littleshadow- Sorry that you are under so much stress right now. The bright side is you can starting walking for 20 minutes. It may not seem like much but it does increase your mobility. I am guessing that you can do a mile in that time if not more. You will survive the summer and will find a way to make it work for you.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a friendly reminder to update your mileage goals by Tuesday. We are going strong so keep up miles coming.