Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Following along...
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The status update for June 8-14.

    Distance Milestones—How far we have come in JUNE and we just keep going.

    The status update for the week of June 8-14, 2014.

    9 miles=15K :smile:
    Robin E (9 miles)

    10 miles

    12 miles=20K

    ½ marathon- 13.1 miles=22km

    16 miles-Sprint Triathlon Level (you just complete the distance of a Sprint Triathlon:wink:
    Painted Cav (21.54 miles)
    RobinB (16.63 miles)
    Tanya (17.9 miles)
    Little shadow (24 miles)

    Marathon club-26.2 miles=43km :laugh:
    Kelley (30.51 miles)
    Ms.Frizz (27.55 miles)

    33.93 Miles=Olympic distance triathlon level (51.5km) :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Laurie K 60.85 miles
    Skinny Jeanz (34.5 miles)
    Hansea (48.59 miles)
    Ferafilla (34.4 miles)
    L2T (41.71miles
    Tom (39.81 miles)
    Nettie (43.74 miles
    Queen (61.01 miles)

    63.86 Miles- ITU Long course Distance Triathlon :love:
    Kaye (66.49 miles)

    70.3 miles- Half Ironman Distance Triathlon :heart: :heart: :heart:
    aimee (90.07 miles)
    P1nxy (78.45 miles)

    100 miles Century Club

    140.6 miles-Full Ironman Distance

    150- Exercise BEAST

    Total miles for challenge: 2025 :glasses:
    Miles completed by 6/14/14: Based on those reporting miles: 997.46 :smokin:
    Miles to go: 1039.54:glasses:

    Everyone is doing great. We have 27 people participating in this challenge.

    This update does NOT include those are missing the data from the last 2 weeks. Once you post your miles your status will be updated and posted.

    I may not be on tomorrow night. I am planning on swimming at 8pm so it depends on what time I get home from work.

    Happy Hump Day for tomorrow. I will be celebrating the last day of school tomorrow. Can't wait.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    melbewell and ferafilla- Congrats on the losses.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I beg excuses for the term to follow, a local saying, hope it doesn't offend anyone. My girlfriend the kayak - owner, had a DUMB-*kitten* attack! She and her hubby took the 2 kayaks out for their first run, and took their very young, 24 lb, mixed-breed wiggle worm of a puppy (named Gunner) with them on a leash, of course :smile: Well 80 feet from shore, after much wrestling with Gunner, he slipped his leash, tipped my girlfriends kayak OVER and dunked them both in the lake! :noway: Her DH scooped up Gunner and got him safely in HIS kayak, my GF got the leash handed over to him, but between the two of them and the puppy, they couldn't upright the kayak, so Hubby had to tow my GF and the kayak back 80 feet to shore. And he's such a sweetie he did not lose his temper! Oh my, I can't imagine my ex in that situation. I think only 2 would have returned.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/17: 4.2 miles.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    Tuesday my goal was to intermittent fast and stay in macros while enjoying my food and eating healthy. I think I did well. I will get back to yall on mileage goals
  • Sherrielsb
    Sherrielsb Posts: 505 Member

    If it isn't too late I would like to join in the miles for June, but if it's too crazy I totally understand and would like to join up for July. Thanks
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    June 17 mileage - 3.3 miles

    Good night everyone! :)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--I was thinking of you with all of the tornadoes on your part of the country--glad you checked in safe and sound. We are in for some storms here, but hopefully they won't be as severe.

    @sherrie--good to see you back! It's not too late to join the mileage challenge. Just let laurie know your goal and progress so far, or you can set a goal from this point forward.

    @rain--sorry you are sick. I've also come down with a full-blown head cold--hope it runs its course before I leave for DR next week.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Well I didn't make it to the gym, but I spent the whole day running errands and doing a bunch of shopping for my trip. Got lots of clothes, and had a bit of an NSV. Prior to today, I would say I was a size 14 who was fitting into some size 12s, but after trying on countless pants and shorts, I am firmly a size 12. In fact, I had to skip buying one pair of capri pants b/c the 14s were too loose in the waist and they were out of 12s.

    After shopping, a friend and I went to dinner at a German restaurant. Not the healthiest fare, but it was fun. I got the chicken schnitzel sandwich and only had one light beer. It was tasty and reminded me of Switzerland. My friend and I walked the whole mall twice and also walked back and forth to dinner (about a quarter mile each way) versus driving. Will give myself a conservative estimate of 2 miles for all of that.

    Tomorrow I will help my sister move, so should be a pretty active "rest" day.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + help sister move
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--wedding in WI
    Sun--walk gunner + gym

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles

    6/1 = 3 miles
    6/2 = 5 miles
    6/3 = 3 miles
    6/4 = 1.5 miles
    6/5 = 3 miles
    6/6 = 0 miles
    6/7 = 6 miles
    6/8 = 2 miles
    6/9 = 1 mile
    6/10 = 1 mile
    6/11 = 4 miles
    6/12 = 1 mile
    6/13 = 2 miles
    6/14 = 2 miles
    6/15 = 1.5 miles
    6/16 = 2 miles
    6/17 = 2 miles
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    Alright. Time to get back into personals and participating more in this thread! I've missed you guys, it's just been so crazy and I haven't had time to sit down and reply to everyone.

    @Rain - I hope your cold gets better soon, summer colds are so miserable! :(

    @Robin - that's quite a kayak adventure!! I'm chuckling at the image in my head but I can imagine it probably wasn't quite as funny at the time.

    @skinny - congrats on the size 12 - that's amazing!!

    Wednesday wish: I just wish that one of the multiple not-so-great situations in my life at the moment could see a bit of improvement! :tongue: DH has had two biopsies in the past 3 weeks and so far one has come back positive for an autoimmune disease... we're waiting on the results of the other one so we can get a better idea of what's going on.

    My 12 year old is having panic attacks on a regular basis and we're in the process of adding another medication to his regimen while lowering another one, to see if we can get him on a more even keel.

    And me, well, I'm still restricted from exercise due to my ankle, and am going into week 12 of a chronic sinus infection - each time I go on antibiotics they clear up the acute symptoms, but after a week or so off the antibiotics, the infection comes back. I've only lost 3 lbs in the past month which is super discouraging on this very long, slow road, and when I get discouraged I start making bad choices. So I'm committing to stay more "checked in" on here as I go into the summer, and hopefully the accountability will help. Very happy that Friday is my last day of work for the summer, and also anxious about being home all day where there is much less restricted access to food - especially with two kids around who need snacks that aren't always the best option for this mom. I'm on unpaid leave from work which means a much smaller grocery budget over the summer, so I forsee a lot of tuna and iceburg lettuce in my future. :laugh:


    June 1 - 3 miles
    June 3 - 3 miles
    June 6 - 4 miles
    June 7 - 2 miles
    June 8 - 4 miles
    June 9 - 2.5 miles
    June 10 - 2 miles
    June 11 - 1.5 miles
    June 13 - 2 miles
    June 15 - 1.5 miles
    June 17 - 2 miles
    June 18 - 3 miles

    Total: 30.5 miles
    June goal: 50 miles
  • Garetie
    Garetie Posts: 92 Member
    BUMP :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Shadow, I'm sorry you are under so much stress right now, Good health is such a key component of our happiness. I don't mean to add to your stress, but your sinus infection concerns me. My now son in law had a chronic and very stubborn sinus infection for nearly a year before they discovered that he actually had a malignant tumor in his sinus. If they haven't already looked at something like that, maybe you should have that possibility checked out.
    Wednesday wish: I am just hoping that I will use good sense and not gain weight on our vacation. This morning I am weighing my previous low, which means a 4-5# loss since the end of March.
    It's raining here this morning so no water aerobics. The forecast is for it to clear up by late afternoon, so I will get a walk.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.


    June 18 annually celebrates a fun, feel good holiday that was created for you to do something special for yourself, it is National Splurge Day.
    Splurge, (as defined at is:
    to indulge oneself in some luxury or pleasure.
    Now, go ahead and s p l u r g e. (remember to be wise and do not spend more money than what your budget will allow)

    “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Sorry that I haven't been here, so I'm doing a quick update of mileage. My FitBit has disappeared on me once again (definitely been a good thing my head is attached lately), so these will be based on the minutes calculation instead of my fitbit numbers. I also haven't been following along, so my plan today is to go back and catch up with all of you. So with all that said, my Wednesday wish is that I can find my groove again. It seems like lately I've had one foot on that wagon and hopping alongside trying to get on. This means I need to get back to tracking and drinking my water

    June 1 - 2.00
    June 2 - 2.06
    June 3 - 2.49
    June 4 - 2.67
    June 5 - 4.00
    June 6 - 2.34
    June 7 - 0.66
    June 8 - 1.41
    June 9 - 2.02
    June 10 - 1.84
    June 11 - 3.99
    June 12 - 1.00
    June 13 - 2.00
    June 14 - 1
    June 15 - 2
    June 16 - 4
    June 17 - 3

    Total -- 35.48 / 75

    My uncle passed away this weekend. He was a bachelor that lived about 1 1/2 hours north of here. It was my Mom's brother. My sister, Mom, my aunt and uncle and I went to his trailer and spent yesterday going through his things and packing things up. He was an accountant and apparently very organized with all things, so Mom and my aunt are having an easy time -- funeral is planned out/paid for, obituary was already written, financial advisor met with and all they are waiting for is the death certificate (it won't even have to go to pro-bate). The only snag is that a neighbor is saying that he was told he could have the car (new Buick). While we know he helped with things, there are some things that make us think he was taking advantage of my uncle -- ($10,000 labor fee for relaying carpet in a small single wide trailer -- all dishes are gone (not a plate, glass or bowl to be found -- paper or otherwise)). We have gone through the papers and haven't found anything stating the car should go to this guy. It's hard to believe that as organized as he was that he wouldn't have talked to his lawyer or at least written that down somewhere. But you hate to not believe the guy.

    Finally back with my personal trainer this week. It was super hard, exhausting and it felt so good. My plans for this week are:

    Monday - trainer (done)
    Tuesday - packing my uncles trailer (done)
    Wednesday - water aerobics
    Thursday - workout with sister
    Friday - rest
    Saturday - workout with sister
    Sunday - rest (actually driving my son and his friend to church camp -- will be a 3 hour round trip)

    . Have a great Wedensday.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    TLH- Sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope the mystery about the car and the neighbor gets cleared up with no drama.

    Tom- Happy Splurge Day! I'm splurging right now....watching multiple episodes of Prison Break instead of getting going on other projects.

    Kaye- I hope you have a wonderful, weight-friendly vacation!

    LittleShadow- I'm sorry your family is having so many health issues right now! That is way too long to have to deal with sinus pressure/pain, etc. I hope they dig a little deeper and you get rid of the problem. I hope the rest of 2014 is a year of healing for your whole family.

    Skinny- Hope you guys aren't getting the kind of rain that we're getting up here today...would make for a soggy moving day for your sister! Happy Size 12 to You!

    Robin- I went on a white-water rafting tour with my friend once and flipped underwater like your friend. At least she did it with just her DH and dog there. I did my dumb-assing in front of a whole group of rafters that I didn't know. AAAAND...I had to get help righting myself and getting to shore from an attractive young man who probably thought I was an idiot. Embarassing!

    L2T- I would love to always be on vacation, too. I don't think I'd be more fit, but I'd definitely be more relaxed!

    Rain- Feed your cold and feel better soon!

    Laurie- Happy Last Day of School! At Last!

    AFM- My Wednesday Wish is that the thunderstorms that are forecasted for Friday are indeed scattered and stay far away from our camping site. I hope the severe weather that hit WI the other day is the worst we'll see this week. Glad that no one was severely injured or killed.

    Today I am getting things packed and shopping done for our camping trip. I plan on not getting too much junk food for our trip. In the past, camping has been an excuse for me to eat and drink more than I should. We're trying a new campground, so hopefully I'll keep myself busy exploring the area with the kids.

    June Goal: 130 miles
    6/1: 2.52
    6/2: 1.48
    6/3: 1.50
    6/4: 5.38
    6/5: 5.83
    6/6: 2.58
    6/7: 5.47
    6/8: 2.73
    6/9: 1.73
    6/10: 5.89
    6/11: 1.24
    6/12: 1.78
    6/13: 1.68
    6/14: 8.78
    6/15: 1.00
    6/16: 1.04
    6/17: 2.99
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    First I just want to share a small success. I lost 1.8 lbs this week! It is nice to see the scale moving in the right direction for the first time in a long time. :happy:
    Wednesday wish: To be able to shop for clothes in a regular store instead of a specialty plus size store or online. Plus size stores are sooo expensive.

    Skinny-Way to go with the size 12!! How good did that feel?! :bigsmile:
  • patriciadrane5
    patriciadrane5 Posts: 7 Member

    I am new to this thread. Not sure how all this works, but I need some motivational help and figured why not try this out. I was doing great for the first few months. Im am pre op for Bariatric Weightloss Surgery. then got some news that set me back. I have to wait on cardio dr to approve me, when yesterday for tests (nuclear stress and electrocardiogram). Next tuesday I get the results and hopefully the go ahead from him to continue my journey to wls. I know this isnt weightloss surgery related site (well not everyone) but I still would like to get encouragement from every source. Thanks

    I do have a hard time exercising, but want to begin to walk. So my what's left of june goals are:

    June 19= walk 1/2 mile
    June 20= Dancercize 5 minutes (not much to some but for me it's a start)
    June 21= Walk 1/2 mile
    June 22= day off to enjoy my family
    June 23= walk 1/2 mile
    June 24= walk 1/2 mile
    June 25= walk 1/2 mile
    June 26= walk 1/2 mile
    June 27= walk 1/2 mile
    June 28= dancercize 5 minutes
    June 29= Rest enjoy family
    June 30= Walk 1/2 mile

    Total milage for the rest of June: 4 miles, maybe more if I can do it. As I said it's hard for me to exercise due to health issues, but something is a start!
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Patriciadane-Welcome! I hope you find some help and encouragement here. I had considered the surgery route but decided I didn't really want to do that considering the cost and risks. I wish you luck with it though!
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @Bekah - that's a great loss! Way to go!

    @GrandmaKaye - thank you for your concern, I am hoping to get sent for some diagnostics this time around since it has been so long. I am getting tired of not being able to hear out of my left ear, and having pressure and pain in my left sinus 24/7! I like my doctor a lot and feel she is very thorough, so hopefully we will get to the bottom of things soon.

    @tlh- I am sorry about your uncle... I am glad he had things well organized as that does certainly make it easier on the family, but a sad loss nonetheless. I hope you get the car thing straightened out, that sounds strange!

    @ patriciadane - welcome aboard! I hope you find this to be a kind and supportive place. I am sorry about the surgery delay, heart stuff can be so scary to deal with. Your exercise goals for the month look great - keep us posted and check in as often as you are able. :smile:

    TWO DAYS UNTIL SUMMER VACATION!!!!!!!! Not that I"m counting. :laugh: I got bitten once and kicked in the shins on two separate occasions today at work (and I'm just the cook who helps with some behavioural issues on the side!), so I am definitely ready for summer.