Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you're having a good weekend so far! :)

    I'm so sluggish since getting back from my trip. I feel like I have zero energy. I was fine when I was out of town... Of course, I was also drinking 3-4 caffeinated beverages per day while I was out (coffee, diet soda, iced tea with splenda) and barely had time to think... And no caffeine but also not much stimulation here at home. Maybe I need to make use of my single-cup brewer and start my day with a cup of coffee before that bottle of water I generally chug down up on getting up? I don't know. It's weird. I slept better and for fewer hours while I was out of town, as well. I don't know what's going on. SO WEIRD.

    Update on my June miles so far:

    June 1 - 3.5 miles
    June 2 - 3.4 miles
    June 3 - 2.4 miles
    June 4 - 1.8 miles
    June 5 - 2.8 miles
    June 6 - 3.0 miles
    June 7 - 1.8 miles
    June 8 - 0.7 miles
    June 9 - 1.4 miles
    June 10 - 2.5 miles
    June 11 - 3.0 miles
    June 12 - 2.6 miles
    June 13 - 2.5 miles

    Total: 31.4 miles
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    We had a great time at the faculty baseball trip yesterday. Perfect weather and lots of fun friends to share the day. I avoided almost all of the snacks on the bus ride and had one burger and a brownie at our tailgate party before the game. I also didn't go *too* crazy with the drinks. Stuck with Captain and diet other than one jello shot and some of my drunken gummi bears. They went over well, by the way. :tongue:

    Some friends and I spent the night at a hotel near school so we wouldn't have to drive home. We slept in a bit and went to breakfast at the hotel, then I drove one of them to the train b/c she lives in the city. Afterwards, I walked gunner and just relaxed most of the afternoon. Now I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up so we can go see a friend's band play at a local festival.

    I will check back later or tomorrow with personals.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just a quick check in today.

    A good swim occurred this morning went about 1.5 miles so building confidence. Then test rode bicycles with a friend- I may need to buy a new bike in a year a or two. I am starting to like the Cannondale bike but will wait until the season is ending to get a better deal.

    Went to a retirement celebration for a co-worker and ended up mixing the mud to create stepping stones that everyone signed. I just hoped they turn out. It was funny watching a group of teachers figure out how to mix the "mud" and of course I had to put my hands in it to make it smoother. It was really funny because the teachers were creating a grading rubric for the performance. Just our sense of humor.

    Another busy day tomorrow with another party but still hoping to go for a bike ride in the evening. Provided the storms or humidity don't come in earlier than expected.

    Miles updated
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Mileage for 6/14: 5.9 miles
    I hope that the lack of posts means that everyone is having a great weekend. Sounds like Karen's is off to great start.
    We had a big family group for 'waffle Saturday' in honor of Father's day. Our Sunday schedules don't usually jibe very well. Then I helped with Nicole's kids so she could take care of her yard sale. I don't know how she did today, but yesterday she made nearly $600. That will go a long way to paying medical bills.
    I'm enjoying my new pedometer. I tried it walking to Nicole's house yesterday attached to my waistband. Today I put it in my pocket. It was the same both days so I feel pretty good about its accuracy.
    Continue to enjoy your weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    June 14 miles - 3.0

    Good night everyone! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom in the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    Today is Flag Day. Thats a Real Holiday - Not a made up one. It was also my mom's birthday - I can hardly believe she died so young - age 49 - back in 1970 - if she had lived - I just tried to calculate it and my math is terrible - so I figured it to be that she'd be 93 today! That's blowing my mind. I became a hippy flower child for a year or two after that. A total waste of time, but much
    fun. :blushing:
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)

    Total - 41.71
  • Nina_Bees
    Nina_Bees Posts: 3
    It's Sunday so I'll tell you about myself - and hope I can join in on the motivational fun. A few years ago I managed to lose 80 lbs. with exercise and healthy eating. I maintained it for a while, but ended up gaining it all back and then some.

    Now I'm focused to do it all over again, I can't give up - it's so hard to look back and think what I accomplished and then let go through my own actions. However, dwelling on that will not help anything. Now I'm focused and trying to break the ice - I know as soon as I lose some weight I will feel more motivated to keep going. The worst is the beginning for me, I feel I have so much to do but have done so little. I want to break this cycle because lately I try for 2 weeks, get frustrated and fall off the wagon! This needs to stop now. Friends would be appreciated greatly!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Hi Everyone. Just wanted to let you know I am still around. Still super busy with the new job. I have not found much time to get in exercise. I have been exhausted and not feeling quite 100%.

    I don't know if I am going to make my June goal but I am going to try my hardest to get as close to it as possible. I hope everyone is well.

    6/1 - 1.84 miles
    6/2 - 3.23 miles
    6/3 - 3.49 miles
    6/4 - 3.57 miles
    6/5 - 3.5 miles
    6/6 - 2.29 miles
    6/7 - 4.67 miles
    6/8 - 1.42 miles
    6/9 - 2.91 miles
    6/10 - 3.66 miles
    6/11 - 4.04 miles
    6/12 - 3.52 miles
    6/13 - 3.01 miles
    6/14 - 2.59 miles

    Total:43.73 miles
    Goal: 120 miles
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.


    Happy Father's Day!
    Today is also National Day of Prayer for Law Enforcement Officers!
    And National Lobster Day!

    “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” ~George Herman “Babe” Ruth

  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    I feel like I am at a standstill. I know my weight is slowly continuing to drop, and my body is changing, and I am getting fitter and stronger. But I am having some kind of mental block where I don't think I'm improving. I just feel like I'm spinning my wheels and not going anywhere. Sounds crazy, right? My only guess is that I want it to happen faster, so it seems like it's happening at a snails pace now.

    Which brings me to my run today. The plan was 4 10 min intervals with a minute walk in between each. I was dying to finish the 3rd interval, and quit only a minute into the 4th interval. So I considered it a fail. I ran 30 minutes, which is what I'm averaging right now, but not finishing the last 9 minutes bothers me still. I've finished every run up until today so I was not very happy. Maybe I'm expecting too much of myself. :grumble: Sorry, needed to vent.

    6/15: 2.6 miles
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a mileage update.
    June Mileage Goal: 80 miles

    6/1 - 4.20
    6/2 - 0
    6/3 - 0
    6/4 - 2.73
    6/5 - 2.17
    6/6 - 2.74
    6/7 - 4.24
    6/8 - 4.12
    6/9 - 2.74
    6/10 - Rest Day
    6/11 - 2.91
    6/12 - 2.91
    6/13 - 4.12
    6/14 - 9.01 miles (20,274 FitBit steps)
    6/15 - 7.53 miles (16,968 FitBit steps)

    Total - 49.24
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone. Checking in on my tablet. Surgery on my thumb went well, ligament was completely severed but surgeon was able to reattach, I'll know more about other damage & recovery time when I follow up w him on 19th--was hoping to return to work tomorrow but he placed me on medical leave until at least then. :frown:

    @Tanya-don't beat yourself up too much, sometimes we have bad runs--you'll do better next time!

    June Mileage:

    6/10--3.84 miles

    Surgeon has limited my activity (thanks to plaster cast), so may need to adjust mileage goal.
  • rainandwood93
    rainandwood93 Posts: 121 Member
    Very busy weekend, but I'm making sure to stop in. Been staying active, and did a beautiful hike through los lobos state part (all along the coast) followed by a beach day yesterday. Weather isn't so good today so I did 10 miles of bike riding to a beach and back, which was also lovely. Made some crock pot beef and broccoli for dinner. Hopefully I'll see a loss soon!
    I'll try to be back for personals later :)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    nina- Welcome! You will find plenty of support on this thread. Come back and post often. You are welcome to vent, celebrate your successes, repent over the slip ups (they will happen) and most of all you will get to know a great group of people. We have been in your shoes and many of us are still working on losing that 100 lbs. We will make mistakes but learn from them, take the time to find out what works for you.

    Kelley- Glad the surgery went well and I hope you get good news from the surgeon on the 19th. Sorry that you are in a cast. Do you know when it will come off? Wishing you a speedy recovery.

    Tanya-Don't let the run today disrupt your motivation to continue running. All runners even the best athletes in the world will have days were their body says no to running long distances. You have been great a giving yourself rest days between runs but my question is are you resting or are you biking-swimming etc on those days. Your body may just need to rest completely or it was just an off day. How fast are you running during your runs? You can slow it down to a fast walk and try that next time, remember you are still running. Keep going.

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

    Just a reminder to everyone to update your miles for last week 6-8 to 6-14.

    Sunday share- I am Laurie, 44 yrs young and I started this process almost 4 years ago. I was 40 when I decided to lose the weight and that I was tired of being tired and lazy. After school was out for the summer, I opted to join the local gym where I started walking during the summer which helped to lose about 10 lbs. Then in December, of that year I started working with a trainer who taught me to push beyond my imposed limitations, how to eat correctly and taught me some new exercises plus cardio routines. During that first year I lost about 68 lbs. I have been maintaining for the past year or so and now it is time to move forward again with the weight loss. My current trainer is a tri-athlete and she is working with me to build endurance, strength and to find the correct balance for my food intake. This summer I plan on exercising more while enjoying the break from teaching middle school.

    One more week left of school 3 school days and 2 work days. Looking forward to the end of the school year. For all the new people, I teach 7 and 8th grade science. Yes, I have the fun ages.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Nina_Bees - Welcome! You've come upon a great group to have support you! And you've got pluck! I think a lot of us had lost weight like you did before. This (MFP) is an excellent place to lose it and keep it off for good. The bottom line, as I'm sure you know, is just keep calories less than what you burn. The methods of recording each are marvelous here. The databases have so much built right in, you can find everything! As far as making friends, I usually hold off and just befriend those who've shown their determination by showing up consistently on this thread over time. I don't do the "HOME" feed too much as I spend so much time here. Hope to see you again soon!

    Kah! :sad: Oh, my a cast! How arful! Well, one good thing, your kittehs can walk all over it without hurting you can't they now? (hopefully?) I do hope it doesn't last very long but if its protection, well..... My gosh and the ligament was completely severed - how you got along between the time of injury and now I just can't imagine - and the pain must have been awful. You poor baby! I hope each day improves on the last! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: Please don't type unless you have too - just know we are thinking about you and awaiting a report after you see your surgeon on the 19th.
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    And sorry it's late!!!

    June 1 5.46
    June 2 6.22
    June 3 5.92
    June 4 5.64
    June 5 6.36
    June 6 7.02
    June 7 5.31
    June 8 5.61
    June 9 2.45
    June10 5.90
    June11 6.30
    June12 5.40
    June13 7.88
    June14 2.98
    June15 3.28
    June total to date: 81.73

    Sorry folks! With the beautiful weather finally, the last place I want to be is on my computer! Hugs to everyone!

    Kah! I'm glad the doc was able to reattach it. Take it easy. YIKES!!!
    L2T: Congrats on your 1 year anniversary!!!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the start to a promising summer!!!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Happy Father's Day to the dads on our threads! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--hope this last week flies by for you!

    @rain--sounds like a lot of great exercise this weekend. :drinker:

    @kelley--glad to hear the surgery went well, but sorry that the ligament was completely severed. Wishing you a speedy recovery. :flowerforyou:

    @L2T--we are halfway through the month and you are well beyond halfway to your goal! Keep going!

    @tanya--I agree with kelley and laurie--there are so many factors that affect running endurance. Look at what you are eating pre-run--specifically your macros--and maybe switch it up a bit for the next try. For example, if you were low on carbs, go heavier before the next run and see if that makes a difference. Hydration level and the amount of sleep you've gotten can also have a big impact on endurance as well. And as laurie said, make sure you are giving your body enough real rest for full muscle recovery. I always run better when I take 2 to 3 days off between longer runs. Regardless, don't let one bad run discourage you, just keep going! :drinker:

    @tom--National Lobster Day?!?! Yum!!

    @nettie--glad to see you pop in for a visit. :smile:

    @nina & other newlings--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @kaye--it's great that your daughter's sale is going well. What kind of pedometer did you end up getting?

    @fera--I often sleep better at a hotel--I think it's just being away from all of the distractions/stresses of home.

    @robin--how exciting that you found more storage space! As we outgrow our little shoebox house, I find I would give my right arm for more space. Sorry your kayaking plans haven't panned out. :ohwell:

    @robinB--congrats on a co-worker noticing!! That's a great NSV. I think I was also at about 30-35 lbs lost when people first started to comment. Hope your tooth is feeling better.

    @holly--hope the doc figures out what's going on with your BP.

    @mzfrizz--hope you got those inserts--they really make a world of difference.

    Sunday Share:
    Had a nice Father's Day. DH and I met the family for brunch which was delicious. I had french toast with a honey mascarpone topping and vegetable hash. Afterward, my sister, mom, and I went to my other sister's to help her pack b/c they are moving on Wed. They bought a house in my parent's neighborhood meaning my niece will be a bit closer to visit, so I'm happy about it. However, garetie pointed out that now that they live a few blocks away from my parents, and my other sister lives with them, I will be *completely* forgotten. :laugh: As a victim of Middle Child Syndrome my entire life, I'm more than used to it. :tongue:

    After going home for the dog, my father met us back at the condo and we all ate ice cream sundaes for dinner. Not very healthy, but a nice treat. When I got home I had some chicken breast and asparagus to help balance out my nutrition a bit. Tomorrow I will get back to normal food-wise and with logging.

    Tomorrow will be hot and humid, but the only day all week not slated for rain, so DH and I will be busy getting the yard work done. Lawn needs mowing and we have a few holes in the back yard that need filling/seeding. Not sure where those holes came from--maybe I will ask gunner. :grumble: :laugh:

    I also need to do more shopping for my trip, but mostly for the DH. He needs a couple of lightweight shirts to wear with his shorts, and I may need to get him a new swimsuit. The swimsuit tankini tops I ordered from Soma came yesterday. Both fit me well and look cute with the black bottoms I already owned. I will probably hit Target to pick up another pair of bottoms later in the week.

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE (helped sister pack for her move)

    Goal Mileage: 80 Miles

    6/1 = 3 miles
    6/2 = 5 miles
    6/3 = 3 miles
    6/4 = 1.5 miles
    6/5 = 3 miles
    6/6 = 0 miles
    6/7 = 6 miles
    6/8 = 2 miles
    6/9 = 1 mile
    6/10 = 1 mile
    6/11 = 4 miles
    6/12 = 1 mile
    6/13 = 2 miles
    6/14 = 2 miles
    6/15 = 1.5 miles
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Evening all! :) I hope all the dads had a good father's day!

    Hello new people, from a fellow still-kinda-new person!

    My mileage for June 15 is 2.8 miles.

    And if I didn't mention it before, my husband got unanimous approval from the call committee to submit him for consideration before the church council! :D They should be calling in the next couple of days to set up another interview with him, which means another 8+ hour trek up to Indiana. Pretty exciting, because getting past the call committee is generally the hardest part and they liked him so much they didn't even require a second meeting with him before submitting his info the council. So, lots of good things happening there.

    Starting to get my energy back, too, which is great.

    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!