Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    To all who are in the path of the storm, take care. We have snow in Georgia but conditions are not too bad. Kids are walking past my window with plastic sleds looking for a hill to slide down.

    Good day of exercise yesterday but a fast food choice was unwise

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning all. Well finally got a new computer. Itis a wonderful thing. I dont know why but I get so much more done during the day if I can start my day with my normal routine which is ice water news and checking everything online. Otherwise life is ticking along like normal. I did determine that Home health care might not be for me after all. I care to much and am apparently bad luck since in my short stint I lost two clients. I am going to go to work and help out my dad as his putty girl. He is a finish contractor and my mom has always done the putty and hardware but with her breathing issues the jobsites are really not a good place for her anymore. My eating continues to be hit or miss. I will do really well until around 2 and then it seems like all bets are off. i adjusted my ticker to the higher weight yesterday and am hoping to move forward from here. Well if you are in the path of the storm stay safe and warm. Otherwise I hope ya'll have a great day. TTYL :):)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @jt - Oh dear - sorry HHC did not work out for you - working with your dad as a putty girl sounds like you could make it a fun job, but wear a mask, dear, or you'll have breathing issues in 10 years....and one tip - at 1:45pm - eat a big dose of straight protein ....that has helped me a lot. I have been eating (and I know these are NOT up high on the healthy range but hey, its me the non-cook) Armour frozen meatballs without sauce.. I cook a bunch up in the micro, and them, cuz I'm a baby, I have to cut one into 4 bits, and pop 'em into my mouth as I walk about doing chores, I eat about 4 meatballs total, 16 bites... and 30 min. later I have no munchie feelings at all. This was a nutritionist's tip... chuckle, my comes up with something that works for you.

    @KJeffries - Katrena - Georgia kids must be so excited today with some snow and their sleds. Can you post a pic? That would be cute.

    @Laurie - how about a pic from you - It WON"T be funny at all from you. We are in so much sympathy for you, girl, poor thing. Has the snow overcome you?

    @Skinny - knowing your routine so well I swear you should start zicam 2 weeks before you start back to school! Those younger ones running past at knee level must be re-infecting you each year!

    Karen, as much effort as you put in trying to balance your calories over a week, I'm beginning to think its working against you. Am I'm too rude to suggest you just go day by day for a week or two and see what happens? Be a bit more mmmm....IDK........I think you get more lax than you realize with your plus and minus method?

    @Kelley - I agree - I had a house in a neighborhood surrounded by pine - cedar trees and Oh, the pollination time brought such agony and a symphony of neighborhood honking and uptick in tissue sales.
    Glad you give your vents here about that darn Achilles tendon - its sounds so darn nasty of an injury the more I hear how you have to heal. PT will work you and you will work yourself almost as much as at a gym as I find my PT does me. Sweat 0 MG!!!

    AFM - loaded groceries in my trunk last nite and found a few returns that I'll do today. Quite old, I hope they take them back.

    Just to share something cute today here is the One Christmas Ornament I bought this year because I thought it was so darn adorable - no tree this year. This lil guy is hanging on a nail in my den til the tree goes up Dec. '16:

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Cute fox @RobinsEgg
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2016
    @robin-- cute ornament! As for your suggestion, I have been going day to day--in fact, I haven't used my zig-zag method in well over a year. I guess my recent posts haven't made that clear, but my goal is to be under my allowance 6/7 days a week, with no plus or minus. If I'm under one day by 100, I just leave it there--no tacking it on to the next day. And of course it's never rude to make suggestions on here. I truly appreciate your attempt to help me figure this out. :) I honestly think my problem lately is that I've had my calorie allowance set too high for weight loss. I lowered it today to 1600 calories. Of course, that's my net allowance. If I burn a bunch of calories working out, I can eat more.

    @tammy-- Yay for a new computer and new job! I don't think I could do HHC for the same reason. People who do that job are angels.

    @katrena-- glad weather conditions aren't bad for you. We are pretty nice here in Chicago. For now. <desperately searches for wood and starts knocking>

    AFM-- I still have the sniffles, but this cold seems to be moving along. After a lazy morning, I went dress shopping. I'm going to a gala next Saturday night and the last time I bought a new cocktail dress was in 2013. I found 2 at TJ Maxx, but I'm not sure about either one. Bought them both to take home and try with shoes, accessories, etc. I'm planning to do some more shopping tomorrow, so I may return one or both depending on what I find.

    Now I'm at starbucks sipping a mocha light frap (130 calories for those wondering) and getting my online course calendar updated. Going to go home and walk gunner in a bit.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/22 speech definitions

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = x/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    20k done/ 980k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - I just noticed yesterday that you joined the You Vs Year Challenge - I took one look at that one and just laughed. I'm in a couple of challenges so far but the only one that has to do with exercise Is the UA Healthbox Here's to Your Health challenge, which is to log 16 20-min workouts. I should be halfway there but Map My Fitness has been having trouble tracking my indoor workouts via GPS, so it will track the time but not the distance. Then I don't get credit for it because it's not "verifiable by GPS". It runs through Feb 5th so I suppose I could still get 10 more in, but it's irritating when I know I've done the work and not gotten credit. I'm not up to running yet, and I only can only get a 20 min workout before or after work or at lunch. And treadmill workouts don't count. Grr. Still, I do know my activity level is way up from Nov & Dec, and the scale is being kind to me again, so I'm happy.
    @jtconst - glad you are back with a new computer. I don't get to use mine much at home, mostly I post from work or my phone (which I find annoying), but I do have a good laptop, thank goodness.
    @Nikion901 - how'd that latest batch of sourdough bread come out?
    Hope all are well, will check back in on Monday probably.
    Stay strong and keep moving on!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tracy-- For the You vs Year challenge, I can log a workout on the Map My Fitness website, even if I didn't use the app to track it. In fact all 20k I've done so far have been on the treadmill, so I logged them manually. You should check to see if you can do the same.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/22 speech definitions

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = x/3 runs, x/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice.

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = x/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    20k done/ 980k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner + gym
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am now into hour 30 of the blizzard of 2016. There is 18 " plus on the ground and still snowing until midnight in about 4 more hours. I did shovel today for about 40 minutes working to clear the 12 " that accumulated over night. Luckily, my neighbor loaned my SIL her snowblower so she came over and made a path through the section that I had shoveled yet. Getting the cars out and off the street will be a major problem since it is so deep. I also live on a dead end street so it is not likely to get plowed anytime soon. I will post pictures soon. Two jeeps have tried to get off the street and both have failed so it will make life very difficult. With all this snow, I expect schools will be closed all week. The back country roads will not get plowed and the buses will not be able to make it through. The silver lining is that the power has not gone out and the total numbers have been very low. The snow has been light and fluffy but is not getting a little heavier.

    Karen- I hope your cold symptoms go away.
    Kelley- Wishing you a speedy recovery
    Robin- Good luck with the braces, they are not comfortable but they serve a purpose.
    JT- Good luck with the new job. HHC is very difficult and is not for everyone. Putty girls sounds much more fun.

    Have a great day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    Pictures of the snow from Annapolis, MD. This was about 13 inches on the ground this morning around 10 am.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Karen - I see what your doiing - I did look all thru you post and saw you were 6/7 all the time. Its the part where you say "If I burn a bunch of calories working out, I can eat more." and I thought that was more for maintenance. Now, if you were to burn those calories and not eat more, what would happen?

    Re that ornament - there was something going on with kids and foxes this year. I don't know what it was - there was a song about "what does the fox know, or do.." I'm not even sure about that. But there sure was a lot of foxes in the ornaments this year, maybe someone can educate me :blush:

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2016
    @robin-- It depends on where my calories are set as to whether or not I should eat back calories from exercise. According to most calculators, if I were completely sedentary, I would need about 2000 to maintain my current weight, so my new setting of 1600, is at a 400 calorie deficit. If I work out and burn another 600 and don't eat back those calories, it would put me at a 1000 calorie deficit making my net intake only 1000. Although that wouldn't be a bad thing once in awhile (aside from the fact that I would be pretty hungry), consistently netting so low would wreak havoc on my metabolism--it would slow down from lack of fuel (remember my fire analogy--it takes fuel to make the fire burn hotter). I think with mine set at 1700, it was too close to maintenance. Any little logging error, coupled with one day/week over a bit, is just keeping me at my current weight. I'm going to try the 1600/day + eating back most or all exercise calories and see how that goes for a few weeks.

    And yes, the song "What does the fox say?" was hugely popular! Number one in norway and made it into the top 10 here in the US. I don't know why.

    @laurie-- yikes, that's a lot of snow! So glad you haven't lost power; at least that makes being housebound bearable. I don't envy the digging out you have coming. I think that's the worst part of any blizzard is dreading the clean up.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Skinny - I forget how muscular you are, having transformed yourself into a top flight runner (20K) and thanks for your excellent explanation. I do feel bad that I'm still not at this point of knowledge, but its good for others besides me to hear :blush:

    I just YouTubed that FOX song - its cute, isn't it? I can see where kids get stuck on things like that!

    @Laurie - oh wow! It amazes me the snow you've gotten - and Laurie, it does convince me the climate has changed for the good when folks in Maryland own snow blowers. We Nebraskans USED to have snows like that - blizzards - once or twice a winter, and heavy snows over the land all winter, which replenished our underground aquifer. Now the aquifer is only half what it was, and the last 5 years we barely have snow on the ground. It still gets cold, 0-20 degrees on average, but we've only had about 3 inches snow so far.
    Now its you on the East Coast who are always getting the storms and snows even our tornadoes.

    @Tracy - you are going at your Challenges so well - how frustrating you can't get your app to function. Sometimes I've found I' have to download it again to get it to work. But you keep at it not matter what. I am so proud of you, Tracy. You are really working it! Kudos!!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Saturday Success: nothing significant to report except that I'm still alive despite constant fatigue and a pounding sinus/stress headache. I guess that's an okay success story.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2016
    Yep Zoe that's fair to middlin' and partly cloudy....

    @Laurie - are you sore or are those rock climbing muscles paying off there? Anyway girl, I found you a snow angel to help you! :

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @GOINSTD12 - Thanks for asking.
    The 'Bread Saga' will become my Sunday Share ...The bread was not a success, but edible. The taste is the right one, but the crumb and rise are not there yet. I'm adding a photo link in this post. I think I over proofed it during the bulk fermentation stage or over deflated it at the shaping stage before the final rise because it hardly rose at all after and it developed a tough crust that wouldn't cut through when I tried to score it, thus no oven spring occurred. Then, I only baked it to 200 degrees F and so it needed more time in the oven. The recipe I followed said to make two loaves out of the ingredients, but I really should have just made one. Still, I think my starter is doing well. I had to put it in the fridge to store because I won't be trying my hand at baking again until these loaves are consumed, and that'll take the rest of this week. One thing I learned is ... do not eat sourdough bread that hasn't properly cooled yet as it had a powerful probiotic effect on me, however I was too eager to taste it: the photo shows it cut open while still warm.

    AF weight loss ... yesterday was a 'way over' calorie day that broke an 11 day streak of coming in at the right range of calories. No, it wasn't the bread, but it did contribute; I simply had calorie dense meals for all of them, plus a snack that was more a meal than a snack. Today I'm feeling the carb bloat from too many and am planning on a lot of vegetables in today's food. I did make certain to get my whole grains in for the day by having one of my favorite porridge breakfasts with high fiber and very expensive raspberries on top, but the rest of my meals need to be vegetable based. Hmm, I have an eggplant, a green bell pepper, parsnips, radishes, carrots, celery, beet, tomatoes, broccoli, potatoes, romaine, onions and garlic in the house.. Not much in the way of quick protein however as those are frozen solid (shrimp defrost quickly)... There must be something from those that will make a good meal or two.

    Follow through with Consistent Focus
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Had good eating day yesterday. On track but need more exercise. Went out in cold to see movie Creed and my sentimental hubby cried a lot during movie which was poignant esp to him since he lost his dad at an early age.
    Tomorrow it should be in the 50's. He will work on the deck but I am going to water aerobics since that helps my exercise goals so much

    jtconsf Congrats on new computer and job.
    Robin The snow left before we could get a pic . Love the ornament. Like the angel shoveling snow
    Skinny - I love shopping at TJM. My favorite store. Gala shounds like fun
    Nikion Love your slogan about consistent focus. So difficult for me as my mind flutters from here to there
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2016
    @Niki - were you a pathologist in a former life because your dissection of your bread is so very detailed I love reading about it. You bring succcch interest with your details. What did the pastors bread look like? I'm suspicious of his starter dough, thinking its the fault and not what your're doing, but honestly, I haven't baked bread in so long, I shouldn't weigh in at all. And when I've had starter dough, ( we had one called "Herman" around here in the "70's that was delicious) . The photo opens up in a different window for me and looks yummy : <3

    @Katrena - so happy your married! You've been a honeymooner for how many months? Your DH sounds like the real deal - a true romantic and sentimental guy. I'd like to see that movie too, but I'll wait for the rental....
    You are doing Great with your water aerobics, Ma'am! :)
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Sunday Sharing: as I may have mentioned previously (I apologize if not), I'm a fairly devout Christian who has nailed down a good Quiet Time/worship schedule to use while I finish healing (or so I hope). As a result of today's proceedings, I'll probably have one of the chosen songs in my head all week. I just love the sentiment behind the Newsboys song "It Is You." Although I appreciate the fact that I'm singing to a King, I can't help noticing the beautiful "butterflies-in-stomach/" mushy feeling I get as the Holy Spirit washes over my spirit while I belt out this wonderful song. Here's a lyric video for those who want to enjoy the moment too:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @katrena-- I heard that was a good movie. I just saw that one of the cable stations is replaying the first 5 Rocky movies in a marathon. Not sure when it is, but I may have to DVR them. I can't imagine watching all 5 in one sitting.

    @niki-- wowo, lots of veggies in your pantries. I think I saw someplace that you can make mashed parsnips that come out very muck like mashed potatoes. I must admit I've never tried it though.

    @robin-- that snow angel made me LOL!

    Saturday Success:
    I stayed under my new calorie goal yesterday without any trouble. Today I went to the gym and did some strength work then ran an 8k. My goal was to do this twice in January, but looks like once will be it as I don't see it happening again this week.

    Sunday Share:
    For the newlings, I'm karen from Chicago. I am married for almost 18 years with one 10 yo fur-kid, my Boxer/Shepherd mix named Gunner. He's the love of my life which my husband accepts without much chagrin. ;) I teach HS English Lit to 11th and 12th graders and also Public Speaking to a mix of 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. Very excited to say I'm all caught up on the little bit of grading I collected last week.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 22/22 speech definitions DONE

    Fitness Goals for the month of January:
    I will run 3x/week and at least one 5k/week:
    Week 1 = 2/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 2 = 2/3 runs, x/1 5k; Week 3 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k; Week 4 = 1/3 runs, 1/1 5k
    I will run a 5k start to finish with no walking breaks. DONE
    I will run an 8k twice. 1/2

    Nutrition Goal for January:
    Stay under calorie goal 6/7 days each week.
    Week 1 = 6/7
    Week 2 = 5/7
    Week 3 = 6/7
    Week 4 = 1/7

    You vs Year Challenge:
    28k done/ 972k to go

    Exercise Goals:
    Sat-- walk gunner DONE
    Sun-- walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon-- rest day (meeting)
    Tues-- walk gunner + gym
    Wed-- rest day (meeting a friend after work)
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri-- walk gunner
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Hi all! I think the final total for our neck of the woods was 30 inches of the white stuff. DH was out several times during the storm to plow the driveway, but there was still a five foot wall down at the end thanks to the state plows. Spent a couple of hours this morning knocking the wall down so the snow blower could move it. Our next door neighbor works for the highway department, so we went over and cleared his driveway so his wife could get out if she needs to, he won't get home at least until tomorrow. Days like today make me nostalgic about growing up in western NY, but then I recall how much shoveling snow sucks.

    This time last year I don't think I would have been able to tackle the physical work like I did today. I am 12 years older than my husband, but today I was able to keep up, and actually work longer without taking a break. I can only attribute that to the fact that I am 30 pounds lighter than I was last year, that I have been getting some exercise, and my blood pressure is under control. Need to keep on this track, I like not feeling like an old lady!

    I think that's my new goal- don't act like an old lady.