Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited October 2014
    Thursday Truth: There's a bag of M&Ms, unopened, in my pantry that knows my name. Now there once was a time when I could eat an entire bag mindlessly in the blink of an eye, but now if I do, I can feel myself getting sick, and I don't mean tummy trouble, but far worse--probably a pre-diabetic, cardiac thing brought on by too much sugar, fat and caffeine. Despite that, it's siren song entices me. "How could a small palmful hurt?" "It's just one day out of many. You'll burn it off." "Don't give/toss me away. You'll never know when you'll NEED me." I am an addict. Tell me--toss it or torture myself?
    End of candyoholic confessions.

    October Challenge update:
    18/22 days under 1350 calories
    19/23 days cardio
    No weight training so far this week as trainer is sick.
    11.7 lbs. lost since 10/1, 40.0 lbs. lost since 8/1.

    Tracy/tlh: Yippee! Adios to 1.4 lbs. Knew it would happen!

    Jfields: Short story. First time I joined a big, prestigious gym, I was certain everyone was watching this lumbering 340 lb. granny making an ash of herself. Guess what? They were too busy huffing and puffing and plugged into their music or the TVs to care much about me. After some time though, when the pounds began to eek their way off, a stranger, a lovely, svelte woman, approached me and said, "You're looking good!" That's happened several more times since. Amazing how those comments elevate one's self confidence. Get thee to the gym. YOU CAN DO THIS!

    RobinsEgg/Ellen: Kudos to you for venturing out and getting some exercises in the "gym of life." ;) Even more for listening to your PT. We're pulling for you!

    GrammyWhammy=Marsha aka CandyKiller :'(

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello! I was just browsing the forum before bedtime and came across a thread containing this article. It's all about the 'whoosh' I was talking about previously. Thought it might interest some of you. :)
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hello all, I am mountmary84 (sound funny as that is not really my name) and I would like to give this a try. I am a 71 year old grandma with a long way to go with weight loss. I have a wonderful family, love to cook from scratch, used to garden and bike but those things have gotten a bit difficult with my weight gain and arthritis (artificial knee etc). I find I do better when I track my calories (isn't that a surprise??). This past year I find I have gained again, after having lost 20# and feeling like I had a nice little start, so now it is back to reality. I suppose portion control is my biggest issue. I am married to Mr. tall with a high metabolism and feel I should be able to eat like he does....I KNOW I can not do that. So this is my beginning...again.
    mountmary84 (that still make me laugh)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome, mountmary84, I am currently the oldest person here at 70. Your struggles are similar to mine in many ways. You will find lots of help and encouragement here.
    Yesterday was a rough day. I had 8 egg whites left from my coconut cream pies, and turned them into coconut macaroons. I should never have done that. I love anything coconut. Then to top it off, I didn't get my evening walk. Cathy and Nicole were both busy with parent-teacher conferences, and I just wasn't motivated to go out alone. Today is the same. I got my morning walk, the girls are still involved with school, and I'm not motivated to go out in the rain alone.
    I'm always motivated by all of the things that you share. I'm still not losing any weight, but you keep me motivated to not give up.
    Toots, good luck with your family. You have taken on a huge challenge.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Dad is still in the hospital but now we know it is officially pneumonia. The x-rays finally showed the fluid in the lungs. He is still in the hospital and we are not sure when he will be home. Mom thinks not to Sunday or Monday at this point. They still need to get him up and moving before he goes home.

    Observation lesson went well today so that is over. I am heading out of town this weekend to attend the funeral for a friends mom. I am excited to be getting away for the weekend. I am going up with a friend and her daughters so we will be doing lots of walking this weekend and the scenery is beautiful at Deep Creek Lake and Oakland MD. Will almost be in West Virginia.

    Need to go and finish packing. Have a great weekend. I will be back on Sunday but I still plan to check in via the phone.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    I don't feel quite so old with grandmakaye just a year younger. This is definitely a life long thing for some of us, probably all of us. Thanks grandmakaye for making me feel welcome.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Friday Fitness: I’ve hit the gym 3 times so far and have our 4th one scheduled for Saturday morning. On my two of my three days “off” I will be on my feet and moving. Yesterday I ended up walking over an hour while carrying many cans of canned goods. The girls did their Trick or Treat for Others to Eat food drive last night and they filled two wagons and then I carried a large bag that kept getting fuller and fuller.  On Sunday, we are having a Halloween party (Heros unmasked) at our church that I’ve volunteered for, so that will include running some of the games for 2 hours. Should be a successful week.

    @chulis…if you figure out a way to not do that, let me know. I do a major cleaning and each time I say I’m going to be so good about putting things away right away and then eventually back to the same habit. Of course the two kids don’t help either. HA!
    @toots…Glad he’s doing better. How horrible for little Finn and nothing any child should have to endure. I’m so happy they are with you now and you can start giving them a wonderful childhood.
    @CandyKiller…that’s something that I can leave alone. Now if it was a bag of chips???!!!! And 11.7 pounds in less than a month – 40 in 2 ½???? GO GIRL!!!!
    @mountmary84…welcome! I have a husband that is 6’ and 150# wet. About 3 years into our marriage I was on another “diet” and he said, just eat what I eat, you’ll do good. He was shocked that I would eat two pieces of pizza, while he would eat the whole pizza. He now knows he’s been blessed with great metabolism but he still smirks about it every so often as he’s filling his plate with tons of food. Life’s not fair is it?
    @Kaye…it’ll come. You are such an inspiration and glad you’re keeping it up. You’ve come so far, your body is probably just readjusting.
    @Laurie…at least they know what it is now. Hope he has the patience to get better a bit before going home.

    AFM: My sister and I are swapping kids today. I’m taking her 7 year old son and she’s taking my 13 year old. Parker has been begging to stay at our new house for quite some time and things just never seemed to work out (in fact last weekend we were going to do the swap and Jacob ended up with a fever and body aches). He’s a bundle of energy and when he gets together with Emma, watch out! Makes me laugh. I think we’re going to the Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day movie.

    Today I will be finishing up some cupcakes for pick up at 5:00. Chocolate cupcakes with a caramel mousse filling and purple frosting on the top. First time doing cupcakes for an order (and needing them to look nice!). Baked them last night (or early this morning depending on which way you look at it) and they look nice and flat which will help with the decorating. Yay!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    October Challenge 14/23
    Friday Fitness .... I'm not planning any special or different exercise routines this weekend. I'm still following my plan to get those checkmarks on my Attendance Sheet.

    Feeling kind of energy depleted this morning, having some issues with my pulmonary function the past few days and woke up this morning with a rebound of GERD symptoms. Hope I didn't pick up H-Pylorie again from grocery store or restaurant salad greens.

    Hope everyone has a great Friday. TGIF for those who work during the week or have kids in schoool.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    Top of the morning to everyone!

    It was in the year 2011 when the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) initiated a new project, National Food Day, which is a nationwide celebration of healthy, affordable and sustain-ably produced food and a grassroots campaign for better food policies. This project builds throughout the year and culminates on October 24 of each year.
    One of the targets that Food Day aims to help people is to “Eat Real”, which is defined by them as “cutting back on sugar drinks, overly salted packaged foods and fatty, factory-farmed meats in favor of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and sustain-ably raised protein. National Food Day involves some of the country’s most prominent food activists, united by a vision of food that is healthy, affordable and produced with care for the environment, farm animals and the people who grow, harvest and serve it.
    In 2012, there were 3,200 events that took place from community festival to a national conference in Washington, D.C. to thousands of school activities.

    Why Monday is the Best Day to Kick Off New Food Habits
    Posted by Diana Rice • October 20, 2014 10:04 AM
    With all of the improvements needed in our food system, it can be overwhelming to think about where to start changing your diet and food buying habits. Sure, this October 24th, you could vow to never let another morsel of irresponsibly produced, unhealthy food cross your lips again. But just like successfully losing weight, the most sustainable changes are introduced little by little, over time.
    At The Monday Campaigns, where I work as a registered dietitian, we know that Monday is the ideal day to introduce these changes. Why Monday? Our research shows that most people see Monday not as a day to dread, but as a day for a fresh start. A paper published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine earlier this year also showed that more people are hitting Google in search of all things healthy on Mondays than later on in the week.

    Over 8,000 Food Day events nationwide!
    Posted by Food Day 0pc on October 22, 2014
    Friday is the day we have all been planning for. Hundreds of events and activities have already taken place to kick off Food Day celebrations with thousands more scheduled over the next few days. As you know, justice throughout the food chain—from farm workers to child consumers—is a special focus for Food Day this year. We hope that however you celebrate Food Day, you will consider some of the important food justice-related problems that need to be addressed.

    How can you celebrate Food Day?

    We hope you will find the time to attend a Food Day event near you. Use our Food Day national map and plug in your zip code to see events in your community.

    “Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.” ~Ralph Marston

  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    edited October 2014
    Friday Fitness....walked 2 miles around and around and around in the garage this morning! I was doing this in the grass out back and it was leaving a trail...didn't look so good :\ (and Tom really didn't like me doing it :| ) So when Tom leaves for work, the garage has lots of space, so this I will do every morning :) These cramps in my feet/and up the front of my shins, waking me up from a deep sleep, is sooooo frustrating! It's an RA thing my Doc said. But I think walking helps a lot, which I haven't been doing regularly the last couple of weeks, and have bad cramping during this time. Got to get the doTerra essential oil recipe for cramp relief pronto, good thing my bff is stopping by this afternoon :D Going to have date night with the Hubby, can't wait to see where. <3
    Have a Happy and Healthy Day! c ya tomorrow :)
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Day 2: so far so good. I like checking in here to see what you all have to say. It really is helpful to know we all have similar struggles and triumphs. Gotta like the triumphs and keep them coming.
    @MrsMorgori: I love your garage walking! I used to do the driveway. Six trips equals a mile. Mr. Tall (all 6'4" of him) thought I was a bit nuts but occasionally would go with me. The good thing is in bad weather (In Wisconsin) I could retreat easily into the house if I got cold or wet. Also, learned recently that my leg cramps at night were related to low magnesium. Might pay to have it checked.
  • CatK15
    CatK15 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have a little over 100 to lose and could use all the support and motivation I can get. I'm in this for the long haul and am going to set realistic goals.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Newcomers - welcome to you all. So glad to see you here. Hope you like the honesty and open rapport we offer each other. Feel free to ask any questions about MFP and weight loss issues - or personal ones - you might have. We all are happy to help. o:)
    @MrsMorgori - Kudos on finding a great place to walk away from that hot sun! Hate to hear about your leg cramps.
    One thing I'm learning (from the P.T) is to strengthen my knees - (Oh, this is for @everyone with @bad-knees )- She has me laying on my back on my bed and with bent knees, feet flat on the bed, has me squeeze a folded pillow between my knees for just 3 seconds and release and repeat. I was so weak that I could only do 3 at first, and have built myself up to more sets. This is definitely making my knee - that has a total knee replacement in it, much stronger, and my walking much stronger. And, I enjoy doing it. Hope this helps someone. Maybe this might help you, @Mrs.Morgori, as I also learned it is helping me lift my feet higher when I walk, thus using more muscles = maybe help your cramps? Just a guess. Other peoples suggestions are just as valid I think! :)
    @Toots - oh, rough for the boy - I'll PM you.... <3
    @Morgori - I love my Pharm Techs at my drugstore - going there today and will say something to them belatedly and it was one of my first jobs -back then I was overworked and underappreciated! But, I did meet interesting people and learned a lot.Such as it was not the right career path for me!
    @NK-Niki - so glad my post to you was helpful. Hope you start conversing with your mom.
    @CandyKiller - mmm, can you separate the M&M's into tiny bags and have someone else take most of the bags away? I have these little ziplock bags (really tiny) that I use for my earrings - they are 2" x 4" and are swell!
    AFM - I was worn out from Weds Shopping and spent yesterday recovering and made use of the time on phone calls that were behind - like on VISA charges that were wrong - double billing etc, making hair appts, etc, plans with a friend, and after watching TV shows I'm addicted to, fell asleep with the laptop on my lap open to this page......still running behind today - oh my! . :D
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone!! :D I'm back from vacation and ready to get back into the swing of things. I had a great visit with my daughter and family. Then when we came home hubby surprised me for our third anniversary with front row tickets to Cirque Du Soleil and an awesome dinner at Bonefish Grill. Talk about a spoiled girl!!! <3

    I was up almost 6 lbs when I came back from Florida but a lot of that was salt retention. I calculated about a 3 lb gain and I'm working on getting it off and continuing downward.

    I missed everyone here and did a quick read through the last few pages. I will get back in the swing of personals in a day or two. Trying to get caught up with the craziness at work. :#
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Is there a quick way to find this thread. I am going through the whole list each time to find it. :|
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Is there a quick way to find this thread. I am going through the whole list each time to find it. :|

    You can bookmark the thread, I don't know how to do it using a smartphone, but on a computer ....
    .... select COMMUNITY from the menu bar.
    .... select "Motivation and Support" from the list under MAIN FORUMS ...
    ... scroll down until you find the thread (Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robin's Thread !) .... then locate the star between the title and RobinsEgg photo .... click on the star. That will highlight the star and bookmark the thread.

    Once that is done, notice that at the top of the page, (on both the Community Page and the Main Forums Page) are three symbols ... a Bell, a Star, a Gear .... The bell is your notifications of posts to threads you are a member of. The Star is your list of threads you have bookmarked. The gear is to mark all new posts as having been viewed.

    Click on the Star and and then click on the Thread. You will be taken to the bottom of the most current page soyou can make a comment.

    Hope this helps

    PS --- of course, when you are on the Motivation and Support page, you can just click on the thread's name ... it will be a bit easier to locate because that star will have a yellow cast to it.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Will be away on Saturday so I'll post now ... as I am done eating for the day and heading to bed.
    October Challege ... 15/24 ... It's really weird, but I got the calories to the exact number of my goal without doing anything to make it happen.

    Saturday Success ... Well this week has not had very many of the successes I've been working toward as my Attendance Record has fewer checkmarks on it than last week. However, there is one thing that I started the ball rolling on and I'll take that as my success for the week.

    You may have read that I was part of a 6-week Diabetes Self-Management workshop that ended last Friday. As one of my 3-6 month goals I stated I wanted to help start an ongoing support group at the Senior Center and asked for workshop attendees to sign a sheet with their name and phone number if they were interested, and 6 other women signed up.
    Over the weekend I called them all to find out what their expectations and availability were for meetings. Then I organized all that information into a spread sheet and called the Sr Center. Well ... the Senior Center has agreed to sponsor a start-up group, however we could not do it informally, and I am not a Diabetes Specialiast, so we would need to find one. There is a retired Pharmacist who is a trained in Diabetes who is willing to lead the group. We just have to find out if Thursdays are good for him, as the day he wanted, Monday, is not good for half the group, but Thursday is good for everyone. Yippee ... looks like our first meeting will be in Mid-November.

    Have a great day Saturday everyone. Will catch up again on Sunday or Monday.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited October 2014
    @NK1112 thanks! I guess the Star is not working just now. I went to the help feature and they are working on it, so for now I will just do it as I have been, but will keep checking the Star. That is wrong. I just tried and now it works. Go figure; guess it is just late and I am tired.
  • chulisGonzalez
    chulisGonzalez Posts: 56 Member

    Well since I've totally convinced myself that the weather is going to be dreadful when it really isn't, I've decided to start working out at home. Was really hating the idea but i tried it out today and found love for it again!
    I've never really prepared for the weekend but this time I'm going to set something up because gaining 3 lbs (probably from all the beer and sodium) and sabotaging my progress is ridiculous. So I will only have one plate of food, no tortillas or rice, and limit my beer intake to about....4? okay maybe 5.
    My baby's been a little under the weather :disappointed: he's been having a runny nose but no fever or cough which is a good sign. So with that said I'm just going to go to bed already. And to anyone out there that wants to add me, do so. My food diary is open so you can check that out if you like. You'll be able to see that It's not perfect but it's a start. Night everyone
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Friday fitness: The rain stopped around noon. There was no school today, so Cathy and I got a nice sunny walk this afternoon. I dropped her off and decided I hadn't walked enough so I walked another 2.5 miles by myself for a total of 5.5 miles today.
    We bought some interesting and colorful gourds, squashes, and a pumpkin today to decorate the porch for Halloween. Since I have so many trick or treaters come for donuts, I like to decorate a bit.
    Have a great weekend. I have a replacement zipper to install for one of our young sister missionaries, and I want to finish planting my bulbs.
    Onward and downward. Kaye