Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good mornng all.
    As Kaye said the sun came out yesterday here in WI. It was a glorious afternoon. Today is to be about the same so I am planning on getting in some outdoor something this afternoon.

    This time of year is usually my baking, cooking, cleaning, prepping for winter. This year I am off the baking, cooking. I do dearly want a good piece of apple pie but making one is dangerous as I may eat the whole pie.

    I did finally get two nights of good sleep so my attitude is way up. I managed to get 3 months worth of bank reconciliation done for the business yesterday. So technically I am caught up on the bookkeeping. My desk is only 1 layer deep at this point. I plan on getting caught up with the drapery quotes by Tuesday.

    Food has been much better the last two days. After staring down that balance bar on Thursday and only seeing 1/2 pound loss I am now motivated. Even with the amount of fitness I do each week I think I may still have to drop my calories once again to reach my goal of 197 by Christmas. I have 9 weeks to loose 29 pounds. It sounds like a lot but I think it is dooable. I would so love to say I was down 100 pounds in 3 years. "Vanity, thy name is woman."

    My success this week has been a bit in every quarter. I will take what comes. Thank you all for being there for me. I do have breakfast with you each morning.

    @Teresa - Cirque is one of my favorite live shows!
    @Niki - Good for you on the Support Group, I hope it continues to fall into place.
    Welcome all the newbies. Come back often, this thread truly is one of the greatest gems on MFP.
    Love to all, <3
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    cblue315 tells me this is success on the thread day. I believe my success this week was joining this tread. Also, been pretty successful with my journaling so I am looking for a nice loss next week. She also inspires me to do my business book work. Thanks @cblue315!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: it will sound really small to some, but its huge for me because I've been stuck for so long. I've recorded my weight daily this month. It has hovered within 1# up or down of 175. This morning it's 173.1. Now if I can just hold that downward trend.
    Thanks for always being here.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    We went to King’s Fish House for dinner last night and I had oysters on the half shell and a Seafood Cobb Salad which were both very good. I had a Hurricane to drink, but then stopped as it was my turn to drive. While we were close to the Whole Foods store we went in and got a 9 lbs. pork butt and a beef roast which are now in the smoker. th_wsmsmile0ly.gif

    National Make A Difference Day is an annual community service event which is held on the fourth Saturday in October. Created in 1992 by USA WEEKEND magazine and joined by Points of Light, together they have sponsored the largest national day of community service for more than twenty years.
    Millions of people have united in the common mission to improve the lives of others.
    USA Weekend is a national weekend newspaper magazine which is distributed through more than 800 plus newspapers in the United States and published by Gannett Company as a sister publication to USA Today. USA Weekend’s focus in on social issues, entertainment, health, food and travel.
    For more information on National Make A Difference Day, an “unofficial” national holiday, see:

    “I hated every minute of the training, but I said, “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” ~Muhammad Ali

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Saturday success is the fact that the scale finally moved this week...2.8 pounds...yay!! Hope you all have success this week.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Lock your doors! The candykiller struck again! Yep. Last night after a short altercation with that bag of M&Ms lurking in the pantry, I finally did it! I killed those critters, biting off a few of their heads, then mauling a few more, and finally, in disgust, tossing the lot of them in the bin! They're gone, gone, I tell you! Ah hahahahahahaha! But, then the rampage continued...yep, I'm wanted in five rooms for stalking and destroying two bags of cookies left behind by visiting family last week. They met the same sad end as the M&Ms, deep down in the smelly, dark bin. RIP you frightful, sugary, fatty artery cloggers, you!

    Feeling much better now.

    Super Saturday today and I'm all crafted out for a few weeks. Somehow managed to avoid the food tables though I stuck my finger in a bowl of frosting in the cake decorating class. No photos will be posted of my efforts, to spare my friends here.

    October Challenge update: Last night's candy killing cost me some calories, but it was worth it. 18/24 days under my 1350 calorie goal, 19/25 days cardio, 1/25 days run amok.

    Kaye: Hooray! Glad that scale's finally unstuck. :D

    tlh: Yippee for you, too! 2.8 is a NICE loss!

    Toots: I hope Finn responds soon to your TLC and that you won't need body armor much longer. Sorry he has PTSD. How confusing and scary life in China had to be for him. :(

    Till tomorrow, I'm once again

    GrammyWhammy=Marsha (Candykiller has left the thread...for now) >:)

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Marsha, good for you getting rid of the treats. I skipped super Saturday today. I don't do well with paint and glue, and I'm at a point in my life that I just don't need more 'stuff'. Glad you had fun.
    October goals report: 19/24 under calories, 169.3 miles this month.
    Nobody wanted to walk with me this afternoon so I went by myself. I walked 6 miles in under 2 hours. I was trying for 10k, but couldn't think of any place else to walk. I got the zipper replaced, but went for a walk instead of planting the bulbs.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Today went comparably good when thinking of how it's been for weeks. I still ate crap, but it was better crap than I was eating at the hospital lol. I did have pizza for dinner, but the rest of the day wasn't too bad.

    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @toots…Glad he’s doing better. How horrible for little Finn and nothing any child should have to endure. I’m so happy they are with you now and you can start giving them a wonderful childhood.

    I'm just so glad he lived until we could get to him! Can't wait to see him enjoy the future he wouldn't have lived to see in China!!

    RobinsEgg wrote: »
    @Toots - oh, rough for the boy - I'll PM you.... <3

    Thanks for the message!
    Toots: I hope Finn responds soon to your TLC and that you won't need body armor much longer. Sorry he has PTSD. How confusing and scary life in China had to be for him. :(

    I hope not! Today's line flush wasn't pretty! I think it must have been a horrible thing to be chronically ill in China :(
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry I've been a bit MIA. I've kept up with reading, but haven't had a chance to post. We had a department baby shower after school on Friday--5 English teachers are expenting 6 babies in the next few months. I ate like crap and didn't even try to log it--it would have been so much guessing and I know the day was a total bust.

    Today, I went to the Supernatural Convention with a friend. For those unfamiliar, Supernatural is a sci-fi/fantasy series here in America. It's silly, but humorous and the stars are a bunch of adorable men whose characters are self-depracating enough to make them come off as charming rather than arrogant. I would have never gone, but my friend really wanted to see what it was all about. We both agreed it was interesting, but a colossal waste of money--and we bought the cheap tickets! There are people who pay upwards of $1000 to get a full weekend "gold package" which includes all kinds of autograph and photo ops. Can you believe that? I had to seriously consider paying just a 10th of that much for tickets to the Foo Fighters who are my favorite band.

    Speaking of which--Foo Fighters announced a show next summer at Wrigley Field and I managed to get 6 tickets during the pre-sale on Friday. I'm so excited!!!

    Anyway, today I didn't eat too badly, but drank too many calories between starbucks and a couple of cocktails. At least my food choices were decent, so I should come within 100 of my calorie goal. We also did a lot of walking throughout the day, so that's good.

    I will get back to personals tomorrow. Good night!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Sunday Morning everyone ... hope the weather is nice where you are.

    AFM, a bit of Sunday Sharing ...In Western New York, USA the autumn is progressing as per previous years (I think) based on the tree leaf color and coverage. The wild cherry, maple, oak trees, and hazelnut bushes in my yard are still in full leaf although the serviceberry, elderberry, and ashes have lost most of theirs by now; sprinkling their golden leaves all over the lawns. Some neighborhood lawns are completely covered with yellow and brown leaves. This morning I spotted quite a few homeowners raking them to the curb side.

    I still have Marigold flowers blooming profusely and looking pretty much at their very best this whole past month. I would have had lovely mums but the bunnies ate them right down to the stems.

    In my working years, this past week and the one before it were always my autumnal vacation period of 10 days. I love driving hilly country roads or walking in the woods at this time of year ... no hunters out yet with rifles to worry about.

    One of my favorite rides is through western Genesee County, through Wyoming County and into southern Erie County, and all points east and south of those locations. Sometimes I would drive into Pennsylvania just to see the beautiful fall foliage, or our own Letchworth State Park and then north up to the Adirondack Mountain area of New York (actually in central upstate NY).

    Very often, my best buddy, a Springer Spaniel named Buster Brown would join me and we'd stop at McDonalds along the way ... a kid's sized burger for him and a regular for me, and a soft ice cream cone for each of us (I still love McDonald's ice cream cones). I always had to plot our drives because not many motels allowed pets in those days.

    Buster always drove with me when I was not at work. And yes, he stayed in the car while I ran into the store for a half hour or so. I kept all the windows down and had screens on them so he couldn't get into any trouble ... and he had his water bowl on the floor in back of my station wagon. I also parked in the shade and if the only place to park was in the sun, we didn't stop there.

    October Challenge: 16/25


  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @nk1112 It is obvious you love fall as much as I do. Beautiful here today too and we are thinking of some sort of outdoor adventuring just to enjoy a last little bit of it. Maybe a trip to a favorite farm for veggies...probably just squash now. Enjoy the day.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki--I love the story of you traveling with your dog. Gunner likes short rides, but if it's more than 10 minutes or so, he starts to get nervous about where we are going. If the weather is terribly bad and he's getting stir-crazy from being house-bound, I will take him with me to a drive-thru or to gas up my car.

    @toots--I'm glad to hear your boy is doing a bit better. He's so lucky to have you!

    @kaye & tracy--congrats on the downward scale movement!

    @tracy--I completely understand about not realizing you like the workout until it's over; thanks for the clarification. When I'm feeling particularly lazy, I try really hard to remember how I feel AFTER a workout and that helps me get to the gym (sometimes).

    @marsha--good for you for getting rid of the treats--even you did some sampling, at least now it's out of the house.

    @tom--I love oysters on the halfshell--one of the downfalls of living in the midwest is that I don't get them very often b/c they're so expensive.

    @lori--that's great that you got caught up on paperwork and some sleep. I was looking at your food diary, and it looks like your net calorie intake is really low already. Maybe I'm misreading it, but yesterday's log looks like you are at -100 calories net, and most days are only netting 200-500 calories. Is that right?

    @amy--loved your story about walking around in the garage!

    @teresa--welcome back!

    @mountmary--I can't recall if I've already welcomed you, but glad you've made it back to the thread and figured out how to bookmark with the star.

    @laurie--glad thye figured out what's wrong with your dad, and hope he's doing better. Enjoy your weekend away.

    Sunday Share:
    I've been better with the new lower calorie goal, but there's definitely room for improvement. I realized yesterday, that I've just been too willing to let any little thing derail my day. As if every gathering with friends is a "special occassion." I need to get off of that train of thought and stick to my calorie goal regardless of what's going on in my life socially. I have a gala in 2 weeks, so my short-term goal is to stay under goal every day until then. I know that includes Halloween, so it will be tough, but I'm going to stick to it.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 19/66 AP essays
    2. 8/60 Montana 1948 vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
    Mon--rest day (meeting)
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning friends. Things are going well on the home front. The kittens are adjusting well to their new homes and the dogs are adjusting well to the kittens. My eating this last week has been a little hit or miss but overall I cant complain. The exercise did take a bit of a hit as I have been trying to fight off this dreadful cold that is going around. I never seem to fully catch it just enough to drain my energy and make my throat and ears hurt a bit. So I had a startling realization the other day. My young nephew (7) is playing football this year. Well I had brought them over here after school so they could meet the kittens and he was getting ready for practice. Well the younguns have always liked to jump on my scale and see what they weigh (crazy kids) so he hopped on there with all his pads and everything on and topped out at 71 pounds. It knocked me on my butt to realise I have lost the equivalent of a living person that I know. Needless to say that put the oh woah is me it isnt coming off fast enough into perspective. Now I am feeling pretty good about what I have accomplished.

    Robin I am happy to hear you are starting to move around. It sounds like you have a really good team working with you through this.
    Laurie I was sorry to hear about you dad. Pneumonia can be so scary. I hope he takes the time he needs to recover fully.
    Toots you are truly an angel. Those boys are so fortunate to have found such a loving home and I know they will bring your family great joy.
    Grammywhammy loved the cany killer story. It sounded like way to many conversations I have had in my head lol.

    Well lets see I havent done a Sunday share for awhile so here goes. My name is Tammy and I am a mother of three grown children and wife of a wonderful man for 22 years now. My oldest has moved out with her fiance and is doing well. The younger two are still living at home while they get on their feet. My husband and I are so proud that all three graduated from high school and college and are on their way to building the lives they want and deserve. My husband is an engineer on a fishing processor out of alaska so is gone a portion of the year. This year has been insane due to some staffing issues and the specialised skills it takes to do his job. Things look like they should be getting better for next year though. I am a certified medical assistant but currently dont work. I had some health problems that were what led me to changing some eating habits and then just snowballed into a whole new way of doing things food wise. I am happy to say the problems were mostly resolved with a change in eating and exercising habits so life for me is pretty good now. Well I think I have sufficiently bored everyone now, lol. Have a great day all and I will cya later.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Today was a Glorious Sunday!!
    Weather here in Wisconsin, mid 50's, sunny, dry. The leaves have all turned and are about 1/2 fallen now. As I know the cold is around the corner I rode my bike to the gym today to get in as much outdoor biking as I can before the snow fllies.
    I am still trying to get used to my new lower calorie goals and have been successful for more than a week. If the scale does not move this week I may have to resort to some human sacrifice! Just kidding - maybe not.

    @skinnyjeansbound - Yes the diary is correct. However the scale only moved 1/2 pound last week.
    @grammywhammy - That candy story gave me the best laugh of the week!
    @toots - all of you are in my prayers nightly, I truly wish I could be there to help.
    @tlh0407 - :D Happy dance!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello, I'm back! I had a great cruise (well, except for some bad weather and luggage snafus). I will fill you in and post pictures soon. I missed everyone! :smiley:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lori--if you are only netting a couple hundred calories/day, that may be why your weight loss has slowed so much. I'm no expert, but everything I've read suggests that such a sustained deficit isn't good for your metabolism. It's like you're not putting any fuel on the fire, so it burns very, very low resulting in little, if any, weight loss. MFP and most nutritionists recommend you NET at least 1200 calories/day on average. That means if you also burn a lot of calories through exercise (which it appears you do), you need to eat even more. So if your calorie goal is 1400 calories to lose 1 lb/week and you burn another 1000 through exercise, in theory you should eat 2400 calories that day. Are your high calorie burns a result of active workouts? Or do they include your daily movement, such as walking around at work, the grocery store, etc.? If it's the latter, then I wouldn't eat them back unless you have your activity set as "sedentary." Even then, you probably don't need to eat them all back.

    I'm not trying to tell you what to do, just offering some info for you to ponder as you try to get the scale moving. Just trying to help you avoid the consequences of human sacrifice. ;) Oh, and BTW I realize I haven't lost a pound in over a year, so you may want to take my advice with a grain of salt. However, I lost my 60 lbs eating back most, if not all, of my exercise calories, and most of the people I know on MFP who've had long-term success have done the same. :smiley: I think it becomes more of an issue as you get closer and closer to your ideal weight, to figure out how to maintain that weight the rest of your life.

    @kelley--welcome back!! Can't wait to hear about your trip!

    @tammy--isn't perspective a great thing! I think the same thing when I go to the pet store to buy gunner's 50 lb bag of dog food--i think "wow, I can't believe I've lost more weight than this bag weighs!"

    Grading Goals:
    1. 21/66 AP essays
    2. 8/60 Montana 1948 vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day (meeting)
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am back from a fun weekend in Oakland with friends from high school. It was great traveling with them and spending time with their kids. We went out for my friend's Jenna's mother funeral (expected) but still had a blast. We were able to spend time with friends and watching their kids get along great together. As we talked we realized that we will spend more time together as our parent get older and pass on but then the kids will get married and the happy times will always be there. The greatest part of the funeral was the way Jenna's mom went to her final resting place- horse drawn carriage. The kids were able to ride in the carriage and her granddaughter was on the front seat with her arm around the urn holding her (Huggie). It was precious and watching the kids wave as they all rode by would have made her mom very happy. Her mom loved the carriage rides so it was a perfect way to take one last ride.

    We also went to Swallow Falls and it was fun experience. I will tell that story another day.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    As I mentioned above, I went to Swallow Falls in Oakland, MD this weekend. The last time I was there was in 2008-2009 when I was at my heaviest. I could barely walk down the paths and down the stairs to the bottoms of the falls. I was there with Jenna and this weekend we went back. Here is the picture of both occasions. In case you are confused, I am the one in the Redskins sweatshirt and the pink shirt in the other one.8cdifisede3p.jpg


  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Hi! I'm Tracy...I live in Bismarck, ND. Am 41 years old and have been married 19 years. We have two kids -- Jacob, 13 and Emma, 8. I work in Life Insurance and spend my time at home doing the things that mom's do...running kids back and forth, cooking, cleaning etc. I have lost up to 30 pounds, only to gain half of it back. But back on the wagon I go..

    This weekend was okay. Saturday was good calorie wise, but not very active. Today was active but not great calorie wise. Hopefully it all balances out. Left the house this morning at 8:45 to head off to Sunday School and Church. Then went to lunch with my Mom and two sisters (plus families). Got home in time to change into different clothes and back to church for Heroes Unmasked. It was a costume party for the kids. Heroes from the bible had different carnaval games. Jacob and my nephew Chase were heroes that helped run the Daniel in the Lions Den game. I helped with the unveiling of the ultimate Hero -- Jesus. Emma and my nephew participated in all the festivities, which included decorated cookies (which I took 2 gumdrops and walked away). Then quickly went home to let the puppy home. Filled gas, took Jacob back to Youth Group and then signed Emma up for the next round of ice skating lessons. Then the final pick up at 8;00 tonight and finally got to sit down around 8:30. I should have done two more loads of laundry, but I just watched some recorded shows. Now I'm tired and headed to bed but wanted to check in.

    I plan to catch up on some personals tomorrow, but wanted to do a shout out to Laurie. WOW!!! What a transformation!!! You just look so happy. You deserve a smile that big.

    OK night all!!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    WooHoo! Under calorie limit ALL weekend; weekends are always hard for me. All on Robins Thread with your stories, encouragement and success helped me to do that. Thanks all,