Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Monday morning my friends. I am off to a good start of what should be a busy week. I got my workout done and the dogs walked and the house is all picked up and ready to get the floors cleaned. Today is floors and put the tree up. It is a little early but we are doing christmas with my oldest this weekend so I want everything ready before she gets here. I will spend the majority of the week decorating and rearranging it until i get it just the way I want it. Tomorrow is grocery shopping and some yard clean-up. Wednesday is precleanning and start prepping some of the food for Saturday. Thursday is deep clean the whole house and wash the bedding. Then Friday is cooking for saturday everthing that can be done in advance. Then Saturday all the girls in the family are going to the craft fair and then everyone will head over to my house for food and fun and presents with my daughter. I think I should be busy enough to keep myself from boredom eating which is my biggest problem :) The scale hates me right now and I want to blame it but truth is last week was pretty hit and miss and when I missed I did it on a grand scale so I think i will have to blame myself and not the scale. Oh well it is a new week and I have a good plan.

    L2T: I loved your post.It was very inspirational and just what I needed to read after last week so Thank You.
    GrandmaKaye: Thank goodness you werent hurt on your fall. You have done such an amazing job with all your walking I would hate to see anything get in the way of that.
    Skinny: I am sorry you are so buried in homework. I am sure the kids would appreciate less homework but somehow I don't think thats the route you will take, lol.
    Lois: I am sorry to hear about the loss of your partners grandma. It is so hard to watch someone we care about suffer. You are doing great with just adjusting to what he needs without de-railing your progress.

    Alright I guess I better get busy. Those darn floors seem to be getting messier not cleaner on their own :) Have a great day everyone <3<3
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Off to cycling class. Why do I want to avoid everything and just go to my bed..and order an XL pizza?

    Well, I have been there, done that and it does not work to make anything better.

    Focusing on one day at a time on the journey. Better go to spin class now.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Well, I've done it now. My left foot slipped on the ice and wrenched my right knee. It is swelling and very painful. Fortunately, we were near Cathy's house so she drove me home.
    I will be icing it tonight and hope for the best. I don't know what artificial knees do when they pop like that. Cathy said she didn't hear the pop over my scream. :\
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Oh dear. I hope you didn't hurt anything Kaye. Icing is certainly a good thing, but maybe too a visit to the doc. Be careful out there. It seems the weather has turned on us.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Oh no Kaye. I hope you didnt do anything to bad. Keep it up and iced tonight. Hopefully it will look and feel better in the morning.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lois- Very insightful about your weight and what is good for your body.

    Cblue- Congrats on 29 years of being sober. You can consider this group your support system. Just check in with us when you need comfort or a friendly nudge.

    Kaye- I hope you did not injure your knee. Take it easy and try to avoid the ice when you are walking. I know you love your walks but ice is just dangerous so take it easy. Can you get some hiking poles for when you walk outside on the ice or there are ice walkers that you can put on over your shoes. They make walking on ice easier since they grip the ice instead of letting you slip. Eastern Mountain Sports or REI would have them.

    softblonde- Hope you made it to spin class. You are right, food does not solve anything.

    Karen- Good luck with the grading. I gave up grading homework a while ago. This year, I grade it on a 3 point scale- 100% done=3 points, 50-99% done=2 points, less than 50% completed 1 point, not turn in 0 points. This saves me a huge amount of time with grading.

    JT- Good luck with your busy week.

    Queen- Glad you found us again. I know you will get back on track soon as you have already taken the first step and found us again.

    Morgori- I will need to celebrate national Hiking day this weekend, when I can get outside in the fresh air. I also hope that the temperatures will be warmer this weekend than tomorrow's high's.

    I hope everyone has a great week. My plan for the week are to get school work caught up, papers filed, lessons planned for December. Today, was a good day since I had a nice long walk tonight at the gym after my workout. Workout itself was lackluster but it was better than nothing.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Well I'm officially sick. Not happy about that. :(

    @kaye--ouch! So sorry you fell. Always my biggest fear on ice and snow. Ice that knee and take it easy for a few days.

    @L2T--loved your post!! I know others don't like to weigh in daily, but for me it's also a MUST!!! I am currently hovering around 185 (though I did glimpse 183--my ticker weight--last week). I would really like to be hovering around 180 by NYE, so I'm right in this with you.

    Hello to everyone else. I'm going to skip more personals tonight and go sip some theraflu.

    Monday Check-in:
    I think it's just acold, but I'm very sneezy, runny-nosed, and tired. Had a late meeting today, then it was grading at home. Finally finished the journals, but have lots of vocab to grade for my juniors.

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 14/17 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 4/17 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 66/66 AP journals DONE
    2. 25/60 M1948 Vocab
    3. x/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1
    4. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    edited November 2014
    @mountmary - I think you hit the nail on the head. It's hard to maintain focus and pay attention over the long term and very easy to slip back into old patterns. Especially when work and life get busy and stressful. That's been a big part of my issue. Being in transition to a couple new projects at work has been very stressful and now add in the HOLIDAYS and my self admitted OCD need to make everything perfect and it's a recipe for weight gain.

    @kah - Thanks for the encouragement. And you're killing this months challenge!

    @niki - You only messed up 3 days and are now reining yourself back in. I messed up 2 months, but am still happy that I didn't let my stupid go on longer and cause more damage. Denial is a powerful drug and one we just can't afford to enjoy.

    @kaye - So sorry you slipped and hurt your knee. Hope you recovery quickly. And although I appreciate you saying I'm smart, I'm just dumb enough to be in the position of losing 12 lbs. I already lost! I guess I have to be glad I came to my senses before I ate myself back to 295.

    @jconst - The thought of Christmas, decorating the tree, buying and wrapping gifts and all those cookies makes me tired. You seem to take it all in stride. I always have good intentions (at 8 am) of all the things I will do after work and then they just fade away. At least I have next week off to get ready for Thanksgiving.

    @skinnyjeanz - 180 by New Years would be lovely. I'd like to start 2015 at my lowest weight of 2014 and be 20 lbs. from my final goal. I can do it and so can you. And like you, I need a daily weigh in to keep me on track and keep me honest. When I start avoiding the scale, there's going to be trouble. Sorry your sniffles turned into a full blown cold.

    AFM - Like the entire country, it's a very cold 24 degrees here this morning. I'm going to walk the dog at lunch when the temp rises to a balmy 35. Brrrrr.

    I went back and tried to account for my days for the All In Challenge and here's what I found:

    Under Calories: 5/17

    Hard to figure since I know I was not logging everything. So I gave myself 3 out of the first 15 days and 2 for the last 2 days. Terrible, horrible, no good and very bad. And I'm paying the price.

    Exercise: 15/17 (46.74 miles/3.12 miles per day)

    Have a great day and stay warm!

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    L2T loved your post. I have had a similar epiphany and am working on a three pronged approach. 30 per cent fat, exercise and exact portion will get there.
    I also identified with the clothes experience. It is an aargh moment when the pants don't fit? Great article and I hope it gives your confidence to continue your weight loss goals. You go girl!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy William Tell Day
    We have an oxymoron today. It is William Tell Day–today in 1307, William Tell shot an apple off the head of his son. The actual legend is quite interesting. LINK

    However, November is also Child Safety and Protection Month.
    Please don’t shoot an apple off your child’s head this month. If you need to do it, please wait until Child Safety and Protection Month is over.

    “None of us can change our yesterdays but all of us can change our tomorrows.” ~Colin Powell

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I’m sorry your sniffles turned into a cold. :frowning::mask: Have you tried taking zinc or Airborne at the start of the sniffles? Some friends of mine at work swear by it, not sure if it’s psychosomatic or not. Another co-worker puts Vicks Vaporub on her feet and then socks every time she gets sick--swears it helps sweat out all the impurities. :wink: I hope it’s short-lived and that you’re well for the upcoming holiday. :smile:

    @Tammy~You sure have a lot on your plate to get done this week. I haven’t even thought about Christmas and decorating yet—I hope it’s warmer this weekend so I can get outside and maybe get started with the lights. I can’t wait to hear what happens when you put up a tree with two new kittens in the house! :wink: I haven’t tried with Zoe, she’s so crazy I can just see her climbing it—all I can think about is Christmas Vacation. LOL

    @L2T~I think it’s great you’ve kept with your walking through all of your added work stress, that gain could have been much worse. You’re right—I need the accountability of the scale, almost daily, too. The second I stop is the second I end up right back where I was. I think the fact that we keep getting on the scale is a positive change, it keeps us accountable and helps us turn things around before it gets out of hand.

    @Holly~Glad you were able to find us again. I wasn’t that long ago that I was going to school and working full-time, it’s a huge sacrifice and it’s so hard to juggle everything--I had to keep track of every little thing I needed to do on an app on my phone or it never got done. :neutral_face: Its so easy to let things slack when you are drowing in papers and studying. Hang in there, just a few more weeks and the semester will be over—hope you can relax and rest over the holidays.

    @Kaye~I’m so sorry for your injury, ouch! :frowning: Definitely keep ice on it—20 minutes on, 20 minutes off as often as possible for at least 72 hours. If you notice a different kind of pain today or additional swelling I would definitely call your doc so he can have a look-see.

    @Lois~I’m so sorry to hear of the passing of your partner’s Nan, it’s so hard to lose the ones we love. I know he appreciates you being there for him, rest and take care of each other. :heart:

    AFM~No gym yesterday, had some housework I needed finish up so accomplished that. My other goal for November has been to avoid the grocery store except on my actual "stock-up" day—I have a tendency to change my mind about planned meals and can find myself there 2-3 other days during the week. :grimacing: So far in November I have avoided those extra trips—maybe I’ll see a decrease in that spending. :wink:

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    At or Under Calories: 15/30
    Meet Exercise Goals: 17/30

    Exercise Goals 11/16-11/22:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Active Rest Day (finish housework) DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @lois--I missed your last post. So sorry to hear about your loss.

    @kelley--I've tried the zicam in the past. Not sure if it really works--how is there really any way to tell?--but I usually give it a go, since it can't hurt. However, when I noticed the onset of this cold Sunday night, I was out of zicam and unwilling to head out to the store for some. That's funny about your friend and the Vick's--I've never heard of that.

    @tom--haha! Now what will I do with my students today? I was totally planning to shoot arrows off their heads.

    AFM--I'm thinking I may blow off my meeting after school today. We'll see how I feel by the end of the day.

    Tuesday Goals:

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 14/17 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 4/17 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 31/60 M1948 Vocab
    2. x/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1
    3. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited November 2014
    @GrannyKaye- I hope your knee is okay.
    AFM- I am trying to get all my algebra done for homework that is my goal. I realized I am to hard on myself constantly and tend to not see the positive. Example I am 41 and never done algebra before(only took science classes in high school once I could choose math or science). I am maintaining a B in the classes but all I can see is how horribly hard the class is verse what my teacher told me which was I am doing great for never seeing any of this before in my life. Yes, I work harder than the avg person at it but he is right I am doing good along with maintaining a job too. Yah me!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @GrannyKaye- I hope your knee is okay.
    AFM- I am trying to get all my algebra done for homework that is my goal. I realized I am to hard on myself constantly and tend to not see the positive. Example I am 41 and never done algebra before(only took science classes in high school once I could choose math or science). I am maintaining a B in the classes but all I can see is how horribly hard the class is verse what my teacher told me which was I am doing great for never seeing any of this before in my life. Yes, I work harder than the avg person at it but he is right I am doing good along with maintaining a job too. Yah me!

    Way to spin it around into a positive! :wink: If you have a B and have never been exposed to algebra before, you're doing great! You didn't need algebra to graduate high school? We did, along with geometry and trig. When I got to college, in order to receive a BS in accounting I had to take two types of algebra along with two semesters of calculus--I had to :heart: math. LOL

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    WalkingQueen I agree with Kah - you are doing great maintaing that B in Algebra while holding a full time job! It impresses me!
    - Skinny sorry you've got another cold -it seems to hit you this time of year -drat those school germs! I'm sure it can't be helped. I used to get them when I worked with patients and I haven't had a cold since I retired - it seems strange now not to get them! But I sure don't miss it! I'm never around kids any more unless its at the grocery store.
    Grandma Kaye - sorry about your knee - I hope it heals quickly!
    AFM - I made a huge trip to the grocers myself and now have stocked up on so many things I have no place to put them. I'm using the space above my coat closet and in my den. Also decided to attempt baking some pumpkin bars myself so have bought all the ingredients - and no room for that! Also getting away from my frozen egg omelets with their preservatives -so bought all fresh ingredients. Boy am I proud of that!
    Healthwise - my left hip is now "out" and I am limping about again and my recovery is on hold until I see him early December where I hope for another steroid injection on THAT side. THe shot on the right has been a big help. Can't wait till I am fully well.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Boy, old habits die hard! Just went to the kitchen to make some lace cookies to serve to my book club on Thursday. I need a little corn syrup for in them. Alas, there was no corn syrup in the pantry, I accidentally knocked a bunch of things on the floor while looking and to settle myself down, grabbed a handful of cashews! NOT SMART! The bag did not fall open, I unzipped it. I came here with a diet coke to change the setting. Now I will log said cashews, have less room for supper, BUT...I did stop at one handful so maybe that is progress. It is all these little things that get me into trouble with my calories.
    I have been under calorie goal 13 of the 17 days, so there is some progress here....but not quite what I could call "All In". Exercise less so.
    Now that is off my chest I will go and dutifully vacuum the upholstery in the living room. As you all know everything has to be "perfect" for my book group!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Robin You didn't happen to buy any corn syrup I can borrow did you? I only need 1/4 cup.
    Sorry to hear your hip is giving you trouble. That just isn't fun. One of my legs is giving me fits now too. Oh to be 19 again and know all I know.

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! I have the next two days off work and I have spent most of today getting Christmas decoration set up. I LOVE getting my decorations up and getting covered in glitter!! :D It is soooo cold here in Gerogia. The high today was something like 40. :#

    Goal wise I’m doing well! I was so busy today that I hardly ate so my calorie count was great, even with having frozen pizza for dinner. My weight is holding and I’m really hoping for at least a pound loss this week so I can claim 20 lbs down.

    @Robin, sorry about your hip. I hope you start feeling better soon! Good for your for going with the fresh ingredients. I like my convenience foods so much and have to force myself to go natural when I can. :)

    @mnwalkingqueen, getting a B in algebra when you have never done it before is AWESEMOME!! I went back to school when I was 40 and I remember the day I can home all excited that I finally understood percentages. :D

    @skinnyjeanz, sorry your feeling sick. All that grading and being under the weather must be so difficult. I hope you start feeling better soon! <3

    @Kaye, I hope your knee gets better very soon! Slipping on ice is so scary. :(

    @Lives2Travel, thank you for your post and your honesty!! You are so right that people who have never walked in our shoes don’t understand the daily battle it is. My gosh if there were York Peppermint Patties in my house I don’t know what I would do!! I know that if I don’t weigh every day and record ALL my food on MFP I will not lose this weight. And that is why I do struggle so much. Being realistic with goals is also key to success. I think you rock!! <3B)
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Mountmary---nuts to the nuts, if you have to have a snack it beats a snickers bar doesn't it. count it for good.
    Been out of town for a month, but back to gym today for my Silver Sneakers class. It is sooooo much fun and makes me feel super invigorated.
    Been battling a sore upper arm since summer before last and now that knee surgery is finally healed after a year, yes, decided to see ortho about arm pain. Good news is that I do not have arthritis, bad news I have cronic tendonitis. He gave me an anti imflamatory to take twice a day and physical therapy to do at home and then physical therapy to begin in December when I go to Montana for the winter to help daughter with new baby due Dec 23. So sweet for us Grand Parents. But I took the pill and arm feels much better already and the Physical Therapy uses a large rubber band and lots of stretching.....glad it is minor issue and that it hopefully can be remedied. Good news. But....if doesn' get better then they will do an MRI. So still seems curable. I am lucky.
    Midrift is sore. doing stomach exericises each morning this week, plank to slow count, push ups.
    Steady as she goes.
    Hope everyone continues to do great Everyone is working on what works for them!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @teresa--good to hear you so enjoy putting up those decorations. I used to spend the 1st few days of Winter Break cleaning my house top to bottom. Then I would put up all the decoration and have everyone over for Christmas dinner. Then I would spend the few days afterward taking them all down and putting them away. However, my SIL took over that holiday a few years ago so I quit decorating--it looked pretty, but was such a chore to put up and take down.

    @barbara--great job stopping at one handful of cashews. There are definitely worse snacks you could've reached for, and as long as you log and account for those calories, you are doing great!

    @robin--sorry to hear about your hip pain--ouch! You are correct that I always seem to get sick this time of year. My only consolation is it's a week earlier than usual b/c I almost always miss a "day before Thanksgiving" get-together with friends due to illness. Maybe this year I will actually make it to that and be able to enjoy a cold-free Thanksgiving. Crossing my fingers.

    @kelley--I'm a coupel of years older than you and holly, but when I was in HS we only needed 3 years of math and science COMBINED to graduate. Since I took algebra in 8th grade, my last HS math course was geometry my freshman year. Needless to say when i had to take a couple of core math classes in college, it was really hard!

    @holly--continuing from my note to kelley above, I did terribly in my college algebra/trig class. In fact, I should have failed b/c I needed a 90% on the final to even get a D- and I barely finished half of the questions. I was sure I would see an F on my grade report--I was bad at math, but even I could add up the points I had earned to figure my average. To my surprise, the instructor gave me a C+. Of course, he was just covering his *kitten* b/c he hadn't done any true teaching, but since I didn't really need to know trig, I was happy to get the credit.

    AFM--Thanks for all of the well-wishes--fortunately, my cold hasn't evolved to anything worse. Hoping that holds true and it is short-lived. Although I wasn't feeling terrible at the end of the school day, I decided to skip my meeting. It was one of few that it wasn't either required or essential that i be there, so I thought I would take advantage and skip out.

    I ended up grading a bit after school and then I made a big pot of white bean and ham soup. Very simple and yummy!

    1/2 lb dry navy beans
    1/2 lb dry great northern beans
    1 onion chopped
    2 tbsp minced garlic
    1 tsp of thyme
    pinch or 2 of salt
    15 oz spiral ham cut into cubes
    1 ham bone (if available)

    Soak the beans (I used quick soak method on bag) then drain and rinse
    Combine beans, 8 cups of water, spices, garlic, onion, and ham bone and simmer for 1 and 1/2 hours
    Remove ham bone
    Either remove a portion of beans and mix in blender, or mash in the pot (I used a potato masher) and add back to pot
    Add ham and simmer about 15 more minutes

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 15/18 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 4/18 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 M1948 Vocab DONE
    2. 10/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1
    3. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym