Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @trinati2001 - late night snacking was a real problem for me and the source of most of my calorie surpluses. Then, maybe about 5 mos or so ago, in the "Challenge" section of the MFP community boards, I found a "No Late Night Snacking" challenge that's updated each month. Right now we're doing "June," of course. That has made all the difference for me! Really, all I do is post my intention every evening not to eat ANYTHING past 7pm every day. Part of the challenge is to keep a running daily tally of how long my "streak" is. When that streak gets to a certain length (my longest was 90+ days), it sort of becomes self-sustaining. I don't WANT to break it! It seems to really work for me. Even after all this time I'm still not on automatic about not snacking at night. I still NEED those daily reminders! And even then, when I'm relaxing in my recliner watching something stupid on TV, my brain starts thinking that I might want to eat something. But luckily, quickly my other brain now kicks in reminding me that I don't want to break my streak. It's really weird... it's the "streak" that becomes the incentive, not the "sticking to the weight loss plan" thing. But hey, whatever works, right?
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    Ready for summer 10 week challenge

    Name Jo
    Age 47
    Height 161 centimetres about 5 foot 3

    Start weight (week of April 19) 91kgs / 200.6 lbs
    Goal weight (Saturday July 1) 85 kgs / 187 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    April 26 91 kgs / 200.6 lbs
    May 3 197.1
    May 10 194.4
    May 17 193.5
    May 24 191.2
    May 31 192.1
    June 7 187.1
    June 14 184.2
    June 21 182.1
    June 28
    July 1

    Weight +/- this week -2.1
    Weight +/- total - 18.5

    well, it is so much harder not to eat while sitting around the shop I think I should give up trying to be so strict for July and maybe August and just aim for maintenance calories... for example yesterday I was over goal by 350 calories but because it was beans and tuna I still feel it was better than cookies and ice cream (because that's the stuff that I really cannot control) . I really do not want to stop the weight loss though... I will just have to think about it for now.

    That being said I probably would do another challenge... because this was my first one ever and I feel it has helped give me structure, as I have mentioned ...thank you thank you all.

    I hope everyone has a successful stress-free wonderful day!
  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @Birgit what wonderful job on the weight loss. you are a star!

    @mermaid oh, man... we have all been there. DO NOT be embarrassed. and don't give up!

    @GOINSTD12 I will be sending you good energy for your surgery <3

    @katrena... awesome for the peach and the eggs.. maybe over a bit but GOOD wholesome food!

    @claire onederland! fantastic, great, wonderful and fabulous B)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @jo-- it's not a terrible idea to maintain for a couple of months, but be careful. I was down to 182 and maintained that for 2 years. Then injuries and illness threw a wrench into my workouts and I ended up gaining over the next 2 years. Now, here I am working on losing the same 15 lbs all over again. My issue was I got too complacent with my food--eating whatever I wanted b/c I could work it off in the gym. Then when I couldn't exercise much, it was hard to go back to my healthier food choices.

    @trinati2001 -- I am a night-owl by nature and will never NOT snack in the evening. I just make sure I have it in my calorie budget. I also try to delay breakfast until I'm truly hungry--sometimes that's not until lunch. :smile:

    @rach-- yes, even if the whole group doesn't want to do it, I need to track some personal challenges for July as well. I'm leaning toward 100+ grams of protein/day and a mileage goal for running. :smile:

    @birgit-- that is so impressive!! And yes, I bet those last 5 lbs will not be easy, but you can do it!!!

    @cellosmiles -- I've never been much of a fast food junky--even when I was much heavier. However, if I'm tempted, I just think about the fact that most of the employees are teenagers who aren't always the most hygienic or careful with their food handling (I know this b/c I worked in fast food as a teen). The image of a bunch of gross kids handling my food is usually off-putting enough to keep me from caving to the convenience of a drive-thru. LOL

    Thursday Truth:
    Well the scale was a bit kinder to me today--I was at 198.4. I'm going to work really hard to try to keep it going down, but I have a sister trip planned Sunday through Tuesday which I know will involve some eating and drinking--especially since we are going to a town with lots of breweries. I'm not normally much of a beer drinker, in part b/c of all the calories, so I shouldn't have too much trouble limiting my intake, but the brewery menus tend to be heavier in calories as well. Going to try to incorporate a lot of walking to counter any damage.

    :heart: Re-posting these examples in hopes that more folks will share their thoughts about a July challenge. :heart:

    In addition to another challenge like the current one, maybe we can also add something different like a nutrition challenge or a fitness challenge or both?

    Examples of nutrition challenges:
    Eat x grams of protein/day
    Limit sugar or sodium/day
    Drink x ounces of water each day
    Eat x servings of vegetables/day

    Examples of fitness challenges:
    Walk or run x miles/week
    Push up/plank/crunch challenges
    x number of strength workouts/week
    x number of cardio sessions/week

    If people want to post what they are interested in for July (from the suggestions above or your own ideas) we can decide on a couple that work for everyone.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 - 202.5
    7. June 7 - 201.6
    8. June 14 - 200.2
    9. June 21 - 199.6
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -.7
    Weight -/+ total: -.2
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound CONGRATS to you as well! :smiley:
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    @trinati2001 - late night snacking was a real problem for me and the source of most of my calorie surpluses. Then, maybe about 5 mos or so ago, in the "Challenge" section of the MFP community boards, I found a "No Late Night Snacking" challenge that's updated each month. Right now we're doing "June," of course. That has made all the difference for me! Really, all I do is post my intention every evening not to eat ANYTHING past 7pm every day. Part of the challenge is to keep a running daily tally of how long my "streak" is. When that streak gets to a certain length (my longest was 90+ days), it sort of becomes self-sustaining. I don't WANT to break it! It seems to really work for me. Even after all this time I'm still not on automatic about not snacking at night. I still NEED those daily reminders! And even then, when I'm relaxing in my recliner watching something stupid on TV, my brain starts thinking that I might want to eat something. But luckily, quickly my other brain now kicks in reminding me that I don't want to break my streak. It's really weird... it's the "streak" that becomes the incentive, not the "sticking to the weight loss plan" thing. But hey, whatever works, right?

    I love the idea of this challenge I'm going to have to look it up!! Tonight is a hard night for me. I'm feeling down, tired, and hubby is at the gym so it's just me and the kitchen.

    Here's to going to bed hungry.

  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    I forgot to post about the challenge.

    If I had to pick one it would be steps per day.

    But I like the idea of limiting sugar or tracking water.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    Giving myself until tomorrow to weigh in, I'm still up from last week and my lowest on monday. I have been a good girl with my calories, but I have been doing more exercises this week so I think I may be water retention from working out so much.

    As far as the next challenge I would love to do steps and water. And possibly how many days we stayed at or under calorie goal. anymore detailed than that would blow my already over stressed mind but whatever is decided I will join in what I can!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound - Karen, I love the idea of something more than recording weight for the next challenge!

    I'm with @jam5660 in addition to weight, I'd like steps and water recording. I'm a "calorie-in-calorie-out" kind of gal and don't pay too much attention to other stuff. (Maybe that's my problem with my sluggish weight loss? But with a two week road trip coming up in July, now may not be the time to start trying to tracking nutrients.) I'd also be interested in tracking days per week staying below calorie goal.

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Birgit. Your loss is fantastic. Congrats to u. My guess is to get the last 5 lbs off u r going to have to do something different maybe more exercise or change ur menu around. But whatever it takes u have proven u s meet this challenge. You go girl!!! Like the no snacking challenge but as someone else said I'm a night owl and might find that hard. But I'm leaving my options open because last night it blew it after a nice meal with ice cream that was in y calorie plan

    I am in for a challenge. I like the steps idea. I will b traveling most of July and except for the long drive from ny to ga I should b able to participate

    Newjax at least u r picking healthy choices and I'm like u the carbs do me in.

    Today I had to struggle with myself not to go out for a bagel I wanted bread so bad but I have none in my house it's raining and that kept me from driving to the coffee shop. My neighbor down the road drove by and blew his horn to see if I wanted to go for coffee but I waved him on . Don't feel I can resist today. I could have bread but the gluten does me in

    Happy day to all
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5 ft 2

    Weight on Feb 19th - 322lbs or 23 stone in the language of my people

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 303.5lbs
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 288.5lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 303.5lbs
    2. May 3: 304.5lbs
    3. May 10: 301.75 lbs
    4. May 17: 305lbs
    5. May 24: 303lbs
    6. May 31: 301.5lbs
    7. June 7: 300lbs
    8. June 14: 296.5lbs
    9. June 21: 295lbs
    10. June 28:
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.5lbs
    Weight -/+ total: -8.5lbs

    Not a great loss this week, but after dropping several pounds last time, and me being largely inert due to our sudden UK heatwave most of the week, I'm amazed anything has come off, frankly! No way will I make my target for the challenge, but I although I knew it would be tough with my 60th birthday in mid-May, I did not anticipate at all having BP medication mess me about for nearly 4 weeks. The heat meant I did no exercise, other than light gardening in the evenings.

    Still, some terrific successes from other posters - well done, folks, at least two Onderlanders, I think - excellent! And those of us just jogging along, we're still in the fight!

    I saw something about late night eating problems. I am another night owl, happily staying up until 2am or more, but I do have a struggle not to graze. I tend to eat my evening meal quite late and try to leave calories for a treat or two, but I often succumb. Probably I should just go to bed, but as with my eating, my willpower is zero. I am early retired and rarely have to get up early. Not a healthy habit, but I have been that way forever - working life was a nightmare. I was useless until 10am, and once I started studying for a degree as well as working full time in a job that sort of expected me to pick up work after hours too, sleep went out the window! I often wonder if those bad habits added to my weight gain in those years.

  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Barb
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 226.2 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28) 210 lbs
    Weigh in week of:

    1. April 26 - 224.6
    2. May 3 - 224.8
    3. May 10 – 220.2
    4. May 17 – 222.0
    5. May 24 – 217.6
    6. May 31 – 217.2
    7. June 7 – 216.0
    8. June 14 – 217.4
    9. June 21 – 216.2
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.2
    Weight -/+ total this challenge: -10
    Total Weight Lost: 41.8

    Well I'm not going to make my goal, but it is still a loss and we have 8 days to go so hopefully I can get it down a little more. It has been a rough 10 weeks and the last month I really lost my willpower (overate several times) and no incentive to exercise without my little Jazz to walk and all the rain we had recently.

    For the next challenge I would like to see water goals along with the weight. I would also say steps but I don't have a fit bit. Can anyone recommend a good step tracker that is easy to use and reasonably price?
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Wow, I can't believe we are so close to the end of this challenge. It's been a bit of a rocky road for me, as these past several weeks have been tricky. I've had a lot on my plate recently (pun intended) and I felt as though I was falling behind on my expected rate of weight loss. Things are better now, though. I have been away from home all week, but have been doing a reasonably good job of keeping active and eating healthily. I hope that I will indeed be "ready for summer" by the end of next week. It is my sincere hope for everyone on this thread to have a wonderful summer that sees us all enjoying ourselves as much as possible while also reaching our goals.

    For me, that means getting down below 175 by my birthday in November. I have some work to do this summer in order to get there by fall, now don't I? :smile: I'm pretty excited, though. I think I've given myself enough time to get there without feeling like I'm pushing myself too hard. I also think it would be nice to blow this goal right out of the water, but everything depends on me keeping up my motivation and continuing to chug along.

    I am trying to settle back into the routine of seeing a 1 or 2 pound loss each week. Those weeks in this past challenge where I saw minimal losses (or gains) followed by dramatic drops downward have been playing games with my mind. I really want my continued weight loss journey to be as steady and boring as's okay with me if it takes a while; I just want to do it right. And to do it once.

    TGIF, everyone. :smiley:
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories) ...
    Was able to weed out ALL the rest of my size 3X clothes and am now firmly in the 2X ... with some styles fitting closer than I like and others fitting really well. Now to work on getting them to be too large also. The donation bag is awating.

    On another topic ... ran across an interesting article in my mail today that I am quoting part of for you to think about ... this comes from the Eat Real Food Academy.

    "Are you using or abusing the 80/20 rule? Be honest.

    In most areas of life, the 80/20 rule refers to this almost magical phenomenon whereby 80 percent of your results come from 20 percent of your work (e.g. 80 percent of your revenue comes from 20 percent of your clients).

    But when it comes to our food choices, here’s what the 80/20 rule means.

    Aim for 100 percent and it will land you about 80 percent. And 80 percent is usually good enough.

    But here’s how I’ve noticed the 80/20 being used -- or should I say, abused – much of the time.

    Aim for 80 percent and justify any or all "cheats" as the 20 percent buffer. In all likelihood, this strategy will land you somewhere around 60 percent. And 60 percent won’t create the results you’re looking for."
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    It's been a tough week and though loss was not what I anticipated I did lose and have two more days. Yesterday was a wAsted day. Just sat around and did nothing. Friends driving up on 4th and we will see the sights then head out for Niagara Falls and the Toronto to fly to Nova Scotia

    I've had lots of Nsv's. Have had multiple cravings all week and have resisted more than not. I did crater a few times but didn't ha e a binge. Today I wanted a bagel so bad but resisted and i drove thru dunking donuts without getting a lemon donut which for me is major. Ha it's are hard to ha he but I can't live like this any longer. I use change my weight and my health. I am struggling to love my body and though this last weight loss is just 9 lbs I can see a difference in my tummy

    Jam. Congrats to u. Good job
    Nikon. That puts it In Perspective for me that's why I only my weight loss is so lackluster this week
    I've been aiming for 80%

    Bspcarriet. I bought my garmon at discount on eBay for $40 but a simple pedometer will do as well for around $12. Congrats on your success

    Running. I wish I could adopt ur attitude. Now that I
    Motivated I wa t it off fast. Hope this doesn't set me up for failure

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    edited June 2017
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    So,here I sit, wondering how I can trim my finger tips and pads; so I will become faster using a smartphone's itty bitty keypad! My recent houseguest has gifted me with one!! Wonder if all that extra "exercise" my fingers will be getting will count to increase my metabolism. ☺️