Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Karen, I love to make bean soup. I always chop carrots and celery in the food processor and add them to get more veggies.
    My knee seems a lot better tonight. I went to the Dr. today. He ordered an x-ray but I didn't hear back so I'm sure there is nothing very serious. By the time I can start walking again, I will have ice cleats. I ordered them today on Amazon Prime. Thanks for the suggestion, Laurie.
    I let myself feel kind of defeated because I couldn't exercise, so I didn't log either. I know it will be hard to stay within my calories without walking, but I'm not going to skip logging again. I'm a 'weigh everyday girl', too. I have to keep track of what's happening.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update to my challenge results and thanks to all of you for your support after my confession on Monday.

    I've been under my calorie goal for 3 days now and I've accounted for everything I've put in my mouth. It's amazing how quickly I'm falling back into my good behaviors. Now I just need to keep it going. I really want to get to (or close to) 181 by the end of the year so I feel like I've accomplished something in 2014. Other than being generally fabulous. B)

    Under Calories: 6/18
    Exercise: 16/18
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy International Men's Day
    International Men's Day (IMD) is an annual international event celebrated on 19 November. Inaugurated in 1992 as 07 February by Prof Thomas Oaster,[1] the project was re-initialised in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago.[2] The longest running celebration of International men's day is Malta, where events have occurred since 07 February 1994.[3]
    International Men's Day, now standardised globally as 19 November finds support from a variety of individuals and groups in Australia, the Caribbean, North America, Asia, Europe and Africa.[4][5] Speaking on behalf of UNESCO, Director of Women and Culture of Peace Ingeborg Breines said of IMD, "This is an excellent idea and would give some gender balance." She added that UNESCO was looking forward to cooperating with the organizers.[4][5]
    The objectives of celebrating an International Men's Day include focusing on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models.[5][6][7][8] It is an occasion to highlight discrimination against men and boys and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care.[6][9][10] The broader and ultimate aim of the event is to promote basic humanitarian values.

    International Men's Day

    “No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.” ~Bill Phillips

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Karen~I’m actually older (not by much), but I’m okay pretending that you're older. :wink: :smile: I grew up in NY and when I was in HS there were two types of diplomas you could earn—general education and Regents designation. So you either took local exams or standardized exams put on by the Board of Regents—to qualify for the Regents exams, more credit hours were required in the core courses (so not a lot of wiggle room for the electives you would rather take:frowning:). The exams were timed and tough—I remember taking the English exam thinking my hand would fall off from all the writing we had to do. :lol: Of course, this was nearly 30 years ago—I know they still administer Board of Regents exams, but bet requirements have changed. The bean soup sounds yummy – thanks for sharing the recipe! :yum:

    @Soosun~A baby all wrapped up in time for Christmas, how fun. :

    @Kaye~Glad your knee is feeling better, good idea to get some ice cleats.

    @Teresa~We’ve been unseasonably cold lately too, we’re back in the 60s today. Could be worse, we could live in upstate NY where they got 4 feet of snow! :astonished:

    @Robin~Hooray for stocking up on healthy stuff. Hope your hip heals up soon!

    AFM~Session with trainer last night, back to dead lifts (hadn't done those in a while). It felt good to warm up in the sauna beforehand though, that thing comes in handy on cold days. Chiro tonight for therapy on my Achilles. My Wednesday wish is that for those that are sick or injured, heal quickly! I’ve changed my stats for the calories part of the November all-in challenge slightly—I’ve been far under a few days and I think its just as detrimental as going over.

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:


    Exercise Goals 11/16-11/22:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Finish Housework DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day
    Friday~Rest Day
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Hump Day!!! Yes, I have completely fallen off the face of the earth. LOL!! Things are going well, but super busy. I'm in my final days with Capriotti's. The last day is Friday!! It's been a little tough. Everyone (minus a few higher level people) have been awesome and telling me how much they'll miss me. It is bittersweet. While I will miss so many people, I know I'm making the best move for me and Cyrus.

    Packing is well underway. The house is about 75% done. I fly out Friday, 11/28 to Atlanta. My car is being picked up on 12/1 for transport from Vegas to Atlanta. Movers are coming 12/9. Sister Sharon will be staying back with Cyrus. He finishes school on 12/19 and I have him on a plane with Izzy (the dog) on 12/20. Oh boy!! Our furniture is scheduled to arrive sometime between 12/12-22. I'll get a closer day once it's on the truck and heading back east. Mom and Dad are coming as well to help us unpack. Woo Hoo!! To say my parents are excited to get us back on the east coast and the south is an understatement. They're so glad we're coming back home. We are too.

    I've also been in the process of finding a rental. With the help of my realtor who sold me my house before, I've rented a place sight unseen. Seriously. I had no other choice. I trust my realtor completely and she's been an angel helping with everything. The house is 7 miles from my new office, which is imperative. One thing about moving back to Atlanta I didn't want was the hour plus commutes I use to drive. This is perfect. Plus, Cyrus will be attending River Trail M.S., which is #3 in the state of GA so I'm really pleased with that too. Everything is coming together.

    I land 11/28 and going to drop my stuff off then head straight to Toccoa where my best friend lives. Hospice is just keeping her husband comfortable at this point. I saw them over the Halloween weekend, but hoping to see him next weekend too. Praying he hangs in there. It's just been heart wrenching to watch. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

    I really miss you guys and I'm so sorry I haven't been following your life too. Things will settle down and I'll be back I promise.

    Have an AWESOME day!!!!

  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    L2T- "generally fabulous"--LOL! Thanks for your Monday confession. I need to weigh daily, too. I stopped and got lazy about logging for the last couple months and also gained.

    Kaye- I hope your knee heals well and your ice shoe thingys come soon.

    Skinny- I have a cold this week too. Also tried to deny it. Now I'm just defying it. ;)

    I signed up at the Y for their "Ho Ho Hold Your Weight" incentive program on Monday night. It goes from 11/17 through January-something. You weigh in at the beginning and the end, with an option to also weigh in at the mid-point. Everyone pays $25, and if you maintain or lose weight over the holidays, you get a $20 gas card at the end. I also got a little YMCA zipper pouch for signing up. I think having a financial investment will help me stay motivated. My friend was with me when I signed up, but I couldn't convince her to do it with me. She's thinking she has enough motivation with her new treadmill and the fact that she is going to be a maid of honor for her mother's wedding this summer.

    I'm getting back on the weigh-myself-every-day routine, too. I just need that daily to succeed.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Just jumping in to say Hi everyone. I am staying on task so far with my busy week. Today is getting the yard done before the rain gets here. The tree is up and the lights are on it. Now I will start putting on the decorations a little at a time over the next few days. The kittens are of course fascinated by the tree but it sits pretty close to my desk where I spend the majority of my time in the house so I have a spray bottle sitting there ready to go.

    Kaye: I am happy to hear the knee doesnt sound to serious. Great idea getting the gear for walking on ice.

    Skinny: I am sorry you have caught a cold. They just suck. Hope you fell better soon.

    Robin: I hope your hip isnt giving you to much trouble. I feel your pain on overbuying your storage space. I seem to do that alot when I go shopping, lol.

    Susan: I am so happy for you and Cyrus. I am sure you will be happier back there closer to family.

    Well i better get to work if I am going to beat the weather. Have a great day everyone :)
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @susan - I am so excited for you and Cyrus! Sounds like this move will be great for both of you. If I remember correctly, you're going to work for Honey Baked Ham. Oh YUM. Maybe one day you'll be in Charlotte for work since we have a few stores here.

    WELCOME BACK to the South! We missed you. :D

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Susan, great going there in making your life what you want it.
    The bean soup reminds me of a recipe I have called Senate Soup. I think it is made in the Senate Cafeteria every Thursday. Same recipe basically, but they add a cube of butter. Oh is it every good, not dietetic, hahaha, but darn good. I made it every few weeks in the winter when we had all the kids at home along with corn muffins and Waldorf Salad. It was good!
    Walking cleats sound like someone is really dedicated. Maybe you could rent a recumbant bike while you are off walking? I love mine and it was so comfortable before I had my knee replacement.
    So busy today counting my fat calories I almost over did my overall calories. As a result I had a cup of chicken noodle/ vegetaable soup and 3 ounces of turkey. Feel full but have some rice cakes for mid night munchies. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Everyone, I haven't posted much lately, but I enjoy reading all your posts. It is so encouraging to hear what you all have to say, good and not so good. It helps me to know I'm not the only one going through this struggle. Although this time I'm more focused and by faithfully following my 1200 calorie diet and recording everything daily on MFP the pounds are coming off. I'm a little stressed about the next month or two. Thanksgiving, then Dec 6 - 12 I'll be on a cruise. What a challenge that will be, although my friend that I'm going with has had a lot of bone cancer in her jaw and face and has to be very careful with her food so we many not be eating in the dining room every night. Going to the salad bar, etc. will help. I'm seriously considering taking my scales with me as I am like so many of you, I need to weigh daily. Then of course there's the Christmas holidays! I know from what you all have been posting that if I slip up I can still pick myself up and start fresh!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I came out about even on my calories today. I really miss walking. My knee is getting better but still quite painful. It will be a few more days of no walking. Thanks for all of your concern and good wishes.
    Susan, congratulations on the move. I admire your confidence in pursuing the life that is best for you and Cyrus. I hope it goes well.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just checking in and to catch up. It has been a very crazy week and it may just get worst. Right now I am being the listener to a couple of different people, I think I need a degree in Psychology. At this point, I am starting to think being single is a good thing.

    Susan- Good luck with your move.

    Karen- Glad the cold is not going full blast.

    Wish- That all my friends who are dealing with problems can find a solution.

    As for me, I am doing okay. I have taken 2 days off this week from exercise so I need to back to it. Yesterday was a meeting then met up with a friend. Today, I opted to go out to dinner instead of working out tonight. Tomorrow, I have tentative plans to go out with a co-worker after work so not sure if I make it to the gym.

    I also wish that one day this weekend the weather will be warm enough to go bike riding.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @laurie--I second your weather wish. We are supposed to be warmer this weekend, but with the blustery cold and snow flurries the past few days, it's hard to have faith in the forecast. I've also been lax with exercise due to meetings and this darn cold.

    @bap--yes, the holidays can be a struggle for all of us. Just try to stay really conscious of your food choices. If you go over with calories, try to make up for it with some extra movement. The past couple of years I was happy to just maintain through the season. This year I want to really push myself to try to lose weight. It will be tough, but I can't succeed unless I try right? Where will you be cruising? Someplace warm, I hope.

    @soosun--Yes, some butter in the soup would certainly add richness. Hubby bought the take and bake ciabatta from target, and I had the calories, so I indulged in some warm bread and butter with my soup last night.

    @tammy--It will be fun to hear the updates on how the kittens do with the tree.

    @amanda--hope you are feeling better soon. I'm right there with you as far as defying the cold. I honestly just don't have time for such nonsense.

    @susan--so excited for you and cyrus!!

    @kelley--haha about pretending you are younger. My friends and I from school all pretend we're 22 at every b-day--it's an ongoing joke--and when I used to advise the yearbook, my editors caught wind of it. On my 40th birthday, they came to school early and decorated my classroom with streamers and balloons and a big sign that said "Happy 22nd Birthday." Later, one editor told me that a boy in another of my classes asked her, "Did you know Ms. M is only 22? I thought she was like 27 or 28!" Hilarious--teenagers have no idea how old we are. Anything over 18 is ancient to them.

    @kaye--I assume most people add carrots and celery to soups and stews automatically. I don't care for carrots b/c IMO their sweetness overpowers anything they touch. I'm like a toddler with them--one of the few foods I will actually pick out of my meals. The other is celery b/c I have the genetic cluster that actually allows me to taste celery and other plants in that family, like coriander (cilantro). I spent years thinking people were crazy b/c they would say "celery doesn't have any taste." Then I learned about the aversion in my HS biology class when we were talking about other hereditary oddities, like being able to roll your tongue (I can't BTW). It explained everything!

    Wednesday Wish:
    I hope this cold continues to subside (it's a bit better today), and that others who are sick or injured heal quickly as well.

    Today was a long, tiring day and I'm glad we are closer to the weekend. I did some grading after school, but not much. It was way too windy to walk gunner and still not feeling quite up for the gym Hoping tomorrow is better since I don't have anything scheduled after work.

    Goal tomorrow is to finish the vocab.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 20/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1
    3. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    Bap I have a lady friend who eats three normal bites of anything at every meal; that way she doesn't over eat, but still eats everything and does not feel deprived. It could be a good thing on a cruise. Oh and you will be walking a lot on all those decks and you can take the stairs too and it will be so much fun Plus swimming pools galore on those ships. Where are you cruising. I did LA to Acapulco for ten days on honeymoon and it was at Christmas time too. Have a wonderful time!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update before another crazy work day.

    Under Calories: 7/19
    Exercise: 17/19
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth- I don't have time for this runny-nose nonsense either, Skinny! I have to travel about an hour away from home today for a leadership seminar for work. I think I may be anxious about it....I dreamt this morning that I was at the seminar. I dreamt I was late, I was wearing winter boots because there was eight feet of snow everywhere (no- the seminar is not near Buffalo), and I had to weigh in before the seminar began! Also, when I got inside the conference room, everyone was already broken into small groups and I didn't know where to sit...and when I figured it out, I had to sit with a table full of friends from high school, but they were mad that I was late, so they didn't include me in our project. CRAZY!
    Oh well, I know things should go better in real life today! ;)

    The sun is shining, so the drive should be nice and my cold is hanging in there, but I'm packing cough drops and tissues. Bring it on, Busy Day! :smiley:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    @BAP~I cruise once or twice a year and the most weight I have ever gained is three pounds, on my last cruise I lost five! :astonished: It is much healthier to eat in the dining room than at the buffet—the buffet has A LOT of unhealthy items, in the dining room the portions are controlled and there are always healthy items to choose from. We always had a big breakfast (mostly protein) and went to the MDR for dinner, if we did have lunch it was on the ship and had salad at the buffet (just make sure to add protein and skip the creamy dressings). If we had dessert, it was only at dinner. If I had bread I always chose wheat and only one serving. I don’t drink soda and drink my coffee black, so saved calories there—I had one or two cosmos a day though. Now, we walked A TON—between the ship and our excursions we averaged 8 miles a day. So my advice is don’t stress over it—stay out of the buffet, choose your foods wisely and stay active. You follow that you’ll keep from gaining and you’ll have fun! :wink: Oh, you don’t need to bring your scale—you can weigh yourself in the fitness center, just make sure to weigh yourself the first day so you know your starting weight on the ship as it will differ from your scale at home.

    @Karen~LOL An old HS friend of mine has her Facebook set up such that she always turns 29! :smile: I’m glad your cold is better.

    @Susan~I am so happy for you and this move, hard to believe it’s just next week! Eeek!! I hope Cyrus is excited too. I know your parents will be glad to have you closer to them. I live an hour from my parents, we don’t visit as often as we should but it’s nice that they’re close by.

    @Laurie~I, too, wish for nice weather this weekend so I can get outside to do some stuff. The temp is supposed to be around 70 on Saturday but we’re expecting severe storms unfortunately. :frowning:

    @Hansea~Good for you signing up for the challenge at the Y, good motivation to not gain weight over the holidays!

    AFM~My Thursday Truth is that I am eating far more carbs than I generally do—think that’s why I am maintaining and not seeing a shift in the scale. I’m not eating sweets but I’ve gravitated towards egg sandwiches or eggs and tortillas for breakfast—need to break this cycle and get back to no carbs for breakfast! It will be interesting to see my results for the resting metabolic test on Saturday--bet I find out I need to cut way back on carbs. :sob:

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    Calories: 15/30
    Exercise Goals: 19/30 (Goal is to stick to my weekly plan)

    Exercise Goals 11/16-11/22:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Finish Housework DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day (Chiro) DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day

    Mouse Update~My neighbor emailed last night and said the HOA exterminator set traps and caught two RATS! Not mice, but rats—I’m no expert but they’re bigger! :confounded: Okay, I'm sure they aren't the size of NYC sewer rats, but still. :fearful: I haven’t caught anything in my traps in the attic—starting to think I may need to bait for bigger vermin or borrow my admins Eagle. :smiling_imp:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's Truth....I am starting to walk at lunch again and have made it every day this week. My walking partner stopped showing up so I stopped doing it after my vacation. I love holiday time for the music, decorations, x-mas movies.
    @Kah- long story made short Yes I needed math to graduate but no specific type of class so when I kept flunking pre-algebra I started taking all science instead.
    @Robbins- Congrats on stocking up and finding away to make your breakfast instead. Sorry to hear about your hip prayers less pain till your appointment
    @Teresa- Your temp in your post made me chuckle....I live in MN winters range from -10 to 15 deg. So your 40 is heat wave to me.
    @Susan- Good luck with the move
    @Hansea- Good luck with the Ho Ho Ho challenge
    @Skinny- Hope you feel better soon. My business degree requires algebra and accounting and statistics. Good thing I can pay bill and balance really good (well at least at work).
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the moning to everyone.

    Happy Universal Children's Day
    By resolution 836(IX) of 14 December 1954, the General Assembly recommended that all countries institute a Universal Children's Day, to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children. It recommended that the Day was to be observed also as a day of activity devoted to promoting the ideals and objectives of the Charter and the welfare of the children of the world. The Assembly suggested to governments that the Day be observed on the date and in the way which each considers appropriate. The date 20 November, marks the day on which the Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, in 1989.

    Universal Children's Day

    “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time.” ~Charles Kettering

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @hansea47 - That is my laugh for the day.
    @Soosun - Love that your friend can be so disciplined. I may take that with me on Thanksgiving.
    @Susan2396 - Hope the move goes smoothly and the only things that get broken are the ones you didn't really want anyway.
    @Robin - Heal, heal, heal!!!!

    Thursday Truth - I have NSV's today.
    750 steps on the stair treadmill in 15 minutes
    Regular size 18 jeans not 18W
    Down a total of 86 pounds
    Down 10 inches in 4 weeks

    My glass is 1/2 full today.
    Thank you all for being there.

    November All-In Challenge
    Food 17/19
    Fitness 17/19