Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- your post about the 80/20 rule was interesting. I never think in terms of the percentage of time I'm making good food choices, but I definitely have become too quick to excuse a bad food choice b/c I'm out at a restaurant, or it's a "special occasion." I need to get back to making healthy choices despite the situation. I'm going to practice this over the next few days while traveling with my sister.

    @birgit-- congrats on that NSV! I really love where I live, but I do wish we had some interesting hiking trails nearby. When I'm running, I LOVE being a flatlander, but not so much when I'm walking.

    @katrena-- congrats on your NSVs as well. I hope you have a great trip to Nova Scotia.

    @jennie-- congrats on meeting your goal and woohoo for trampoline fun!!

    @RunningOnWontons -- I totally get what you mean about wanting the weight loss to be steady. I feel the same way, but my experience has been that it was fairly steady until I got down under 200 lbs; after that it was a lot of 2 steps forward and 1 step back to get down into the 180s where I maintained for a couple of years. My goal is to get back there over the next few months. I have a trip to Florida planned for my birthday at the end of Sept, and I would like to be back to the low 180s by that time. Looks like we are on a similar timeline==we can do this!!

    @barb-- do you have a smartphone? If so, you can download a free app like Map My Walk to track your mileage. There are also ways you can make your mileage help a charity. I use an app called Wooftrax for all of my walking and running (whether I'm with my dog or not), and it helps the shelter where we got Gunner. We will make it so the challenge can be steps or miles--that way everyone can participate in whatever way works best. I have a fitbit, but I am actually more interested in tracking my mileage.

    @linda-- I also will not make my goal, but we are both closer to it than when we started. :smile: There's a lot of research showing that sleep affects weight. Our bodies actually burn quite a few calories while we sleep and not getting enough can really interfere with weight loss. I've suffered from sleep issues most of my life. I cannot fall asleep before midnight, but most of the time, once I'm asleep, I have no other issues. In the summer, that's not a problem b/c I don't have to get up for work, but during the school year, I rarely get more than 6 hours/night and sometimes less. I also have occasional bouts of insomnia where I just can't fall asleep at all, and I can't take any type of sleep aid b/c I've had sleep paralysis in the past, and sleep aids can trigger an episode. :/

    Saturday Success:
    My success this week is that I went shopping for some new summer tops and I didn't feel like a big blob trying on clothes. Even though I'm not any smaller than the last time I went shopping, I think my mindset is just better right now. Another success was that I saw 197.8 on the scale this morning, so it's still moving in the right direction. :smile:

    As I mentioned above to niki, I'm traveling with my sister over the next few days. We are going to Grand Rapids to a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert tomorrow night, and then we will just spend Monday seeing the town and checking out some of the breweries. I'm going to really work to make decent food choices and get in a lot of walking. My sister also likes to eat healthy and exercise, so we will be good support for one another.

    I probably won't be on the thread until we get back Tuesday, so I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 - 202.5
    7. June 7 - 201.6
    8. June 14 - 200.2
    9. June 21 - 199.6
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -.7
    Weight -/+ total: -.2
  • FourLynne62
    FourLynne62 Posts: 78 Member
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    So, the last 2-3 weekends were spent at the hospital. My mother and a sister both were hospitalized with high BP issues, and mom had a mini-stroke. Both are doing well now and out of the hospital. Mom is even back to driving again (very short distances), so she's a happy camper. I've been super stressed, and work stress & marital issues are not helping either. Despite these challenges, I know in my heart I need to check myself. Unfortunately, I allowed the stress of these situations to get to me. It is showing on my weigh in this morning. Time to get back in check and get with it!
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have an old teddybear that has a sign that reads, "If stress were a diet, I'd be a size 2." :lol:

    Lucky Teddy! For myself, stress was more likely to inflame my appetite than suppress it.

    @Karen, Hope toy and your sister enjoy your special day together.

    AFM... Now that there is a sizeble amount of decluttering and organizing done this month, I'm working on my motivation and commitment to keeping up with the project.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks, @skinnyjeanzbound . I do feel like the rate of my weight loss may be slowing down a bit, and so it makes it hard to project where I'll be in a couple months' time. But we can both DEFINITELY get there! Vacations are great motivators, I think. I'm going to the beach in NC for a week this September, and while I'm there I really, really want to wear some other bathing suit besides my old maternity one! :D

    I totally second what you were saying to @linda about sleep, too. I think sleep issues were one of my biggest obstacles to beginning this weight loss process. And even now, it seems that the weeks when I have the least successful nights of trying to get enough rest are the weeks where my weight stalls or begins to slowly climb.
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    I have a horrible summer cold. My new stomach is protesting the drainage. Waking up congested and nauseous can't eat and having trouble getting my fluids in. I only got about 500 calories. Maybe 40 oz to drink! Lightheaded and nauseous is no way to spend the weekend.
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Last year I around Halloween I made a contentment that I would get below 200 before new year's. I made it! But now it's July and I've gotten down to 193 but can't get below 190 and it's because I have the 200 lb maker in my head. When ever I fall of the wagon I get serious when I get at our above 200. So now I've decided that 195 is my new ceiling. I keep hearing "you shall not pass!!!" Echoing though my head. So here is to 195 being the new 200!
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)

    I love hearing where everyone is for so as part my Sunday share I'll give some details.

    I live in California in the San Francisco bay area. I'm 34 years old with a wonderfully supportive husband, two girls (6 & 3) and a pit/lab mix. We are just starting on an addition to our house that where we are moving our kitchen to and redoing the whole down stairs. Within the next two weeks we will be losing our kitchen (really all of the downstairs) for about 3 months. I work in IT at a desk job and finding the time to"move" has been a challenge.

    My goals area to able to eat what I want but in smaller portions so that I can lose weight without cooking two dinners.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 5,911 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Rachael
    Age: 36
    Height: 5' 6"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 292.3
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): <285.0

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 290.8 (-1.5)
    2. May 3: 294.8 (+4)
    3. May 10: 292.8 (-2)
    4. May 17: 292.8 (0)
    5. May 24: 292.8 (0)
    6. May 31: 293.2 (+0.5)
    7. June 7: 293.4 (+0.2)
    8. June 14: 295.4 (+2)
    9. June 21: 296.7 (+1.3)
    10. June 28: 298.1 (+1.4)
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ total: +5.8

    Heat makes things expand. I am not fat. I am HOT!

    -From hot n' humid FL <3 Rach, m.p.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Heat makes things expand. I am not fat. I am HOT!


    That made me smile. I'm HOT, too. :) In my case, even with some weight loss happening, my measurements (waist, ribcage) have been unchanged since May. What the heck is with that????

  • teresaglz21
    teresaglz21 Posts: 77 Member
    Name: Teresa
    Age: 27
    Height: 5' 8"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 298.5
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 275

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26- 296
    2. May 3- 293.6
    3. May 10 -291.9
    4. May 17 - 291.6
    5. May 24 - 288.4
    6. May 31 - 286.2
    7. June 7 - 285.2
    8. June 14 - 283.6
    9. June 21 - 286.4
    10. June 28 - 282.8
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.6
    Weight -/+ total: -15.7

    *caution mention of womanly problems ahead*

    I weighed in a little early and super late. I didn't log in last week because i gained 3 pounds and i was horrified :( it wasn't until my time of the month started i noticed I've been craving food and keeping water weight. It dawn on me that's why i gained so much in a week. I've never had any symptoms in regards to Aunt Flow. but she never came to visit regularly... now that's its been 3 months in a row, i'm not happy for the symptoms but i am happy that i'm getting healthier. That my body is starting to function like normal. So i wont be reaching my goal this challenge but I am grateful to be healthy is my new normal. I'll log in again on Saturday :) and please let me know if you have another challenge :D
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @teresa-- I also get those awful food cravings every month accompanied by a small gain of 3-5 lbs. It stinks, but at least I know it's only temporary water weight. :/

    @descene --congrats on 50 lbs lost!! What a great milestone! I remember losing 60 lbs and not feeling any different. Then one day I caught a glimpse of my reflection as I was walking into a store, and I didn't realize it was me at first. The person in the window looked completely foreign to me she was so much thinner than I pictured myself, but then I got used to that image and now that I'm 10 lbs heavier I feel like I look horribly fat. :( We are truly our own worst critics.

    @BarneyRubbleMD --You've lost a "marathon"!That's the runner in me at work, I guess. LOL! Congrats on a great loss over these 10 weeks!

    @rach-- You are a riot!! :lol:

    @trinati-- OMG--I do the same thing with the 200 ceiling! I need to follow your lead--195 is now the max! (now I just need to get under that max). Oh, and I love your LOTR reference! Gandalf will now be my inner voice. LOL

    @pneschich --Sorry you are sick--feel better!

    @niki-- we had a blast--thanks! I'm also in the process of de-cluttering. My neighbors took our old bedroom furniture, and they moved it out while I was gone, so that was a nice surprise. Tomorrow I have a Purple Heart pick up scheduled--I have 6 bags of stuff to put out for them. Yay!

    @RunningOnWontons --When I was at my heaviest, I wore a maternity tankini--and I've never even had children! :blush:

    Sunday Share: (a few days late)
    I'm karen, an English lit teacher from Chicago. I now live in the northern suburbs with my husband and boxer/shepherd mix named gunner.

    My sister trip to Grand Rapids was so much fun. We arrived about 3 on Sunday, went to Hopcat Brewery for dinner and then to the concert. Red Hot Chili Peppers were amazing!!! I saw them once decades ago--Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic tour--and they were as good as I remembered. The venue was really nice too. I'm used to very large amphitheaters in Chicago that seat 20k+; Van Andel Arena in GR seats about 10-12k. It was so clean and we didn't feel like cattle being herded around trying to get to our seats or the restrooms. If any of you have a chance to go to a show there, I highly recommend it.

    Monday we spent just walking around to different shops, and then a friend who was at her summer home nearby came to meet us for cocktails. Today we had breakfast and headed for home. Just a really relaxing and fun couple of days. Although we did indulge in some treats, we kept it reasonable and did so much walking that I'm pretty sure there was no damage done. On Sunday, I logged over 15k steps and 29 floors, and Monday over 10k steps and 28 floors. The scale will tell the tale when I weigh in tomorrow or Thursday.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    Start Weight (week of May 24): 199.8
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 193

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    5. May 24 -199.8
    6. May 31 - 202.5
    7. June 7 - 201.6
    8. June 14 - 200.2
    9. June 21 - 199.6
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -.7
    Weight -/+ total: -.2
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi all, hope your week is going well ... mine has been hectic ... too much to do before my move; haven't even got a chance to read all the postings; sorry!

    I had a good week in terms of loss weight and have some new NSVs:

    a. Body fat reduced by like 10% since I started my weight loss journey.
    b. My wedding band that I have not used in like 4 years because didn't fit is lose now.
    c. I was able to do yesterday an interval walk/run workout ... I never could run before.
    d. Reached the mid-point of my weight loss goal!

    Also, found about 20 shirts that I could not wear and they all fit ... so I will save myself some money and use those.

    Below this week's weight; passed my goal ... with a couple days to spare :smile:

    Name: Ana
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 188.3 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 170 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - 183.4
    2. May 3 - 182.1
    3. May 10 - 181.0
    4. May 17 (*) - 177.8
    5. May 24 (*) - 176.5
    6. May 31 (*) - 175.1
    7. June 7 (*) - 172.9
    8. June 14 (*) - 172.3
    9. June 21 - 170.7
    10. June 28 - 166.3
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: - 4.4
    Weight -/+ total: - 22
    Weight loss so far: - 63.3

    (*) will be in Italy ... land of wine and gelato (and as regret to have discovered, amazing bread too!)
  • dmorrical
    dmorrical Posts: 16 Member
    Name: Desi
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'5

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 333
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 313

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 -330.6
    2. May 3 -323.8
    3. May 10 -322.6
    4. May 17 -320.8
    5. May 24 -317.6
    6. May 31 -316.8
    7. June 7 -315.6
    8. June 14 -314.8
    9. June 21 -312.2
    10. June 28 -311.6
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ for week 0.6 lbs
    Weight -/+ total 21.4 lbs
  • sand86802
    sand86802 Posts: 125 Member
    Name: Helene
    Height: 5'4

    SW: 276.4
    GW: <260 (that would be my lowest weight since 2012!)

    April 26: 276.4
    May 3: 275.2
    May10: 272
    May 17: 274.2
    May 24: 272.4
    May 31: 271.2
    June 7: 271.8
    June 14: 266.6
    June 21: 269.2
    June 28: 262
    July 1:

    Weight +/- this week: -7.2
    Weight +/- total:-14.4

    So last week I changed the batteries on my scale and put it back where it used to be and poof! 5lbs came off just like that LOL. I must say I really liked that. I will weigh in again on the 1st and who knows maybe I can make my goal? Even if I dont I am pretty happy at how far I am. My lowest weight in 6+ years was actually 120kg aka 264.5lbs so I am under that!

    On another note I am off work until the end of next week. I had the scan yesterday and just that little bit of movement/walking meant I could barely walk anymore so I went to see my doctor and he put me on sick leave until I get the result. My boss was pretty pissed because apparently I should have warned him sooner so he could make alternate plans. Well guess what buddy, I dont plan my sick leave. You knew literally 7 min after I did. He even dared to call me unprofessional. In 2 years I have always warned him weeks in advance whenever I have needed time off for appointments and/or surgery so it was a huge blow.

    He did make my decision of leaving much easier and guilt-free though. Whenever I go back to work I will quit now. And I dont think I will give him more than the legal 2 weeks notice.

    Sorry for the rant I am still fuming about that.
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Ready for Summer challenge

    Name: Robin
    Age: 51
    Height: 5'3"

    Start Weight (April 19): 262.6
    Goal Weight (July 1): 249.9

    Weigh in week of:
    1. April 26 - 261
    2. May 3 - 261
    3. May 10 - 259.4
    4. May 17 - 257.6
    5. May 24 - 255.8
    6. May 31 - 254.6
    7. June 7 - 253.8
    8. June 14 - 253.6
    9. June 21 - 252.2
    10. June 28 - 250.6
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 -

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.6
    Weight -/+ challenge total: -12
    Weight -/+ overall total: -35.2

    I am a mere 0.7 pounds away from goal with 3 days to achieve it. It's going to take hard work, but I have faith in myself that I can do it! I was about 3 pounds away on the last challenge so even if I don't make it, I at least got closer than last time. Except one week where I stayed the same, every week I recorded a loss; no matter how small ~ that in itself is something to be proud of.

    There seems to be significant interest in another challenge with step and water goals included. How are we setting goals for these challenges?
    For water, how many days we reached our goal? Example: 6/7 meaning 6 days out of 7 we met our goal, etc.
    For steps, are we doing the same, how many days we reached our goal? Or an actual target number, like 300,000 steps and record our total steps for the week.

    I've never done a step or water challenge so I am not sure how those work.

    Next, should we decide on a time frame? Labor Day challenge? July 1 through September 4th? I know we have more than just Americans on the thread but wanted to throw something out there to get things started.

    I'd be more than happy to volunteer again to keep track of everyone's progress, however I will be on vacation for two weeks and will not have the abilities to keep up during that time.

    Until next time; wishing everyone Peace B) , Love <3 and Weight Loss :smiley: !!