Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Welcome Newbies - glad you've joined us!
    - Welcome oldies.

    Scarlet Letter - hated reading it but loved the movie altho kinda trashy and not true to the book.

    How's everyone doing on the November Challenge?

    Should we keep the Challenge the Same for December of change it to something a trifle different for the Holiday Season? Hmmmm?
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Hi. I need to lose 80 lbs., but can I join? I saw a post from the OP on another thread saying to jump on. :)

    I am currently 203-ish. I had weighted in at 202.4, then the next day, up to 203 and I feel like this is where I keep getting this weight...and I never believe I'll go under. And somehow, seeing that higher number on the scale, even given the fact of daily fluctuations, is what does me in and then I binge. I just did...on McDonald's, of all things. :( WTF is wrong with me???

    I wasn't always fat. In fact, I never weighed more than 125 until I was 36 years old and had just had my second child. I did this through dieting, though. My natural inclination has always been to overeat.

    I HAVE TO start weighing weekly instead of daily again, because these fluctuations are ALWAYS what set me off.

    Sorry to jump right in with my life story...feeling terrible about myself right now...I am going to leave my husband, but I must have a job first (and yes, he knows this is the plan...not jumping ship and surprising him or anything)...and I equally know that I won't be hired as a fat person...especially in Los Angeles. least that I'll have a harder time of it.

    Just a hard night all around, saw that up-weight, told my husband this is final, am scared, don't know how I'm going to support the kids's just hard...just in tears today all 'round.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Oh...just saw at the beginning of the thread that Friday is supposed to be about I did Pilates. I am trying to keep my muscle while losing fat (if I ever do!!).
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Welcome newbies, hello past n' present ... haven't been on this week but thought this morning was good to go with some Saturday Success - NSV.

    I read something in regard to which weight to record in the MFP diary ...
    "Valid weigh-in days only. Morning after rest day eating normal sodium levels, not sore from last workout."

    And with that advice in my mind I have managed to stay off my scale since my last Check-in day (Monday). I've learned something in the process ... how to "feel" my body. Without my scale to let me know how much water weight I might be adding or losing I'm tuning in to how my feet and fingers feel, how puffy or not my face looks, and most importantly, how empty or bloated my stomach feels. I'm really liking the new body awareness, yet have to admit that I feel anticipation building for Monday morning.

    November challenge wise ... not doing so very well. My calorie intake has been in the maintenance range and I'm planning to stay there for the rest of the month. I don't actually plan out my meals to reach the maintenance TDEE, I stop eating when I feel satisfied and then record what I ate. Another reason I'm in anticipation of Monday morning.

    Will talk at you again on Monday.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good Saturday morning everyone.

    Welcome to the new people.

    Humane Society Anniversary Day
    The Humane Society is currently celebrating 60 years of protecting animals in all shapes and sizes from abuse. They are dedicated to advocating a public policy that will prevent cruelty to animals, as well as upholding existing laws for their protection and educating the public on the issue.
    Every animal lover owes it to the Humane Society to celebrate their anniversary as a way to show thanks for all the hard work they do!
    Wikipedia The Humane Society of the United States

    Humane Society

    “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” ~George Herman “Babe” Ruth

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Morning. I'm back from my resting metabolic assessment (RMA) at my gym and currently indulging in a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks--don't mind the fat from the milk but wish they had a sugar free version as this will put my sugar over the top for the day. I allow myself one a year and this it so I will enjoy. :smiley:

    The RMA was interesting as my metabolism has taken a nose-dive, disappointed but not surprised. I've been having symptoms last couple of weeks suggesting my thyroid meds may need adjusting and I'm under calories/BMR far too often which we all know can impact metabolism negatively. :frowning: So, I've dropped my calories to 1,800 for now--dietitian wants to review the results and compare them to my last RMA to make sure it isn't too drastic.

    Meanwhile, I'm off for a session with my trainer. Lots of running around to do today too.

    @Robin~I'm not sure how anyone else feels, but I'd like to keep our current challenge through December.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Robin and everyone I agree with Kah68 (is your name Kelly?) that the current challenge is a good one. I have a way to go to perfect my execution of it, so to keep at it would be good for me and from what I have read maybe for others as well.
    Happy Healthy weekend.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Was out and about all day. Ate at the California Pizza Kitchen. I ordered from the diet menu and loved the chili relleno with portabello mushrooms, 380 calories. Ordered hot water with lemon to drink.. Walked for two hours around themall then stopped at Sprouts for a Kind bar 190 calories. Came home and ate homemade chicken enchilada square with 2 cups of spinach and one up of cantaloupe. 1 ounce of sweet and salty pretzels. Total for the day 1200. I am impressed, but went over by 5 for fat grams. But nice to try and make good decisions, concentrted on best bang for the buck. Weigh in on Monday morning and excited to see if I lost my Texas weight. I was 170 when I came home last week looking forward to seeing a drop. Dieting is always one step ahead plannning......makes my head hurt sometimes. hahaha
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    LA-Welcome. Sorry your life is in chaos right now but it will get better. I can tell you from experience I spent between 6 months to a year hovering between 200-210 and it would change daily. So I understand your frustration. My best advice is to keep up with your eating plan, maybe reduce your calories or increase your exercise intensity level. The weight will drop again just keep plugging away. Take your measurements since you could be making progress in inches lost instead of on the scale. You will eventually learn that the daily weight changes are a part of our natural cycle so don't let them derail you. I can't begin to count the number of times that I have experience a weight of 3-5 pounds one day only to lose it again in a day or two. It will come off to stay.

    Soosun- Your recipe for chicken enchilada sounds good. Good job making healthy choices today.

    Success I had two good workouts in a row after a lackluster week. Last night climbing workout was a great arm workout since I challenged myself with 3-4 upper level climbs. For the new people, I enjoy indoor rock climbing once a week, so when I talk about upper level climbs I am talking about 5.10.a's. Easy climbs are 5.0- 5.5, Intermediate climbs 5.6 to 5.9, advance climbs 5.10.a's and higher. The levels go up to 5.12.d and maybe higher. I am not ready for anything higher than a 5.10.a or b right now but maybe in time. I still have a lot to learn about climbing.

    Today, I swam even through my arms were killing me which made freestyle even harder than usual. At least I went to swim practice this morning. This afternoon, I spent another 40 minutes raking leaves. I will be happy when all the leaves are off the tree so I can stop raking this fall. Alas, I still have one or two more days of raking ahead of me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    edited November 2014
    NK- Thanks for the advice on weigh in days, it is a good perspective to keep in mind.

    Robin I am good for keeping the challenge going. I would also encourage everyone to up their exercise level or intensity in December. That way we can burn off some extra calories.
  • Sutts2014
    Sutts2014 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there. I'm Carol from Canada. I need to lose at least 100 pounds and am looking for support and tips about how to do it. It sure seems like a tough challenge! Thanks!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @soosun—sounds like a yummy day!

    @robin—I agree with Barbara and Kelley. I need to repeat this month’s challenge. Today is my 4th day over and I haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving! For December, I want to try to meet the goal of only 3 days over. One will be Christmas Day, and I’ll have to look at the calendar to figure out the other 2 days. Probably our faculty holiday party and one more. I hope your hip is feeling better and you can get your other cortisone shot soon. Oh, and I’ve never seen the Demi Moore SL movie b/c I heard they butchered the ending.

    @carol & LA—welcome!

    @laurie—great job with the workouts the past two days!

    @kelley—enjoy your PSL!! I’ve discovered their new chestnut praline latte. Had a very small sample of the full fat version and it was divine! Have only had the non-fat, no whip version since, and it’s still very good. Like you, I allow myself one full fat/sugar holiday beverage. Usually it’s the salted caramel latte, but I may go with the new CPL this year. Hope you figure out the thyroid meds and get that metabolism amped up again.

    @tom—I love the Humane Society—glad we have a day to celebrate their work.

    @niki—I hope your new approach of eating at maintenance gives you positive results.

    @barbara—I’m so excited that you are re-reading SL!!

    Saturday Success:
    Despite my week of no exercise, my weight has stayed in the lower 180s—this morning at 183 (my ticker weight), so looking forward to dipping below that. Hoping it happens before Thanksgiving dinner.

    As I mentioned above to robin, I was over calories today. I had to go judge a speech tournament in the morning, and packed some healthy snacks for breakfast. Then I met a friend who lives near the tournament and we went to a local diner for “second breakfast” as the Hobbits would say. I had a healthy spinach and feta omelet, but indulged in some pancakes and ate a bit of the hash browns as well.

    What pushed me over however, was the roast beef along with some fresh bread and butter my DH made for dinner. I went to the gym and ran a couple of miles and did some weights and core work in the afternoon, and when I got home I was really, really hungry (despite my second breakfast). I have a feeling I was underestimating my intake during the week, or perhaps my body was burning extra calories fighting my cold, but that’s the only explanation I have for why I was so hungry today. Anyway it is what it is—I can’t undo it, so I will just go forward.

    My other success is that I got back to the gym after my week off due to meetings and being sick. I also got a very restful night of sleep last night, and my cold seems to be gone—so all in all a good day.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I'm in for repeating the challenge. I kind of got derailed by my knee injury. I did much better today, logging everything and staying under calories, thanks to the pedaler. I did quite a bit of walking when I went to the local craft fair with three of my daughters, but haven't returned to walking outside yet. I still have a lot of pain. I'm making good progress on the caps and mittens.
    Welcome to the newbies. This group really inspires me and motivates me to keep pushing on.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Laurie, thank you for your kind words and the welcome!

    To everybody: What is the challenge?
  • BeadDog22
    BeadDog22 Posts: 10 Member
    I was asked to join this group by RobinsEgg. I appreciate the invitation and support. I have about 126 pounds to loose to meet my ultimate goal. I lost about 70lbs 2 years ago and then gained it all back. So now, I am right back where I started, the beginning of a long journey. I have to admit I am daunted.
  • starseed777
    starseed777 Posts: 221 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hello everyone, I hope that you are all enjoying the weekend. I joined mfp in May 2014 and have since lost over 50pounds. My goal weight is 150 pounds. I have over 100 pounds to lose. While I work out vigorously at least 4days a week, I find that keeping my carbs and sugars in check has been a bit of a challenge. I am in my 30s, log everyday, and I am motivated. I would love to join your group so that I can be inspired and motivated further. I will of course motivate as well.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Here is a copy of the All IN CHALLENGE for October.


    This month the First Challenge is to put your focus on being "ALL IN" for the month. Your efforts are focused on Keeping your calories under your daily limits every day for 30 days. (you are allowed a 100 calorie leeway in this challenge...) Also, you're allowed 2 days off - if you want. Please keep a running total of days under your calories in your posts.

    The Second Goal is "ALL IN" - in whatever capacity you can do. Put all your effort in this month. On your exercise- give it your all, in controlling your weaknesses, give it your all, whatever you work on, give it YOUR ALL!

    Newbies Welcome! This is a great thread.

    @Kaye Glad you are feeling a bit better. I hope you continue to improve and are back to normal soon. Good for you making the hats and mittens.

    All in
    16/22 for under calories....gotta keep working on this.
    5/22 for doing exercise plan....need LOTs of improvement here.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Welcome all newbies ... this is a nice thread and is very welcoming to new comers ... I joined in October and find the support given to be non-judgemental and helps me focus on the positives in this long journey to better health through weight management.

    AFM ...
    I like the challenge we had in November, as detailed above by Barbara ... and would like to continue it into December ... Come January, we may want to challenge ourselves with ways to shed any weight we gained between Halloween and New Year .... just a thought.

    calories under goal - 7/22
    attendance sheet checkmarks - 48%

    This month has been really hard ... it's my old pattern of lose and then gain working it's dark sorcery on me. I'm fighting it by feel like it's been a losing battle all month long. Am so looking forward to seeing what my weight scale says on Monday morning. Really, really, really want to jump on that thing right now but will not ... that will be one thing that I have stuck too for today, if nothing else!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Niki Hang in there my friend. Forgive yourself for any indiscretions and move on. Think positive. We can all do this. I know it is hard sometimes. Many times just coming and reading the thread and knowing I have to be accountable here helps a lot. Keep those check marks coming Niki.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Quick check in traveling day. Day 6 of my dieting on track and under calories. Today according to my past history will be sabotage day, but I am no longer in denial about this pattern. Have begun the day with good choices, will check in tomrrow and post all my good choices. Thanks for listening.