Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • laceyf53
    laceyf53 Posts: 110 Member

    Last 3 weeks I've had no weight loss. I've had a few cheat meals but nothing aggregious. Today I stepped it up and hiked 3 miles on vigorous terrain, leaving me completely exhausted but I finally worked out, something I haven't done in 3 years.

    I'm also hard core back on my diet after drifting off the past few weeks. I joined daily burn and bought myself a Garmin today. Not letting my little plateau/fall of the wagon deter me from success!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Saturday success
    I stayed under calorie goal this week. I was a bit discouraged Wednesday because I had a lot of pain in my stomach, I think because of adding too many raw veggies at once. I'm going to have to add the healthy stuff more gradually. Who would have thought it.
    I am not comfortable participating in the weigh in, but my personal goal will be a number of minutes of cumulative physical activity per day ( or maybe week to balance good days with bad) My knee pain has caused me to be too sedentary. I need a better balance between rest for recovery and activity for strength. I need to think about a reasonable number.
  • Birdygirl15
    Birdygirl15 Posts: 88 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge
    Final Result

    Name: Linda
    Age: 60
    Height: 5 ft 2

    Weight on Feb 19th - 322lbs or 23 stone in the language of my people

    Start Weight (week of April 19): 303.5lbs
    Goal Weight (Saturday, July 1st): 288.5lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26: 303.5lbs
    2. May 3: 304.5lbs
    3. May 10: 301.75 lbs
    4. May 17: 305lbs
    5. May 24: 303lbs
    6. May 31: 301.5lbs
    7. June 7: 300lbs
    8. June 14: 296.5lbs
    9. June 21: 295lbs
    10. June 28: 294lbs – Woo hoo! That’s 21 stone to me! A mini goal.

    Final weight: Sunday July 2nd: 292lbs - 20st 12lb! B)B)

    Weight -/+ this week: -3lbs
    Weight -/+ total: -11.5lbs

    Helene @sand86802 kindly said we could submit late entries today, so if she is OK with this, another pound gone to contribute to the team total. I am so pleased, after a poor performance in May. Thank you, Helene, for being the recorder!

    Must dash, wildlife walk to attend.
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    Ready for Summer 10 week challenge

    Name: Jennifer
    Age: 34
    Height: 5' 5"

    SW: 243.6 overall start weight. I'm guessing you guys started April 19th, my weight on April 19th was 236.4
    GW: Overall 140-145 For this challenge I'm just going to stay on target everyday and it is what it is. :) I'm betting that it will be right around 14.3 lbs though, so a finishing weight of 222.1.

    April 26: 237.8 (12th anniversary was this week)
    May 3: 235.1
    May10: 234.7
    May 17: 233.2
    May 24: 230.4
    May 31: 230.6 (sabotaged by someone who packed us lunch that turned out to be 3000 calories, should have asked first)
    June 7: 229.1
    June 14: 228.7
    June 21: 227.6
    June 28: 223.3
    July 1: 222.2 LOL! Off by .1. Not bad. Yesterday I weighed 221.8, so, I made it, but then ate Greek food.. lol

    Weight +/- this week: -1.1
    Weight +/- total this Challenge: -14.2 lbs
    Total Weight loss: -21.4 (Started April 1st)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Sunday Share ...
    It's July! The year 2017 has been spun into it's mid-line spin around the sun and is, in a way, on the decline as the days continue to tick by. That is cause today is day 183 and there are only 182 days left to the year! ... and, as the days that have gone by number higher, I hope my weight runs the other way and goes lower! ...

    Right now I am peddling water with -10 to reach my current goal. There is another -25 waiting in the wings for my current goal to be done with, and still another -25 after that (for next year). Wait ... Wait ... Wait ... if we have -182 days from today until the next new year, and -35 in is my game plan for the rest of the year ... that means I need to lose juist a tiny .19231 pounds a day to make my goal (that is about 3 ounces!) ... which comes out to 1.3461 pounds every 7 days ... hmmm ... it hasn't gone so well thus far in the past 183 days... ( I've been up and down and am really only down 10 pounds from January 1 )... Yikes!!!! At this rate it will take me 640 days, not 182 to get there ! :'(

    I'd better start doing something differently if I expect different results. :/

    Since the new challenge within this thread, named "Summer Heat", starts this coming Wednesday ... (right after piggy-out day for celebrating July 4th Independence Day) I have a couple of days to think about what I will make my challenge goal be. As I understand it, we will continue tracking our weights as of Wednesdays in the week (or there-a-bouts; by Sunday) and we can focus on any optionals we want to include as personal goals.
    Now: to choose one or two that will prove motivational to me so I will keep up with them; only stipulation is that they are weight-loss orientated. (?) ... well, for me they should be both fittness and weight loss orientated as I am a really fat old lady who hardly can get around on her own two feet and tends to sit in front of the computer all day instead of moving about.
    :# Gees, that's 'Brutally Frank" Niki .... very much so.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sunday Share:
    Hi guys! I had a really great time at the concert last night, and even with some adult beverages, I was way under calorie allowance for the day. I stuck with mainly rum and diet cokes (I had a few sips of my friend's beer in the stadium), and my friend and I split a brat and some mozzarella sticks for dinner. On the negative side, I didn't come anywhere near my protein goal for the day.

    Today, I am 19 grams under 100 with 230 calories remaining. Trying to come up with a high protein/low cal snack that will get me to my protein goal without pushing me over my calorie allowance...

    ETA: Cottage cheese!!

    Tomorrow I will weigh in for my start weight for the Summer Heat challenge and decide on a goal weight.

    Summer Heat:
    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    My optional challenges are going to be to hit 100+ grams of protein/day and to walk/run 40 miles/week.

    Start weight (week of July 5):
    Goal weight (Saturday September 9):

    Weigh in week of:
    July 5: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    July 12: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    July 19: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    July 26: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 2: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 9: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 16: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 23: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 30: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    September 6: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    Final weight September 9:

    Weight +/- this week:
    Weight +/- total:

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited July 2017
    Monday Check-in
    I've settled on the optional challenge I give myself to achieve improvement on by Sept 9.

    1. Activity - walk outside on the city streets, showing a steady increase in both times and duration.
    2. Caloric - Stabalize my daily calorie consumption within 100 calories from one day to the next, with a weekly average input between 1635-1740 (daily avg.)

    I will report weekly on Saturdays of the week.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    sand86802 wrote: »

    Here it is, the final results.

    20 people weighed in this last week. I counted the weight loss up until the July 1st entry for those who gave one.

    Out of those 20 people, 16 reported a loss, 2 stalls and 2 gains. It all added up to a weekly loss of 43.9lbs!This was our biggest weekly loss! Through this entire challenge we have lost 327.3lbs!!!

    I only counted the individual total weight loss for people who posted their last weigh-in this week. However there are 4 of you who only missed last week so I can always add them if they want to and provide me with their final weigh-in.

    Out of those last 20, 7 have reached their goals... almost 9 actually because 2 of you missed it by a hair (no, literally if you had a haircut you probably would have made it! :D )

    Big shoutout to @happygirlxxx who lost the most weight comparative to their starting weight: 11.4%

    Congratulations to each and every one of you for sticking through it all. Whether you reached your goal or not, you demonstrated commitment and that is half the battle! Always remember: you are all amazing!

    May we all reached our final goal someday and, most importantly be happy!

    Holy moley... 327lbs! That's incredible, People! Collectively, we are amazing!

    And @sand86802 -thank you so very much for doing the calcs for us. Much, much appreciated!
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi All,

    Amazing work everyone, 327lbs lost!!! wow!!! love it!! @sand86802 thank you so much for tracking and reporting every week!!

    Now, lets not get comfy ... another challenge is about to start, Summer Heat!!

    So, for those who would like to participate the template is below and weigh-in days will remain Wednesdays since everyone I think got used to the process by now. I will reporting the weekly updates every Thursday.

    I hope most of you will join the challenge, because I do believe its a great tool to keep us motivated and accountable.

    I think the weather has been cooperating a bit (at least here), so lets take advantage of it, be more outdoors, take long walks and swim, enjoy more whole and fresher foods like veggies and fruits, drink tons of water (and some cold beers once in a while ;) ) and make this a fun summer!

    Looking forward to tracking our awesome results!! B)


    Start Weight (July 5):
    Goal Weight (September 15):

    Weigh in week of: (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. July 12:
    2. July 19:
    3. July 26:
    4. August 2:
    5. August 9:
    6. August 16:
    7. August 23:
    8. August 30:
    9. September 6:
    10. September 13:
    Final weight: Saturday, September 16:

    Weight -/+ this week:
    Weight -/+ challenge total:
    Weight loss so far:

    Additional Weight loss / Fitness goals would like to achieve this summer:

  • newjax2017
    newjax2017 Posts: 117 Member
    @sand86802 thank you for all your hard work!

    @happy girl thanks for the template and inspiring words.

    @p very excited about the windsurfing.. I've never been!

    @bright, awesome Job getting to maintenance. It is a tremendous accomplishment.

    We can do this! (I don't know why I am so excited .... I went over my calorie goal by like 600 today . Lol.)
    I am just gonna power through. And think of what goal I should shoot for.

    Good luck, stay strong and healthy!

  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Sorry @Nikion901 I don't know where I got the idea you volunteered to record again. :( I know you did the first challenge and we all really appreciate it! Also, many thanks to Helene @sand86802 for a great job tracking this challenge. @happygirlxxx so glad you are able to record for this new challenge, I do have a question though. Can we have the starting weight be July 1st (the last day we recorded for the last challange)? That way there's no gaps in time. The reason I ask is that I've FINALLY started losing again and my 3 pound loss from the first (well actually from June 28 because it didn't change) won't show up if we start this challenge from the 5th! LOL!!
    Have a great 4th everyone whether your in the good old USA or somewhere else!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry my template for the challenge was off by a week--thanks for fixing it @happygirlxxx

    My weight was slightly up from Saturday, so I'm starting at 198.4. I've decided on 185 as my goal b/c that's where I had settled for over 2 years and most of my clothes fit perfectly at that weight. It would be nice to start the school year with pants that fit. :) Once I get there, I can move forward with losing any additional weight.

    For my other mileage challenge, I'm going to just use my fitbit miles for the week b/c it's easier than trying to track on my own. For the protein challenge, I will just start today and track from Monday to Sunday to match the Summer Heat challenge weeks.

    Monday Check-in:
    I'm off to a slow start with the mileage this week. My dog is extremely afraid of fireworks, and even when tranquilized, he gets so worked up. Last night he had a panic attack at midnight when I was just drifting off to sleep. I ran to see what was wrong when I heard him gasping for breath. At first, I thought he was dying, but then I remembered that this happened once before, and he survived, so I calmed down and just tried to soothe him as best I could. His episode passed quickly, but then I was on edge and afraid to go back to bed. I ended up watching TV until 3 am when I was pretty sure he was down for the night and our neighbors were done with the fireworks for the evening. Needless to say, no walk for him today, and I'm also running on fumes. Tonight will be another rough night b/c it's our town's show, but hopefully that will be the end of the holiday "fun."

    Summer Heat:
    Name: Karen
    Age: 47
    Height: 5' 7"

    My optional challenges are going to be to hit 100+ grams of protein/day and to walk/run 40 miles/week.

    Start weight (week of July 5): 198.4 x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    Goal weight (Saturday September 16): 185

    Weigh in week of:
    July 12: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    July 19: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    July 26: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 2: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 9: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 16: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 23: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    August 30: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    September 6: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    September 13: x/7 days 100+ g protein x miles
    Final weight September 16:

    Weight +/- this week:
    Weight +/- total:
  • JeanieWww
    JeanieWww Posts: 4,037 Member
    Name: Jeanie
    Age: 45
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (starting later): 250.4 lbs
    Goal Weight (week of June 28): 240 lbs

    Weigh in week of:
    (Weeks are listed by Wednesdays)
    1. April 26 - out of town; couldn't weigh
    2. May 3 - 250.4 lbs
    3. May 10 - don't remember.. I'm not doing too good this month.
    4. May 17 - 249.8
    5. May 24 - 248.6
    6. May 31 - 253
    7. June 7 - 250
    8. June 14 - 244.5
    9. June 21 -
    10. June 28 -
    Final weight: Saturday, July 1 - didn't weigh until the 3rd 240.0! WHEW!!! Didn't think I was going to make it.
  • jam5660
    jam5660 Posts: 126 Member
    edited July 2017
    @happygirlxxx thank you so much for signing up to moderate this challange!! I had some questions, you posted
    "So, for those who would like to participate the template is below and weigh-in days will remain Wednesdays since everyone I think got used to the process by now. I will reporting the weekly updates every Thursday."
    I'm confused.. can we still weigh in any day like before, or just on wednesday? I though before it was any day like Sunday thru sat will be tallyed with the wednesday date of that week. Not trying to be a pain just want to make sure to get my results in because I had switched to friday/sat weighing because those days show my best results with my eating habits.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Hi All,

    Below responses to your inquiries:

    @bapcarrier I don't mind for it to be July 1 if the rest of the group is OK with the change. I can update the template tomorrow and resend, no big deal. But need to know ASAP, so we don't have two templates and different dates.

    @jam5660 you can weight the day that best fits your schedule, but just to make it easier to keep track I need a date to close the week, so I chose Wednesday and to report Thursday (before the weekend starts). So for example, the report on Thursday, July 13, will count all entries from Thursday, July 6 until Wednesday, July 12.

    Good Night!!!