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Dating Advice Needed



  • emdeegan
    emdeegan Posts: 219 Member
    you are in the first few weeks of dating someone.. this should be fun, easy, breezy.. not work or stress. this dude isn't the one for you, or the timing isn't right. either way... i'd log back into your okcupid account and test the waters with someone else.
  • hiawathaperez
    hiawathaperez Posts: 71 Member
    Olde school......men do the chasing...... women do the choosing......

  • Some guys reading what I just wrote might give me crap about having no man-card (see my blog). To them I say "Fair enough. If having a man card means I have to shut off my emotions, thoughts, and feelings...I don't want one.

    I wanted to address this... really quickly...

    First off,from what I know about you, Darin... you have collected more man-cards in your life than most men ever will. So, if you have to give up a card or two... or three or four, now and then... eh... who cares? You have plenty to spare ..... You'll always be a "real" man.
  • Just tell him how you feel, better to be honest, it will stop wrecking your head if you tell him
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    bump i want to know what's happened !

    BTW if he's putting his child first, he's a good Dad and that's a quaility worth having .
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    First thing you did wrong .. online dating site. Second thing you did wrong... went looking. Let them come to you! Always! Filter as they flow.

    So..... where would you suggest that I might meet someone if not on a dating site? I doubt I'm going to meet Mr. Right in the fruit section at the grocery store :)

    Hey have you tried? I got hit on... grabing a box of freakin corn dogs >.< while I had my daughter with ... So try the fruit stand.. never know Mr. Right might be there feeling some ahhh ... cantalopes?

    Honestly? No! But that's because I am rarely looking my best while in the grocery store! :)

    Well... Scope it out... see what its like... I have never known of a 'happy' relationship from online dating sites... and that is ALL my friends do... Join a local club of some sort, something of interest of course or just something completely off the wall you've wanted to try.

    Example of 16 years of wedded bliss due to dating site (Matchmaker) right here!! *waving hand in air*

    I'm an example of 4 years of happiness (one year of marriage) due to a dating site (OkCupid.com) !

    ETA: website name
  • rcalvert1
    rcalvert1 Posts: 117 Member
    thank you for this post ... I have been dealing with this guy for over 3yrs ... we'll text like crazy weeks before seeing each other and once he walks out the door, nothing. It could be weeks, months and sometimes a year before I will hear from him again. Then the process starts all over again. I have deep feelings for this guy and have expressed them in many different ways. Communication is also important to me. Guess the writing is on the wall. Thank you everyone, I deserve better and ya'll have proved that Im not some crazy pycho b*&^h asking for something unreasonalbe.

    Whoa there girl, "weeks, months and sometimes a year" before you hear from him? WTF IS THAT? You need to cut that loose right now, absolutely no doubt about that. He's around when it's convenient for him and he knows he can count on you to be waiting there like a puppy dog and invite him in, on HIS terms and on HIS schedule. That is completely unacceptable. That is not love, that is not respect, he is using you. Now if you were also into this arrangement, that would be another thing, but you clearly are not into it, are not having your needs met or even considered, and are hurt by it. Walk away. Please. You deserve more, and when you are able to stand up make clear and firm commitments to yourself to not settle for anything less, well the sooner you will actually be able to recognize and draw in someone who will step up to the plate and be the kind of guy you really want. (This is coming from someone who has learned this lesson the hard way, too.) You are better than this. DTMFA.
    Thank you for your kind words. I realize this now, actually have known this for sometime. I was holding out hope that he'd change his mind. There are many factors that I have not mentioned but it became very clear the last time I seen him that I was NOT important to him. I will also mention that I have not just been sitting around pining over him. I have continued to date but have not found the one that makes my toes curl like he does. I have been single for sometime for a reason, that reason being I will not settle like I did with my ex-husband. I will find what Im looking for, I just need to get past this one. Only time will help. Thanks again.
  • VirtuousVal
    VirtuousVal Posts: 138 Member

    Firstly, Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a long and thoughtful reply. Secondly, thank you for the blessing and Thirdly I am happy to hear a good online dating story and to hear that you are so happy with your husband!

    I have definitely decided to concentrate on me a lot more, hence joining this website last week and making sure that I don't settle is included in that.

    You've definitely given me food for thought!

    OP I am glad that I was able to provide you with some "food for thought". I hope that I was able to be a blessing to you!
    To give you the "Hope" that TRUE LOVE will come to you when it is the right MAN and the right TIME for only YOU!

    That is the best thing to do is concentrate on yourself! Get to a place of Wholeness and happiness from within yourself!
    Then the MAN that does come along in your life will be "HEAD OVER HEALS IN LOVE WITH YOU" and he will not want to live his life without YOU! He will be what I called "Whooped"! ROFL!
    Then all of his family and friends will be laughing at him that he found someone (YOU) that has him SO in Love!

    Be Blessed in health, healing, and wholeness! AMEN †
  • schaapj2
    schaapj2 Posts: 320 Member
    My advice is pretty simple: cut the dude loose.

    If he wants you and you are important to him, he will text, call and pursue you. If not, "he's just not that into you." Seriously, I think it's that simple. Find someone closer to you and more invested. You deserve that.

    Agreed.....I was in the same situation you are in a couple years ago......run, run as fast as you can.....it only ends with you getting hurt. You will never be a priority for him if you aren't now, and no amount of you asking him to will change that. Because its really as dsimple as, people dont change unless they want to....and my guess is that he has no interest in doing so.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    He's just not that into you. I'm sorry. But seriously, run. If he's not giving you what you need now, trust me it will only get worse.

    If you haven't already get the book/see the movie "He's Just Not That Into You". It changed my life. I'm seeing a guy now that has a ton on his plate and not 3 hours goes by that I don't hear from him. If they want to see/talk/etc to you trust me they will find a way, come hell or high water.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I didn't read any of the other replies so sorry if I double-back.

    I would bring it up to him, but don't do it in a nagging way. If you don't bring it up, he may not even know and then you'll just resent him more and more for not doing it. If you bring it up in a nagging way, he'll most likely get a little upset and then it will become a bigger issue than normal.

    If you do it in a polite way, letting him know you care about him and he means a lot to you, which is why you would love to hear from him a little bit more even if it's just a 2 min phone call at night, then he'll be more likely to follow up on it.

    Although, I do wonder, are you sending him a text or calling him at night? If you are then there might be an issue if he's not responding. If you aren't... then why not?

    Edit: I have a lot of experience with this stuff. I'm currently in a year & 9 month relationship that has been long distance for just over a year.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    July 13 was only a few weeks ago. Maybe he isn't quite as serious as you. If you are exclusively dating, then it is a reasonable request. If you are not, then maybe back off a little.

    edit to say: One thing I have learned is you have to communicate. Obviously don't be demanding towards him, but definitely let him know how you feel now before any resentment has built up. If you continue on being displeased, and he isn't even given the opportunity to fix things, it is unfair to both of you.
  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    I disagree with the ones who say "drop him". My boyfriend lives an hour and half away, we only see each other on the weekend, he doesn't like texting or talking on the phone, but he adores me. I let him know early in the relationship that I like getting a phone call before bed, even if it's just to say a quick good night and a text in the morning before work. I know mornings are hard on him and he gets rushed and has a hard time focusing on everything he has to remember to do before work so at one time I actually told him he didn't have to text me in the morning even though it makes me very happy when he does. He hasn't missed a morning text since. I also once explained to him that I like a call at night so that we both know that the other is safely at home. Again, I get a call every night, even though he hates talking on the phone. I know he's into me because he drives an hour and half every weekend to see me AND MY SON. We only have one weekend/month alone and that's when I drive up there. He also read the book The Five Love Languages as I encouraged early in our relationship and knows my love language is WORDS, and does his best to show it. I know that his love language is TOUCH, so I know when we're together, that he's showing love in his way. Just let him know how happy it makes you when you get a text or call from him. If he cares, he'll be happy to oblige. :-)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I hope you'll have the talk with him soon...I know it's tough but it's not helping either of you until you have it.

    And I'm another happy online dating story-yeah, I definitly went through my fair amount of toads before meeting my prince but all in all, it was worth it. We started talking the end of February of this year, met in March and since then he's been my rock while my mom went through surgery for cancer, my grandmother died, my best friend went in the hopsital for 5 different things (she's getting better now but it was touch and go for awhile) and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. I knew on the third date that he's going to be the man that I marry :heart:

    But I know what you're going through, I've been there before and as tough as the talk will be, it'll be better once you have it cause it won't be hanging over your head. Good luck! and I'm friend requesting you
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I am an example of a happy relationship ( 2 years so far) that started from an online dating site! I hope everything works out well for you. I'm glad you are going to talk to him about this, communication is so important. But keep in mind, that if you are having problems getting his attention this early in your relationship, he may just not be that into you.
  • Caz104
    Caz104 Posts: 62 Member

    So here's a quick update for those of you who asked.

    I emailed him. I know, I know! Not the best way to handle these things but my face-to-face time with him is very valuable and I didn't want to spend that time talking about it. Plus, it's been weighing on my mind way too much to let it go until the weekend.

    I told him my concerns exactly.

    Note: We are exclusively dating. I do know that for a fact. Neither of us dated anyone else since we met.

    Anyway - I sent him the email late last night and first thing this morning I got a text from him to say that he had been busy and he had been slacking with me and was not going to do that anymore. He also made a point to say that he would call me tonight and has sent quite a few texts today.

    I know that one day doesn't mean a thing. But I do think he at least deserved me to communicate my frustrations and be given a chance to do something about it.

    Thanks to you all for you comments, very valid points and update requests! Especially those of you who found love online. It's sad that people still think negatively of online dating.

    If things don't change then I will walk because as it was pointed out, I (WE ALL) deserve so much better.

  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    I would move on. If a man likes you he will pursue you regardless of what is going on in his life.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    My advice is pretty simple: cut the dude loose.

    If he wants you and you are important to him, he will text, call and pursue you. If not, "he's just not that into you." Seriously, I think it's that simple. Find someone closer to you and more invested. You deserve that.

    ^^^^ This. I used to make excuses for those dudes. Then I met a great guy who was into me. :-) I wish people would tell you, but they don't...a lot of them leave ya hanging. Next!
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member

    So here's a quick update for those of you who asked.

    I emailed him. I know, I know! Not the best way to handle these things but my face-to-face time with him is very valuable and I didn't want to spend that time talking about it. Plus, it's been weighing on my mind way too much to let it go until the weekend.

    I told him my concerns exactly.

    Note: We are exclusively dating. I do know that for a fact. Neither of us dated anyone else since we met.

    Anyway - I sent him the email late last night and first thing this morning I got a text from him to say that he had been busy and he had been slacking with me and was not going to do that anymore. He also made a point to say that he would call me tonight and has sent quite a few texts today.

    I know that one day doesn't mean a thing. But I do think he at least deserved me to communicate my frustrations and be given a chance to do something about it.

    Thanks to you all for you comments, very valid points and update requests! Especially those of you who found love online. It's sad that people still think negatively of online dating.

    If things don't change then I will walk because as it was pointed out, I (WE ALL) deserve so much better.


    Good for u! Thanks for keeping us posted! have a fabulous week :)
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member

    So here's a quick update for those of you who asked.

    I emailed him. I know, I know! Not the best way to handle these things but my face-to-face time with him is very valuable and I didn't want to spend that time talking about it. Plus, it's been weighing on my mind way too much to let it go until the weekend.

    I told him my concerns exactly.

    Note: We are exclusively dating. I do know that for a fact. Neither of us dated anyone else since we met.

    Anyway - I sent him the email late last night and first thing this morning I got a text from him to say that he had been busy and he had been slacking with me and was not going to do that anymore. He also made a point to say that he would call me tonight and has sent quite a few texts today.

    I know that one day doesn't mean a thing. But I do think he at least deserved me to communicate my frustrations and be given a chance to do something about it.

    Thanks to you all for you comments, very valid points and update requests! Especially those of you who found love online. It's sad that people still think negatively of online dating.

    If things don't change then I will walk because as it was pointed out, I (WE ALL) deserve so much better.


    I was an English Major in college so I get the whole email thing...sometimes for me it's so much easier to write something out and get to re-read it then edit it before it's spoken and taken out of context. I'm glad you didn't put it off any longer and drove yourself crazy :drinker: One day at a time so it's good that he let you know he'd call you and that he got it rather than not replying at all. Good luck!