Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)

Girls here is the new post .I am going to be fit and fabulous this holiday season even if I only lose another 2 or 3 pounds during the holidays.I think everyone needs to focus on the issues that led them to being overweight.Mine was I stopped caring about me because I felt like no one loved me after my first fiancee dumped me,my mom was always hard on me growing up and telling me to suck it in when I was only about 110 pounds to begin with(I don't blame her at all though) so I used food to make me feel better about myself .It comforted me when I was depressed and down on myself.So my goal this holiday season is to enjoy the holidays but not let food comfort me ,allow my friends and families company to comfort me and occupy my food obsession.So each of you pick one thing you would like not to do this holiday season and stick with it.Thanks for everyones support and love in this group.Awesome group of people!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!


  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    For me it would be to focus on the family, friends and activities rather than the food! Growing up EVERYTHING was centered around food! From family gatherings to Birthdays, to accomplishments, to disappointments. It did not seem to matter what the event or situation was FOOD was was the center of attention. Even today for our birthdays we always have a birthday cake.. we always go "out to eat". For the tough times and sad times.. there was always a bowl of ice cream or a brownie. When I was little and I would fall and scrape my knee grandma would make it better with a cookie.

    So, for me to break the cycle and concentrate on the family time, friendships and things we are doing rather than what we are putting in our mouths will be my big goal. I am sure many other people were brought up similar and it is hard to break those old habits. But, for our health and the fact I need to lead my kids/family down a healthier path I have to make the change now! This holiday season will be different for us with lots of new memories! I am looking forward to the positive changes!
  • aries88
    This holiday season, I am going to focus on the joy of being with my family, enjoy watching my kids as they are growing into fine young adults and not focus on food. My issues were that I got a bit complacent when I had my youngest daughter and even though I was active duty in the Navy and it was mandatory to work out, I did the bare minimum and didn't eat right. I used the excuse of my knees being bad and stuff like to keep from pushing myself. While my knees and back are still bad and I do have the thyroid issue, I am pushing myself at the gym and I am eating right nowadays. I am happier than I have been in a long, long time and that makes such a difference. My husband is so supportive ( now if I could just get him to the gym as well) and that means the world to me. My kids get excited for me when I have lost a pound or my jeans get a little looser. They are always asking me on Fridays how many miles I racked up at the gym for the week and the high fives and way to go's mean more than anything to me. Joining this group with all the support is helpful as well. The more support you have, the easier it is.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    SW: 230
    CW: 224
    Mini Goal: 215 by 12-25-2009
    Mini Goal 2: 200 by 2-14-2010
    GW: 150
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good morning girls, I am still sick but improving. My husband has been great helping with household, taking care of kids, and meals. So hopefully I will be back on track. I must confess something about being sick makes me hungry(boredom I wonder) Anyways have not kept track of calories but know I have been over for the last 2 days. Back on track tomorrow......I promise. Looking forward to trying something somewhat new for me this week. Work out dvds.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am focusing this holdiay season of being home and being able to spend it with family. (i moved away for 2 years). This is the 1st holiday in 3 years that I will get to actually spend with them. It is just my mom and my sister but I have really missed that.

    I am doing good today and I am proud....
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    You all have wonderful goals. Thanksgiving holiday is not too difficult for me. I am divorced with no kids, my mother died when I was young, one of my brothers recently passed away, so all that is left is me, my father and one other brother in town. (My other brother lives in MA.) My family is not what you'd call a close-knit one (you know, all boys left and then there's me!), so we usually go to a buffet on Thanksgiving. I am a musician and teacher, so I work crazy hours, especially around holidays. This keeps my mind off of food. My goal for Thanksgiving will be to make healthy food choices at the buffet. Sometimes the males in my family "coerce" me into eating a lot of fattening food (misery loves company) - well, "coerce" meaning I LIKE to eat it, too! LOL I am going to stick to my guns this year!!! :smile:

    I did well today. I ate pizza, but I chose a healthier version - pesto, mozz, zuccini, tomatoes and basil. It was still a LOT of cals, but I think it would have been worse had I went for my usual sausage, bacon, double cheese! :noway: It felt good to know while I was eating it that I chose better than I usually do. I still stayed in my calorie range. :bigsmile:
    Exercise: 30 freaking minutes of walking in Hancock Fabrics trying to find material for banners and costumes for my kids' show in Dec.! Then another hour standing in line!!! My footsies are killing me! :explode:
    Water: not perfect
    Proud: good pizza choice

    I decided to start over on the weight tracker. I realize why I had gained nine pounds a few weeks ago. Before I joined MFP, I was very sick with H1N1 and I starved myself for two weeks because I was too sick to eat, and of course, lost 20 lbs. Well, then I joined here and started eating right and - BOOM - gained nine. I am re-starting my weight at the nine gain instead of the twenty pound starvation loss. Does that sound right? I think mentally I need to start where I began eating healthy instead of where I was sick.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534

    I decided to start over on the weight tracker. I realize why I had gained nine pounds a few weeks ago. Before I joined MFP, I was very sick with H1N1 and I starved myself for two weeks because I was too sick to eat, and of course, lost 20 lbs. Well, then I joined here and started eating right and - BOOM - gained nine. I am re-starting my weight at the nine gain instead of the twenty pound starvation loss. Does that sound right? I think mentally I need to start where I began eating healthy instead of where I was sick.

    I would agree with that. I think it is a good idea. The 20 pounds you lost sick is probably water weight.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ug... Guess I finally caught that darn cold going around.. Slept in today then got up and got on the treadmill. Before I knew it (was watching a lifetime movie) I had been on there for almost 90 minutes. So, by the time I ate anything it was lunch time. Have had NO appetite today and only wanted to rest. Basically I still have like 1000 calories I did not consume today and don't feel like stuffing anything else in my face besides some herbal tea. With that said

    Calories - should have eaten a few more
    Exercise - probably over did it
    Water - got plenty
    Proud - I am on here writing this before I go to sleep
    thanksgiving Tip... Enjoy the company more than the food

    I am thankful for all of you ladies! You are my rock, inspirations and support.. Thank you!

    See ya tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories - 1500
    Exercise - 20 minutes on elliptical
    Water - not enough...16 oz
    Proud of today : we were at the grocery store they had free cookie samples, I grabbed one, then thought what I am doing...i took a little nibble of it and gave it to my daughters to split.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,373 (I like to think that 93 calorie overage as eating the snack I slept through last night. :tongue: )
    Exercise: No intentional exercise. But there was physical activity in my day. :wink:
    Water: Not enough yet. I'm working on it.
    Proud: I'm certainly happy the scale was friendly again today. 238.6. So, I know yesterday wasn't a fluke & I really have reached my Thanksgiving goal. :smile: I also went "shopping" further back in my closet & found 2 more pairs of really nice pants for work, several shirts I haven't been able to button in years, a nice skirt, AND a new pair of jeans that have never fit me right (they do now!). Awesome!
    Tip: Take your family for a walk after Thanksgiving dinner. :wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    For me it would be to focus on the family, friends and activities rather than the food! Growing up EVERYTHING was centered around food! From family gatherings to Birthdays, to accomplishments, to disappointments. It did not seem to matter what the event or situation was FOOD was was the center of attention. Even today for our birthdays we always have a birthday cake.. we always go "out to eat". For the tough times and sad times.. there was always a bowl of ice cream or a brownie. When I was little and I would fall and scrape my knee grandma would make it better with a cookie.

    So, for me to break the cycle and concentrate on the family time, friendships and things we are doing rather than what we are putting in our mouths will be my big goal. I am sure many other people were brought up similar and it is hard to break those old habits. But, for our health and the fact I need to lead my kids/family down a healthier path I have to make the change now! This holiday season will be different for us with lots of new memories! I am looking forward to the positive changes!
    Me too everything was centered around food when I was younger but yet I was alot thinner.Strange isn't it !!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving week to everyone.

    I was soo excited , i am guessing my hard work this weekend has paid off....I am only 1.2 lbs away from my thanksgiving goal...I know I probably want get to it, My goal was 293 and I am 294.2, but I am much closer that I thought i would be last week...I might get close like maybe be in the 293's.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Well I rocked it this morning girls!! I was up at 5am on my elliptical for 45 minutes and I burnt 565 calories.I haven't ate anything yet but I will post calories later.I feel awesome this morning.Its so nice to have that exercise rush again.I love all your HOLIDAY promises to yourselves.Good Job everyone!!! Momma I really hope you begin to feel better.I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.KEEP IT UP EVERYONE
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning everyone. I think I finally feel better. I still have a cough and I am sneezing, but I feel better. I am back to doing what is right. I ate way too much this weekend. I felt like my old self:sick: :sad: :embarassed:

    Today, I feel like my new self. Thursday we will be seeing family that I have not seen in 43 pounds(maybe 40 after this weekend) So I am pretty excited about that. My Thanksgiving advice is Eat everything you want but in moderation. Taste it, do NOT eat it. and Play with the children in your family chase them around. They will love it and you will get a wonderful workout. Keep your calories at the minimum on Wed. is another tip.

    I am going to try to get to my workout dvd's today.:noway:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning Gals!

    So good to get caught up on the weekend posts. Good job everyone.

    Momma2four: Happy to hear that you are feeling better. That virus hits everyone a little differently so listen to your body.

    zorahope: My restaurant strategy it a few things. No more greasy fast food. (My stomach complained that last time I ate any) The only fast food I eat now is Wendy's chicken Caesar salad with no croutons or 3 hard shell tacos from Dell Taco. The restaurant burgers are out now because I have found a buffalo burger that I am crazy for that have 6 grams of fat vs. 22 grams (or more) of fat for beef. The buns are HUGE and so I take the top half off to reduce another 150 calories. In the couple of months since starting logging food on MFP I can't eat as much as I used to at a sitting without getting miserable. Smaller portions sizes is my biggest change. Friday night we went to The Cheesecake Factory and they have three salads that are 574 calories or less and I ate half and brought the other half home. I had three bites of cheese (probably 100 calories each bite, ouch) At Macaroni grill when I placed a dinner order I asked them to please box half the meal before bringing it to the table. I also decided what I would order before I got there. Hope this helps you.

    My Thanksgiving plan is to have a small serving of all the family favorites like homemade turkey dressing, fresh cranberry salad, then bigger serving of spinach-pomegranate salad, 3 oz. turkey, 3oz. ham, two homemade rolls warm out of the oven. (I can pass on potatoes and gravy and green beans, etc. items we have more often the rest of the year) For dessert which is later in the day, I am planning on two pieces of pie taking a sliver of several kinds to taste all the varieties.

    This Thanksgiving I have so much to be grateful for including finding you ladies and posting and reading your encouragement. Wishing you each safe travel however far you may each be going.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I'm back! It took me a long time to catch up on all the posts while I was gone for a few days ... congrats to everyone who had successful weight loss last week! I am happy to report that I lost a pound ... even after being on vacation with my hubby for a couple of days, and I did drink a few rum and diet cherry cokes!

    calories: good yesterday, although ate quite a few exercise calories
    exercise: great! 90 minutes at the Y
    proud: stayed for the whole 90 minutes .... the last 30 were tough... just kept tellilng myself '5 more minutes'
    water: didn't keep track, but I think ok ... maybe a little short
    Thanksgiving tip: don't eat anything you don't REALLY want just because it's there ... that way you can have and savor some of 'the good stuff'

    stephanie: love the challenge ... I'm going to try to find a new exercise show on my cable 'On Demand' and try to make my 15-yr-old do it with me!

    momma2four: glad you are feeling better and thanks for checking up on me ... I know exactly what you mean about wanting to eat when you are sick ... I know for me I always think it will make me feel better ... probably back to my deep-rooted problems with food ... food is the cure to all ills in my mind ... that is what I need to work on!

    p.s. If we are allowed to count sex as an exercise we haven't done in awhile ... I'm golden after our anniversary get-away (hee hee) :blushing: My husband has been telling me to check and see if it is an activity listed in MFP, to convince me it would be as good as going to the gym! :devil:

    Have a good day everyone!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    p.s. If we are allowed to count sex as an exercise we haven't done in awhile ... I'm golden after our anniversary get-away (hee hee) :blushing: My husband has been telling me to check and see if it is an activity listed in MFP, to convince me it would be as good as going to the gym! :devil:

    Have a good day everyone!

    It is not listed on MFP, checked about a month ago after my husband read in 'The low G.I. Diet' book (can't remember the author) they gave 64 calories burned. All the hubbies will be trying to get a lot of mileage out or this.:love::smooched: :blushing:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi all, I have actually seen some calculators that tell you how many calories burned per minute during sex, for your height and weight. It is kinda funny to see. Google calorie calculators and check them out some will have it.

    lstpaul, nice to see you, glad you had a great weekend.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hi all, I have actually seen some calculators that tell you how many calories burned per minute during sex, for your height and weight. It is kinda funny to see. Google calorie calculators and check them out some will have it.

    Of course, it depends on the position too. :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
    (I'm lazy :laugh: :blushing: )
  • aries88
    I am in such a good mood this morning. I got up, got the kids off to school and went to the gym and got in 1 hr and 45 mins, 70 mins total on the elliptical and 35 on the treadmill. When I got home I weighed just out of curiousity and I am down another pound and I have lost 2.5 inches off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips!!!!!!!!!!! I feel soooo good about myself right now!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    SW: 230
    CW: 223
    GW: 150