Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,346
    Exercise: 378
    Water: At least 64oz
    Proud: Proud I've broken through that mini-plateau I had a couple weeks ago with a vengeance! Losing 6.4 pounds in less than 2 weeks isn't bad at all. :smile: I'm also proud I didn't let the little devil on my shoulder win last night. He was trying to convince me that since *today* is Thanksgiving, I should splurge last night, too. Sorry little buddy, couldn't do it. Thanksgiving day is today and only today. It's ONE day. It's definitely not Thanksgiving week. :wink:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm not really tracking calories today past breakfast & AM snack because I can't really do it accurately since I'm not the one cooking & I really don't want to pester my mom about what's in the food especially since she works so hard to cook for everyone every year. :smile:
    I'll be running this morning before I leave and walking after dinner in addition to paying attention to my portion sizes. I'll do fine.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good morning everyone.. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I too am not tracking beyond breakfast for the same reasons. But, I do intend on making good choices and only have a small slice of pie for desert. I am taking a HUGE tossed salad today so, I know there will be something I can have a little extra of without gong hog wild. But, first I am off to the exercise room to get some cardio in. Check back in later.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

    calories: thought I had done well ... but ended up over by about 500 calories ... bad high calorie choices I guess
    exercise: none
    water: not great
    proud of: made good choices for dinner even though it was late and I was hungry

    I did my challenge today too! I got up with my 9 year old and did a 20 minute 30-day shred workout, and a 20 minute biggest loser cardio workout ... and 20 minutes that my 9 year old instructed me on stretches from his gym class (pretty cute). I was disappointed that it wasn't as many calories burned as my normal 60 minutes of step aerobics on Thursday mornings ... but it was still 700 calories - so that's a good way to start the day.
    My plan is to have the things I love in moderation, and just skip the things I don't really love.
    Have a great day everyone!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I completed week 2 day 1 of couch25k this morning. I really recommend this program to anyone who's a wannabe runner! I have improved so much in just 1 week I can't believe it! And it's a really great workout. I'm just pouring sweat right now (and I'm not much of a sweater). It's the only thing that gets me dripping sweat (especially since it's cold in my house this morning!).
    And 550 calories burned in 30 minutes @ 237 pounds? Can't beat it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Happy Turkey Day! I weighed myself this morning because I just could not bear to see the scale tomorrow. Now I am feeling like this is sort of an excuse to overeat, so I am re-weighing myself tomorrow morning as usual. Oh, the tangled web I weave...

    I plan to make healthy choices today, and not punish myself by denying - I am planning on eating small portions of potatoes, stuffing, gravy, and pie. I love the quote that you are all saying, "It is just ONE day."
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!!

    I had an awsome day. I love being back with my family soo much after two thanksgiving without my mom and sister it was nice.

    I ate more than i should of, but it is okay. I had just my normal breakfast today, and after dinner we took a walk ...it was nice.

    Now everyone is gone, kids are cranky , my 3 yr old running around the house buck naked...guess i better tend to that.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So.. I have a question for your ladies. I am trying to determine WHY I am not as hungry on the days I work out harder. It seems like if I have an off day or just don't put the effort in.. I am totally hungry all day... Whats up with that? But, if I put in a good workout, after the workout I am not as hungry and in most cases it lasts pretty much all day. Just does not make a whole lot of sense to me.
    I can answer that!!!I find that exercise actually suppresses my appetite. There's scientific reasons for it as well. When you exercise alot the body will shut down all unnecessary systems in order to divert all energy to your muscles. your digestion is considered unnecessary.

    A few hours after a strenuous workout your appetite will return with a vengeance. At the very latest by the next morning. Its because your pumping up your metabolism when you workout therefore your body is burning the fat that is on your body.Hence not so hungry because its like your feeding your body energy.I know it doesn't make sense but I have studied it and thats why you lose weight because when you workout your less prone to eat.Now with that said,it won't always be this way so be careful.You are going to have to trick your body some.So what I do is I drink a protein shake after my workout which in return helps burn more calories.I don't do this everytime I workout just sometimes to help my body burn the most fat possible.Do try making your breakfast the biggest meal of the day and your dinner the smallest.I hope this helps.

    ok.. so that makes a little more sense now.. thanks for the fyi.. I am eating backwards.. :ohwell: I guess for me I just feel like if I eat all my calories towards the beginning of the day I will be hungry with none left in the evening and that is my WORST time. :grumble: That is when I want to munch normally. Any suggestions for getting switched around. So, far things are working well for me but, I am sure at some point I am going to plateau and need to make some changes. Thanks for your wisdom :smile:
    Try adding fruits and veggies and a handful of almods in between meals closer to the end of the day.So you are not as hungry.Almonds feel you up and they are full of fiber and good fats.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok I am so proud of myself for only having a teaspoon of everything today.Thats right you heard it correctly a teaspoon,and believe it or not I am full.What I don't understand is why I keep losing and gaining the same 4 pounds over and over again.I am going to have to switxh something up a bit I think.I am not worried though I will get past this stage I did before its just a phase my body is going through to see whether or not I give up but I'm not.I have dinner with my grandparents on Saturday for Thanksgiving over there and hopefully I do as well as I did today,in fact I know I will.Well I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I won't be here to weigh in tomorrow so I will post Saturday.I am going out in the chaos tomorrow for some Black Friday steals LOL!!! Love you ladies!! We can do this!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I will be here in the morning :smile: Hubby has to work 6 - 3, so i will be here with the girls. DOn't think we are going to go out, we used to go out all the time, but don't feel like dragging a 3 yr and 6 yr around, plus i don't got lists of all what I need to get.

    I will be weighing in the morning, i don't think i will be down as far as i was early in the week but I am hopefull i will be some down from what i was last week.

    Hubby will probably take 1 plate of stuff, and besides that only thing we have leftover is turkey...I can handle the turkey i am throwing out the deserts

    Back on track tomorrow...My mom and my sister was soo proud of me for loosing the 15lbs + the 10 i lost back in may total 25 ..it made me feel good....Hubby also wore a short today that we before we started on our weight loss journey and it was on clearance but a little tight...he put it on and very loose and comfortable. I was soo proud of him.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Guess everybody is sleeping or shopping this morning.

    Well I weighed in, as I expected i wasn't as low as before turkey day but i was still plased as i was 2 1/2 lbs down from last week. That is .80 % for me this week.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, I ate alright yesterday. 1 glass of wine, 3 small brownies, and half of a slice of pumpkin pie were a little excessive, but it's one day, and I didn't bring a plate of food home so I'm back to my normal food and regular routine today. No big deal.

    I'm claiming day 1 of TOM today. I'm feeling bloated but I didn't weigh bloated so maybe it's just in my head.

    jlb123: SW 270; GW 150; CW 237.0= -3.4 pounds. 1.41% loss.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good morning all!

    Oh westfal you are a brave soul going out with the masses. Did you get the deals you wanted?

    Hubby was up and gone early the rest of us slept in having a wonderful leisurely morning.

    Got up to weigh and the scaled was very kind to me. It says that I lost 3 pounds which I hesitantly recorded because it is not 3 pounds of fat. I am set up to lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week with calories and exercise and I have stayed very consistent including this week, so I don't know what to make of it. We will see if I stick here for the next week or two...

    last week 209
    this week 206
    total down 3
    percentage: 1.43

    Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. Our family went to a movie together and saw 'Blind Side', it was a great movie, based on a true story. I highly recommend going.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    So I got on the scale this morning, since I thought I was cheating for weighing in before Turkey Day. Lo and behold, down 6 lbs.!!! :love: I am sooooo excited! I made my first goal! :noway: I know this had a LOT to do with adding an exercise routine this week, Took me long enough! :tongue:

    When I tried to write "met" on my ticker for my goal, the words were not there. ??? But they show up below my ticker. Hmmm.
    And also when I logged in my weight, a little message popped up and asked if I wanted them to adjust my goals since I have lost over ten pounds. I said yes and then found out my calories shrunk! Ah! :sad: But I guess that is a good thing.
    lost: 6 lbs
    percentage: 1.27

    I am so darn proud of myself!!! Thank you, ladies, for helping me keep on keepin' on. :flowerforyou:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hello ladies.. things are going well here. Thanksgiving went well for me. I ate smart, and had about 7 bites of various deserts and stopped when I was full. It was amazing I did not feel like I had to pile my plate high or go back for seconds! When I stepped on the scale today it says I lost 3 lbs. :smile: I am so thrilled!

    Today we are putting up the Christmas tree so my exercise is in the form of multiple ladder and stair trips. Still don't have a huge appetite but thats ok. I am still eating what I need to.

    I will check in later today right now I need to go and help my daughter put lights on her tree.

    Talk to you all soon!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    glad everyone did good today.

    Me and my girls did go out for a little bit...got a few presents. We did go out to lunch at taco bueno...Lunch was like 930 cals...ouch...but I didn't have breakfast or morning snack, so that was breakfast/lunch/and morning snack all into one, i will work out today, my choices were that bad i think, i got the grilled chicken taco and the nacho salad.

    Went to the grocery store and got some chicken going to bake, this awsome recipe i found for plum chicken. It is very good and low cals.

    watching tinkerbel now with my daughter.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I tried Leslie Sansone's 1 mile walking video today and really liked it! I recommend it to anyone. At first I thought it was going to be too easy for me, but I just kept upping my intensity (kicking higher, stepping wider, etc) and I got my heart rate up to 175bpm! In comparison, when I run, I keep my heart rate between about 170 and 200. I was impressed I could get it up that high with this video. I never got out of breath, but it was nice to still feel like I was getting a good workout by getting my heart rate up so high without breathing heavy. :smile: The time went by pretty quickly, too.

    I have really bad cramps today thanks to TOM so I definitely don't feel like doing a high intensity workout. I started Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism and quit 15 minutes into it because of the TOM blahs. I think I'll try Leslie's 2 mile walk video tonight. They're on Exercise TV on Demand if anyone else wants to check it out!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I looked and doesn't look like we have any kind of exerciese on demand... :sad: I wish we did.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I always thought the bigger my kids got the better help they would be. HA not so! Who knows what Christmas will get put out.... poor me. They have gone to play basketball with some cousins and it is Thanksgiving break. Really what did I expect? Thanks for listening:ohwell:

    lildebbie: you can do mile 1 and 2 of Leslie Sansone by going to realage.com and put Leslie Sansone in the search box and up it comes. I have done this a few times it adds variety to working out at home. Give it s try.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks i will try that.

    I am sooo frustrated, i can't get my ticker to change...I am trying to change the look of it and it won't work...uggg
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yay!!! I finally got my ticker fixed.