Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Way to go aries88! :flowerforyou:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    You're all so funny. I loved reading the posts.

    I think I forgot to check in yesterday:

    Calories - I went over, the wine was calling to me....
    Water - drank 60
    Exercise - kicked my bum-bum doing yard work, cleaning the house, walking the dogs, and yoga, so I deserved the wine :)
    Proud - I'm still tracking all my foods even though the Biggest Loser contest at the gym is over
    Thanksgiving tip - I think I saw that someone posted that they already knew what they were going to eat, that's great. If you don't have the opportunity to use measuring utensils, do the fist rule. Fist = 1 cup, palm minus fingers = about 3 oz, thumb = 1 oz cheese or 1 Tbspn, handful = 1/8th of a cup, finger tip to first knuckle is 1tspn
  • For me it would be to focus on the family, friends and activities rather than the food! Growing up EVERYTHING was centered around food! From family gatherings to Birthdays, to accomplishments, to disappointments. It did not seem to matter what the event or situation was FOOD was was the center of attention. Even today for our birthdays we always have a birthday cake.. we always go "out to eat". For the tough times and sad times.. there was always a bowl of ice cream or a brownie. When I was little and I would fall and scrape my knee grandma would make it better with a cookie.

    So, for me to break the cycle and concentrate on the family time, friendships and things we are doing rather than what we are putting in our mouths will be my big goal. I am sure many other people were brought up similar and it is hard to break those old habits. But, for our health and the fact I need to lead my kids/family down a healthier path I have to make the change now! This holiday season will be different for us with lots of new memories! I am looking forward to the positive changes!
    Me too everything was centered around food when I was younger but yet I was alot thinner.Strange isn't it !!

    Me Three! Food is a big part of my family gatherings. It will be the first holiday without my Dad has he passed this past May. He was the center of our family and now both our parents gone. Gone but not forgotten:) I feel postive this week as I know my DAd is an angel watching over me!

    My Hubby & I had our first week of our new lifestyle change in Food and we both feel better for it! Still can't believe I lost 6 lbs in the first week!

    Happy T-Day to all!
  • Way to go aries88! :flowerforyou:

    Thank you!!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh my goodness, I'm having one of those I'm-so-hungry-I'm-going-to-eat-my-desk kind of days. :ohwell: Too bad for me I'm smart and only bring food for one day to work and don't carry cash so I can't get into the vending machines. :laugh:

    I seriously *just* ate lunch. Like less than an hour ago -- and my stomach is rumbling with hunger again! I ate basically the same thing I had for dinner Saturday and it kept me from being hungry for several hours then. I've eaten pretty normally today. Maybe my protein is a couple grams lower than usual (not more than 5g) since I've only had 30g so far. Who would've thought 5 grams would make such a difference?

    I'm not a big fan of just letting myself be hungry -- I generally think it leads to overeating later in the day. I feel like I've done all I can at this point and there aren't really any healthy snack options here, especially since the cafeteria closed 15 minutes ago (they normally have whole apples and/or bananas).

    I've already had 10 cups of water and 2 cups of green tea trying to control the hunger. At least I'll be flushing out some water weight, I guess. :drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sorry to hear about your hunger...hope it gets better and you make it through the day

    I actually took some advise from you and started eating more protein, especially in the morning and it has made a huge difference.

    I am feeling real good today...got on my elliptical for 25 min at lunch, ate my lunch and now back to work...This seems soo far that this week will be much less stressful than last.

    I realized something today....with my weight this morning I have lost 5% of my body weight.,.. I had total about 50% of my body to loose so I just need to do this 9 more times and I will be there.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sorry to hear about your hunger...hope it gets better and you make it through the day

    I actually took some advise from you and started eating more protein, especially in the morning and it has made a huge difference.

    I should probably follow my own advice. :laugh:
    Should've known there was a reason I was craving eggs this morning. I almost never crave eggs. But I didn't have time for eggs. And to make it worse, I chose cream cheese for my bagel instead of peanut butter.

    The green tea seems to have helped a little. I'm still hungry, but I'm going to make it. :wink:
    I'm definitely going to have a snack (PB & 1/2 banana, YUM! :love: ) before my Couch25k training tonight or I'll never make it.

    My supervisor came in and raved about how good I look again today. She said she feels like she can actually see me melting away & that every time she looks at me she can't believe it. And I think she's more excited about my "new" clothes (clothes I haven't been able to wear in years) than I am. :laugh: I've worn the same 5-10 outfits to work since I started because I couldn't, for many reasons, buy new clothes in a larger size. Now I'm getting back into all the clothes I bought myself as a reward last time I lost weight. I couldn't even button the pants I'm wearing for the last 2 years and now they're too big. I look so much better in these clothes. I tried on a pair of pants yesterday that I'm not sure I've ever really been able to wear. They made my butt look so good I couldn't stop looking at it! :laugh: :blushing: I can hardly wait to wear them to work tomorrow along with a cashmere cardigan and a silk shell. See, supervisor? I really do have nice professional clothes and I'm really not a slob! :laugh: I was just a poor fat girl who refused/couldn't afford to buy bigger clothes.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Calories consumed-1000 so far
    Calories burnt -565 (this morning at 5 am on the elliptical for 45minutes straight)I am going to do another 45minutes this evening
    Water consumed-96 ounces
    I am proud of myself because I pushed myself to succeed this morning and I am going to continue to push myself to succeed.

    I am glad everyone else is doing so well !!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    That is nice of your supervisor..I work at home so the only person that could compliment me is my dog...and I wear pj's most days.:laugh: :laugh:

    What is the c25k i have seen several things about it...do you like run/walk in place? Is it like a dvd or do you go do it outside or on a treadmill?
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey all, I am back on track today. Just got done exercising. I made a chicken stew for dinner and if I stick to my meal plan I will be doing well. I will post later after dinner. so far so good.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    What is the c25k i have seen several things about it...do you like run/walk in place? Is it like a dvd or do you go do it outside or on a treadmill?

    It's a program that gets you from the couch (no exercise/running) to running 5K (3 miles) in 10 weeks.
    It's interval training outside or on a treadmill. The schedule is 3x/week (with a day of rest in between) and each week gets more intense. I'm on my 3rd day of week 1 and it's a 5 minute warm up walk, and then alternating 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes, and then I add a 5 minute cool down walk to make it a 30 minute workout. I couldn't do it at first so I started 2 weeks ago by running 1 minute (or 45 seconds) and walking 2 minutes until I could actually do the first workout of C25K.
    The website to learn more is http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    LOL I had no idea kidding about sex as calories actually counted and would start such funny postings! :laugh:

    Wow, we are all doing really well! I've included my ticker but I think I am mixed up on the amt. lost. I have lost 16 pounds, but not all on here. Well, I guess it's right, because I did actually weigh 16 lbs. more when I first weighed in. (well, actually 20 from the flu - I don't know! I'm mixed up! I'm taking the 16 and running with it! LOL :tongue: )

    jlb - the clothes, girl, the clothes! I hear ya on the "can't afford to buy" part. I know you have to feel wonderful wearing those smaller clothes!!! :flowerforyou:
    snowflakes - thanks for the tips - they are good ones. :happy:
    momma - on track, woohoo!!! :drinker:
    lildeb - the willpower with the cookie! Amazing! Bottle that willpower and sell some to me! :flowerforyou:
    awestfall - 5am workout? Wha??? I can't possibly imagine getting up that early! :yawn: You go, girl!
    dawn - hope you feel better! :sick: Do keep eating, though. I stopped when I was sick and then had a HUGE gain. :grumble:
    aries - you SHOULD feel good! Enjoy! :smile:
    lstpaul - sounds like SOMEONE had a FABULOUS get-away! LOL :wink: :wink: :wink:

    I had an OK day. Mashed potatoes and gravy got the best of me, BUT I only had ONE helping!
    Cals: a little high but OK
    Water: great
    exercise: a little dancing for the MJ show with the students
    proud: I stopped at one helping of mashed potatoes and gravy! :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: I still have about 650 to eat, but if all goes as planned & logged, I'll be at 1254
    Exercise: 35 minutes on stationary bike, Couch25K week1 day3 + I added 10 minutes of walking to the end -- burned 1073 today
    Water: I'm at about 120oz.
    Proud: I finished week 1 of Couch25k! My guess is that I'm going to have to try for 2 weeks to complete week 2, but I'm going to go for it full force Thursday. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with running. It's so hard for me right now. I still can't believe the "love" part is there at all! :laugh: But I feel so *awesome* after a run (well, after the dizzy and nauseous part! :tongue: ).
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories: 1550
    exercise YES
    water Yes

    I am proud to be back on track
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Today went pretty well.. Feeling better today.. just a little head congestion. :wink:
    At any rate... Todays info is

    Calories.. stayed within
    Exercise 100 minutes
    Water.. Yep yep
    Proud.. Proud that I started the week off right even though I am not 100%
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes (have a couple of hundred left for a treat):happy:
    exercise: yes
    water: yes (by bedtime)
    proud of: making yummy homemade bread that is so much better than store bought. mmm mmm
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cals - right on target 1650
    exercise - 25 min on elliptical and biggest loose wii game, i hadn't done it in several weeks...it had me do a challenge and weigh in...good news it said i was 2lb less than last time i did it.
    Water - Day started off good thought i was going to make it today...had 32 oz
    Proud : I am proud that even though i have had some pitfalls that I am sticking to this...in the past i would hit a hurdle and just stop and give up....I may have some setbacks and some hard days but doesn't have to be end of the road....I will loose this weight and I will keep it off.

    My almost 3 yr old came home with a fever today so means no day care for her tomorrow. I will see how she is in the morning if i can work from home or if i need to take a sick day..if she just sleeps all day i can work, if she doesn't and is up then i will have to take a sick day
  • Checking in for the day

    Calories: 1392 with 1254 calories left....cannot possibly eat anymore though. So full it is not even funny
    Exercise: 1 hr 45 mins total burned 1036 calories
    Water: over a gallon
    Proud: that I keep sticking it out at the gym

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter

    SW: 230
    CW: 223
    GW: 150
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    I was to much surprise this morning got on the scale and it was 293.7, only like .5 to my thanksgiving goal. I am not recording it or anything but was very surprised.

    I am not working today, my almost 3 yr old is sick. I had to get from day care with a temp, she is coughing real bad , i can tell she isn't feeling good she won't eat her favorite breakfast ( poptarts) she wanted them got them out but won't even touch them.

    I am not sure if i want to take her to the doctor, it may just be a virus but if it is something worse i don't want to have to go to a urgent care clinc over the holiday costs tons more , it will cost like 10 to go to the doctor but will cost like 100 at the urgent care.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    5 am workout again this workout for one hour!!!
    Calories planned for the day so far-1,038 (so far)
    Water-Aiming for 96 ounces
    Exercise-60 minutes done and aiming for another 60 minutes!!!
    Proud that I am back at it hardcore!!
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