Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    welcome sherry!

    momma2four: Welcome back! Glad you had a nice time with your family.

    calories: yes 1330
    exercise: no
    water: no, not enough
    proud of: today I had the first person ask if I had lost some weight. yeah!
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    ok.. so today got away from me. :grumble: I got a late start. got a good workout in. Ate a sensible lunch and well.. Forgot to eat the rest of the day. Now it is time for bed and I still have almost 600 calories I did not eat. How can one "forget to eat" That NEVER happens to me. Ugh.

    Calories - under
    exercise 70 min
    water yup
    Proud - I have lost 24 inches since I started my journey! :love:

    See ya all tomorrow!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Doing a general check-in for the long weekend ...
    calories: for the first time in a long time I didn't track my calories, but I think I did ok most of the time
    exercise: good on Thursday - 60 minutes of trying new stuff, nothing on Friday except shopping, 90 minutes at the Y on Saturday, nothing on Sunday
    water: not enough most of the weekend
    proud of: didn't complete blow it on Thanksgiving

    weigh-in: last week 237, this week 237.4 ... so up .4 ... but it could have been worse

    Congrats everyone who lost! I'll have to start that tough arm challenge today.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi everyone - just getting back into the swing of things from a weekend away. I'll read the posts later to catch up with how everyone is doing.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    One of my employees came by my office this morning to ask about something health insurance related and all of a sudden (no kidding, mid-sentence) she was like "Wow, you've lost weight!" :bigsmile:
    I needed that since the scale was mean to me this morning (too much sodium, not nearly enough water finally caught up to me).

    By the way, are anyone else's arms killing them this morning? :laugh: :tongue:
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey everyone. I was gone for about two weeks but I am back. However, I still maintained decent eating and exercise habits, the results are reflected in my ticker. My work schedule is off the chain. I've been working 7 days a week and it is very stressful. I have to do a schedule change asap because I don't want to get burned out.

    I haven't had a chance to scan through the list to see what everyone has been up to because I have to head out. But I will check back in this evening with everyone.

    Be good,

  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lstpaul, stephanie, mscocoa30, Welcome Back!

    jlb123: :sad: YES the arms are feeling it. I have a feeling I may never live this one down. :laugh:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey I am off to a good start. Got up and took a 30 minute walk. Still plan to put this arm killing workout to the test today.:bigsmile: I also plan to ride my bike today. I need to really up my exercise. I can tell that I have gained a little. Not sure how much is water and how much is fat.:grumble: Like I said I am staying away from the scale this week so I have no idea. My eating has been good today. I will update later.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals!

    I have been a way from a few days, eating not the best, but I didn't gain a bunch or anything so that is good. I was actually down a few ounces from Friday this morning...

    I feel like i have done awesome today...great new start I have already had 40 oz of water and it is only 1...I am making a concious effort to try harder with the water...I haven't exercised much at all over the holiday, i had intentions..but no such luck....I am back on scheduler today, i did even more than i usally do at lunch, i did 36 minutes on my elliptical...i meant to do 40 but my heart i can tell was beating so fast and my chest was hurting a little, my heart was probably like what are you doing to me .But 36 minutes for me is awsome it is the longest i have done.

    As of right now after lunch i am in negative cals..i basically burned off everything i have eaten today...It says like i ahve 1700 more cals today, don't think i will be doing that.

    Glad to see everyone back and in the swing of things.
  • aries88
    I haven't been on for a while but I have been doing pretty good with my eating....I did really well with Thanksgiving dinner....both of them and even managed to lose another pound. I will be getting back in the swing of things this week.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Oh my gosh guys, I have been doing really well staying away from my weakness...pies. I hope I do not end up binging because of it. I am off to a good start today, concentrating on the day to day , I have been straying a lot, but luckily not gaining any more weight...I want to get back to the weight loss, not plateau. Wish me luck.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Oh my gosh guys, I have been doing really well staying away from my weakness...pies. I hope I do not end up binging because of it. I am off to a good start today, concentrating on the day to day , I have been straying a lot, but luckily not gaining any more weight...I want to get back to the weight loss, not plateau. Wish me luck.

    Hey Andrea, I am so glad to see you. I have missed you. Good job on staying away from the pies. You can do this
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    hello ladies.. how is everyone doing?

    I can say my arms are very TENDER! :huh: and I thought I used them enough that this challenge would be a piece of cake. I stand corrected!:wink:

    Today is going well. Although, I have been hungrier than normal today. I have a feeling it is because of yesterday! So, I am drinking more and trying to stay lo cal.. but, at the same time eating. So far so good!

    It was a bit quite around here over the holiday! I am glad to see everyone coming back and checking in!

    Well.. I will check back a little later.. I still have 5 more sets of arm exercises to get done today :devil:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Okay, did my arm challenge ( I think I did it right)

    Calories : 1539
    Exercise : YES
    Water : 64 ounces, plan to drink 8 more ounces before I go down.

    I am proud that even though (I use this one a lot) I did NOT feel like exercising, I did anyway!!!! I am proud that my calories were good today.......
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I did my challenge...that sure is a workout on your arms.

    Calories - 1440
    Exerciese - yes more than i have done yet
    Water - 64 ounces
    Proud - I am proud i pushed my self on the elliptical today and did more than I have had before (even though it was just 1 minute, hey it was more...36 minutes . I am proud i actually got all my water in...i think this is a first.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lildebbie: good job on the water. Your body will love you for the hydration!

    calories: yes 1290
    exercise: pretty pathetic
    water: yes
    proud of: this has been a day of staying flexible to many demands and I so could have self medicated with food and I did not.

    Good Night:yawn:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Check in:

    cals: under
    water: perfect
    exercise: 20 mins of dancing with two breaks - did not do the arms today because I am recovering from yesterday! :tongue:
    proud: I PASSED UP Taco Bell on my way home from a rehearsal tonight!!! First time EVER on a Monday night! Came home and ate a handful of almonds instead!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,317 -- yeah.... 1 OUNCE of eggnog has 40 calories. And we got the lowest calorie kind at the store. How insane is that?
    Exercise: 30 minutes bike 15 minutes running = 646 burned
    Water: About 80oz
    Proud: My cardiovascular system is improving so much from running (unfortunately, my knees are not...).

    I love running and I love feeling the improvment so quickly. But my knees are working against me. I had to stop my run half way last night which was really frustrating. I have a 2 day break from running now but unfortunately I think it will need to be longer. I think I'm only going to be able to run once or twice a week until I lose more weight since my knees are protesting so much. :frown: I guess I can't blame them -- I'd protest too if 237 pounds was pounding down on me several hundred times in a row. :laugh: :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    jlb123: I know exactly what you are talking about with your knees ... I was determined to start running this fall ... ran every day while on vacation to get started and had to quit because every day my knees were a little worse until I was hobbling around. I really want to get back to running (was a cross country runner in high school and college) - but I fear it will have to wait until I weigh less or I will end up having to have knee surgery. So I feel your disappointment!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories - over ... snacked while making dinner AGAIN ... but at least I didn't also eat dinner
    exercise - went for a 20 minute walk
    water - bad ... only about 32 oz
    proud - made myself take that 20 minute walk instead of sitting and watching swim practice like I usually do ... and proud that I stopped my binge at dinner time
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    That is why i am sticking to my ellpitcial my kneess hurt when i go up the stairs so i know running would be torture on them...they don't like the 295 lbs on them.....I am hoping when I loose weight I maybe can take it up.