Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I just made a bad choice for lunch ... a chicken cordon blue sandwich and fries ... BUT the fries were cold and sandwich tasted icky so I did the smart thing and threw it away after a couple of bites. Just not worth the calories if it isn't great.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    know how you feel....I have had several times on why am i wasting my calories on this.

    Have you ever worked out to the point you feel like you are going to throw up...I just did...i did 40 min for the 1st time ( i think ever of exercise at one time ) and i wanted to stop at 20 min, but i pushed myself and about 35 min i thought i was going to throw up, but I did it I am soo proud of my self...

    Note to self...make sure heat is not running when deciding to get on ellipcial...got way to hot.
  • arborsong
    Hey, ladies! What is the arm challenge ya'll are talking about?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Have you ever worked out to the point you feel like you are going to throw up...I just did...i did 40 min for the 1st time ( i think ever of exercise at one time ) and i wanted to stop at 20 min, but i pushed myself and about 35 min i thought i was going to throw up, but I did it I am soo proud of my self...

    Note to self...make sure heat is not running when deciding to get on ellipcial...got way to hot.

    Good for you! Just make sure you are drinking enough water and turn that heat down so you don't get overheated! You don't want to feel sick because you are dehydrated! I have worked out that hard on occassion ... it is a good feeling to push past where you want to quit! :drinker:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Ok ladies I know I have been MIA for the past few days and its because I am fighting the flu.So I haven't been exercising or eating particularly right.I am feeling a bit better today as some of my sinus pressure has let up and my body aches are not as horrible.I don't think that the flu has ever made me feel this horrible.I am hoping to be back at it tomorrow because I have goals to meet and I am going to meet them .Can anyone feel me in on what I have missed????? I haven't even weighed myself because I know I have probably gained becaue on top of having the flu I have also started my monthly visit LOL>I will be back into the swing of things in the next few days as long as this flu bug doesn't knock me back down which I am trying not to let it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awestfall, Hope you feel better soon!!!!!!!

    I walked today, and I rode the exercise bike. I did pretty well burned a ton of calories. I am getting ready to do my arm challenge if I am able:tongue: Hope everyone is having a nice Tuesday........

    arborsong here is our arm challenge, have fun!!!!!!

    You can use 1 or 2 pounds weights or soup cans, or full water bottles. I will be using water bottles. For ten counts each, work your arms in forward circles, backward circles, lift over your head and down (like a jumping jack), with arms out front curl to shoulders, and then with your arms at your side lift and hold 10 counts then lower back to your side. Do each of these in repetitions of 10, for 5 days this week.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am about to really lose it with my 13-year-old-students-going-on-25. :explode: If you hear about a music teacher from Missouri who is locked up after screaming and throwing things, trust me, you will know her. :mad: Why do 13-yr-olds think they know so much? And why do they fight so much amongst each other that it ruins their dance rehearsal because they are pouting instead of doing the dance??? Grrr. I can't WAIT until Dec. 9th!!! Calgon, take me away! :angry:

    On a happier note, I didn't come home from their rehearsal and shove food in my mouth like I normally would have. But I AM still looking at that bottle of vodka...:devil:


    cals: right on target
    water: right on target
    exercise: 20 mins of bike
    proud: That I actually didn't throw anything at my students! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories - 1547
    Exercise - 40 minutes
    Water - 64 ounces
    Proud of - I am super proud of my self pushing myself and did 40 minutes on the elliptical and did 2 days in a row of pushing my self and getting 64 ounces of water.

    I know I have asked this questions before but i don't remember...do yall eat your exercise cals...I know you are supposed to eat them but having problems really eating them., i am about 100 under my "pre-exercise" calories. MFP says I should still eat 900 + calories today...I don't know if it matters since I have soo much to loose that it is different than if had 30 -40 lbs to loose vs lbs 100 +.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    How is the arm challenge?!?!? I am feeling a spot behind my armpits that I didn't even know was there:bigsmile:

    Everyone has been doing great with calories and water. I would pat you each on the shoulder but that would probably hurt this week. WHEW. Feeling it!

    Sorry you have been sick awestfall. Jump in on the arm challenge when you feel up to it. Misery loves company.:laugh: :laugh:

    What are you putting the arm challenge in as on the exercise diary?

    Calories: yes 1330
    Exercise: yes
    Water: yes
    Proud of: My husband told me how good I looked today.:blushing:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Snowflakes - I only got in 1/2 of the arm challenges today :sad: I was going strong this morning, but then died off in the afternoon...but they were sure sore ...I did like 6 reps

    I haven't been putting mine in the exercie log, i guess i should of.
  • aries88
    So I got my results for thyroid....my numbers are great....cholesterol is great.....blood pressure great....blood sugar....high.....A1c's---high. This is not good. Diabetes runs wild in my family and I am hoping that when I go back my numbers will be back in normal range. Anywho

    Calories....I didn't count them today....been on the run since I got up at 6 this morning and just now got a break
    Exercise.....well I didn't make it to the gym today but I haven't had two minutes to sit down all day does that count?
    Water.....a ton
    Proud: I have all my homework done for the semester
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,262
    Exercise: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Water: got it
    Proud: I'm paying much closer attention to my sodium intake. I moved my goal down to under 2000mg/day and stayed well under yesterday (which is the day I'm checking in for).

    Debbie -- Awestfall and I had a conversation about exercise calories several weeks ago. I had hit a plateau & thought I may try eating my exercise calories to break through it. No need, I broke though it anyway. But, basically, I agree with awestfall (and her physician) when they say people with a lot of weight to lose (bmi over 35 especially), don't have to worry so much about "starvation mode" because we have *so much* extra weight. I personally will probably start eating some of my exercise calories when I get below 200#. I'll try to eat more and more of them the closer I get to my goal weight. That's the plan at least, I guess I won't really know what I'll do until I get there.

    I do occasionally eat my exercise calories if I have a splurge day which I hardly ever even have anymore, actually.

    Snowflakes, I logged the arm challenge as "strength training" (I think) under the section that actually counts calories burned. I estimated it took 15 minutes total (since I had to pause for a few seconds between reps :tongue:).

    Ladies, I'm sitting at work in SIZE 18 pants. :smile: I was a *very very very tight* 20 (read: 22) when I started. The only reason I wasn't wearing a 22 in work pants is that I couldn't afford to buy any. I have 3 pairs of "I give up" size 22 casual pants (with elastic & a drawstring) that literally fall down as soon as I pull them up (thank goodness for the drawstring!). So, I've lost 2 whole sizes! *happy dance* I'm halfway to wearing the most gorgeous skirts ever (size 14. all packed in boxes -- I've NEVER been small enough to wear them. I bought them from a charity thrift store as an incentive to lose weight 3 years ago)!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls,

    I went over on my calories yesterday:cry: I have my goals set for 2 pounds a week. I would still lose 1 pound a week at what I ate, but it is the point that I went over the goal I had.

    Water Yes
    Exercise Yes, I would have been a few hundred calories over if it was not for my exercise yesterday. I walked for 35 and rode the exercise bike for 35 as well. Did my arm challenge!!!!

    I am proud that here I am almost 10 months into to this and I am still going. I know I have been messing up here and there but I am still down 42 pounds. I have never lasted this long and I feel like this is really going to happen for me.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories: 1,262
    Exercise: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Water: got it
    Proud: I'm paying much closer attention to my sodium intake. I moved my goal down to under 2000mg/day and stayed well under yesterday (which is the day I'm checking in for).

    Debbie -- Awestfall and I had a conversation about exercise calories several weeks ago. I had hit a plateau & thought I may try eating my exercise calories to break through it. No need, I broke though it anyway. But, basically, I agree with awestfall (and her physician) when they say people with a lot of weight to lose (bmi over 35 especially), don't have to worry so much about "starvation mode" because we have *so much* extra weight. I personally will probably start eating some of my exercise calories when I get below 200#. I'll try to eat more and more of them the closer I get to my goal weight. That's the plan at least, I guess I won't really know what I'll do until I get there.

    I do occasionally eat my exercise calories if I have a splurge day which I hardly ever even have anymore, actually.

    Snowflakes, I logged the arm challenge as "strength training" (I think) under the section that actually counts calories burned. I estimated it took 15 minutes total (since I had to pause for a few seconds between reps :tongue:).

    Ladies, I'm sitting at work in SIZE 18 pants. :smile: I was a *very very very tight* 20 (read: 22) when I started. The only reason I wasn't wearing a 22 in work pants is that I couldn't afford to buy any. I have 3 pairs of "I give up" size 22 casual pants (with elastic & a drawstring) that literally fall down as soon as I pull them up (thank goodness for the drawstring!). So, I've lost 2 whole sizes! *happy dance* I'm halfway to wearing the most gorgeous skirts ever (size 14. all packed in boxes -- I've NEVER been small enough to wear them. I bought them from a charity thrift store as an incentive to lose weight 3 years ago)!!

    jlb, that is really great. I am so excited for you. Size 18 sounds so much better than 20'something. I went from a size 28 to a size 22. i have a shirt that I love but it was too tight so i did not want to put it on yesterday but I did anyway and it fit me perfect.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, that's awesome that you've dropped so many dress sizes and that shirt fits!
    Sounds kind of like last week when I was trying on pants in my closet & thought "oh, there's no way those pants will fit" and then they were too big. :smile:

    Another coworker noticed my hard work & complimented me today. :blushing:
    I noticed a few days ago that my face is starting to slim down a lot and I suppose that's why people are really starting to notice. I don't normally thrive off of compliments (I'm actually a little shy if you can believe it) but it's really motivating to have people not only notice, but notice enough to compliment you. :smile:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jib - thanks for the info...I was thinking the same thing, just see soo many posts that you have to eat your exercise calories...my cals are already at 1640 a day for my weight and such so i am sure if i get below 200 that they will be way down and i will probably want to eat some fo them.

    WTG on the size 18 I am soo happy for you. I can just imagine how happy you are about that.

    I am still in my 26 jeans...:sad: I am hoping sometime soon i can wear the 24 comfortably, but when I started the 26's were getting a little tight...before i would take them off as soon as i got home and the other day i took a nap in them. They fall down my waist and my but my gut is what holds them up.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am thinking that I need to mix up my work out a bit. Went to my counties library website and requested 3 different work out dvd's. I get to use them for 3 weeks before I have to return them. I am on a waiting list for 2 of them and figured by the time I am done with the first the others will be ready. Thought maybe if I change work out dvd's every 3 weeks may just boost my inches lost. At first I was losing inches like crazy. Then that started slowing down. I have lost a total of 7 inches from my waist and 6 inches from my hips. My arms 1 inch, my leg is only about 1 inch and my neck 1/2 an inch. I did all of that about 4-5 months ago and it has been at a stand still since. Changing up my routine I am hoping will work. I am built with a smaller mid section and good sized hips (all them babies I have given birth to:laugh: ) So if I can get a pair of pants over my hips they are usually too big for my waist. All my 22's ar tight in the booty and very lose in the waist. I need to work out that bum and get it to shrink a bit.:laugh: Just thought I would share in case some of you may have that same option at your library.
  • aries88
    I am thinking that I need to mix up my work out a bit. Went to my counties library website and requested 3 different work out dvd's. I get to use them for 3 weeks before I have to return them. I am on a waiting list for 2 of them and figured by the time I am done with the first the others will be ready. Thought maybe if I change work out dvd's every 3 weeks may just boost my inches lost. At first I was losing inches like crazy. Then that started slowing down. I have lost a total of 7 inches from my waist and 6 inches from my hips. My arms 1 inch, my leg is only about 1 inch and my neck 1/2 an inch. I did all of that about 4-5 months ago and it has been at a stand still since. Changing up my routine I am hoping will work. I am built with a smaller mid section and good sized hips (all them babies I have given birth to:laugh: ) So if I can get a pair of pants over my hips they are usually too big for my waist. All my 22's ar tight in the booty and very lose in the waist. I need to work out that bum and get it to shrink a bit.:laugh: Just thought I would share in case some of you may have that same option at your library.

    I think that is a great idea Momma2four. I try to mix up what I do. Even though I use the elliptical a lot, I do a different workout every time and that seems to make a difference for me. At least it keeps it from getting boring.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - Sounds like a plan. I hadn't even thought of taking measurements in all those places :smile: I only have like 5 ,boobs, chest, waist, hips, and what I call my second stomach...that gut between my hips and waist. I have lost a few inches in some of the places, but not in my 'second stomach' which is where i want to loose it most. that is the only thing that is keeping my pants up these days.

    I think i might start mixing it up wiht my BL game more, i haven't doing it that much and mainly been doing my elliptical , i guess mainly cause i don't like how it is sooo off on the calories burned and don't know how to relaly put it in MFP and how much I am really burning.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies,

    jlb123: it does feel good to have someone complement you on your weight loss. I have only had one person yet comment and I felt so happy inside. You are doing great.

    lildebbie: Keep up the good work.

    momma2four: I have thought about the library but haven't checked it out yet. Thanks for the reminder. Happy dance for your smaller size.

    I took today day off and spent a lot of time resting. I am tired and achy, I DO NOT have time to get sick.

    Calories: under
    Exercie: no (the arms are thanking me)
    Water: under
    Proud: That I am blessed with great ladies to share this journey with.

    zorahope: I didn't see you on the 10:00 news so no 13 yr olds must have been harmed. hee hee Oh those naughty teens. You can do anything for a few more days. There are days that I would like to duck tape their months and velcro them to the wall. Then other days they are so darn funny and cute and don't know how you would live without them. Good Luck!