Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Crazy busy day! I will have everyone home sometime tomorrow. Yippee:happy: :happy: :happy:

    calories: yes,1324
    exercise: yes, really short, better than nothing:ohwell:
    water: yes
    proud of: Paying attention to eating very lean cuts of meats. (Huge calorie difference.)

    I didn't get to try my new exercise today, so I am going to wait until next week to get it out because to many people around (confession ahead...) for the same reason I don't go to a gym. No one not even the men that love me, will see me trying to roll around doing something that I have never tried before. Some things are just not meant to be shared.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I bought a Danskin exercise ball for $9.99 with a free DVD that I will be trying.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,289
    Exercise: 738 -30 stationary bike 20 running (I'm not supposed to be running on my off day... but I was craving it all day! So, I just ran a mile & then walked out the rest of 20 minutes)
    Water: At least 80oz
    Proud: Um... I'm proud that I have my low-cal dessert all ready to take to Thanksgiving. I'm not proud that I dug into it immediately after finishing it! :laugh: Yes, I will be the girl bringing the half-eaten dessert to Thanksgiving dinner. :embarassed: It's okay, it's going to be a really small Thanksgiving this year. Even my brother & sister-in-law won't be there because they both have to work 3rd shift tomorrow and Thanksgiving. :ohwell: My boyfriend couldn't convince his mom to make the 4.5 hour drive to my mom's house so he's going to visit her instead of coming with me. I understand, but it sucks we have to be apart on holidays. She better hope she comes up for Christmas because she's not getting him for both holidays *AGAIN* this year. :laugh: (I hate saying "boyfriend" because it sounds so casual and uncommited but we are all but married -- we've lived together for 3.5 years. And now I'm rambling.).
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    LilDebbie.. good job for getting a little exercise to help counteract that Pizza

    ZoraHope pat yourself on the back for passing up the cake, tomorrow is a new day. You will do great I know you will!

    Moma2four thanks for all your encouragement.. You are the best! It is great you are having more intense workouts!

    Stephanie08 I think it is great you did those pilates..I wish I had more core strength to attempt that. Maybe next time your puppies will have to go take a nap while you are working out! They must just love their mama.

    Snowflakes I totally understand about trying a new exercise with the men/boys watching.. Hang in there, you will like your exercise ball when you get the hang of it.

    So.. here goes my check in ...

    I had to take my daughter to the ortho this morning so, I did not get my workout in :grumble: Then I had a couple of clients come see me for Hot Stone Massages .. So, when I was done.. I ate a yummy lunch (Garlic chicken breast with peas) one of my favorites and got on the treadmill. I have to tell you since I started watching movies while walking the time just goes so fast! :wink: Read a little this afternoon and made homemade pizza for dinner.

    Managed to stay within my calories right now I am full and have not eaten all my exercise calories for the day so, will have to have a little snack later.
    Water.. was pretty good if you count the herbal tea I have been drinking lately (just craving HOT beverages)
    Exercise yep.. got a hour again
    Proud.. I was in a hurry this morning and grabbed a pair of jeans out of the closet and they fit a little snug... I was like What the heck.. how could they be that tight.. I checked and they were an older pair that was 2 sizes smaller.. So, this afternoon, I went shopping in the back of my closet and found a few other pairs of pants that in about 4 lbs are gonna fit GREAT! Whoo hoo.. its working!:happy:

    Thanksgiving break starts tomorrow.. so.. no school for the kids.. next few days will be interesting but, I will do my best to keep checking in. It really makes a difference in how I feel, the decisions I make and the support you all offer... Thanks!

    See ya tomorrow!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    Calories - 2300 - with my exercise cals i am not over, but feel like I am alot.
    Exercise - 35 minutes burning per mfp 705 calories
    Water - 40 ounces, still not to 64 but getting closer
    Proud - That I got go on the elliptical for 35 minutes more than i have ever done after eating poorly for dinner.
  • jessicajoy87
    Hi everyone. I'm new. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get the fitness tracker on my messages?
  • aries88
    Checking in for the day.....

    Calories: 2170 with 164 left over.....for the first time I actually ate most of my exercise calories and I feel awful tonight. I knew there was a reason I don't eat that much.....I let the munchies get the better hand tonight and had three cookies while we were watching Angels & Demons and I feel like crap now....not mentally because we all have slip ups....but physically. Yuck
    Exercise...yep an hour this morning....and I ran an entire mile!!!!!
    Water: not as much as I should have
    Proud: that I RAN!!!!!!!!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    SW: 230
    CW: 223
    GW: 150
  • aries88
    No workout this morning....I need to make a road trip to get the paperwork in for my older kids' social security cards...no idea where they are.....so they can get their learners' permits....UGHHHH
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hi everyone. I'm new. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get the fitness tracker on my messages?

    Hi Jessica, It is pretty easy. Go to your tools tab at the top of the page. Then select weight loss ticker and it should help you make a ticker. Welcome to our group:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: pretty good, ate a lot of the exercise calories though
    exercise: great .. 90 minutes at the Y - 1500 calories
    water: good - 72 oz
    proud: made good food choices at Famous Dave's and exercised hard at the Y

    Welcome jessicajoy87! to get a tracker go under tools and set one up ... then to put the trackers in your messages you cut and paste them into your forum signature - change this under settings. I also have one from www.tickerfactory.com to track my exercise.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to get the fitness tracker on my messages?

    Hi Jessica, It is pretty easy. Go to your tools tab at the top of the page. Then select weight loss ticker and it should help you make a ticker. Welcome to our group:flowerforyou:

    After you make your ticker.. you will need to add the code it gives you to your "signature" just copy and paste it.
    It is great to have you here! WELCOME!! :smile:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi gals!

    Welcome Jessica:flowerforyou: For me a huge eye opener was logging everything I ate in the food diary. I suggest that you use these tools everyday to help you.

    Feeling good this morning, excited to have everyone home by 5:00 PM. (Hoping hubby can be home early!) You gals are doing so great. I'm impressed with jlb123 and aries88 running... I don't know if I will ever feel like my knees are up to that. It seems like what I am doing is working for now. Thank goodness for those exercise calories on some days they save me.:laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I am so envious that some of you found smaller clothes in your closet. All my jeans are feeling baggy. I have tightened my belt a notch or two. This is good. BUT...... I have been the same size (even when fluctuating up and down a bit) for so many years that I don't have anything in my closet to pull out. Baggy butt will be my new look. :laugh: I will have to start looking for some super cheap deals. I have too many sizes to go down, to invest in clothes.

    Good grief bumbeling fingers. Thankful for spell check.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    snowflake - i have a bad knee too...i don't know how it will deal with running...that is why i like the elliptical soo much it is lower impact on the knees..or at least for me.

    I am still in the same jeans too :sad: but I haven't lost as much as you. I am sure you will be there soon. My pants are super baggy, the only think i think holding them up is what i call my second stomach I walk and the fall down in the behind but up somewhat in the front. I tried my next size down a few weeks agao and they were tight so kinda not wanting to try them on till i loose little more to not be disappointed yet again.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I really like coming here to read everyone's post. Here's what I took away from today's reading... we all have good days and bad days, and that we're all in the same boat :wink: But the best part of reading today's posts... we're all HERE and we're all trying :happy:

    Yesterday calories: over again
    Exercise: Yes at the gym with the personal training and my weight loss team
    Water: Yes
    Proud: Even though I ordered take out food becaues I had a late training class with the dog, I only order 1 plate, and split it with my boyfriend. Before, I would have order one for me and one for him. To tell the truth, one plate was MORE than enough for both of us.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Stephanie - Exactly !! I had a few rough weeks a few weeks ago and coming here wouldn't let me feel sorry for my self. In past times when i tried to loose weight i would get off track and just derail totally...I am soo proud i have been doing this 8 weeks and i have lost 16 lbs
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hello Girls,

    I am already eating poorly.:explode: If I am having trouble today I can only imagine tomorrow. It is suppose to be in the 60's and sunny which is very comfortable so we are going to hike around my mother in laws ranch. I will see you all later

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: under
    exercise: yes
    water: yes
    proud of: increased exercise by 10 minutes.

    Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Happy Thanksgiving to all! (a day early) I am grateful for ALL of you! You are a wonderful support team! :flowerforyou:
    Welcome, jessica! :happy:

    Lildeb - I know exactly how you feel about going close to your daily calorie amount - I always feel like I am over when I get too close! :huh: That is exactly how today has went. I am close to my cal amt. (I want to say "limit") and I am scared to death that I have gained from just today. I keep freaking out on Wednesdays it seems. I am so afraid to trust that darn calorie goal - it just seems like soooo many calories! I know I am very big but I feel like I should only be eating like 1500 cals a day.

    cals: close to the edge
    water: half-way there
    exercise: GREAT today! 20 mins. bike (one break), 10 mins. walking
    proud: that I actually exercise for thirty minutes! Remember when I started and I couldn't go ten minutes?!?!? Yay me! :tongue:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Stephanie - Exactly !! I had a few rough weeks a few weeks ago and coming here wouldn't let me feel sorry for my self. In past times when i tried to loose weight i would get off track and just derail totally...I am soo proud i have been doing this 8 weeks and i have lost 16 lbs

    You go lildebbie!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Good Morning Everyone. OK so I'm doing my challenge this morning, I signed up for a class at the GYM at 8am EST 90 minutes of blood, sweat and tears.

    Happy Thanksgiving EVERYONE! and here's a tip from my trainer... It's ONE day! One day...