Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories - way under - 1200 (normal calories is 1640), but I ate all day, had a low cal dinner...guess that is good.
    Water - 64 oz today
    Exercise - 30 minutes on elliptical
    Proud of - I have done so awsome this week..I have worked out awsome this week, got more water this week that i had any other week, and i stayed under cals all week...HOpe i can have many more of weeks like these.
  • sas202554
    sas202554 Posts: 14 Member
    Hey, Sorry I have not been posting. I am helping my best friend get ready for her daughters wedding this Saturday and Have not been faithful to the group. I am sorry and hope you all will not kick me out. I read your posts and enjoy hearing how everyone is doing. This Sunday I am going to plan the week and post. I will weigh tomorrow and see how I have done. Keep up the good work. I want to learn about each one of your. Thanks for the comments to me when I joined this last weekend. I will do better.
    Way to go lil debbie!!! I hope to have a week like that next week.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    calories: yes
    exercise: yes
    water: yes
    proud: I made cookies today and only eat two.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Not doing so hot this week. Water intake has been horible.. been a emotional mess and lost 1 lb. :frown: been having a tough time staying motivated. have managed to stay within my calories most days but, have been making bad choices of foods and not getting my water in. Exercise has been hit and miss and I just have been really down. :grumble:

    Well I guess this week is a new week.. so, I will start over!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    dawn - sorry you were having a down week...but 1lb is a 1lb loss...good job.

    I am very excited to report that I lost 4.4 lbs this week that is a loss of 1.49 %.

    I also decided to take measurents the 1st friday of the month weigh in, i have lost 1/2 in to 1 inch from every where..I am real excited about that.

    I am 1 lb away from 20 lbs loss....go me !!!!

    Sorry I am tooting my own horn but I feel soo good about this,

    Everybody have a super Friday.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Way to go lilD!!! :flowerforyou: I am so happy for you because I know how hard you have been working. It feels GOOD when it pays off, doesn't it? You rock! You have the right to "TOOT" and we all want you to! :laugh:

    Dawn - you are right - it's a new week. The past is in the past and you have been doing so so so great that you just need to use this past week as a learning experience and keep on keepin' on. :flowerforyou: And hey, 1 lb. IS 1 lb. Better than the other way!!! :tongue:

    I am proud to report that I lost 4 lbs., with a percentage of .83%. The percentage may not be high because, hey, let's face it, I have over 300 to lose, BUT.... 4 lbs. IS 4lbs.!!! I am pretty excited! Going to a party tonight and I hope my weight loss this past week will inspire and REMIND me to take it easy. :drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    My ladybug moved over enough that I can FINALLY see the "0" on my ticker! LOL I have been waiting and waiting for that moment!!!! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mornin' ladies!

    Well, after weighing the same yesterday as I did last Friday, you can imagine my relief when the scale budged today. :smile:
    I lost 1.4 pounds this week weighing in at 236.0.
    I really focused on my diet/nutrition since I had to take care of my knees this week (meaning no walking or running which is how I have been getting the majority of my exercise). So, especially considering the only real cardio I got this week after last Saturday was using my stationary bike 30 minutes every morning, and considering I've lost over 3 pounds for the last 2 weeks in a row, I'm pretty happy about 1.4 pounds this week.
    The percentage is .59%

    Way to go to all you losers!

    I'm going out with some ex-coworkers after work tonight. Bar and bar food. I'm just going to do my usual "I'm not hungry" routine and drink 2 light beers and that's how I'll get around that. I'm planning to eat a Special K bar on the drive there and a healthy dinner when I get home.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Way to go Zora!!!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey Everyone,

    Sherry, you are always welcome to our group. Hope your friends daugter has a wonderful wedding and a long marriage:flowerforyou:

    WooHoo lildeb. way to go on that big number you will be hard to beat this week with a percentage like that.

    Zora, way to go girl. 4 pounds is a lot. Say goodbye to that 4 cause it is gone for ever.:flowerforyou:

    jlb123, great job on the weight loss. You will do fine tonight.

    Okay I am happy to report that I lost 0 this week. The reason I am happy about that is because I gained over Thanksgiving Weekend which means I got rid of that booboo I made over the 4 day weekend. The weight I gained is GONE!!!! I did not want to have to work on that for weeks and weeks>

    Here are our percentages, those of us who weigh in later please copy and paste to your post and add your percentage to the bottom so we can see at a glance who our biggest loser is.

    jlb123 %.59
    Zora %.83
    lildeb %1.49
    momma %0

    Here is our percentage calculator
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good job everyone!

    I made the 20 pounds lost goal this week. I am tooting my horn right along with the rest of you. Great week.

    The arm challenge has been a bugger. You still have today and tomorrow morning to finish your reps.

    jlb123 %.59
    Zora %.83
    lildeb %1.49
    momma %0
    snowflakes %.99
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    quiet afternoon today.

    well i think i went over my cals and no exercise today :(

    I went to lunch with my friends. I got a turkey wrap with no mayo...it was good, but i have no idea how many calories, I found a arby's one in the food database so don't know if was close or not. I had a side sald too just lettuce and a few crutons and some lettuce and a basalmic dressing...i AM NOT sure how many cals it had. But I didn't use a whole lot of it. Then dinner we went to whataburger (where i am weak for their french fries ) and did awsome, i had a grilled chicken sandwich and 1 of my daughters chicken strips total like 450 . I think i did great, hubby on the other hand had a a1 thick and hearty and fries for a whopping 1500 calories i about had a heart attack when I saw how many cals...But I did get water and drank 2 big glasses.

    I am hoping i do good tomorrow , we are having a bday party for my 3 yr old. I am making a cake now. I want to have a piece , and will have 1 small piece. She picked out strawberry ice cream and i don't like strawberry ice cream so that is good i won't eat it :)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    lidebbie you are doing great. You were surrounded with temptation and choose healthier items for yourself. I would have had to send my hubby to eat by himself. LOL

    Where is everyone this evening? Hot dates I guess.

    calories: yes
    exercise: yes (light day)
    water: not quite
    proud of: Making it to another goal.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildeb, pick our challenge girl you appear to be the biggest loser congrats on that one..................snowflakes loved the arm challenge you had for this week. I am going to keep doing it !!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks i tried...and biggest of all I DID NOT LICK THE SPOONS FROM THE CAKE ...i was tempted but I didn't...

    Never been a biggest looser :blushing: :blushing:

    I will think tonight and get in the morning for your challenge for this week.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I went to a birthday party tonight. I am both elated and disappointed. Disappointed because I ate four fried chicken wings that cost me a whole lotta cals, plus I drank a scotch and that sent me through the Jack In the Box drive-thru for two supreme croissants (had to get two, they were on sale - whatever! LOL). I really had every intention of eating before going, but I ended up staying at work really late again because I still have so much to do before the stupid musical next week. (notice it is "stupid" now LOL) I didn't plan well. :grumble:

    I am elated because I passed up the birthday cake at a birthday party!!! :bigsmile:

    So when I totaled up my cals for the day, AFTER the JitB BINGE, I went over on cals by 200. :noway:
    water: perfect
    exercise: really none today - my knee is killing me
    proud: I admitted my JitB binge to you guys and faced it head on, plus I passed up the darn cake that looked DELICIOUS!!! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I think since we all worked out our arms last week that this week we needed to concentrate on something else as I am sure our arms are killing us.

    I say this week we work on our legs. I say at least 5 days a week we should do 5 sets of 10 of the following:
    * standing up (hold on to somtehing if you need to Lift right leg to the side , then right side
    *sting up (hold on to something is you need) bring you knee up then kick
    *laying down on the floor lift left leg then right leg
    * if you fee like it an extra one will be to lay on your back put your legs together and apart.

    HOpe this is an okay challenge for this week. I need some workout on my thighs and looked up and these are good.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,268
    Exercise: only 25 minutes on bike - 314 burned
    Proud: Went to a restaurant with friends and had drinks without going over my calories.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Did not track calories today, but feel like i have done pretty good...I had my normal breakfast, a homemade sub for lunch, Hubby making low cal baked ziti from biggest looser cookbook. We have had it several times and it is pretty good....Did have one small piece of cake , but just 1 small piece....

    water and exercise is zippo

    I am proud that I only had 1 piece of cake and i didn't lick any icing kinves today.

    Today was a busy day...we had my 3 yr old bday party, my inlaws came down and it is always stressful, my mil has a brain injury and sometims she gets very upset and screams and yells, i don't know how my fil does it.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - that has got to be hard on everyone (your mil illness), so sorry. :flowerforyou: I like the challenge. I am ready to start doing something for these big legs! LOL And you're right, my arms are pretty sore! I must admit I could not do ten reps, but I did four or five most of the time.

    check in:

    cals: good
    water: half-way there
    exercise: 20 mins bike, plan to do twenty more plus the leg challenge
    proud: I am really starting to feel better, gals. I mean it! I am up moving a LOT more than I EVER was! Today I took the grocery cart all the way back to the store instead of putting it in the cart bin next to my car. THAT is a miracle!!! :laugh: