Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Calories: 1,204
    Exercise: 60 minutes on stationary bike - 743 burned
    Water: I'm probably at 6 cups now. I don't know why I don't drink enough water on the weekends.
    Proud: I'm 1 pound away from no longer being "morbidly obese." What a horrible term.

    way to go about being 1 lbd away from not being in "morbidly obese" that will be a great feeling for you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    . I am still 37 lbs away from not being morbidly obese :sad: :sad: :sad: Good news that I am not in the "Super Obese" category. When I originally started loosing weight back in may I was at 318 and barely on the line between Morbid and Super obese , so that is an accomplishment i am almost in the mid mark of morbidly obese.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Congrats Girls, I hate those ugly words Morbidly obese, obese, super obese. We are just fluffy girls who want to drop some fluff.:laugh:

    It is kinda exciting here in CA today. I live in central CA about 80 miles south/east of San Fransico. Our weather has been averaging in the 60's sunny warm and just beautiful. We had a storm come in last night and it is a cold one. It is actually snowing here. The last time it snowed in the central valley I was 6 years old, 33 years ago. My husband says the Canadians and people from Minnesota would laugh at us. It is not staying on the ground. But the point is , it is snow. Our local news is interupting the today show because it is big news in our area.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: There goes my walk, it is raining along with this. My teenage daughter does not even own a heavy coat. My little ones have a bit thicker coats. My husband and I were just laughing the other day. We saw a couple walking their dog and they had on those sweatshirt type hoodie jackets and sweat pants. My husband says here it is Dec. and this is our idea of winter attire. Do not get me wrong we get snow in CA it is just at the higher elevations. I tend not to go to the higher elevations. We have to drive a good hour or 2 just to get to snow. My 8 year old has only seen snow 2 times in her life. She has seen the ocean hundreds. Sorry to bore you all with our slushy snow today. We are excited about it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Sorry to bore you all with our slushy snow today. We are excited about it.

    Don't worry Momma, you'll hear the same gushing from me *if* it snows here this winter! :laugh: We usually get a couple of snow showers in January or February that sends everyone into a panicked frenzy but it almost never sticks. I only remember any real accumulation (and by "accumulation," I mean like 2 inches) once -- during my freshman year of college and that was 7 years ago. And that time it stayed around until about noon and then it was like 60 degrees & sunny for the rest of the day. :laugh:

    I grew up just about 100 miles north of here in the Greenville/Spartanburg area and we had some pretty good snows when I was a kid -- even a 6" to a foot every few years and always at least 3-4" a couple times every year. It's crazy how 100 miles can make such a difference.

    There's a saying around here, that the only thing between Columbia and Hell is a screen door (it is sooooo uncomfortable here in the summer - high heat but even worse is the extreme humidity -- think tropical rainforest :laugh:). So I guess maybe that's why it never snows here. :wink:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I am familiar with the humidity I lived in florida for 3 months. Terrible I hated it. California gets hot in the summer we have hit 109 a few times in August, but it is NOT humid. Which is fine with me. Our sierras get a lot of snow it is just a couple hours drive away. We actually have some great skiing in CA. Not that I ski cause I don't. We love the Pacific Ocean and tend to head that direction alot. I was born here and I love the weather, I love the Natural beauty of CA. I just HATE our liberal politics..,
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm back, I was away for Thanksgiving, and then I took a few days vacation last week because I have to use up the time or I lose it. So I haven't been on the computer alot. Eating wise I need to get back into the swing of things and track my foods, water and exercise. It's soooo easy to fall off the plan this time of year, but I'm going to keep trying...I'll read throught the posts tonight to catch up.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Things are going a bit better here! :happy: I think I am back on track now! Just got done exercising for 70 minutes and I feel great today!

    Moma and Jlb123 I hope you are enjoying your weather! It is flat out COLD here in Colorado. We have been in the single digits for a while now and another front is suppose to be here tomorrow with another 6 - 7 inches of snow! The kids are hoping for a snow day tomorrow! :tongue: It may be cold here right now but, in Colorado we always say "if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes and it will change" I think this is the only place I know of that you can experience all four seasons in 1 day! Can you say LAYERS of clothes! :bigsmile:

    Water is going well today but, I think I am going to switch to some hot herbal tea to warm up a little this morning!

    I will check in a little later. I have to take my car in and get my studded snow tires put on today! Should make a world of difference. I really do not like doing 180's when I am trying to turn a corner.. Arg :noway:

    Hope all is going well for the rest of you!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Momma - congrats on your snow. I live in Dallas and we don't get snow that much, we had some flurries last week, stuck a little bit (like an hr) then all melted no real accum. If we are lucky we may get it 1 or 2 a year..most of the time we just get ice ...uck..

    It is quite cold here today...i think in the 40's...that is cold for me and rainy.

    I am back in the swing of things this week....So excited i don't have to work a whole friday for the rest of the year :) I am off 1/2 day friday , then all next friday then christmas and new years. I am super excited cause this friday and next are kid free...just me...probably christmas shop i am thinking, might get a hair appt or just take a nap..
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    It's kinda quiet around here today. I need to exercise and I can't seem to get motivated. I do not feel like pulling in my exercise bike and it is cooooooooold and rainy here, so no walk. I am just not motivated today. blah:ohwell: lazy,lazy,lazy. At least I am cleaning my house. You know what I may go play my wii.:tongue:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    You guys can have my snow ... not much on the ground right now, but we are supposed to get a winter storm tomorrow night ... so it will likely stick until March - YUCK! I like having snow for Christmas - but then it could warm up and melt!

    I've been MIA for a little while again ... life is just incredibly busy now and I'm finding it hard to find time to take care of myself ... not eating right or tracking on MFP ... but I have been keeping up with my exercising pretty well. I know the next few weeks are going to be tough and my goal is to just not gain through the holidays. I had another shopping/dinner outing with friends and then had Christmas party #1 yesterday ... then next one is this coming Sunday, and on and on and on until the New Year... lots of food challenges.
    I didn't record my weigh-in for last week ... I hopped on once and didn't like what I saw and haven't hopped back on again.

    BUT ... I'm back and I'm tracking today.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    You guys can have my snow ... not much on the ground right now, but we are supposed to get a winter storm tomorrow night ... so it will likely stick until March - YUCK! I like having snow for Christmas - but then it could warm up and melt!

    I've been MIA for a little while again ... life is just incredibly busy now and I'm finding it hard to find time to take care of myself ... not eating right or tracking on MFP ... but I have been keeping up with my exercising pretty well. I know the next few weeks are going to be tough and my goal is to just not gain through the holidays. I had another shopping/dinner outing with friends and then had Christmas party #1 yesterday ... then next one is this coming Sunday, and on and on and on until the New Year... lots of food challenges.
    I didn't record my weigh-in for last week ... I hopped on once and didn't like what I saw and haven't hopped back on again.

    BUT ... I'm back and I'm tracking today.

    Glad you are on track today !!!!

    Momma - i didn't feel like exercising either, but i did, i got 25 min on my ellipt today...
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    steph, dawn, lstpaul - glad to see your smiling faces! Back on track, yes you are! :flowerforyou:

    I had a great rehearsal, then a parent came up and ruined my mood. She thinks I do not want her child in my show, which is not true. He chose to help with stage crew and will be running a spotlight, but right now the spots are burned out so I told him not to come to the rehearsal - no need, right? Well, SHE came up instead and started poking her nose around MY rehearsal! She asked a colleague if the spotlights were working; he said he had no idea. She then went to my BOSS and said that he said they were FINE and that I was LYING!!! :explode: I can not WAIT until WEDNESDAY IS OVER!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    But, instead of eating like usual when I am MAD, I will go ride my stationary bike like a good girl. And breathe. DEEPLY!!! :angry:

    Sorry to vent, but I need someone to listen right now!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Debbie, I am so proud of you coming up on the 20 pound mark!

    Thanks for the welcome back. I know I tend to disappear when I am struggling. I have PMDD (basically PMS only a lot worse) and tend to have a really hard time staying on track when I get depressed.

    Anyways, today so far - exercise - 30 mins (1.5 miles) walk/jog

    Today is my 6 year anniversary, we are going out for dinner and a movie on Tuesday.
    I am the same way when I get depressed.I can't focus.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hi everyone, haven't been posting as much as want to but I have been keeping up on my food log and have lost a few more pounds...however, I have been stuck in the 238-248 range for about half a year now..so not that excited.

    Finals are over, grades are good so huge weight off my shoulders, FOR NOW. Plan on starting the couch5k program tomorrow with my bf...wish me luck. I need something to focus on during my break and something to keep me motivated to break out of this fitness plateau.

    I think Jenn is doing this program or has done this program, anyone else. I would like some pointers....not really great with exercising...eating better I can do for sure but exercising always gets me.


    Cals: still under
    water: not as much ...only 2 cups (bad)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member