Over 200 Club Fit for the Holidays (open group)



  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I agree, snowflakes. They can be a lot of fun - actually more fun than attitude. But when my girls get sassy, they can really push my buttons! Especially since we only have ONE WEEK from TONIGHT! :noway: The good news is tonight's rehearsal was GREAT - not a poor attitude in sight!

    jlb - you ROCK!!! That's all I can say, girl. Going down pants sizes is my dream! Someday I will do it, though! You are rockin' the pants world, sista!

    Momma - it IS going to happen! It IS happening! Good for you!!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cals - on target
    Exercise - 20 minutes on eliptical
    Water - under today but still got 48 oz
    Proud - I got on the elliptical when i didn't want to...2nd day of TOM, i was feeling good yesterday but soo blah today.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Check In:

    Cals: right on
    water: close
    exercise: 20 mins of dance (3 breaks); 20 mins of bike (1 short break!)
    proud: I kept my cool with my students and had a great rehearsal! :huh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Momma, thanks for the library idea. That hadn't even occurred to me. And my county library is one of the top libraries in the nation! :smile:

    Calories: 1255
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike. I may get to the arm challenge tonight. We'll see. :smile:
    Water: Got it
    Proud: I'm proud I continue to get up 30 minutes early to work out before work in the morning. Especially because if I didn't get up early, I wouldn't get any exercise at all on days like today (horrible weather and I worked from 8.30am-10pm).
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Calories 1900 cals
    exercise Yes, that is how I was able to eat 1900 cals today which was all of my exercise cals
    water YES

    Proud that I worked out a lot today, I am also proud that I ate a 200 calories dinner because I knew I had over done it today.

    Thanks for the support
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am about to really lose it with my 13-year-old-students-going-on-25. :explode: If you hear about a music teacher from Missouri who is locked up after screaming and throwing things, trust me, you will know her. :mad: Why do 13-yr-olds think they know so much? And why do they fight so much amongst each other that it ruins their dance rehearsal because they are pouting instead of doing the dance??? Grrr. I can't WAIT until Dec. 9th!!! Calgon, take me away! :angry:

    On a happier note, I didn't come home from their rehearsal and shove food in my mouth like I normally would have. But I AM still looking at that bottle of vodka...:devil:


    cals: right on target
    water: right on target
    exercise: 20 mins of bike
    proud: That I actually didn't throw anything at my students! :tongue:
    I can relate my 15 year old thinks she knows it all too.Its just a phase eventually they will come back and say wow you were so right I didn't know anything then.I am waiting for that day to come.No rush on it cause they grow up to fast anyways.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I am honestly going to try to workout today even though I still feel ill.I do feel better than I have for the past few days.I cleaned house yesterday so I guess that counts.PMS is not helping me feel any better either.I have decided to stay away from the scale this week because I am sick and my monthly visit is here.I will weigh in next week hopefully I will be feeling alot better.Well I am off to hop eon my elliptical for at least 30 minutes I hope.I am not going to push it because this cough makes it hard to breath.So I will see what I can accomplish.I am proud of myself for not giving up.I know I mess up alot but I haven't quit and I am proud of that and yall should be too.(I mean proud of yourselves not me)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I don't know, awestfall. I'm 25 and my mom is still wrong sometimes. :tongue:
    The thing is, I always knew she was right about whatever we were arguing about when I was a teenager. But the thing is, it was less fun for me to just let her be right about that stuff. :laugh: Oh boy, if she only knew the things I did when I was that age. :blushing:

    I'm at a stand still again with weight loss. Actually, I'm up a pound from Sunday. I don't get it, but I'm not going to let it discourage me at all. I've done really well with my food intake this week and exercise has been less than usual because I'm resting my knees, but I've still been pushing it really hard on the stationary bike. I'm feeling good. I've been watching my sodium and water intake very closely because I thought maybe my body was holding onto some water (and I still feel like it is -- I feel bloated for some reason :ohwell:). I thought if you drank a ton of water & kept sodium levels low, you'd release any water weight you were retaining. Maybe it takes more time?

    One thing I did notice about watching my sodium is that my blood pressure is crazy low! My understanding of blood pressure is that it's only too low if you're having symptoms of hypotension (which I'm not), but last night when I checked it, it was 107/53. For the last couple of months, it's been hovering around 107/62 which is awesome, but that 53 kind of surprised me. No problems or symptoms though so everything's good. It's just bizarre to me because September 08 at my ob/gyn check up, they wouldn't renew my prescription for birth control because my blood pressure was 130/82. My pulse was always in the high 80s and now it's consistently low 60s. Isn't it amazing how you can just completely reverse a health problem like hypertension or high heart rate with a healthy diet and exercise? In just a few months? Amazing. I'm never going back!. :happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Check In for last 2 days:

    Calories: great (ate about 1/3rd of my exercise calories)
    water: good 64+ oz
    exercise: 60 minutes step, 30 minutes of weight lifting
    proud: worked out hard

    Calories: about 500 over (shouldn't have made that coffee cake)
    water: bad
    exercise: 10 minutes of our arm challenge ... only did about 1/2 - but at least I did it
    proud: worked in the arm challenge while waiting for my son to shower after his swim team practice
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Hey everyone, i have been on a salad kick lately. Anyone have any good recipes that I can use?
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    p.s. I am wearing size 22 pants today ... they are a tad tight ... but my old size 24 pants are pretty big so I thought it was time to pull some smaller ones out of the closet - hopefully soon they will be too big too. I haven't had the scale move significantly since August, and I know what I need to do - make some changes with my eating habits. I'm pretty good with exercise - just need to work on doing something on my own on the days I don't make it to they gym. But my biggest problem is food, food, food.

    I heard an interesting discussion on the radio on my way to work this morning. About things people do to 'numb' themselves. Eating is definitely something I do to 'comfort' or 'numb' myself. Then they started talking specifically about the comforting qualities of eating cheese (which many of you know if my biggest problem food) ... and how studies have been done about the way some cheeses interact with the body just like a drug ... interesting.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Hey awestfall, glad to see you today. Hope you get better and better every day.

    jlb123, I think you are right about the low blood pressure there has to be symptoms. It does not hurt to call and ask the doctor though, just for peace of mind. I am actually on blood pressure meds right now. My blood pressure has been averaging 96/70 for the last month or so. My doc. says I have to lose 50 additional pounds before he would even consider taking me off meds. That is my ultimate goal.

    lstpaul, Hi!!!!!! I am happy to see you today:smile: I am glad you did that arm challenge and you just reminded me that I need to do mine for today, so maybe I am not that happy to see you:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: You know I am teasing, always happy to see ya.

    Andrea, Hey girl, we have missed you, You are not posting as often. I have a great salad recipe

    The recipe is for a huge number of people though, I am sure you can make it for 2 and save it for later.

    broccoli, cauliflour, black olives, red onions, grape tomatoes, packet of dry ranch dressing mixed with vinegar and olive oil. YUM!!!!! I make it for pot lucks so I do not know how to shrink the recipe. Besides I did not give you the measurements. If you want the full recipe I will go look it up and give it to you. :flowerforyou:
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    p.s. I am wearing size 22 pants today ... they are a tad tight ... but my old size 24 pants are pretty big so I thought it was time to pull some smaller ones out of the closet - hopefully soon they will be too big too. I haven't had the scale move significantly since August, and I know what I need to do - make some changes with my eating habits. I'm pretty good with exercise - just need to work on doing something on my own on the days I don't make it to they gym. But my biggest problem is food, food, food.

    I heard an interesting discussion on the radio on my way to work this morning. About things people do to 'numb' themselves. Eating is definitely something I do to 'comfort' or 'numb' myself. Then they started talking specifically about the comforting qualities of eating cheese (which many of you know if my biggest problem food) ... and how studies have been done about the way some cheeses interact with the body just like a drug ... interesting.

    YAY on those size 22's!!!!!! Maybe we should do a cheese intervention and get you some cheese treatment from a professional!!! I love cheese and could eat it all day long. I just try not to keep too much in the house. Or I buy Mozzerella with skim milk.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Yay on the 22's !!!!!:smile::smile: :smile: Good job, they will be too big in no time at all.

    I feel my self getting closer and closer to those 24's my self...I can't wait...never thought i would say how i would love to wear a size 24 but i surely do now.

    I am feeling good this week, even though it is TOM i thought it would be not a good week but is awsome. As of my scale this morning I am like down 3 + lbs ...hope it will stick....I am going out to lunch with friends tomrorow and hoping I can remembrer how nice the scale was to me and chooose healthy thing... I was thinking of canceling but I can't jsut not socialize because I am week..i need to be strong and get something healthy.

    guess i better get back to work...break time over.

    Oh yeah btw ...i am a cheese addict too!!! My thing I do to not over indulge i get the babyel mini light wheels. 50 cals and they are tasty tasty.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi Gals,

    It is great to hear everyone is doing well this morning:happy:

    andrea: This is something I have been keeping on hand lately:
    1 box spring mix
    1 bag Hormel bacon pieces
    1 bag of Parmesan cheese
    1 bag of Craisins
    Kraft fat free Raspberry Vinaigrette

    This way I can easlily make one or two servings. You can quickly measure 1 Tbsp bacon, 3Tbsp craisans, ect. to the portions that you want. Sometimes I make homemade Ranch Dressing to change the flavor. Enjoy!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Hurray for the 22's!!! :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I am a cheese fanatic, also. :love: If I buy it, I eat it in one sitting. I am NOT kidding, like an entire 8 oz. BAR of cheese at once! :ohwell: I bought a bar this week and ate it all in one day. I think I just might not be ready to keep cheese in the house just yet.

    Check In:

    cals: OK, but WOW - had NO idea a burrito from Del Taco was gonna cost me 550 calories! :explode: That's what I get for impulse hunger buying.
    water: pretty good
    exercise: 20 mins of dancing plus I still plan on biking for 20 mins tonight.
    proud: I am almost finished with the little details for my kids' show next week! This is good for me - usually I am running here and there the night before the musical!!! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    zora - I have done that before, love to eat block cheese....I am not that brave right now.

    Wow, 550 doesn't seem like it would be that much, did that at taco bueno last week...got a nacho salad thinking it would be like 400-500 maybe, but instead 700...i mean it did have lettuce in it :laugh: :laugh:

    Well i have looked at the menu online at the place i am going to lunch with some friends tomorrow (never been there before). I know I have to decide what I am getting before i go in or it won't be pretty...I think i have decided. It is a sports bar and lots of fattening food, burger and fries, pizza, nachoes...I am going for the grilled chicken wrap . I am sure it isn't real low, it has grilled chicken, cheese, bacon, with no mayo ( i don't like mayo anyway) and getting a side salad instead of fries.

    THis is my plan ...i am going to use all my willpower i have to stay with my plan.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well i have looked at the menu online at the place i am going to lunch with some friends tomorrow (never been there before). I know I have to decide what I am getting before i go in or it won't be pretty...I think i have decided. It is a sports bar and lots of fattening food, burger and fries, pizza, nachoes...I am going for the grilled chicken wrap . I am sure it isn't real low, it has grilled chicken, cheese, bacon, with no mayo ( i don't like mayo anyway) and getting a side salad instead of fries.

    THis is my plan ...i am going to use all my willpower i have to stay with my plan.

    Good for you, lildebbie! You inspire me! I really need to LOOK before I LEAP!!! I am really gonna try to do this for the weekend. Have a great time at your lunch - keep on planning! :flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well i don't know how much I am inspiring, lets talk tomorrow....This is the 1st time i have done this....so hopefully I will do it.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,273
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike. Today was my run day but my knees are still a no go. As long as they feel strange to me with normal daily activity, I know running on them is a bad idea. :ohwell:
    Water: yep
    Proud: I'm proud I'm smart enough to listen to my body instead of injuring myself pushing it too far. :laugh:

    Also, I tried a new healthy food this week -- almond milk! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. It has less protein than cows' milk, but I get enough protein already so I'm okay with that. I've always loved milk but think that maybe I'm a little lactose intolerant (supposedly all adult mammals are). And, to be honest, my tummy feels much better after eating a bowl of cereal with almond milk vs. eating a bowl of cereal with regular milk. :smile: