Question for all of our MFP Males



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member

    Is this slowly becoming an 'I want attention' thread, or is it just me that is reading this thinking it? Bit of a feedback loop I think.

    Someone asked the question 'Do you think it's odd that you get attention on here' to which people are posting things like:

    'I don't get attention'

    'I'm intelligent'


    "Look at me, compliment me" is what it may as well say...

    Maybe it's just me. I am grumpy and I need a coffee. Sorry all, my bad.

    *goes back to work*

    Nah, you got a point, I was thinkin the same thing lol.

    Back on topic though, kinda, if you think it's somewhat unusual for women to be saying/doing these things would you react if I (or any guy) went and randomly for no reason complimented you at the store or gas station or just some random place? Maybe not with the intention of trying to pick ya up (or maybe it is), but just a random kind word, how would you respond?

    I love it when that happens... As long as its tasteful. :-)
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    I pick and keep my friends (only got like 15 friends) based on two criteria: are they supportive of me and/or how much they know about fitness. Men with great abs might be doing something right because it’s working for them. So if they are supportive, or if I can learn from them, great. If not their great abs on my friends list don’t do me any good, so I delete them (which I am about to do with a few now).

    So you guys stop whining, either get great abs or show that you can be supportive and/or knowledgeable. This is not high school’s popularity contest of who has the most friends or who gets the most attention.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Doesn't hurt the ego, but thats not why I'm here. I'm here to help people and chat.
  • pfradd
    pfradd Posts: 34 Member
    I wouldn't know! Not there yet!
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I'll be honest.

    Everyone likes positive attention. It makes you feel good.

    In general:

    I'll tell ya one honest truth most women don't think about. Guys that are in great shape now, probably were not always that way, and their self image is what they were before, not what they are now. So the compliments and the flirting are the pat on the back we don't give ourselves.

    The odd part, is women on here will straight up say "hey you look great/sexy/etc" or "I bet you get all the ladies". To that I say, where the hell are you gals in real life!? Seriously, I'd rather a complete stranger come up to me and say something like "Hi, I think you look great" rather than eye rape me at the grocery store. I guess that's just the digital age for ya.

    For me personally, I want to get in shape for myself (read my profile). But would I mind it working to my advantage in real life just once? Of course, so the question I pose to you ladies (and pm me if you want since I doubt I'll read this again) why so shy in real life?

    That's a good question... For me, I never would feel confident enough to go up to a gorgeous guy and say "hey, you look great". Partly because I DON'T feel like someone that amazing looking would want someone like me. I was never one of the 'cool kids'... Hell, I'm lucky if I have enough courage to hold eye contact. :-)

    Here on MFP... By showing the abs, back, biceps, legs, etc... you are saying. "This is me, and I'm proud of who I am!". And for that, I will comment and say, "hey - you look amazing!" Or "wow!" Or even "OMG YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!" That said, I'd NEVER say "send me a pic of your junk or I'll unfriend you". Yowsa!!

    [edit: oh and I'm over 6' tall... Most men seem to only want the "shorties"]
    I agree with MireyGal76, I have the thought "Why would that hottie be interested in me?" and my confidence is gone, I was never one of the cool kids either, I was the outsider. Here on MFP, most of the guys that have posted seem more friendly (maybe because we're all kinda in the same boat here) and will thank you and be encouraging when you comment about how great they look in their pics. I'd also never ask for someone's pic of their "junk" or I'll unfriend you (I might unfriend you if you DID send it to me, though.) I'm also tall (5'9") so that limits the interest in me too, apparently
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member

    Is this slowly becoming an 'I want attention' thread, or is it just me that is reading this thinking it? Bit of a feedback loop I think.

    Someone asked the question 'Do you think it's odd that you get attention on here' to which people are posting things like:

    'I don't get attention'

    'I'm intelligent'


    "Look at me, compliment me" is what it may as well say...

    Maybe it's just me. I am grumpy and I need a coffee. Sorry all, my bad.

    *goes back to work*

    Nah, you got a point, I was thinkin the same thing lol.

    Back on topic though, kinda, if you think it's somewhat unusual for women to be saying/doing these things would you react if I (or any guy) went and randomly for no reason complimented you at the store or gas station or just some random place? Maybe not with the intention of trying to pick ya up (or maybe it is), but just a random kind word, how would you respond?
    As long as I was aware you were speaking to me, (sometimes I get caught up in my own thoughts) I would say "Thank you" (I'm a little shy so I might need you to keep me in the coversation-if it turned out to be a conversation for a possible "pick up", until I get a little more comfortable talking to you.)
  • genuinelyfrans
    I wouldn't know! Not there yet!

    ^ This!
  • wolfehound22
    I don't get a ton of attention, but definitly more than I use to, and like others said its always a nice ego boost :). No crazy msg demanding my junk though :sad: :laugh:
  • unJunk
    unJunk Posts: 29
    I'll be honest.

    Everyone likes positive attention. It makes you feel good.

    In general:

    I'll tell ya one honest truth most women don't think about. Guys that are in great shape now, probably were not always that way, and their self image is what they were before, not what they are now. So the compliments and the flirting are the pat on the back we don't give ourselves.

    The odd part, is women on here will straight up say "hey you look great/sexy/etc" or "I bet you get all the ladies". To that I say, where the hell are you gals in real life!? Seriously, I'd rather a complete stranger come up to me and say something like "Hi, I think you look great" rather than eye rape me at the grocery store. I guess that's just the digital age for ya.

    For me personally, I want to get in shape for myself (read my profile). But would I mind it working to my advantage in real life just once? Of course, so the question I pose to you ladies (and pm me if you want since I doubt I'll read this again) why so shy in real life?
    most women arent confident enough to walk up to someone who looks like you to talk to you! you have to make the move! If they knew how amazing you are in real life, then maybe they would get up the guts!!!!!!!!
    And most guys aren't confidant enough to talk to someone who looks as good as you. Especially guys with image issues like on this site.
  • CharliesInCharge
    CharliesInCharge Posts: 278 Member
    This thread has cracked me up.. also made me hesitant about putting a pic up.. not sure if id measure up to the chippendales status

    just an average joe that never had to lose weight and now has a bit to lose (10-15lbs.. )

    never knew there were so many agressive women out there lol. or maybe thats just the psuedo anominity (sp) of the internet and just some harmless flirting

    couldnt decide between being pretty and ugly so just settled for combination.. pretty ugly ..oooppps JK

    we return you to your regularly scheduled oogleathon.. this message has been brought to you by sweat and exercise the producer of fit bodies everywhere:)
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    it's exciting cause a random girl in the street would never say "nice arms! or nice chest! or abs or legs"
    unless i was jogging shirtless which i don't do cause i hate jogging.

    You don't jog in my neighborhood/city...yeah, we do that.

    So, sounds like a nice neighborhood for running ;-)
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,144 Member

    Is this slowly becoming an 'I want attention' thread, or is it just me that is reading this thinking it? Bit of a feedback loop I think.

    Someone asked the question 'Do you think it's odd that you get attention on here' to which people are posting things like:

    'I don't get attention'

    'I'm intelligent'


    "Look at me, compliment me" is what it may as well say...

    Maybe it's just me. I am grumpy and I need a coffee. Sorry all, my bad.

    *goes back to work*
    Thanks for saying what I was thinking...
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    That's a good question... For me, I never would feel confident enough to go up to a gorgeous guy and say "hey, you look great". Partly because I DON'T feel like someone that amazing looking would want someone like me. I was never one of the 'cool kids'... Hell, I'm lucky if I have enough courage to hold eye contact. :-)

    Here on MFP... By showing the abs, back, biceps, legs, etc... you are saying. "This is me, and I'm proud of who I am!". And for that, I will comment and say, "hey - you look amazing!" Or "wow!" Or even "OMG YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!" That said, I'd NEVER say "send me a pic of your junk or I'll unfriend you". Yowsa!!

    [edit: oh and I'm over 6' tall... Most men seem to only want the "shorties"]

    Mmmmm.....tall girls. Mmmmmm. :)
    most women arent confident enough to walk up to someone who looks like you to talk to you! you have to make the move! If they knew how amazing you are in real life, then maybe they would get up the guts!!!!!!!!

    See now this I don't get. You're a hot girl. Guys like it when hot girls compliment them. So why not say something?

    People tend to drastically overestimate people's reactions - particularly negative ones. Guys who are afraid to go up and talk to a girl think she's suddenly going to shout out "THIS LOSER IS TRYING TO TALK TO ME EVERYONE!!!! LOOK!!!! LOOK!!!!!" And that's pretty much happened never. At worst, you *might* get a weird look and an awkward "um...not interested" but you're more likely to get a "oh I'm sorry...I have a girlfriend - but thanks!" and at best - a new future ex-SO. ;)
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    I am not sure if what I am about to say is exactly directed towards you, but kind of is. I have been over weight most of my life. Did I get "attention" from women? Not really. On the other hand I never lacked confidence in that department either. I have been with women who I thought where attractive. It's obviously about personality for the most part. Sometimes I get emails on MFP about my arms and chest. Sure it's nice, but I know they're not going for my personality. So I find it kind of offensive. I know they're just being hoish. I just see a lot of these women on here like trying to be groupies.

    EXACTLY! I love making new friends on here... but when i see a man's profile is filled with kisses or hugs or any of that ****, it's annoying! because for one, IT AIN'T REAL!!!!!! this is a website! the real world is out your door folks! i'm not saying you cannot meet someone and actually call them a true friend, i have only a handful of friends on here, that i actually talk to every day... but i don't send hugs and kisses to anyone... it appears very desperate and dumb.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    *sits down with popcorn*
  • dub101
    dub101 Posts: 325
    I would not know i am not close to that goal.. i am still don't get over a 6 on the rate meter lol working on it though
  • theactionfigure
    Although I'm not as fit as some of the younger guys on this site, I love the attention. There's nothing sexier than a woman who is taking care of herself, and is not afraid to speak up for what she wants, (or likes.) I think confidence is very sexy. Thank God for MFP women.
  • TheBiggestLosee
    First off, being a newbie and using an alias as I'm protective of my identity online - I don't expect a lot of attention on here. IRL, I'm a bit of a loner who likes time to himself to think, plan, reflect, etc.

    Over these last 6 months since making an effort to take better care of myself, I have noticed a lot more looks and behaviour from women which has never happened before.

    Puppy dog "are you going to come talk to me?" looks. Sneek-peeks game. Body positioning w/ erect posture (more puppy eyes) Excitedly trying to have a conversation about nothing (girl who was never THAT friendly to me.) Overhearing someone ask "who is that?" then a moment or so later as I look over, she's already looking at me and seems nervous. Some stares and even a lone wink.

    I'm not looking to date right now as I'm focused on getting into the best shape of my life and then shape up the rest of my life. However, the new attention is flattering and a definite boost for the ego.
  • Edwin_S
    Edwin_S Posts: 440 Member
    I’m not much for having the tables turned…I’d rather be the one up on the table enjoying life and loving the view!
  • Surfrider
    Surfrider Posts: 364 Member
    I've been a member for over a year and a half, yet have no idea what the OP is talking about.

    Clearly I do not meet the criteria!