Question for all of our MFP Males



  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I generally get ignored. I guess its because I don't have a shirtless picture. Or I could just be fugly. I have a 150 IQ but let's be honest here, that doesn't count for much in a forum like this.

    This is true. Especially in the "sexy above you thread". People will skip 3 or 4 people back just to say "Abs" lol
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I have had no issues with this =(
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Not on here particularly - and pretty much not in a flirty way, not really here for that and my pictures remain with a certain distance. Maybe I should change that? Hmmm.

    Even when I am back in shape, I'm not sure that this is the place where I will flaunt my health or physique. I do think that it is great to see all these guys with great definition, well muscled and toned -- it's a motivational story for me.
    But I'd say that attention/flirting/interaction for me are more the real world -- it is where the artifacts of "me" grab more interest.

    Haven't really decided if the forums are really the place to open up and bare myself -- this place could be so much more of a timesuck (in a good way) and I'm trying to keep active...
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I generally get ignored. I guess its because I don't have a shirtless picture. Or I could just be fugly. I have a 150 IQ but let's be honest here, that doesn't count for much in a forum like this.

    This is true. Especially in the "sexy above you thread". People will skip 3 or 4 people back just to say "Abs" lol
    It's happened to me many times. I think I'm going to post a glamour shot of just my well-hewn cycling legs. I figure that will be the equivalent of the gratuitous "Have to flex shutter button...damn you iPhone" pics.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I have never had this problem. Makes life a lil easier.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    All I can say is thank God for MFP ladies! :heart: :drinker:
  • nbhobbes
    nbhobbes Posts: 284
    I'm guessing some people are happy for the bit of ego boost some of the compliments provide. But I'm guessing it's more of a time killer thing for most. part.. I know I'm posting while on the job at work. LOL.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I have never had this problem. Makes life a lil easier.

    WTF are you talking about bro??? You're so money and you don't even know it!!! That yellow bib is just f$ckin money!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have never had this problem. Makes life a lil easier.

    I'll sent you nekkid pics if it will make you feel better!!

    ETA: j/k (just in case!!)
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    I generally get ignored. I guess its because I don't have a shirtless picture. Or I could just be fugly. I have a 150 IQ but let's be honest here, that doesn't count for much in a forum like this.

    This is true. Especially in the "sexy above you thread". People will skip 3 or 4 people back just to say "Abs" lol
    It's happened to me many times. I think I'm going to post a glamour shot of just my well-hewn cycling legs. I figure that will be the equivalent of the gratuitous "Have to flex shutter button...damn you iPhone" pics.
    QUICK FIX: Video, freeze frame (i know, the song is now running in my head too) post as pic. yw
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    I have never had this problem. Makes life a lil easier.

    I'll sent you nekkid pics if it will make you feel better!!

    ETA: j/k (just in case!!)

    Man....I sure am feeling down today. :cry:
  • NWCyclingBeast
    NWCyclingBeast Posts: 157 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    Definitely well put, very true.
  • california_peach
    california_peach Posts: 1,858 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    How many times do I have to explain? I said clock! I wanted a photo of your clock. Geezzz. One little typo!
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Well I've been using MFP far longer than I've been active in the forum, so I'm not here for attention. I also never really had problems with attracting women, so I'm kind of used to it. But I wont say I dont like it, because of course i do. Even if it is annoying sometimes.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    writing.gif Don't ask Brett for pictures of his junk. Got it.
  • genuinelyfrans
    I will preface this by saying that personally I don't see myself as attractive. I have been overweight for the majority of my life and I always felt invisible to the opposite sex. However, I will say I have gotten some attention via this website and it is indeed odd and new to me. Honestly, I generally feel like people are just being nice or something (I feel weird being complimented on my appearance). But that's just me I guess.
  • _Calvin_
    _Calvin_ Posts: 122 Member
    I find it rather refreshing to see all these women flirt with the cut guys. I find it motivational. Keep it up ladies of MFP you could be inspiring someone on this site without even knowing it. :smile:
  • jsherrill92
    jsherrill92 Posts: 775 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    ^This! I've been a bigger guy my whole life and now that I look somewhat presentable I don't know how to handle attention from the opposite sex.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    i'm nowhere near where i want to be body wise, im fairly attractive and while the 175 IQ doesnt make one swoon i admit i do bask in the attention a little bit, even though eventually you have to logout and go back to reality where women only stare or put me in the friend zone
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    I generally get ignored. I guess its because I don't have a shirtless picture. Or I could just be fugly. I have a 150 IQ but let's be honest here, that doesn't count for much in a forum like this.

    This is true. Especially in the "sexy above you thread". People will skip 3 or 4 people back just to say "Abs" lol

    Every time I post in the sexy above you I get told I have a great personality and a nice voice.