Question for all of our MFP Males



  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I think how a lot of women act on this site is lame, desperate, and unattractive. I am willing to even call it "skanky."

    True that!
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,527 Member
    I dont qualify to answer!!!

    Just a regular Joe here plugging along!!!
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    I am not sure if what I am about to say is exactly directed towards you, but kind of is. I have been over weight most of my life. Did I get "attention" from women? Not really. On the other hand I never lacked confidence in that department either. I have been with women who I thought where attractive. It's obviously about personality for the most part. Sometimes I get emails on MFP about my arms and chest. Sure it's nice, but I know they're not going for my personality. So I find it kind of offensive. I know they're just being hoish. I just see a lot of these women on here like trying to be groupies.

    What's wrong with groupies? They need love too.
  • lamanderanna
    Can't answer, I only fit two of the criterion.
    :noway: Jason, shut up.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Especially those of well devoloped muscles, boyish smiles, or sexy sexy brains.

    Is it ODD to be an attractive member of society on a site like this, which is mostly women?
    Sometimes I think you guys get more attention than a drunk prom queen after the dance.

    It's quite amusing to see the tables turned.

    Whats odd to me is the cross section of people I see talking on here.
    I like motorsports.. so I am on a few motorcycle forums, and a few car forums.. I BS on there all day at work when im not busy working.
    on here.. its like a direct cross slice of the population.. a few people that think one way.. a few that think another... Im not going to read some housewifes opinion on X when on a bike forum.

    thats all thats odd here.
    otherwise.. people are horny everywhere. lol.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    Since I've been given the OK to answer... no, its not odd to me. Without saying stuff my friends already know, the attention is therapeutic for me. Anybody likes attention but for me it has really helped me feel good about myself again. I can't and won't complain. So to the very lovely ladies who grace my friend list, thank you. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I generally get ignored. I guess its because I don't have a shirtless picture. Or I could just be fugly. I have a 150 IQ but let's be honest here, that doesn't count for much in a forum like this.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Spreadsheet :cry: HAHHAHAHAHA


    I hope Brett sees me today....*giggles like a little girl*
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    I am not sure if what I am about to say is exactly directed towards you, but kind of is. I have been over weight most of my life. Did I get "attention" from women? Not really. On the other hand I never lacked confidence in that department either. I have been with women who I thought where attractive. It's obviously about personality for the most part. Sometimes I get emails on MFP about my arms and chest. Sure it's nice, but I know they're not going for my personality. So I find it kind of offensive. I know they're just being hoish. I just see a lot of these women on here like trying to be groupies.

    OH, bite me PU:tongue:
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    I have sexy sexy brains! None of that other stuff yet. MFP is fun for many reasons, yours included.

    That's schexy schexy brains to you, Juliecat1!
  • mdmcmillen
    mdmcmillen Posts: 97 Member
    I think the difference is that most men welcome the attention lol...
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    I must hang in the wrong circles cause I dont get Oooggled. I think the women here are more interested in abs then brains and humor.

    I dont see anyone fawning over smart guys its always Brett and sidesteel and the like... Sorry Brett :)

    ETA Brett has the brains too so may be Im just not up to par
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    Bro, just send me the damn pics and we can put all this behind us and move on.
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    It's tough being one of the few guys on here who has a keg amongst the others who are only sporting a 6-pack. I do what I can to be nice to as many of the ladies on here as possible.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    My friends list is nearly all females.....sure it is fun and quite mind boggling too ;)
    i was waiting to see your response to this..haha

    Did I play it too safe? lol
    let's just say... i almost asked on your page how many stalkers you'd estimate you have at this point
  • ihatemyself13
    I prefer the guys that don't have half naked pics as their av, have a great smile, are witty, and are good with words.
  • rjcelmer
    rjcelmer Posts: 431 Member
    I can't speak for this site but I know in everyday life, since I have lost my weight and am getting into better shape every day, I find I get a lot more attention from random females, no matter what the surroundings.

    I'm not saying they toss themselves at my feet and beg for my manhood, but I definitely notice the occasional glance, smile, eyebrow raise, etc and it makes me feel good.

    I have been overweight for a very long time and am not used to this sort of attention (apart from my wife) so I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Because of my job, I get to workout at a local University's fitness center and notice these sort of things coming from students.

    Either that or they're thinking, "Who let that old dude in?" :ohwell:
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    As a recovering fat kid its something that I was not use to and secretly enjoy. Its about time woman were brave and hit on guys.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    Well I feel somewhat qualified to speak on this subject. But please don't think I'm bragging.

    It's.. odd. For a number of reasons.

    For me personally it's tough because I've never been in shape before. I've gone from being a life long fat guy to looking alright and the attention isn't something I'm used to. So that's an adjustment.

    Really most of it is all harmless fun that I'm sure every guy really enjoys. Nothing like a little ego boost. But some women can be quite aggressive. That's the part that's shocking and off-putting.

    I've had women demand pictures of my junk and when I told them no they were mad at me.

    I've had women demand I send them certain body pics or they'd delete me from their friends list.

    Basically all the things you ladies think only the creepiest of creepy dudes would do, ladies do as well. And women are not accustomed to being told "no" the way men are. So if they face rejection they don't always handle it well. Some get quite angry.

    So while the attention can be very nice and incredibly motivating, it's when it crosses the line from flirtation to harassment that things get awkward.

    That being said if any of you wonderful women who harass me stop at any point I will be :brokenheart: and :sad: .

    I am not sure if what I am about to say is exactly directed towards you, but kind of is. I have been over weight most of my life. Did I get "attention" from women? Not really. On the other hand I never lacked confidence in that department either. I have been with women who I thought where attractive. It's obviously about personality for the most part. Sometimes I get emails on MFP about my arms and chest. Sure it's nice, but I know they're not going for my personality. So I find it kind of offensive. I know they're just being hoish. I just see a lot of these women on here like trying to be groupies.

    OH, bite me PU:tongue:

    You know what i realized? It's mostly due to their ovulation cycle. They can't think logically during those times.

    thank GOD they come with built in birth control
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I met my girlfriend on here so... =)