As if There Weren't Enough Reasons to go Vegan



  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    That's only because veganism hasn't existed as a movement for that long. "This silly vegan business" - Would you say Christianity etc. was silly, because it's about ethics and similar to a religion. You shouldn't be so ignorant.
    Christians were persecuted and killed before gaining mainstream acceptance. I don't think getting flamed on an internet message board is *quite* the same.

    But to put it in the same terms, you probably wouldn't take kindly to me espousing heavy Christian ideals on here as the only morally righteous way to live.
  • urfitnesspal2
    urfitnesspal2 Posts: 62 Member
    Are you guys adults or am I mistaken? The "debate" in here seems a lot like trash-talking. How about be realistic for a minute and actually state your thoughts as opposed to saying things like "bacon" or "no I don't feel bad killing animals" because that's bull****, unless you're legitimately a sociopath.

    I'm not vegan, nor do I really care to be. I just find it insane that adults can get so high school in a matter of seconds when someone brings up veganism.

    OK... Serious response- I believe animals were CREATED by God to be food for people. I believe this because He tells us so in the book of Genesis and even more direction is given in the book of Acts. However, in my understanding, one does nothing WRONG by eating or not eating meat.

    Joke now. If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?... :laugh:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Here's one: More meat for the rest of us! :bigsmile:

    Doesn't knowing you've lead to the death and sometimes torture of hundreds if not thousands of animals make you feel bad?

    Doesn't it bother you that you've contributed to the death of thousands of innocent fruits and vegetables that were doing nothing other than minding their own business and growing happily in the sun?

    You know very well that fruit and vegetables are inanimate. It's a rights issue just like racism or homophobia. In the future people will look back on meat eating in the same way we now view the slave trade.

    You're joking right? African American friends and GLBT community members: tell me, do you think people eating meat is comparable to the injustices you've suffered?

    That sweet cuddly cat you're kissing in your profile pic? It would eat the *kitten* out of a mouse or a bird and not even think twice about it. Come on. YES--there is a problem in the way many large commercial farms treat the animals. I won't deny that. But the simple act of eating meat or slaughtering a pig/cow/chicken for consumption is NOT some civil injustice, it's the freaking food chain.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    hmmm....I struggle to think of even one reason.......
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    To respond to this seriously.

    Really, I'm not a mouse, and I believe research done on mice, particularly to prove that it's wrong for us to eat meat is just plain wrong, which gives me sincere doubts about the mindset of the researchers who thought this one up. Also, it's one study and that doesn't carry much validity, particularly when other factors are not weighed in upon.

    As to the Vegan issue. Again, if someone chooses that way of life, I don't have a problem with it. I simply can not justify it for myself, and this is coming from an animal lover.

    That said, I do understand that my mind set is twisted.

    I grew up on the periphery of farming, and therefore have the 'animals are food' mindset. Yet at the same time I wholeheartedly disapprove of hunting wild animals. Yes, I know this is not logical if the animal is used for food and is not purely hunted for trophy, this is why I would never advocate against hunting unless it was on my own property. I also choose not to eat game animals, but would never fault anyone else for doing so. Personal choice.

    When it comes to methods of slaughtering. There are two types. Humane and in humane. It is not within my control to be able to find out if the meat that I purchase is slaughtered humanely and frankly even if it was in my control, it wouldn't save the animals that are being inhumanely slaughtered.

    It comes down to this. I like cows. They're stupid as hell, but I like them as animals. I also happen to like beef. Rare.
    I feel bad when I think about animals that are treated inhumanely, but even with that peripheral connection to farming way back when, it's darned hard to equate a tortured cow with the piece of meat on my plate.

    Not particularly fussed about chickens in cages for laying eggs either. Chickens are a nuisance where I live, there's kind of a sweet revenge to having chicken.

    Someone will have to tell me why it's bad to eat cheese though. I've never quite understood that one.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Animal testing to prove a vegan diet?


    Right on!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Here's one: More meat for the rest of us! :bigsmile:

    Doesn't knowing you've led to the death and sometimes torture of hundreds if not thousands of animals make you feel bad?

    Innocent? I have yet to see one animal that has never eaten another living thing. Even cows consume dozens of insects. This is natural order. We eat to live. As for the animals, most of the ones we eat would not exist at all if we were not raising them for food. Cows, sheep, and chickens cannot survive without us now, pigs do just fine but they would ruin the ecosystem of any area they were released to so unless you would like to see thousands of speicies go extinct you will let me go on eating meat .
  • whiteheaddg
    whiteheaddg Posts: 325 Member
    You know very well that fruit and vegetables are inanimate. It's a rights issue just like racism or homophobia. In the future people will look back on meat eating in the same way we now view the slave trade.

    Whoa!!! Your arguments have now crossed into the "crazy" zone. I'll buy that some folks are more sensitive than others to the plight of the farm animal, but attributing this to the same atrocities that humans have visited onto other humans is a no-win argument.
  • christimw
    christimw Posts: 183 Member

    Turkey bacon vs real bacon is like *kitten* vs actual sex. Sure, the prior will provide some satisfaction, but why settle when you can have the real thing?

    haha! so true!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Meat is murder

    Tasty, tasty murder
  • SkinnyChemicals
    during my "vegetarian" phase (which thank GOD only lasted 15 days), i tried several different "bacons" not a single one of them tasted like or had the texture of the real stuff. the ONLY meat sub i found that was remotely similar was the "chicken" patties.

    FYI - Turkey bacon is actually not too bad for sandwiches or salads or things where it's not the main feature. :flowerforyou:

    Turkey bacon vs real bacon is like *kitten* vs actual sex. Sure, the prior will provide some satisfaction, but why settle when you can have the real thing?

    Turkey bacon provides more satisfaction then bacon for me.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    just fired up the grill
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Not even animal welfare, the environment or health benefits?

    how is eating cheese from farm raise cattle abusive to cattle or the environment? i understand avoiding consuming an animal product that was produced by inhumane methods, but that doesn't require one to go vegan.

    and i actually believe that it is not in health's best interest to go vegan.

    Lets start with cheese. To produce milk (used in cheese) cattle are required to be pregnant every year. The calves are separated from the mother within a few days usually. The male calves are then killed and sold as veal, or raised to produce meat. Dairy cows often suffer from a variety of health problems due to being pregnant so often. Not all cows are free range. Many are kept indoors and fed artificial chemicals. For example, in Kentucky cows are genuinely being feed candy because corn and hay are too expensive.

    What makes you think it isn't healthy?

    here's an idea... eat free range! and what about fish? eggs? hunting? there are SO many holes in the "reasons" for going vegan its ridiculous.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Here's one: More meat for the rest of us! :bigsmile:

    Doesn't knowing you've lead to the death and sometimes torture of hundreds if not thousands of animals make you feel bad?

    Doesn't it bother you that you've contributed to the death of thousands of innocent fruits and vegetables that were doing nothing other than minding their own business and growing happily in the sun?

    You know very well that fruit and vegetables are inanimate. It's a rights issue just like racism or homophobia. In the future people will look back on meat eating in the same way we now view the slave trade.

    Wow. Just... wow.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    That's funny. I read this as "Just don't grill the meat." Fry it instead?
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    You know very well that fruit and vegetables are inanimate. It's a rights issue just like racism or homophobia. In the future people will look back on meat eating in the same way we now view the slave trade.
    You're joking right? African American friends and GLBT community members: tell me, do you think people eating meat is comparable to the injustices you've suffered?

    Yep. That is pretty offensive. And clueless.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Not even a little bit. We are meant to eat meat!! Does the lion feel bad for eating the gazelle? Hell even the grizzly bear last week for eating the human? The answer is no, therefore I don't either.

    That's a really bad argument. Just because a wild animal does one thing doesn't mean we should follow its example just because we're animals too, otherwise using this argument we could justify rape.Try again.

    My point is that humans are predators, just like the lion, the bear,etc. I hunt and kill several animals every year to feed my family and do not feel bad in the slightest. It is what we as a race have evolved in to.

    I thought your original point was that humans are above animals? Then you compare yourself to a lion. Fact: humans have free will therefore although we are capable of evil acts (for example eating meat, having the teeth capable of doing this) we have the choice not to. That's what makes us different from animals.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I haven't come across a single good reason for going vegan.

    Not even animal welfare, the environment or health benefits?

    how is eating cheese from farm raise cattle abusive to cattle or the environment? i understand avoiding consuming an animal product that was produced by inhumane methods, but that doesn't require one to go vegan.

    and i actually believe that it is not in health's best interest to go vegan.

    Lets start with cheese. To produce milk (used in cheese) cattle are required to be pregnant every year. The calves are separated from the mother within a few days usually. The male calves are then killed and sold as veal, or raised to produce meat. Dairy cows often suffer from a variety of health problems due to being pregnant so often. Not all cows are free range. Many are kept indoors and fed artificial chemicals. For example, in Kentucky cows are genuinely being feed candy because corn and hay are too expensive.

    What makes you think it isn't healthy?

    here's an idea... eat free range! and what about fish? eggs? hunting? there are SO many holes in the "reasons" for going vegan its ridiculous.

    free range only means animals aren't stuffed in a crate, they still have very little space and very poor living conditions.
  • stargazer008
    Some of you are so cruel as to say that you don't care for animal welfare.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    during my "vegetarian" phase (which thank GOD only lasted 15 days), i tried several different "bacons" not a single one of them tasted like or had the texture of the real stuff. the ONLY meat sub i found that was remotely similar was the "chicken" patties.

    FYI - Turkey bacon is actually not too bad for sandwiches or salads or things where it's not the main feature. :flowerforyou:

    Turkey bacon vs real bacon is like *kitten* vs actual sex. Sure, the prior will provide some satisfaction, but why settle when you can have the real thing?

    Turkey bacon provides more satisfaction then bacon for me.

    Whatever gets you off. *smirks*
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